
Italic page references indicate figures.

absorption property of waves 17

acetylcholine neurotransmitter 202

Acheulean stone tools 115, 116

acting beat 215216

acting and music 316

activation 201, 215216, 215, 317

actors: Aristotle and 312313; dialogue of 6, 122, 178; pacing and 4; physical performance of 6; protagonists 314315; rhythm of 4, 122123; tempo of 205

Adams, D. Q. 268

adaptation 88

Adeimantus 303, 305

Ad Infinitum 70, 217

ADSR of sound 73, 146147

aerophones 270, 271

Aeschylus 297

aesthetic 34, 78, 63, 66, 282

Alcaeus 293

Allen, Janet 124125

alpha frequency region 174

Altamira cave 192, 192, 193

altered states of consciousness 196197, 199200, 211

American Idiot (Green Day) 217

aminergic system 202, 210211

amniote clade 44

amplitude of sound wave 167, 167

amygdala 3132, 31, 44, 84, 174

ancient Chinese civilization 272273

Anderson, Warren 293, 295, 299, 301, 306, 315

Anisimov, 198199

anthropomorphism 195196, 195, 225

apes 92

Appia, Adolphe 133

Arion 290291

Aristotelian analysis 317318

Aristotle: actors and 312313; adaption of, to times 299; birth of 310; catharsis and 316317; comedy and 11, 314; death of 319; defects of hearers and 314; dithyramb of Philoxemus and 291292; dreaming and 49; epic poetry and 318; influence of 310; language and 298; math and music and 294; mimesis and 312314, 316317; Muses and 311312; music and 311316, 319320; musicians and 312313; music versus song and 67; pathos and 313; persuasion and, modes of 311; Plato and 310311; protagonists and 314315; purgative melodies and 316; Pythagoreans and 294; sculpture of 310; theatre and 317319; tragedy and 11, 314, 317318

arousal: activation and 201; Berlyne’s theory of 214216, 215; curtain times and 213214; defining 201; Mozart effect and 205; music and 202206; neuroscience of 201202; tempo and 205; Thayer’s model of 211214, 212

Arrival at a Train Station (film) 69

art: cave 191192, 191, 194, 195, 195; evaluating 63; musical line and, development of 160165; sound, terms of 34; timeline of earliest 160; visual 3435, 6869, 71, 72, 165; visual line and, development of 164

Atapuerca cave 134135, 136, 137, 138, 165

Atkinson, R. C. 230, 233

attention and sound 231232

audible music 6871

audiovisual neurons 90

auditory cheesecake 80, 148

auditory cortex 144, 144, 146150, 147, 172174

auditory elements of music 7174, 72

auditory system 120121, 142, 143, 144; see also ears

Australopithecus 99102, 100, 111

autobiographical memory 246, 249251, 315

autocratic theatre 295299

automatic timing circuits 121122

autonoesis 224

autonoetic consciousness 245

autonomic nervous system 201, 202204

autonomous theatre 11, 81, 282, 319

Avner, Jeffrey 200

Awakening. Awakening (rock musical) 70, 217

Babelsberg Film Studio lecture 4143, 55

Babel, story of 268, 269

baboons 8687, 88

Baddley, Alan D. 233234, 237, 240

Bake, Arnold 273274

basal ganglia 44, 9899, 99, 146

basilar membrane 28, 35, 142, 143, 167

beat: acting 215216; in drumming 119; frequency 169, 169; pulse and feeling 119; synchronizing to 23, 84, 118122

Begg, Ian Maynard 244

belief systems and music 270275

Bennet, Michael 232

Berlyne, D. E. 214216

Berlyne’s theory of arousal 214216, 215

Bernardi, Luciano 204205

Bernsten, Dorthe 247, 249

Bickerton, Derek 80, 115, 139

Big Bang 1516; of evolution, 23

bipedal primates 97102, 97, 100

birds 44

Bizkit, Limp 308

Blacking, John 70

Blombos cave 160, 161, 162, 166

Blood, Anne J. 172173

blood pressure changes and music 202205

Boltz, Marilyn 240241

bone flutes 163165, 164, 190, 227, 228

bonobos 9596, 96, 119

Bracewell, John 142

brain: activity, measuring 49; amygdala 3132, 31, 44, 84, 174; audiovisual neurons 90; auditory cortex 144, 144, 146150, 147, 172174; basal ganglia 44, 9899, 99, 146; basilar membrane 28, 35, 142, 143, 167; brainstem 28, 99, 144145, 171; Broca’s area 111, 113, 114115, 150; cerebellum 28, 45, 99, 144, 145, 146; cerebral cortex 98; communication among parts of 174; consonance and activation of 172173, 173; corpus callosum 145; dissonance and activation of 172, 173; dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 50; dreaming and 49, 56, 71, 200; eighth cranial nerve 144; entrainment and 119120, 125126, 146; foramen magnum 9798, 98; forebrain 145; frame of references and 54; gray matter 47, 48; Heschl’s gyrus 146; hindbrain 144; hippocampus 146; hypothalamus 145; inferior colliculi 145, 171; insular cortex 89; language and, processing of 133134, 149150; lateral lemiscus 145; limbic system 31, 50, 89, 90, 200; lobes of 44, 45, 49, 54, 146, 174; major parts of human 27; medial geniculate nucleus 146; medulla oblongata 144, 145; mesolimbic system 207208, 207; midbrain 145, 145, 207; mirror neurons and 8790; motor centers of 121, 121; music and, processing of 133134, 149150; neocortex 44, 44, 47, 49, 99, 146; nucleus accumbens 207208, 207; pons 144145, 145; reward center of 207208; rhythm and, processing of 150151; sensorimotor system 121, 121; sound and 144147, 145, 147; spectral resolution and 148; superior olivary complex 145; temporal resolution and 148; of tetrapods 28; thalamus 145146, 145, 149; time and 126; waves 146, 174; white matter 4748, 48; see also evolution of human brain; memory

