
Tuning Into Your Intuition

‘Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.’ – Benjamin Spock

Intuition is that keen and quick insight, that immediate knowing that tells you something is or isn't ‘right’.

If you've ever had a moment where you felt as though something wasn't right – when things didn't seem to add up – then you've experienced intuition, an immediate knowing. Conversely, you could've experienced situations where everything did add up and seem to come together to tell you to take action straight away. That's also your intuition.

Tuning in to your intuition simply means being aware of the information your senses are communicating to you: what your ears, eyes, nose, sense of taste, sense of touch and the physical sensations are telling you.

Everyone has intuition. It bridges the gap between the conscious and non-conscious parts of your mind, between instinct and reason.

Intuitive messages are often keen and quick, which makes them easy to miss. So often, intuitive messages are drowned out by all the other internal and external noise and activity that is going on in and around you.

This is where mindfulness can help. The key to increasing your intuitive awareness is to be present. Intuition lives in the present. Mindfulness can help you filter out mental chatter and external noise, activity and distractions.

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