
Be Your Developer’s Best Friend

By Jesper Johansen

When asked to write a chapter for this book, I was in doubt about which subject to choose. Should I write about common problems I normally see? About how Microsoft SQL Server’s easy installation is at the same time a strength and a weakness? About how to fix the 10 most general problems with SQL Server installation by querying a couple of dynamic management views (DMVs) ? Or how about the Yet Another Performance Profiling (YAPP) method —a well-known performance method in the Oracle community that is just as usable in SQL Server with the implementation of Extended Events and DMVs that will show you what you are waiting for?

No. What really makes me tick is becoming friends with the developers by creating a good SQL Server environment and fostering an understanding of one another’s differences. Just think what can be accomplished if both sides can live peacefully together instead of fighting every opposite opinion, digging the trenches even deeper and wider. Through fostering good relationships, I have seen environments move from decentralized development systems and standalone production databases to central solutions with easy access for developers, and calm uninterrupted nights for me. However, this does mean that you have to give up some sovereignty over your systems by relinquishing some of your admin power.

The main problem is focus. While the DBA thinks of space issues, data modeling, and the stability of everyday operations, the developers thinks of making things smarter, sexier, and shiny. To make the relationship work, we have to move through the entire palette of the system—standardization, accessibility, logging, information flow, performance information—all while ensuring that systems are stable and that developers know that they are not alone, and that DBAs still exist and decide things.

My Experience Working with SQL Server and Developers

After finishing my engineering studies, I started as a developer. I worked on CRM systems in DataEase under DOS and OS/2, and that combination gave me plenty of insight into the issues developers have with the DBA function. DataEase was the Microsoft Access of that time, and it had connectors to all the major databases (Oracle, SQL Server, and DB2). But most of the time, DBAs would not allow dynamic access to production data. Their resistance led to friction with the developers.

By coincidence, I ended up as a Microsoft Visual Basic programmer in a company developing and running systems for all the Danish municipalities. I was placed among the DB2/MVS DBAs, and I was by far the youngest (and only) GUI person (OS/2 and Windows). While I coded Visual Basic 3 applications, those DBAs were taking care of decentralized connections, such as ODBC on DB/2 MVS. These were the days before having TCP/IP on the mainframe, so we’re talking Systems Network Architecture (SNA) and IBM Communications Manager.

One day, my boss gave me responsibility for a new product called SQL Server. Why? Because I was the only one working with Windows.

My biggest problem was how to approach the current environment within the company. How many SQL Server databases did we already have? Which development groups were using it? Those were just some of the questions I had to grapple with.

I had to start from scratch. So I asked my DB/2 colleagues for help. After all, they had been working in these kind of environments for the last 15 years, handling systems with 15,000 concurrent users, 50,000 different programs, thousands of individual databases, and lots of data on every Danish citizen, such as taxes, pension funds, and other personal information. I wanted the benefit of their experience.

What I learned was that data modeling is a must. You need to have a naming standard for servers, for database objects, for procedures—for everything, actually. Starting the battle for naming standards and consistency took me on a six-year-long journey with developers, until most developers actually started to live safely. They came to understand that my requirements gave them more stable and consistent environments to develop on, made them more efficient, and got the job done faster for all.

Reconciling Different Viewpoints Within an Organization

The everyday battles between DBAs and developers mostly concern routine administrative tasks. Limitations on space allocations and limits to changes in production are perceived by developers as inhibiting innovation and stopping them from making a difference. They often see the DBA as someone who purposely limits them from doing their job. On the other hand, the admin group thinks that developers rarely plan ahead longer than the next drop-down box or the next screen, and that they never think in terms of the time period over which the software they build must run, which is often five to ten years or even longer.

The consequences of these differences are that developers create their own secret systems, move budget money out of reach of the DBA team, and generally do everything in their power to limit the admins in setting up the imaginary borders they believe are being set up. For example, often I would hear the sentence, “If you take away that privilege from me, I can no longer boot the machine at will.” The problem with that thinking is that well-configured SQL Server systems need no more restarts than any other type of systems.