brainstem 28, 99, 144, 171

Brecht, Bertolt 211, 315

Bridge, Donna 277

Broca’s area 111, 113, 114115, 150

Brockett, Oscar 81, 282

Bronze Age: biblical accounts of language and 268270; civilizations in 266, 267, 268; metalworking in 266; musical instruments in 270; music and belief systems in 270275; overview 278; Proto-Indian-European migration in 269270, 269; timeline 267; time period of 266

Brown, Ross 65

Brown, Steven 81, 86, 110, 149150

Burris-Meyer, Harold 15, 33, 120, 142, 315

Busoni, F. 176

cadence 215

Cambrian explosion 22, 23, 25, 3031, 43

Carighero, L. 88

Carroll, Sean 54

Cartwright, Mark 298

Cask of Amontillado 178

categorization scheme 256

catharsis 135, 316317

Catmur, Caroline 88

causal listening 147148

cave art 191192, 191, 194, 195, 195

Cave of the Hands 194

Central Executive system 233, 237

cerebellum 28, 45, 99, 144, 145, 146

cerebral cortex 98

Chanda, Mona Lisa 202, 204, 206, 208

chimpanzees 9496, 95

Chion, Michael 147149

Choices 70, 218

cholinergic system 202, 210212

chordophones 270

chorus 177

Chorus Line, A 232

chunking 238239, 246247, 318

cinematic notation 69

circadian rhythms 20, 22, 125

cithara 289, 290

climax 216, 318

Clockwork Orange, A 250

Clottes, Jean 213

cochlea 46, 142, 146, 168, 171172

cochlear nucleus 144

cognitive models for music in theatre: Berlyne’s 214216, 215; Thayer’s 211214, 212

cognitively controlled timing circuits 122

Cohen, Robert 264

collective dreaming 63, 246

Collison, David 15

color 69, 72

comedy 11, 314

communication: among brain parts 174; emojis and 67; language and 6768, 152; music versus 8, 64; of tetrapods 3031; vocalizations of primates 8485, 9396; see also language

composing sound scores: actors’ pacing and rhythms and 4; approaches to 48; chunking and 238; consonance and 176177; dissonance and 176177; imitation and 309; memory and 230; during rehearsal process 5; before rehearsals 4; simultaneously but separately from composing music 7; during technical rehearsals 45; for theatre 178

Conard, Nicholas J. 164

concert lighting 70

conditioning 242243

consciousness: altered states of 196197, 199200, 211; autonoetic 245; as continuum 196; development of 190199; dreaming and 196, 199200; Hobson’s model of 209, 210; Martindale’s model of 209, 210; models of differing levels of 210, 211; Rossano’s model of 209210; sophistication of, rise in 255

consciousness awareness, losing in theatre 5455

consonance: brain activation and 172173, 173; composing sound scores and 176177; cortical perception of 172174; defining 166; entrainment 171, 172; in Greek civilization 294295; harmony (texture) and 172; line/melody and 172, 175177; neural periodicities of 167169, 167; overview 179; perfect 176; scene changes and 179; subcortical perception of 167172; in theatre 174175; time and 179; of two tones 171

consonants 115, 149

context, categorization and 254255

Cooper, Jerold 276

corpus callosum 145

Cowan, Nelson 172, 231232, 237

Cowboys#2 158

cranial capacity of hominins 113

Creature, The 70, 308

Crick, Francis 28

Cross, Ian 67, 135, 202

cues for memory recall 246248, 255

Cueva de las Manos cave 194

cuneiform 276, 276

Cunningham, Michael 236, 244

Curious Savage, The 55

curtain times and arousal 213214

dance 70, 128, 189, 198

Darwin, Charles 31, 80, 85

Davies, John Booth 34

Death of a Salesman 223

Dellacherie, Delphine 173174

design elements of music 7174, 72

destiny and music 273274

Devlet, Ekaterina 196

diagetic sound 248

diffraction property of waves 17

dinosaurs 4445, 48

Dionysian festivals 293, 295296

dishabituating 33

dissonance: brain activation and 172, 173; composing sound scores and 176177; cortical perception of 172174; defining 166; entrainment 171, 172; in Greek civilization 294295; harmony (texture) and 172; line/melody and 172, 175177; neural periodicities of 167169, 167; overview 179; roughness and 168169; scene changes and 179; subcortical perception of 167172; in theatre 174175; time and 179

dithyrambs 11, 290, 295297

DNA 28, 136

Donald, Merlin 81, 101102, 115, 117, 139, 160, 190, 242, 249, 297, 307, 314

dopamine neurotransmitter 202, 207, 316

Doppler shift 17

Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 50, 173, 200

drama: birth of 298; defining 298; in Greek civilization 295299; theatre’s development into 264267; see also specific title; theatre

dreaming: altered state of consciousness and 199200; Aristotle and 49; brain and 49, 56, 71, 200; consciousness and 196, 199200; function of 49; theatre as collective 63; time perception and 43, 4951

drum 272

drumming 84, 95, 119

Dury, Ian 208

dynamics: element of music 73

eardrum (tympani) 25, 28, 142

ears: anatomy of 142, 143, 144; cochlea 46, 142, 146, 168, 171172; development of 2223; eardrum (tympani) 25, 28, 142; eyes in complementing 3435, 48; incus (anvil) 142; inner ear 24, 25, 28, 144; internal auditory canal 144; in locating objects 34; of mammals 4647, 46; middle ear 46, 47; pinnae 142, 143; sound and 142, 143, 144, 144; space and 48; of tetrapods 25, 28; time and 71, 79

earworms 234235

echoic memory 172, 179, 231

ecstasy, entering 206, 208

Effects of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds, The 223, 234235

