
Making Balanced Decisions

‘Do not plant your dreams in the field of indecision, where nothing ever grows but the weeds of “what-if.”’ – Dodinsky

Decisions, decisions, decisions. How do you make the right choice, know that what you choose will work out and, if it doesn't, that you won't regret having made a different decision?

The answer is you don't, can't and won't. You can never know for sure when you make a decision that it's going to pan out as you'd hope.

Whether it's deciding which course, job or career or simply choosing something on the menu, often, a decision requires both intuition and reasoning. Sometimes these differ: your heart is pulling you one way but your head is pulling you another. It worries about the pros and cons and the consequences of a ‘wrong’ decision.

But overthinking can lead to confusion or obscure what you instinctively feel is the right path to take.

On the other hand, if you go with your heart, you wonder whether you are being too impulsive and may miss out on a ‘better’ option.

Sometimes you are so stuck you make no decision. And yet making no decision is still a decision – you've made a decision not to do anything.

What to do? Mindfulness can help you make decisions in a way that balances your emotional reactions with your logical responses. It can help you to acknowledge and accept uncertainty, making a choice despite possible unknowns.

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