

About the Authors

1  Approaches, Methods and Models of Political Study and Analysis


Analysis of Traditional Studies

Analysis of Recent Studies

Approaches and Methods

Traditional Approaches and Methods

Contemporary Approaches and Methods

Review Questions


2  Concept of the State in Political Theory and International Relations

Society, State, Constitution and Government

Concept and Idea of the State

Elements of the State

Journey of the State

Review Questions


3  Perspectives and Theories on the Origin of the State


How did the State Originate?

Liberal Theories of Origin of the State

How is the State Viewed?

Review Questions


4  Roles and Functions of the State and the Nature of State Power


Liberal and Neo-Liberal Theories

Negative Liberalism and Theory of Laissez-Faire State

Theorists of the Laissez-Faire State

Positive Liberalism and Theory of the Welfare State

Marxian (Class) Theory of Nature and Functions of the State


5  Concept of Sovereignty in Political Theory

Introduction to the Concept of Sovereignty

Historical Perspective on the Concept of Sovereignty

Rationalization of Natural Law and the Concept of Sovereignty

Contractualists and the Concept of Sovereignty

Legalists and the Concept of Sovereignty

Characteristics of Sovereignty

Aspects or Types of Sovereignty

Review Questions


6  Concept of Sovereignty Challenged

Critics of Sovereignty

Political Pluralism and Pluralist Critiques of Sovereignty

Society and the State: Primacy of the Social Over the Political

Criticism of Monist/Austin's Theory of Sovereignty

Concept of Pluralist Authority and Rejection of Absolute Sovereignty

State and Government—Sovereignty of Fallible Men?

Place of the State in the Great Society: State and Other Associations

Internationalism and the State

Critical Evaluation of Pluralist Theory

Other Critiques of Sovereignty

Contemporary Challenges to Sovereignty

Review Questions


7  Principles of Liberty and Freedom


Meaning and Sphere of Liberty and Freedom

A Brief History of Liberty and Freedom

Liberty and Freedom Defined

Conditions for Realization of Liberty and Freedom

Types of Liberty and Freedom

Liberty, Liberation, Freedom, Licence, Anarchy and Authority

Negative and Positive Liberty

Liberalism: Classical and Modern, Neo-liberalism and Libertarianism

Marxian Views of Freedom

Review Questions


8  Principle of Rights

Introduction: Rights of Individuals, Groups and Classes

Definition and Meaning of Rights

Theories of Rights

Review Questions


9  Principle of Equality

Introduction: Equity, Equality and Egalitarianism

Formal Equality

Procedural Equality

Substantive Equality

Civil Equality

Legal Equality

Political Equality

Social Equality

Economic Equality

Liberty and Equality Are Incompatible and in Conflict

Liberty and Equality Are Compatible and Complementary

Review Questions


10  Principle of Justice

Introduction: Equity, Fairness and Justice

Diverse Perspectives on Justice

Justice as Synthesis of Political Values

Ambedkar's Social Justice Perspective

Liberal-Egalitarian Perspective on Justice

Libertarian Perspective

Dimensions of Justice

Review Questions


11  Concepts and Theories of Democracy


Meaning and Definition of Democracy

Forms of Democracy

Contemporary and Recent Theories of Democracy

Review Questions


12  Political Obligation, Resistance and Revolution

Introduction: Political Obligation, Citizenship and Legitimate Authority

Types of Obligation and Their Relationship with Political Obligation

Political Obligation: Supporters and Opponents

Grounds and Limits of Political Obligation

Resistance and Revolution


13  Theories of Power, Dominance and Hegemony



Political Power

Economic Power

Ideological Power

Weber's Classification of Authority

Limitation on Political Authority

Perspectives on Distribution of Power

Application of Elite Theory in the Indian Context

Application of the Pluralist Model in the Indian Context

Orthodox Marxian Position on Distribution of Power

Neo-Marxian Revision on Distribution of Power in Capitalist Society

Hegemony as Power

Review Questions


14  Theory of Political Culture


Political Culture and Public Opinion

Political Culture as ‘Civic Culture’

Types of Political Culture

Political Sub-culture

Political Socialization and Its Agencies

Political Culture as a Framework of Comparative Study

Political Culture, Political Socialization and Democratic Stability

Political Culture in India: Myron Weiner's Analysis

Review Questions


15  Theories of Political Economy

Introduction: Economics of Politics

Theories of Political Economy

Political Economy of the Indian State

Review Questions


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