Adam Aspin
Pro Power BI Desktop2nd ed.
Adam Aspin
Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, UK
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ISBN 978-1-4842-3209-5e-ISBN 978-1-4842-3210-1
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017962307
© Adam Aspin 2018
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To the memories of my mother and grandmother.
Business Intelligence has become one of the buzzwords that defines an age. Its younger sibling, self-service BI, has attained the status of a holy grail for businesses. Managers want their staff to deliver insight in seconds, and users just want to do their jobs quickly and to produce clear, telling, and accurate analyses with tools that are intuitive and easy to use.
Microsoft recognized these trends and needs a short time ago when it produced the first version of Power BI Desktop. Moreover, Microsoft made this amazing toolkit absolutely free.
Since its launch, the product has grown beyond recognition. It now allows any user to take data from virtually any source and use it to produce stunning dashboards and compelling reports that will seize their audience’s attention. Using this rapidly evolving tool, any user can slice and dice the data with remarkable ease and then add metrics, instant analyses, and KPIs to project the insights that create a real competitive advantage.
This book shows how to deliver eye-catching Business Intelligence with Microsoft Power BI Desktop. It teaches you how to make raw data into clear, accurate, and interactive information. The aim of this book is to help you to push your BI delivery to the next level. In these chapters you will learn to create great-looking visualizations and let your audience have fun by interacting with the elegant and visually arresting output that you can now deliver. You will see how to choose from a wide range of built-in and third-party visualization types so that your message is always enhanced. You’ll discover ways to deliver those results on the PC, on tablets, and on smartphones, as well as share results via the cloud. Finally, this book helps you save time by preparing the underlying data correctly without needing an IT department to prepare it for you. Power BI Desktop will let your analyses speak for themselves. This book will help you learn how to unleash its vast resources.
If you wish, you can read this book from start to finish, as it is designed to be a progressive tutorial that will help you to learn Power BI Desktop. However, as Power BI Desktop is composed of several interdependent BI functions, this book is broken down into groups of chapters that focus on the various areas of the product.
  • Chapter 1 introduces new users to the product. You can consider it a kind of “executive summary” of Power BI Desktop.
  • Chapters 2 through 5 show you how to connect to a range of varied data sources and bring this data into Power BI Desktop.
  • Chapters 6 through 9 explain how to transform and clean data so that you can use it for analysis.
  • Chapter 10 introduces you to the art of creating a data model on which you can base your interactive dashboards and reports.
  • Chapters 11 through 13 are an introduction to DAX: the Power BI Desktop language that you use to advance and tailor your analysis. You will use this language to create the metrics for your business intelligence.
  • Chapters 14 through 22 take you through the myriad possibilities that Power BI Desktop offers to help you create stunning reports and dashboards. This covers tables, charts, maps, KPIs, and many other types of visuals.
  • Chapter 23 explains how you can share your insights using This is the cloud-based service available from Microsoft that lets colleagues and friends see and interact with your reports and dashboards.
This is the second edition of Pro Power BI Desktop . In the course of the year and a half since the first edition, Power BI Desktop has evolved magisterially. So a new edition of the book was necessary to update the original with all the new and exciting changes and extensions that have been added to the product. Indeed, the monthly release cycle that Microsoft has maintained—and is still maintaining—is proof of the company’s dedication to improving an already outstanding product. This book includes the latest updates added in September 2017.
This book comes with a small set of sample data that is used to create the examples that are presented throughout the book. I realize that it may seem paradoxical to use a tiny data set for a product that can handle tens of millions of rows of data, but I prefer to use a comprehensible set of source data so that the reader can concentrate on what is being learned, rather than the data itself.
It is inevitable that not every question can be anticipated and answered in one book. Nonetheless, I hope that I have answered many of the self-service BI questions that you might encounter and-more importantly-have given you the approaches and the confidence to resolve most of the Power BI Desktop challenges that you might encounter when applying this product to solve real-world problems.
I wish you good luck in using Power BI Desktop and I sincerely hope that you have as much fun with it as I did in writing this book.
Writing a technical book can be a lonely occupation. So I am all the more grateful for all the help and encouragement that I have received from so many fabulous friends and colleagues.
First, my considerable thanks go to Jonathan Gennick, the commissioning editor of this book. Throughout the publication process Jonathan has been both a tower of strength and an exemplary mentor. He has always been available to share his vast experience selflessly and courteously.
Heartfelt thanks go to Jill Balzano, the Apress coordinating editor, for managing this book through the production process. She succeeded—once again—in the well-nigh impossible task of making a potentially stress-filled trek into a pleasant journey filled with light and humor. Her team also deserves much praise for their calm under pressure.
I owe a deep debt of gratitude to Chad Schuessler, who reviewed this book from a technical standpoint. He took far too many hours away from his young family to go through all the detail in the book and provided a plethora of valuable insights and recommendations. His vast experience of Power BI was invaluable. Thanks Chad!
My thanks also go to Bill McManus for his tireless and subtle work editing and polishing the prose, and to xx for the hours spent preparing the book for publishing.
Once again, my deepest gratitude is reserved for the two people who have given the most to this book. They are my wife and son. Timothy has put up with a mentally absent father for months while nonetheless providing continual encouragement to persevere. Karine has not only given me the support and encouragement to persevere, but also the love without which nothing would be worth any effort. I am a very lucky man to have both of them.
About the Author and About the Technical Reviewer
About the Author
Adam Aspin
is an independent Business Intelligence consultant based in the United Kingdom. He has worked with SQL Server for over 20 years. During this time, he has developed several dozen reporting and analytical systems based on the Microsoft BI product suite.
A graduate of Oxford University, Adam began his career in publishing before moving into IT. Databases soon became a passion, and his experience in this arena ranges from Access to Oracle and MySQL, with occasional sorties into the world of DB2. He is, however, most at home in the Microsoft universe when using SQL Server Analysis Services, SQL Server Reporting Services, SQL Server Integration Services, SharePoint, and Power BI.
Business Intelligence has been his principal focus for the last 15 years. He has applied his skills for a range of clients in industry sectors from Finance to Utilities, Telecoms to Insurance, and Manufacturing to Banking.
Adam is a frequent contributor to and Simple-Talk. He has written numerous articles for various French IT publications. A fluent French speaker, Adam has worked in France and Switzerland for many years. He speaks regularly at events such as SQLBits, SQL Saturdays, and local SQL Server user groups.
He is the author of SQL Server 2012 Data Integration Recipes (Apress, 2012), High Impact Data Visualization in Excel with Power View, 3D Maps, Get & Transform and Power BI (Apress, 2016), and Business Intelligence with SQL Server Reporting Services (Apress, 2015).
About the Technical Reviewer
Chad Schuessler
is an experienced database consultant specializing in Business Intelligence. In addition to many programming languages, Chad has worked with a wide range of database technologies over the past 22 years including Informix, Oracle, DB2, MySQL, and Sybase. Microsoft SQL Server, however, has been the primary platform he has used since 2000, implementing solutions across Manufacturing, Health Care, Retail, Financial Services, Automotive, and Energy.
Being a dual American-British citizen, Chad has been able to gain international experience working extensively in both America and England.
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