Egyptian civilization 271272

eighth cranial nerve 144

Einstein, Albert 17, 36, 42, 52, 53, 55, 224

electromagnetic waves 17, 19, 22, 71, 79

electronic dance music (EDM) 205, 218

electronic theatre sound design 6

Else, Gerald 293, 307

emojis 67

emotion: in cuing memory recall 247; evolution of human brain and 3133; habituation and 3233; memory and 241; music and 251, 298, 305, 312; startle effect/response and 3233; theatre and 32; theme in music and 248

empathy 89, 250

energy element of music 7274, 72

energy in time and space combination element of music 72, 7374

entrainment: basis of 23; brain and 119120, 125126, 146; of cardiovascular system to music 204; consonance as a form of 171, 172; dissonance 171, 172; as function of music 120; of humankind 119; at jazz concert 119; Mayer Wave and 204, 204; music and 120, 250; of phyla 119; rhythm 171; running and 118119; scene changes and 124; of sea lion 84; tempo 118, 204; time and 125126

envelope element of music 73

epic poetry 288, 291292, 318

episodic memory 244246

ESPN Indy 500 television series hook 236

ethos 293294, 304306, 311312, 320

Etzel, Joset A. 204

Euhemerus 277

evolution: of hearing 2223, 25, 28, 29, 4647, 46; holistic approach to 8081; Lamarckian 141, 282, 319; of language 136, 139; linguistic approach to 8081; musilanguage approach to 8081; understanding 8081; of vision 2223, 25; see also evolution of human brain

evolution of human brain: amniote clade 44; amygdala 3132, 31; anthropomorphic worldview and 195196, 195; apes 92; Australopithecus 99102, 100, 111; baboons 8687, 88; bipedal primates 97102, 97, 100; birds 44; bonobos 9596, 96, 119; chimpanzees 9496, 95; dreaming and 43, 4951; early Homo 111117, 111; emotion and 3133; fish 2223, 23, 2425, 24; gibbons 92, 92; gorillas 93, 94; habituation and 2930, 3233; hearing and 2223, 25, 28, 29, 4647, 46; Homo erectus 111, 114117, 118, 126127, 135136, 139, 160, 190; Homo ergaster 114115, 114; Homo habilis 111, 112, 114; Homo hedelbergensis 134136, 134, 136, 139; Homo rudolfensis 111, 112, 114; Homo sapiens 136, 139, 141, 160, 162165, 162, 191, 216; Homo sapiens neanderthalensis 136, 138; Homo sapiens sapiens 139, 140, 141, 160, 190191, 282; jelly fish 20, 21; lungfish 30, 30; macaque monkeys 85, 87, 9394; mammals 4348, 44, 45, 46, 48; New Stone Age 225229; Old World monkeys 83, 8487, 85, 86, 87; orangutans 92, 93; overview 1011, 7980, 128; prokaryote 20, 21; Sahelanthropus 9799, 97; startle effect/response and 2930, 3233; taxonomic classification and 7980, 80; tetrapods 25, 26, 2728, 3031; vertebrates 23, 24; vervet monkey 8485, 86; vision and 2223, 25; see also brain

exemplar memory model 254

explicit episodic memory 244246

explicit memory 242, 244246

Exploratorium website 235

eyes: development of 2223; ears in complementing 3435, 48; fish 25; in locating objects 34; space and 3334, 48, 71

