
You may have started this book at the beginning and read right through to the end. I imagine, though, that you have dipped in and out. You probably turned to the themes and situations that most interest you first and then read through some of the other pages.

Whichever way you've been reading this book, you'll see that you can, in fact, start anywhere. As the poet Kabir said, ‘Wherever you are that's the entry point.’ You can start at any point in your day and in any part of your life, in anything you do and with anything that you think about.

Mindfulness isn't a set of instructions. It's simply a framework of guiding principles to help provide perspective, focus and calm progress in the big events in your life and the ordinary everyday moments and activities – the comings and goings of your daily life.

Having read this book, you will, I hope, be clear that mindfulness is not something limited to Buddhists, mystics, academics or psychologists. Mindfulness is a simple process that anyone can do.

It's not always easy, though. Often, you have to remind yourself to be mindful. So, whatever you have or haven't read so far, do make sure you read the first chapter: ‘Creating a Mindfulness Habit’.

And, at any one time, when you recognize that you are being (or have been) mindful – that you've been aware, acknowledged and accepted what's happened, that you've been focused and engaged or that you've let go of the past and adopted a beginner's mind – be aware how you got there and recreate it as often as possible.

Be the most mindful version of you!

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