Organizing tree-based content


Topicstree course format

Module type

Course format


Eloy Lafuente (stronk7)






English, Spanish (but should work in any language)




Online documentation, readme.txt



This course format allows you to compact topics down by utilizing the structure of nested items.

Getting ready

Unzip the module's source directory to /moodle/course/format/. Once copied, you can use the format straight away.

How to do it...

Once added, the format can be chosen from the Settings page. Click Settings in the course's Administration block. You will find the Topics Tree format listed as one of the course formats.

How to do it...

After selecting the Topics Tree format, save the course settings. You will not see any change if you have editing turned on. Turn editing off to see the effect of the format.

Activities and resources under each topic should be listed as a tree. If all the items in the topic are at the same level they will all appear. Nested items will not appear at first.

How to do it...

The tree structure of each topic is based on the hierarchical nesting of items in the topic. Turn editing on and look for the right-facing arrow next to each item.

How to do it...

Clicking an arrow will demote an item, causing it to become a child of items above it. You can demote and promote items to build the tree hierarchy.

How to do it...

Once you are satisfied with the hierarchy you have created, Turn editing off to see the effect. Items that are not demoted (not indented) will appear. If items have children then a ± symbol will be displayed next to them.

How to do it...

Sub-items appear after clicking on the ± next to their parent. The tree structure unfolds and folds up again as the user expands and contracts the tree.

How to do it...

There's more...

This format is useful for compacting the content of a topic. It also encourages the creation of a hierarchy of importance in the items of a topic. Most users should be familiar with tree metaphor used by this format, however, the need to click the ± symbol to expand the tree is not entirely obvious. It is possible that students may incorrectly click the activity or resource link in an attempt to expand that part of the tree.

See also

  • Collapsed Weeks format
  • Collapsed Topics format
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