So how do we get out of this evil spiral, and what are the benefits of doing so? Dialog is the way out, and the benefits are a controlled production environment, clearly defined ownership of databases, consistent environments patched correctly, lower cost of maintenance, possible license savings, and almost certainly fewer calls at 4:00 in the morning interrupting your sleep.

Remember, all change starts with one’s self, and it is far easier to change yourself than to change others. So get a hold of a piece of paper, divide it into a plus and a minus side, and start listing the good and bad things in your environment. For instance, it could be a plus that some developers have sysadmin privileges because they fix some things for themselves, but it could also be a minus because they meddle with things they are not supposed to meddle with and create objects without the knowledge of the DBA.

What you’ll get from this chapter is my experience and how I managed to foster a productive and good relationship with developers. I’ll provide a couple of code examples to help you on the way to success, or to just inspire you. My approach is not the only way to achieve good developer relations, but it has proven effective in the environments in which I’ve worked.

Preparing to Work with Developers to Implement Changes to a System

To make progress, you have to prepare for it. Implementing change will not work if you make demands of the developers without preparing. The battle will be hard, but it will be worth fighting for, because in the end you’ll be eating cake with the developers while talking about the bad-old days with their unstable systems, anarchy, and crashes without backups.

Bring some good suggestions to the table. Do not approach developers without having anything to offer to make their lives easier. Think of yourself as a salesperson of stability and consistency—not even developers will disagree with those goals. As in any good marriage, however, the needs of both parties must be aired and acknowledged.

Put yourself in their place as well. Try to understand their work. You’ll find that most of their requests are actually not that bad. For example, a common request is to be able to duplicate the production environment in the development environment on the weekend to test new ideas in their software. Would you rather spend your weekend doing that work for them? Isn’t it preferable to facilitate having them do the work on their own so that you can be home with your family?

Listen to your developers. Ask them what they see as the biggest hurdles put in their way by the admin group. Your goal, ultimately, should be to create an environment that is good for the business. That means making everybody as happy as possible, easing the bureaucracy, and ensuring stable access for all.

A well-prepared environment can also lead to server consolidation, which in turn leads to saving power, simplifying patching, and ultimately less administrative effort. The money saved from having well-prepared environments can then be used for better things, such as buying Enterprise Edition or enabling Always On availability groups to provide an environment more resilient to failure.

By now, you are beginning to think that I am all talk. How can you get this process of working closely with developers started? The answer depends on how your business is structured. Following is a list of steps. Don’t start by doing everything at once. Keep it simple. Build on each success as you go along. Remember that the goal is to create a stable environment for all:

  1. Make a map of your existing environment.
  2. Create a description of what your new environment should look like.
  3. Document your description in written form so that it is clear and convenient to pass on to management and vendors.
  4. Create system-management procedures for most changes.
  5. Create system reports to report on all those changes.

These are a good series of steps to follow. Don’t be too rigid, though. Sometimes you will need to divert from this sequence to make your business work. Adapt and do what is right for your business.

Step 1: Map Your Environment

If you have never experienced discovering an instance or server that has existed without your knowledge and without your knowing who owns it or uses it, you are a member of the 0.1 percent of SQL Server DBA in the world that has it easy. Indeed, not only is it common to run across unknown servers and instances, sometimes you’ll find one and not even know what applications, if any, are running on it. Thus, Step 1 is to begin mapping your infrastructure so that you can know what you currently have.

Start by finding all the servers in your domain. Several free tools are available on the Internet to help you do this. Or maybe you already have the information in your Configuration Management Database (CMD) but you have never created reports on that data.

Try executing the following in a command prompt window:


This command will list all the available servers on your network that are visible. You can get much more detailed information using tools such as SQLPING, Microsoft Map, Quest Discovery Wizard, or other similar products. A benefit of these products is that they often provide information like version numbers or patch levels.

Once you find your servers, you need to find out whether they are actually still in use. Most likely, you will have servers that were used only during an upgrade, but no one thought to shut them down once the upgrade was complete. One place where I have seen this go horribly wrong was in an organization that forgot the old server was still running, so it no longer got patched. Along came the SLAMMER virus, and down went the internal network. Another project I was on, involved consolidating about 200 servers. We found we could actually just switch off 25 percent of them because they were not being used.

