
Falling Asleep

‘Your future depends on your dreams. So go to sleep.’ – Mesut Barazany

Sleep. It's where our brains travel to every night. It's the shift in consciousness that our bodies require every day.

If you're experiencing sleep problems, you're not alone: most of us have had trouble sleeping at one time or another. It's normal and usually temporary.

Often, you want to sleep but your brain keeps talking to itself. Your mind is in overdrive. Thoughts and worries seem to grow and loom larger at night. You need to switch off and sleep but there's nothing to distract you from thinking about what you did or didn't do or what you have yet to face. And in any case, night-time is not usually a practical time to do anything about whatever is worrying you.

There's no need to suffer in silence. Although you can't make yourself go to sleep, you can help sleep to occur by keeping yourself in the present.

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