
Listening Instead of Just Hearing

‘The first duty of love is to listen.’ – Paul Tillich

Is listening the same as hearing? No. There is a difference. If you hear something, you are simply aware of sound; you don't have to make any effort to receive the sounds. You can do and think about other things and still be able to hear what's going on around you and what other people are saying.

Listening, on the other hand, requires you to concentrate. Mindful listening takes things one step further. It focuses your attention: you closely follow what someone is saying.

Instead of half listening and thinking about something else or what you're going to say next, with mindful listening you are completely present and tuned in.

Mindful listening helps to create connections with others. It increases understanding, interest and rapport between you and other people, with friends, family and colleagues.

Learn to listen mindfully and you will improve your relationships with others.

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