Following is a piece of code to help you capture information about logins so that you can begin to identify who or what applications are using a given instance. The code is simple, using the sysprocesses view available on most versions of SQL Server. Why not use audit trace? Because audit trace takes up a lot of space. You need only unique logins, and viewing logs of all login attempts from audit trace is not easy on the eyes.

First, create the following small table in the msdb database. I use msdb because it is available in all versions of SQL Server. The table will record unique logins.

CREATE TABLE msdb.dbo.user_access_log
( id           int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
  dbname       nvarchar(128)     NULL,
  dbuser       nvarchar(128)     NULL,
  hostname     nchar(128)        NOT NULL,
  program_name nchar(128)        NOT NULL,
  nt_domain    nchar(128)        NOT NULL,
  nt_username  nchar(128)        NOT NULL,
  net_address  nchar(12)         NOT NULL,
  logdate      datetime          NOT NULL
  CONSTRAINT DF_user_access_log_logdate DEFAULT (getdate()),

Then run the following code to sample logins every 15 seconds. If you need smaller or larger granularity, you can easily just change the WAITFOR part of the code. You can even make the code into a job that automatically starts when the SQL Server Agent starts.


  WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:15';

  INSERT INTO msdb.dbo.user_access_log
  ( dbname,
    net_address )
  SELECT distinct
    DB_NAME(dbid) as dbname,
    SUSER_SNAME(sid) as dbuser,
  FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses a
  WHERE spid>50
                    FROM msdb.dbo.user_access_log b
                    WHERE b.dbname = db_name(a.dbid)
                      AND NULLIF(b.dbuser,SUSER_SNAME(a.sid)) IS NULL
                      AND b.hostname = a.hostname
                      AND b.program_name = a.program_name
                      AND b.nt_domain = a.nt_domain
                      AND b.nt_username = a.nt_username
                      AND b.net_address = a.net_address )

When you begin this process of capturing and reviewing logins, you should create a small team consisting of a couple of DBAs and a couple of the more well-liked developers and system owners. The reason to include others, of course, is to create ambassadors who can explain the new setup to other developers and system owners. Being told something by your peers makes it that much harder to resist the changes or even refuse them. And these people also have a lot of knowledge about the business, how the different systems interact, and what requirements most developers have. They can tell you what would be a show-stopper, and catching those in the beginning of the process is important.

Step 2: Describe the New Environment

The next step is to describe your new environment or the framework in which you plan to operate. What should this description contain? Make sure to address at least the following items:

  • Version of SQL Server  The fewer SQL Server versions you have to support, the easier it is to keep systems up and running. You will have fewer requirements to run different versions of Windows Server, and the newer the version you keep, the easier it is to get support from Microsoft or the community at large. I have seen several shops running versions spanning the gamut from 7.0, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2008 R2 through to 2012. Why not just choose 2012? Having the latest version as the standard is also a good selling point to developers, because most of the exciting new features will then be available to them. You might not be able to get down to just one version, but work hard to minimize the number you are stuck with supporting.
  • Feature support  Get started studying all the different features. Describe how your environment is implemented, how it is used, what features are accepted, and which features are not. Take into account whether features require privileges such as sysadmin, access to the command shell, and so forth. The important thing in this process is to understand the advantages and disadvantages of every feature, and to try to think through how to explain why a certain feature will not be enabled—or instance, the use of globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) as primary keys. Developers tend to want to able to create the parent keys on their own, because it is then easier to insert into parent and child tables in the same transaction. In this case, SQL Server 2012’s new support for stored sequences can be an easy replacement for GUIDs created in an application.
  • Editions  Editions can be thought of as an extension of the feature set. How does the company look at using, say, the Express Edition? Should you use only Standard Edition, or do you need to use Enterprise Edition? Do you use Developer Edition in development and test environments and then use Standard Edition in production, which leaves you with the risk that the usage features in development cannot be implemented in production? How do you help developers realize what they can do and cannot do, and what advanced features they can actually use? Do you use policy-based management to raise an alarm whenever Enterprise Edition features are used? Or do you just periodically query the view sys.dm_db_persisted_sku_ features, which tells you how many Enterprise Edition features are in use?
  • Naming standards  Naming standards are a must. The lowest level should be on the server level, where you choose standard names for servers, ports, instances, and databases. Standardization helps to make your environment more manageable. Do you know which ports your instances use? Knowing this makes it a lot easier to move systems around and connect to different servers. Also, databases tend to move around, so remember that two different systems should not use the same database name. Prefix your databases with something application specific to make them more recognizable.
  • Patching  Version change is important to remember, because it is easily overlooked. Overlook it, and you end up with a lot of old versions running in both production and development environments. Try and implement reasonable demands here. You could choose, for example, to say that development and test environments should be upgraded to the latest version every six months after release, and production environments get upgraded a maximum of three months after that upgrade. Also, you can require that service packs be implemented no later than three months after release.
  • Privileges  Privileges are very important to control. Some privileges might be acceptable in development and test environments, but not in production, which is OK. Just remember to write down those differences so that everybody is aware of them and the reasons why they exist. Start out by allowing developers dbo access to their own databases in development. That way, you do not constrain their work. If they crash something, they only ruin it for themselves. In production, users should get nothing beyond read, write, and execute privileges. You can implement wrapped stored procedures for people truly in need of other types of access. For example, many developers believe they should have dbo privileges, but they rarely need all the rights that dbo confers. Here, explicit grants of privilege can be offered as a replacement. If people want the ability to trace in production, you can wrap trace templates in stored procedures and offer access to the procedures.

