
image  A


    custom display modes





        Windows Phone 8

    custom view engines

        A/B testing


        CreateView method

        CSS files


        FindView method

        global.asax.cs application

        masterPath parameter

        mobile override


        ViewStart file


    mobile views

    modern browsers

    screenshot modified

image  B

Browser touch APIs

    click events

    gesture and rotation differences

    gesture* events

    HTML5 canvas element

        capture handwriting



        mouse events

        page creation

        pointer events

        saving to server

        touch events

    mouse* direction events

    MSGesture* events

    pointer* events

    touch* and MSPointer* events

    touch behavior

    touch events

    touch* events

    touch screens

image  C

Content. See also Video





        plain tables

        scrolling tables


        browser font sizes

        default text size


        line height


        responsive text

CSS layout bootcamp

    block, inline and inline-block

    consistent columns

        faux columns


    default browser styling vs. CSS reset



        calculating width

        collapsing containers

        content-sized block elements


        non-floated elements

        paragraph elements

        side-by-side arrangement

        width values

    horizontal menu



        multi-column layout

    page layout

        horizontal menu

        padding and spacing changes



image  D

image  E


Embedding video




image  F

image  G

image  H

HTML5 canvas element

    capture handwriting

        mouse events

        pointer events

        touch events


        fill command

        getContext method

        stroke command



        requestAnimationFrame function

    mouse events

    page creation

    pointer events

    touch events

image  I

image  J

image  K

image  L



    page layout

        horizontal menu

        padding and spacing changes


    progressive enhancement

    responsive ASP.NET MVC site

    ten-column layout

        500 pixels


        large screen


        screen size

        small screen

    three-column layout (see Three-column layout)

    two-column layout


    device/feature-detection libraries



    mobile application frameworks

        jQuery Mobile

        Kendo UI Mobile

        Sencha Touch

    responsive libraries

        bootstrap framework





        Zurb Foundation

    touch libraries




image  M

Mobile application frameworks

    jQuery Mobile

        accordion control

        HTML5-based user interface system


        new project dialog

        Razor markup

        simple list page


    Kendo UI Mobile

        data-role attributes

        image gallery

        simple list page


    Sencha Touch

        blog list

        blog posts



        JavaScript-based approach

        tab panel

        welcome page

Mobile applications

    native APIs

        accessing maps


        network API

        phone calls and e-mail

        upload photos

    new capabilities

        audio and video

        browser history

        offline web applications


        web sockets

        web storage

        web workers

    visual tools, CSS


        background images

        border radius property

        canvas element


        opacity and RGBA property

        scalable vector graphics (SVG)




        web fonts

Mobile performance techniques

    chrome developer tools

        audit tab

        network tab


    chrome developer tools

    client-side caching


        Expires header

        fiddler trace

    Content Delivery Network (CDN)

    CSS and JavaScript optimization

    using CSS sprites

        image sprite


    Fiddler tools

    Gzip tool

        Accept-Encoding header


        Content-Encoding header

        dynamic content compression

        Fiddler trace enabled

        HTTP headers

        IIS manager

    image optimization

        retina-quality images

        savings gained

    minify CSS and JavaScript

        ASP.NET web optimization framework


        Global.asax.cs file

        JavaScript assests

        Manage Nuget packages

        network tab

        web optimization

    reduce HTTP request

Mobile views

    Add controller dialog

    Add item dialog


        MVC 4 Layout Page

    Add View dialog

        Default HTML

        Mobile HTML

    ASP.NET MVC project dialog

    convention-based approach

    CSS and JavaScript

        CSS content property

        default view page

        script.js file


        content changes

        mobile view page

    User-Agent Switcher for Chrome

image  N

Native phone APIs


    network info API

    phone calls and e-mails

    upload photos

        accessing maps

        addEventListener method

        FileReader object

        native SDKs

Navigation. See also Accordion-style navigation

    horizontal menu into vertical menu

        smaller screens

        unordered list

    move menu to bottom


        header text and menu



        navigation layout

        smaller screens

    off-canvas flyout navigation


image  O

image  P, Q

image  R


Responsive libraries

    bootstrap framework

        ASP.NET MVC project set-up

        default template


        grid layout

        Visual Studio new project 2013





    Zurb Foundation

Responsive web design

    fixed fixation (see also Viewport meta tag)


        CSS floats

        CSS media queries

        footer and laid out

        four-column layout


        nav section

        nested list

        simple code

        three-column layout

    fixed-size sites

    modern phones and tablets



    web designers/developers

image  S

Sencha Touch

    blog list

    blog posts



    JavaScript-based approach

    tab panel

    welcome page

image  T, U

Ten-column layout

    500 pixels


    large screen


    screen size

    small screen

Three-column layout

    border adding


        final layout



    responsive design

    space creation

        responsive layout


Touch libraries




image  V






    HTML5 video

        default behavior

        max-width value


        picture element and picturefill



        resolution and bandwidth


image  W, X, Y

image  Z

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