Falk, Dean 100101, 114, 149

Farmer, Henry George 228, 270272, 295

Ferreira, Lucas L. 203

fight or flight response 28, 211

Fink, Joel 4, 178, 241, 248

fish, early 2223, 23, 2425, 24

Fisher, Greg 65

Fivush, Robyn 249

flutes 163165, 164, 190, 227, 228

foot-drumming 84

foramen magnum 9798, 98

forebrain 145

foreshadowing music 241

form visual 7273

FoxP2 gene 136, 139

frame of references 5354

Frayer, David W. 139

Frazer, Sir James 189

French flutes 164

frequencies 4647, 72, 167170, 169, 174, 177

Freud, Sigmund 49

Fripp and Eno music 158

frisson 209

Fritz, Thomas 170

frontal lobe 44, 45

Fugard, Athol 123

Garton, Brad 158159, 178

Geißenklösterle caves 163, 163

geladas 86, 87

genomes sequence 136

German flutes 163, 164

German folk music 244

Gestalt perception 215

gibbons 92, 92

Giraud, Anne-Lise 149

glaciation 140, 141

Glassman, Robert 233

Glass, Philip 41

Glaucon 303305

Göbekli Tepe site 225, 226

gorillas 93, 94

gray matter 47, 48

great apes 92

Greek alphabet 288, 292

Greek civilization: first autonomous theatre in 295299; consonance in 294295; decorative vases in 290291, 290; dialects in 291292; Dionysian festivals in 293, 295296; dissonance in 294295; dithyrambs in 291, 295297; drama in 295299; epic poetry in 291; golden Age of Greece and 299; Greek Dark Age 287288; Hesiod and 288; Homer and 288; homogenization of cultures in 291292; language’s derivation in 287; language’s spread and 292; mimesis and 293, 319; Minoan settlement in 285287, 286; Muses and 283284, 283; musical instruments in 288289, 289, 290; Music as a Chariot and 293; musicians in 298299; music’s origin in 283284; Mycenaean settlement in 285287, 286; oral traditions in 286; overview 319321; Peloponnesian War and 299; plays in, major 297; Pythagoras and 294295; rhapsodes in 288; song’s origin in 285293; theatre production and plays in 292293, 297, 318; timeline 285; see also Aristotle; Plato

Greek Dark Age 287288

Greek theatre see Greek civilization; specific play title

Green Day concert 217218

guitars 169

habituation: defining 29; emotion and 3233; inferior colliculi and 145; more subtle 231; stimulus and 212; time manipulation and 33

Hamlet 238, 239, 248

harmony 166, 172, 177179

Harrison, Jane 127, 189

Hathor 271

Hawking, Stephen 42

hearing, evolution of 2223, 25, 28, 29, 4647, 46

Heffernan, B. 171

Helmholtz, Hermann 168

hemiola 118

Henderson, Isobel 292, 298, 301, 304, 310, 319

Henry V 241, 247

Henshilwood, Christopher 165

Heschl’s gyrus 146

Hesiod 288

Heyes, Cecilia 88

High Mass ritual 189

hindbrain 144

hippocampus 90, 146, 245

His Occupation 178

Hitchcock, Alfred 315

Hobson, J. Allan 209

Hohle Fels caves 163

holistic approach to evolution 8081

Holman, Tomlinson 36

Holst, Imogen 177

Homer 288

Homeric epics 288, 292

Homo erectus 111, 114117, 118, 126127, 135136, 139, 160, 190

Homo ergaster 114115, 114

Homo habilis 111, 112, 114

Homo heidelbergensis 134136, 134, 136, 139

Homo rudolfensis 111, 112, 114

Homo sapiens 136, 139, 141, 160, 162165, 162, 191, 216

Homo sapiens neanderthalensis 136, 138

Homo sapiens sapiens 139, 140, 141, 160, 190191, 282

Homo species and genus 111, 111, 135; see also specific species

hook 177, 234236

Hopper, Ryan 217

Howard, Ed 3

Howard, Pamela 42

Huron, David 81, 209

hypothalamus 145

Iacoboni, Marco 8889, 250

iambic pentameter 205

ice ages 140, 141

iconic sounds 67, 9091

idiophones 270

Iliad (Homer) 288, 292

Illusion of Truth 244

imagination 56

imitation 8889, 102, 115, 306, 309; see also mimesis

implicit memory 242244

incus (anvil) 142

Indian music 273274

Indians 175

inferior colliculi 145, 171

inner ear 24, 25, 28, 144

instruments see musical instruments

insular cortex 89

internal auditory canal 144

International Organization of Scenographers, Theatre Architects and Technicians (OISTAT) 4142, 133

intuitive approach to making music 8

involuntary explicit episodic memory 246248

Involuntary Musical Images (INMI) 234235

Ion (Plato) 284

Ironic Contrast 241

Ishmael (Quinn) 225

Island, The (Fugard) 123

Isturitz cave 164, 165

Iwanaga, Makota 202203

Jacob, Abe 232

James, Jamie 294295, 301302

Jazz Singer, The (film) 69

jellyfish 20, 21

Jenkins, Michael 201

Jiahu site 227, 228

Juramaia sinensis 45

Kaku, Michio 224

Kayser, Christoph 84

Kazan, Elia 223

Kent, Cory 308

Kholer, Evelyne 8889

King Lear production history 264265, 265

Kirby, E. T. 192, 198, 200, 208

kithara 289, 290

Knowles, John 117

Koller, Hermann 307

komasts 290, 291

Kopit, Arthur 175

Kraemer, David 234

Kubrick, Stanley 250

Kurosawa, Akira 175

Laakso, Aarre 115

Laczika, Klaus 205

Lamarckian evolution 141, 282, 319

Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste 141

Landry, Peter 2

language: anatomy 82; Aristotle and 298; biblical accounts of 268270; brain’s processing of 133134, 149150; communication and 6768, 152; consonants and 149; evolution of with music and mimesis 8096; evolution of 136, 139; FoxP2 gene and 136, 139; Greek, derivation of 287; larynx and 30, 82, 139; mimesis and 115; monophonic quality of 69; music and 6768, 133134, 151152; onomatopoeia and 115; order and 80; Proto-Indian-European 269270; referential 68, 122, 152, 296; separation from music and 292, 320321; spread of and Greek civilization 292; storytelling and 163, 229; temporal resolution and 148; in theatre 297298; timeline 29; see also written language

Larsson, Matz 117

larynx 30, 82, 139

Lascaux cave art 191

lateral lemiscus 145

learning 88, 242

LeDoux, Joseph E. 240

Leinonen, Lea 9394

Letwin, David 316

Lévi-Strauss, Claude 150

Levitin, Daniel 70, 127, 198, 202, 204, 206208, 229, 234235, 238, 241, 254255, 283