You might have other items to address than just the ones I’ve listed. That is OK and to be expected. Take my list as the base, and add other concerns as needed to support your business. Don’t go overboard, but take care to cover what’s truly important to your business.

Step 3: Create a Clear Document

Write everything down clearly. Create a single document you can hand to vendors, management, and new personnel to help them get up to speed.

I’ve often experienced systems going into production that did not adhere to our standards. These were primarily purchased applications that were bought without asking the IT department about demands related to infrastructure. Most of the time this happened because the rest of the business did not know about the standards IT had in place, and sometimes it happened because of the erroneous belief that our business could not make demands of the vendors. Here is where a piece of paper comes into play. Create a quick checklist so that people who buy applications can ask the vendor about what is needed to fit applications into your environment. Some possible questions that you might want to put to a vendor include the following:

  • Do you support the latest release?
  • Do you require sysdamin rights?
  • What collation do you use?

When all the questions have been asked and answered, you have an actual possibility to see whether the vendor’s application is a realistic fit with your environment, or whether you should cancel the purchase and look for other possibilities. In most cases, when pressed on an issue, third-party vendors tend to have far fewer requirements than first stated, and most will make an effort to bend to your needs.

Step 4: Create System-Management Procedures

You will get into a lot of battles with your developers about rights. You’ll hear the argument that they cannot work independently without complete control. You can’t always give them that freedom. But what you can do is give them access to a helper application.

What I often found is that, as the DBA, I can be a bottleneck. Developers would create change requests. I would carry out the changes, update the request status, close the request, and then inform the required people. Often, it would take days to create a database because of all the other things I had to do. Yet, even though creating a database requires extensive system privileges, it is an easy task to perform. Why not let developers do these kind of tasks? We just need a way to know that our standards are followed—such as with the naming and placement of files—and and to know what has been done.

Logging is the key here. Who does what and when and where? For one customer, we created an application that took care of all these basic, but privileged, tasks. The application was web-based, the web server had access to all servers, and the application ran with sysadmin rights. Developers had access to run the application, not access to the servers directly. This meant we could log everything they did, and those developers were allowed to create databases, run scripts, run traces, and a lot more. What’s more, they could do those things in production. Granting them that freedom required trust, but we were convinced that 99.99 percent of the developers actually wanted to do good, and the last 0.01 percent were a calculated risk.

You don’t need an entire application with a fancy interface. You can just start with stored procedures and use EXECUTE AS. I’ll walk you through a simple example.

First create a user to access and create objects that the developers will not be allowed to create directly. The following code example does this, taking care to ensure the user cannot be used to log in to the database directly. The user gets the dbcreator role, but it is completely up to you to decide what privileges the user gets.