Lewis-Williams, David 196197, 210

Lieberman, Philip 9899, 139

life scripts 249250

light: biblical account of 15; concert lighting and 70; nature of universe and 1617, 19; sound and 19, 34; speed of 32, 5354, 53; time and 70; waves 18, 19, 23; white 35

lighting designers 70

limbic system 31, 50, 89, 90, 200

line, development of musical 160165

line/melody 172, 175178

linguist approach to evolution 8081

listening: three types of (Chion) 147148

localization 22, 73, 145

logos 311

Lommel, 190, 208

London Sound Colloquium 65

long auditory store memory 232240

long-term memory 239242

Longtin, A. 171

loudness element of music 73

lucid dreaming 55

Lucy 99100

lungfish 30, 30

Luther, Martin 208

lyre 273, 288289, 289

M100 brainwave 146

macaque monkeys 85, 87, 9394

McKee, Robin 205

malleus (hammer) 142

Malory, J. P. 268

mammals 4348, 44, 45, 46, 48

mandrill 83

Mardikes, Tom 243

Martindale, Mark Q. 209

Masks of King Lear, The 264

“Masque of the Red Death” production 248

mass 72

mass extinction 48

Matchmaker, The 91

Mathiesen, Thomas 291, 293, 295296, 298299, 301, 306, 315

math and music 294295

Matthews, Caryl 159, 242

Mauro, Daniel 151

Maxwell, Ross 178

Mayer Wave 204, 204

measured music 120

mechanical waves 17, 19, 22, 71, 79

medial geniculate nucleus 146

medium of performance 211, 251

medulla oblongata 144, 145

melodic lines 74

melody 172, 175178

membranophones 270

memory: autobiographical 246, 249251, 315; characteristics in development of 229; chunking and 238239; composing sound scores and 230; cues 246248, 255; echoic 172, 179, 231; emotion and 241; episodic 244246; exemplar model 254; explicit episodic 244246; explicit 242, 244246; formation of memories and 225; implicit 242244; involuntary explicit episodic 246248; long auditory store 232240; long-term 239242; mood and 240; multiple trace model 254; music and 229230, 241242, 292; overview 251, 252253, 254256; phonological loop and 233234, 233; recall 101, 242, 245248, 255; rhythm and 238; semantic 245; sensory 172, 179, 230232; short auditory store 232; short-term 232233; storytelling and 277; taxonomic structure of, related to theatre 252253; visual iconic 172; working 233, 237238, 242

mental time-travel 224, 245246, 249

mesolimbic system 207208, 207

Mesopotamia 266, 271

metalworking in Bronze Age 266

Mezin cave 165

Michelangelo 69

midbrain 145, 145, 207

middle ear 46, 47

migration pattern of Homo sapiens 162163, 162

Miller, Dale 158

Miller, Geoffrey 127

Miller, George 233, 237238

mimesis: animals’ learning of 80; Aristotle and 312314, 316317; Donald’s definition of 102; ethos and 307, 320; evolution of with music and language 8096; Greek civilization and 293, 319; Homo erectus and 117, 160; language development and 115; music and 11, 126128; Plato and 306308; primitive 196; song and 11; sound and 196; successful 307308; theatre and 255256

Minoan settlement 285287, 286

mirror neurons 8790

Mismatched Negativity Event Related Potential (MMN) 231

missing fundamental 168170

Mithen, Steven 81, 99101, 110, 115

Mitochondrial Eve 141

Molino, Jean 127, 141

mood: memory and 240; music and 12, 211212; negative 212; neurotransmitters and 202; positive 212; Thayer’s model of 211214

Morley, Ian 165

Mozart effect 205

MTV 6970

Muehlhausen, Andy 217

multiple trace memory model 254

Murch, Walter 69

Muscovitch, Morris 242

Muses 283284, 283, 293, 305306, 311312, 320

music: acting and 316; actors’ physical performance and 6; as aesthetic experience 67; ancient Chinese and 272273; Aristotle and 311316, 319320; arousal and 202206; audible 6871; auditory elements of 7174, 72; auditory system and 120121; autobiographical memory and 250; belief systems and 270275; blood pressure changes and 204205; brain’s processing of 133134, 149150; brainstem and 144; cardiovascular system and 204; of character 264; as a Chariot 126, 152, 165, 283, 293, 295; cognitive models for, in theatre 211216, 212, 215; communication versus 8, 64; conditioning and 243; criteria for defining 7475; Cross’ definitions of 67; dancing and 70, 198; defining 6, 6468, 7475; destiny and 273274; development of Greek theatre and 11; editing 6970; Egyptian civilization and 271272; electronic dance 205, 218; elements of 7174, 72; emotion and 251, 298, 305, 312; entrainment and 120, 250; evolution of with language and mimesis 8096; experience of in theatre 64; foreshadowing 241; Fripp and Eno 158; function of in theatre 56; German folk 244; in Greek civilization, origin of 283284; hemiola in 118; immediacy of 251; India 273274; intuitive approach to making 8; language and 6768, 133134, 151152; math and 294295; measured 120; memory and 229230, 241242, 292; mimesis and 11, 126128; mood and 12, 211212; Nazi party and 244; oral tradition and 298; order and 80; as organized sound 6566; periods of 215216; physiological effects of 202206; Plato and 67, 301305, 320; playing 121122; plot of play and 6, 317319; primal aspect of 8; prosody of actors’ dialogue and 6; psychological effects of 206211; rise of 319; in rituals 165, 227; Rodriguez’s definition of 64, 6668; Romantics and 67; scene recall and 241; separation from language and 292, 320321; sequencing sounds and 165166; shamanism and 196, 198199, 208; simultaneous production of notes and 166; song versus 67; sound and 3, 283; sound effect and 91; sound separated from 68; spirituality and 227, 274275, 320; Stravinsky’s view of 68; subconscious level of experience of 171; tempo and 118119; texture in 74; in theatre and memory 223; theatre’s origin and 317; theatre as type of 810, 81, 255, 282283; theme in play and 32, 248; time and 8, 79; as time art 66; in transforming theatre 2, 78, 10; transmission from composer through performer to listener and 307; underscoring 3233, 122, 124, 178; unmeasured 120; Varèse’s definition of 6465, 67; visual 6871; visual art and 165; visual elements of 7174, 72