USE [master];



EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember
     @loginame = N'CreateDbUser',
     @rolename = N'dbcreator';

USE [msdb]

CREATE USER [miracleCreateDb] FOR LOGIN [miracleCreateDb];

EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_datareader', N'miracleCreateDb';

EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_datawriter', N'miracleCreateDb';

Next, create a table to log what the developers do with their newfound ability to create databases independently. The table itself is pretty simple, and of course, you can expand it to accommodate your needs. The important thing is that all fields are filled in so that you can always find who is the owner and creator of any given database that is created.

( [databasename] sysname PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
  [application] nvarchar(200) NOT NULL,
  [contact] nvarchar(200) NOT NULL,
  [remarks] nvarchar(200) NOT NULL,
  [creator] nvarchar(200) NOT NULL,
  [databaselevel] int NOT NULL,
  [backuplevel] int NOT NULL )

Then create a stored procedure for developers to invoke whenever they need a new database. The following procedure is straightforward. The create database statement is built in a few steps, using your options, and then the statement is executed. The database options are fitted to the standard, and a record is saved in the DatabaseLog table. For the example, I decided to create all databases with four equal-sized data files, but you can choose instead to create a USERDATA file group that becomes the default file group. Do whatever makes sense in your environment.

    @databasename  nvarchar(128),
    @datasize      int = 100,
    @logsize       int = 25,
    @application   nvarchar(100) = '',
    @contact       nvarchar(50)  = '',
    @remarks       nvarchar(max) = '',
    @databaselevel int = 1 ,
    @backuplevel  int = 1


  EXECUTE AS Login = 'miracleCreateDb';

  DECLARE @datafiles nvarchar(200),
          @logfiles  nvarchar(200),
          @DatafilesPerFilegroup int,
          @sqlstr     varchar(max),
          @serverid  int,
          @i int

  SET @dataFiles = 'C:DATA'

  SET @logFiles  = 'C:LOG'

  SET @DatafilesPerFilegroup = 4

  SET @datasize = @datasize / @DatafilesPerFilegroup

  SET @sqlstr  = 'CREATE DATABASE ' + @databasename + ' ON  PRIMARY '
  SET @sqlstr += '( NAME = N''' + @databasename + '_data_1'', FILENAME = N'''
                 + @datafiles + '' + @databasename + '_data_1.mdf'' , SIZE = '
                 + CAST(@datasize as varchar(10)) + 'MB , MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED ,'
                 + ' FILEGROWTH = 100MB )'

  SET @i = 1

  WHILE @i < @DatafilesPerFilegroup
    SET @i += 1
    SET @sqlstr += ',( NAME = N''' + @databasename + '_data_'
                 + cast(@i as varchar(2)) + ''', FILENAME = N''' + @datafiles + ''
                 + @databasename + '_data_' + cast(@i as varchar(2)) + '.mdf'' , SIZE = '
                 + CAST(@datasize as varchar(10)) + 'MB , MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED ,'
                 + ' FILEGROWTH = 100MB )'

    SET @sqlstr += ' LOG ON ( NAME = N''' + @databasename + '_log'', FILENAME = N'''
                 + @logfiles + '' + @databasename + '_log.ldf'' , SIZE = '
                 + CAST(@logsize as varchar(10)) + 'MB , MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED ,'
                 + ' FILEGROWTH = 100MB );'

  EXEC (@sqlstr)

  SET @sqlstr = 'ALTER DATABASE [' + @databasename + ']
                 SET COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL = 100' + ';'+
                'ALTER DATABASE [' + @databasename + ']

                'ALTER DATABASE [' + @databasename + ']
                 SET READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT ON' + ';'

  EXEC (@sqlstr)

  INSERT INTO DatabaseLog
   ( [databasename],
     [backuplevel] )
   ( @databasename,
     @backuplevel )

PRINT 'Connection String : ' +
      'Data Source=' + @@SERVERNAME +
      ';Initial Catalog=' + @databasename +
      ';User Id='+
      ';Application Name=' + @application


This small example can easily be expanded to include the creation of standard users, default privilege assignments, and so on. As a small bonus, I returned the connection string to the database just created. That helps developers use the real drivers, and it helps ensure they include the application name, because there is nothing worse than to do diagnostics on a SQL Server instance in which all users are named “Joe” and the application is “Microsoft .Net Provider”.