musical ability 117

musical instruments: aerophones 270, 271; in Bronze Age 270; chordophones 270; cithara (or kithara) 289, 290; discovery of first 163, 165; drum 272; flutes 163165, 164; in Greek civilization 288289, 289, 290; guitars 169; idiophones 270; lyre 273; membranophones 270; in Neolithic Period 270; Plato and 305; qin 274; sistrum 270

musical intervals 167168, 167, 176

musical line 160165

musical phrases 204

musical sound 6871; see also music; sound

Music as a Chariot 126, 152, 165, 283, 293, 295

musicians 298299, 312313, 319

musilanguage approach to evolution 8081

Musser, Tharon 35, 70

Mycenaean settlement 285287, 286

“Mysterioso Pizzicato” 243

Nadin, Mihai 43, 55

Nairne, James S. 229

narrative identity 249

Nazi party and music 244

neocortex 44, 44, 47, 49, 99, 146

Neolithic Period 225229, 270

nerve fiber measurements 169170, 170

neural periodicities 167169, 167

neural pulses 28, 167168

neurons: audiovisual 90; fluctuations of, measuring 49; mirror 8790; oscillatory 171172

neurotransmitters 201202, 207

Nevali Çori site 226, 227

Newcomer, Carrie 125, 205, 244

New Stone Age 225229

Nicolay, Chris 139

Nietzsche, Friedrich 49

Night Must Fall (Williams) 2

Nishihara, Makoto 230231

Nomura, Kunihiko 117

non-traditional sound stimuli 65

norepinephrine neurotransmitter 202

North, Alex 223

novelty in cuing memory recall 248

nucleus accumbens 207208, 207

occipital lobe 44, 45, 49, 54

ochre, discovery and use of 160, 162, 165

O’Connor, David K. 313

O’Connor, Jim 109, 123, 175, 241

O’Connor, Kindari 218

Odyssey (Homer) 288, 292

Oldowan tools 101, 101

Old World monkeys 83, 8487, 85, 86, 87

olfactory bulb 47

Omigie, Diana 173174

On Golden Pond 124125

onomatopoeia 115

opera 4, 204, 292

opioids 207

oral tradition 251, 254257, 277278, 286, 298, 302

orangutans 92, 93

orbitofrontal lobes 173174

order 80

oscillatory neurons 171172

Osiris 271

pacing of actors 4, 122123, 205

pads 3233, 178

parallel processing 149150

parasympathetic nervous system 202

parietal lobe 44, 45

Patel, Aniruddh 150

pathos 311, 313

periods of music 215216

phallic song 11

Phillips, Van 16, 71

Philoxemus 291292

phonological loop 233234, 233

phrases, musical 204

phyla 23

physiological effects of music 202206

Pickens, Laurence 272273

Pielmeyer, John 236

Pindar 293

Pinker, Steven 80

Pink Floyd 12, 211212

pinnae 142, 143

Pino, Joe 7, 91

pitches 165166, 171, 176

Placentalia subdivision of mammals 49

Plato: Aristotle and 309311; birth of 299; decay of civilization and 299; dialogues of 299; imitation and 306; literature in education and 304305; mimesis and 306308; Muses and 305306; musical instruments and 305; music and 67, 301305, 307, 320; oral tradition and 302; power of music and, controlling 307, 320; Pythagoras and 299; sculpture of 300; song and 303304; soul and 1; Theory of Forms and 302

Plato’s Laws 301, 309

Plato’s rings 315316

play: in activation cycles 215216; plot of 6, 297298; theme of 32, 248; see also specific title

plot 6, 297298

Poe, Edgar Allen 178, 248

Poeppel, David 149

Poetics (Aristotle) 311, 316, 317

point of attack 318

pons 144145, 145

popular classics 319

Prague Quadrennial (2011) 217

Pratinas of Phlius 293

preshow 213

primates see specific type

prokaryote 20, 21

prosody of actors dialogue 6, 122, 178

protagonists 54, 294295, 314315

Proto-Indian-European migration 269270, 269

proto-language elements 115

proto-musical elements 94, 115

psychological effects of music 206211

pulse: auditory 120; beat and, feeling 119; intervals 120; rate 125; rhythm and 172; scene changes and 179; tactus 119, 122126