As you can see, EXECUTE AS opens up a lot of options to create stored procedures that allow your developers to execute privileged code without having to grant the privileges to the developers directly.

Step 5: Create Good Reporting

So what do I mean by “good reporting”? It is the option to draw information from a running system that can tell you how SQL Server is running at the moment. As with the system-management part, only your imagination sets the limit. You can start out using the tools already at hand from SQL Server, such as Data Collector, dynamic management views, and Reporting Services. With Data Collector, you have the opportunity to gather information about what happens in SQL Server over time, and then use Reporting Services to present that data in an easy-to-understand and read format.

Think both globally and locally.

Think globally by creating a general overview showing how a server is performing. What, for example, are the 35 most resource-consuming queries? List those in three different categories: most executions, most I/O, and most CPU usage. Combine that information with a list of significant events and the trends in disk usage.

But also think locally by creating the same type of overview for individual databases instead of for the server as a whole. Then developers and application owners can easily spot resource bottlenecks in their code directly and react to that. Such reports also give developers an easy way to continuously improve their queries without involving the DBA, which means less work for you.

In addition to including performance information, you can easily include information from log tables, so the different database creations and updates can be reported as well.

Finally, take care to clearly define who handles exceptions and how they are handled. Make sure nobody is in doubt about what to do when something goes wrong, and that everyone knows who decides what to do if you have code or applications that cannot support your framework.

Ensuring Version Compatibility

If you choose to consolidate on SQL Server 2012, you will no doubt discover that one of your key applications requires SQL Server 2008 to be supported from the vendor. Or you might discover that the application user requires sysadmin rights, which makes it impossible to have that database running on any of your existing instances.

You might need to make exceptions for critical applications. Try to identify and list those possible exceptions as early in the process as possible, and handle them as soon as you possible also. Most applications will be able to run on SQL Server 2012, but there will inevitably be applications where the vendor no longer exists, code is written in Visual Basic 3 and cannot directly be moved to Visual Basic 2010, or where the source has disappeared and the people who wrote the applications are no longer with the company. Those are all potential exceptions that you must handle with care.

One way to handle those exceptions is to create an environment in which the needed older SQL Server versions are installed, and they’re installed on the correct operating system version. Create such an environment, but do not document it to the outside world. Why not? Because then everyone will suddenly have exceptions and expect the same sort of preferential treatment. Support exceptions, but only as a last resort. Always try to fix those apparent incompatibilities.

Exceptions should be allowed only when all other options are tried and rejected. Vendors should not be allowed to just say, “We do not support that,” without justifying the actual technical arguments as to why. Remember you are the customer. You pay for their software, not the other way around.

Back when 64-bit Windows was new, many application vendors didn’t create their installation program well enough to be able to install it into a 64-bit environment. Sometimes they simply put a precheck on the version that did not account for the possibility of a 64-bit install. When 64-bit-compatible versions of applications finally arrived, it turned out that only the installation program was changed, not the actual application itself. I specifically remember one storage vendor that took more than a year to fix the issue, so that vendor was an exception in our environment. As soon as you create an exception, though, get the vendor to sign an end date for that exception. It is always good practice to revisit old requirements, because most of them change over time. If you do not have an end date, systems tend to be forgotten or other stuff becomes more important, and the exception lives on forever.

Remember finally, that you can use compatibility mode to enable applications to run on SQL Server 2012 when those applications would otherwise require some earlier version. Compatibility with SQL Server 2000 is no longer supported, but compatibility with the 2005 and 2008 versions is.

Image Tip  A very good reason to use compatibility mode instead of actually installing an instance on an older version is that compatibility mode still provides access to newer administrative features, such as backup compression. For example, SQL Server 2000 compatibility mode in SQL Server 2008 gave me the option to partition some really big tables, even though partitioning was not supported in 2000. In checking with Microsoft, I was told that if the feature works, it is supported.

Setting Limits

All is not well yet, though. You still have to set limits and protect data.

I’m sure you have experienced that a login has been misused. Sometimes a developer just happens to know a user name and password and plugs it into an application. That practice gives rise to situations in which you do not know who has access to data, and you might find that you don’t reliably know which applications access which databases. The latter problem can lead to production halts when passwords are changed or databases are moved, and applications suddenly stop working.

I have a background in hotel environments supporting multiple databases in the same instance, with each database owned by a different department or customer. (You can get the same effect in a consolidation environment.) SQL Server lacks the functionality to say that Customer A is not allowed to access Customer B’s data. You can say that creating different database users solves the problem, but we all know that user names and passwords have a tendency to be known outside of the realm they belong in. So, at some point, Customer A will get access to Customer B’s user name and password and be able to see that data from Customer A’s location. Or if it’s not outside customers, perhaps internal customers or departments will end up with undesired access to one another’s data.

Before having TCP/IP on the mainframe, it was common to use System Network Architecture (SNA) and Distributed Data Facility (DDF) to access data in DB2. DDF allowed you to define user and Logical Unit (LU) correlations, and that made it possible to enforce that only one user-id could be used from a specific location. When TCP/IP was supported, IBM removed this functionality and wrote the following in the documentation about TCP/IP: “Do you trust your users?”. So, when implementing newer technology on the old mainframe, IBM actually made it less secure.

Logon Triggers

The solution to the problem of not being able to restrict TCP/IP access to specific locations was to use a logon user exit in DB2. That exit was called Resource Access Control Facility (RACF). (It was the security implementation on the mainframe.) RACF was used to validate that the user and IP address matched and, if not, to reject the connection.

In 2000, at SQLPASS in London, I asked about the ability of SQL Server to do something similar to DB2’s logon exit feature. Finally, the LOGON TRIGGER functionality arrived, and we now have the option to do something similar. In the following example, I will show a simple way to implement security so that a user can connect only from a given subnet. This solution, though, is only as secure and trustworthy as the data in the DMVs that the method is based upon.

Image Caution  Be careful about LOGIN triggers. An error in such a trigger can result in you no longer being able to connect to your database server or in you needing to bypass the trigger using the Dedicated Administrator Connection (DAC).

Following is what you need to know:

  • The logon trigger is executed after the user is validated, but before access is granted.
  • It is in sys.dm_exec_connections that you find the IP address that the connection originates from.
  • Local connections are called <local machine>. I don’t like it, but such is the case. Dear Microsoft, why not use or the server’s own IP address?
  • How to translate an IP address for use in calculations.

First, you need a function that can convert the IP address to an integer. For that, you can cheat a little and use PARSENAME(). The PARSENAME() function is designed to return part of an object name within the database. Because database objects have a four-part naming convention, with the four parts separated by periods, the function can easily be used to parse IP addresses as well.

Here’s such a function:

CREATE FUNCTION [fn_ConvertIpToInt]( @ip varchar(15) )
RETURNS bigint
  RETURN (CONVERT(bigint, PARSENAME(@ip,1)) +
          CONVERT(bigint, PARSENAME(@ip,2)) * 256 +
          CONVERT(bigint, PARSENAME(@ip,3)) * 65536 +
          CONVERT(bigint, PARSENAME(@ip,4)) * 16777216)

Next you need a table that can contain the names of users who need protection. The table will include Login Name and ip-ranges. The IP address is written in normal form (for example,, and at the same time in its integer value. It is the integer value that enables you to easily check whether an IP address falls within a given range. Following is a table that you might use:

CREATE TABLE [LoginsAllowed]
( [LoginName]    [sysname] NOT NULL,
  [IpFromString] [varchar](15) NOT NULL,
  [IpToString]   [varchar](15) NOT NULL,
  [IpFrom]   AS ([fn_ConvertIpToInt]([IpFromString])) PERSISTED,
  [IpTo]     AS ([fn_ConvertIpToInt]([IpToString]))  PERSISTED )