Pythagoras and Pythagoreans 294295, 299, 311

qin 274

Quinn, Daniel 225

real doings 72, 76, 90

realism 7, 251

reality 5455

recapitulation 318

reduced listening 148

re-experiencing past experiences 224

referential sound 6871

reflection property of waves 17

relativity theory 17, 36, 42, 5156, 52, 53, 224

reliving past experiences 224

Remedios, Ryan 84

REM sleep 5051

repetition and style 235

resolution 216, 318

resonant tempo 126

review-rehearsal loop 242

Revonsuo, Antti 49

reward center of brain 207208

rhapsodes 288

rhythm: of actors 4, 122123; animals’ synchronization of 23; biological reaction to 119120; brain’s processing of 150151; circadian 20, 22, 125; defining 73; drumming 84, 95, 119; entrainment 171; memory and 238; pulse and 172; running and 117118; transporting of audience from real world to dream and 126

rhythmic ability 117

rhythmic behaviors 96

rising actions 213, 318

ritual behaviors 86, 9596

rituals: dance and 128; defining 84; development of 190199; High Mass and 189; music in 165, 227; overview 216219; participating in 128; theatre’s origin and 189190, 216; see also shamanism

Rivera, José 63

Rizzollatti, Giacomo 88

Rodriguez, Robert Xavier 64, 6668

Roederer, Juan G. 166

Rogers, Scott 308

Romantics 67

Rosenberg, Marvin 264

Rossano, Matt 84, 190, 192, 196197, 209, 239

roughness 168169

Rozik, Eli 49, 72, 211, 251, 256, 295296

Rubin, David C. 249

running and rhythm 117118

Sachs, Curt 197, 270

Sacks, Oliver 64, 206

Sacks paradox 206, 208209

Sahelanthropus 9799, 97

Sappho 293

scene 215216

scene changes 122125, 179

scene designers 65

scene recall 241

scenography 4142

Schacter, Daniel 243

Schechner, Richard 189190, 255256

schema 235

Schillemans, Marc 133

Schmidt, Klaus 225226

Schneider, Marius 196, 228

scripts 264266

sea lion 84

semantic listening 147148

semantic memory 245

sensorimotor learning 88

sensorimotor system 121, 121

sensory memory 172, 179, 230232

Separate Peace, A (Knowles) 117118

serotonin neurotransmitter 202

Shakespearean plays 234235; see also specific title

shamanism: altered states of consciousness and 196197, 199200; cognition and, modern 199211; dancing and 198; ecstasy and, entering 206; elements common to many primitive cultures 192; meaning of 192; memory and 230; memory and 230; music and 196, 198199, 208; overview 216219; participating in 199; prehistoric evidence of 191192, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195199, 195; rituals in 198199; rock art of Siberian 197; sound and 196; as theatre 199; theatre’s origins and 189190

shape 7273

Shepard, Sam 158

Shiffrin, R. M. 230, 233

short auditory store memory 232

short-term memory 232240

sight, evolution of 2223, 25

Silver, Phillip 123

Sima de los Huesos cave 134135, 136, 137, 138, 165

simultaneous pulses 168

sistrum 270

sleep 5051, 199200; see also dreaming

SmaartLive audio measurement system 148

Smalley, Jack 177, 244

smell 47

social experiences 110

Socrates 297, 303306

sonata form 318

song: campfire, ancient 127128; evolution of 134; of gibbons 92; in Greek civilization, origin of 285293; mimesis and 11; music versus 67; phallic 11; Plato and 303304

Sophocles 297

sound: ADSR of 73, 146147; attention and 231232; brain and 144147, 145, 147; brainstem and 28; defining 16; diagetic 248; ears and 142, 143, 144, 144; frequencies and 167169, 169; habituation and 2930, 3233; of horse-drawn carriage 91; iconic 67, 9091; light and 19, 34; manipulation of in theatre 3536; mimesis and 196; musical 6871; music and 3, 283; nature of universe and 1617, 18, 19; non-traditional stimuli of 65; organized 6566, 71; perception of 1516, 254; real doings and 72, 76, 90; referential 6871; as scenography 42; separated from music 68; shamanism and 196; sound objects versus 146147; speed of 18; startle effect/response and 2830, 3233; theatre experience and 42; unorganized 65; vibrations and 16, 19, 20; of walking or running 117; waves 17, 18, 19, 30, 167168, 167; white noise 35

sound art terms 34

sound design and designers: Babelsberg lecture on 4143; electronic 6; elements of 7174, 72; organized sound and 65; scene changes 123; separation of sound from music and 67; sonata versus theatre form and 318

sound effects 6, 91, 248

space: dreaming and 4951; ears and 48; energy in 72, 7374; eyes and 3334, 48, 71; manipulation of in theatre 35; startle effect/response and 33; terms 34; time and 69; visual 73

spatial element of music 72, 73

spatial imaging systems, modern 36

spatial terms 34

spectral resolution 148

speech see language

Sperling, George 232

spinal cord 28

spirituality and music 227, 274275, 320

Splatterflick 236

Squire, Larry 242, 245

staccato hoot 96

stapes 25, 27, 142

startle effect/response: emotion and 3233; evolution of human brain and 2930, 3233; frisson and 209; inferior colliculi and 145; modulating 203; more subtle 231; in movies and film 30; physical effects of 203; reflex of 2829, 120; sound and 2830, 3233; space and 33; time manipulation and 33