ALTER TABLE [LoginsAllowed]
  ADD  CONSTRAINT [CK_LoginsAllowed_IpCheck]
  CHECK  (([IpFrom]<=[IpTo]))

( [LoginName] ASC,
  [IpFrom] ASC,
  [IpTo] ASC )

Then create a user to execute the trigger. Grant the user access to the table and SERVER STATE. If you do not do this, the trigger will not have access to the required DMV. Here’s an example:

CREATE LOGIN [LogonTrigger] WITH PASSWORD = 'Pr@s1ensGedBag#' ;



CREATE USER [LogonTrigger] FOR LOGIN [LogonTrigger] WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA=[dbo];

GRANT SELECT ON [LoginsAllowed] TO [LogonTrigger];

GRANT EXECUTE ON [fn_ConvertIpToInt] TO [LogonTrigger];

Now for the trigger itself. It will check whether the user logging on exists in the LOGIN table. If not, the login is allowed. If the user does exist in the table, the trigger goes on to check whether the connection comes from an IP address that is covered by that user’s IP range. If not, the connection is refused. Here is the code for the trigger:

CREATE TRIGGER ConnectionLimitTrigger
WITH EXECUTE AS 'LogonTrigger'
  DECLARE @LoginName sysname, @client_net_address varchar(48), @ip bigint


  IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM LoginsAllowed WHERE LoginName = @LoginName)
    SET @client_net_address=(SELECT TOP 1 client_net_address
                             FROM sys.dm_exec_connections
                             WHERE session_id = @@SPID)

    -- Fix the string, if the connection is from <local host>
    IF @client_net_address = '<local machine>'
      SET @client_net_address = ''

    SET @ip = fn_ConvertIpToInt(@client_net_address)

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM LoginsAllowed
                   WHERE LoginName = @LoginName AND
                         @ip BETWEEN IpFrom AND IpTo)

When you test this trigger, have more than one query editor open and connected to the server. Having a second query editor open might save you some pain. The trigger is executed only on new connections. If there is a logical flaw in your code that causes you to be locked out of your database, you can use that spare connection in the second query editor to drop the trigger and regain access to your database. Or you need to make a DAC connection to bypass the trigger.

Policy-Based Management

Policy-based management (PBM) allows you to secure an installation or to monitor whether the installation adheres to the different standards you have defined. PBM can be used in different ways. One customer I worked for had the problem of databases with enterprise features making it into production. This was a problem because the customer wanted to move to Standard Edition in the production environment. So they set up an enterprise policy to alert them whenever those features were used. They chose to alert rather than to block usage entirely because they felt it important to explain their reasoning to the developer instead of just forcing the decision.

Logging and Resource Control

If you need to log when objects are created, you probably also want to log whenever they are deleted. A procedure to drop a database, then, would perform the following steps:

  2. UPDATE DatabaseLog

When many resources are gathered in one place, as in consolidation environments, you need to control the usage of those resources to prevent one database from taking them all. There are two different levels to think about when you talk about resource control in SQL Server: resource usage across multiple instances, and by individual users in an instance.

One process (for example, a virus scan, backup agent, and so forth) could take all CPU resources on a machine and take away all CPU resources for all the other processes on that same server. SQL Server cannot guard itself against problems like that. But Windows can guard against that problem. Windows includes a feature called Windows System Resource Manager (WSRM), which is a not-well-known feature available starting with Windows Server 2008. When WSRM is running, it will monitor CPU usage and activate when usage rises above the 70 percent mark. You can create policies in which, when the resource manager is activated, you will allocate an equal share of CPU to all instances.

Next Steps

When all the details are in place, your target framework is taking shape, and your environment is slowly being created, you have to think about how to make your effort a success. Part of the solution is to choose the right developers to start with. Most would take the developers from the biggest or most important applications, but I think that would be a mistake. Start with the easy and simple and small systems, where you almost can guarantee yourself success before you begin. Then you will quietly build a good foundation. If problems arise, they will most likely be easier to fix than if you had chosen a big complex system to start from. Another reason for starting small is that you slowly build up positive stories and happy ambassadors in your organization. In the long run, those happy ambassadors will translate into more systems being moved to your environment.

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