Stockdale, Joe 5, 316

Stockdale, Robin 316

Stolzenburg, Frieder 171

storytelling 109110, 163, 216, 229, 277278

Stravinsky, Igor 68, 175

Sumerians 276

superior olivary complex 145

Svoboda, Josef 42

swim bladder of fish 24, 25

sympathetic nervous system 202

sympathy 250

tactile sensation 7374

tactus 119, 122126

Takei, Yoshiaki 117

takete 3435, 35

taxonomic classification 7980, 80

taxonomic structure of memory related to theatre 252253

Tempest, The 158159

tempo 118119, 126, 146, 150151, 204205

temporal element of music 72, 73

temporal lobe 44, 45, 49, 54, 146

temporal resolution 148

temporal terms 34

tetrapods 25, 26, 2728, 3031

texture element of music 7374

thalamus 145146, 145, 149

Thaut, Michael 1011, 66, 69, 119120, 125, 150151, 201202, 214215, 238, 240, 295

Thayer, Robert 211214

Thayer’s model of psychological moods 211214, 212

theatre: activation cycles in 215216, 215; Aristotle and 317319; Aristotelian analysis and 317318; autonomous 11, 81, 282, 295299, 319; balance between common and unique reactions to 251; balance of giving to audience versus audience providing 9; balance of play memories and life stories 250; categorization scheme and 256; cognitive models for music in 211216, 212, 215; as collective dreaming 71; composing sound scores for 178; connecting with audience and 89; conscious awareness and, losing 5455; consonance in 174175; dance and origin of 189; defining 65, 133, 298; dissonance in 174175; drama and, evolution to 264267; dreaming and 5455, 63; dreaming as origin of 49; emotion and 32; emotion in, avoiding presenting or representing 206, 208209; expression in 9; form 318; function of music in 56; Greek government and 298; language in 297298; memory and music in 223; mimesis and 255256; music and development of Greek 11, 292293; music and origins of 317; music in transforming 2, 78; “natural” style of 298; oral tradition and 251, 254257; perception of external world and 5556; questions about 217; relatable experience and 6364; rituals and origin of 189190, 216; scene changes in 122125, 179; script and 133134; shamanism as 199; shamanism and origins of 189190; sound and experience of 42; sound manipulation and 3536; space manipulation in 35; subconscious level of experience of 171; time and 35, 55, 256; transporting minds to other worlds and 199200; as type of music 810, 81, 255, 282283; visual designers in 35; worldview and, changes to 320; see also specific element and play title

theme of play and music 32, 248

Theory of Forms 302

thesis of theatre as type of music 810, 81, 255, 282283

Thespis 296297

theta frequency region 174

This Is Spinal Tap 235

Thompson, Ernest 124

Thrasymachus 303

3D film 36

Tilly’s Theme 234235

Timaeus (Plato) 302

timbres 74

time: animals’ organization of 23; art 6667; Big Bang and 1516; brain and 126; circadian rhythm and 20, 22; consonance and 179; dissonance and 179; dreaming and 4951; dreaming and perception of 43, 4951; ears and 71, 79; energy in 7374; entrainment and 125126; frame of references and 5354; habituation in manipulating 33; light and 70; music and 8, 10, 79; perception of 63, 69, 124; relativity theory of 5156, 52, 53; sleep and 5051; space and 69; startle effect/response in manipulating 33; static images and addition of 69; terms 34; theatre and 35, 55

timelines: art, earliest 160; Bronze Age 267; Cambrian explosion 22, 43; earth’s origin 20; Greek civilization 285; Greek plays 297; hearing 29; Homo species and genus 111, 135; language 29; mammals’ appearance 43; primates to Homo 102

Timotheus of Miletus 299

tones 142, 144, 171, 176

tonotopic organization 142, 144

Tower of Babel 268

tragedy 11, 296, 314, 317318

Tramo, Mark Jude 166, 169170, 170

transmission property of waves 17

“traveler” 245, 250

Tremaine, Howard 15

Trojan Horse 285

Tulving, Endel 224, 230, 245246, 250

tunes 177

Turkana Boy 115

Twelfth Night 179, 241

uloomu 3435, 35

Ummagumma (Pink Floyd) 13, 211212

underscoring 3233, 122, 124, 178

United Scenic Artists (USA) Local 350 42

United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT) 41

Unkindness of Ravens, An 248

unmeasured music 120

Upanishad 1

Upper Paleolithic Period 190191

value element of music 73

Varèse, Edgar 6465, 67

velocity 53

ventral striatum 207208

vertebrates 23, 24

vervet monkey 8485, 86

vestibulocochlar nerve 144, 144

vibrations 16, 19, 20

Vinča culture 267

vision, evolution of 2223, 25

visual art 3435, 6869, 71, 72, 165

visual art terms 34

visual designers 35

visual elements 7174, 72

visual iconic memory 172

visual line, development of 164

visual music 6871

visual space 73

Visuo-spatial Sketch Pad 233

vocalization see communication; language

voice frequency 177

volume element of music 73

Wagner, Chris 209

Walsh, Vincent 88

Watanabe, Ken 205

Watson, Lee 16

waves: brain 146, 174; electromagnetic 17, 19, 22, 71, 79; light 18, 19, 23; Mayer 204, 204; mechanical 17, 19, 22, 71, 79; properties of 17; sound 17, 18, 19, 30, 167168, 167

Western musical intervals 176

West, M. L. 286, 288

white light 35

white matter 4748, 48

white noise 35

Williams, Emlyn 2

Winkelman, Michael 191192, 197, 199, 206, 208, 210

Winkler, István 231

Winter’s Tale 236

Woods, Christopher 275278

working memory 233, 237238, 242

Wray, Allison 81

written language: cuneiform 276, 276; emergence of 275276; transition from oral tradition 277278

Yanagida, Yasuyoshi 117

Zappa, Frank 66

Zatorre, Robert 148149

Zhang, Juzhong 227228

Zindel, Paul 223

Zounds Productions 159

Zytglogge clock tower 51, 52

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