Chapter 15
Top-Down Design with Use Case, Activity, Sequence, Component, and Class Diagrams

What's in this chapter?

  • Creating and using use case and activity diagrams
  • Creating and using sequence and component diagrams
  • Generating code from a class diagram Code Download for this Chapter

The code downloads for this chapter are found at on the Download Code tab. The files are in the Chapter 15 download folder and individually named as shown throughout this chapter.

Chapter 14 introduced you to architecture and modeling in the software space, and hinted at all the architectural goodness available in Visual Studio Ultimate 2013. This chapter dives deeper into several aspects of that, looking at use case, activity, sequence, component, and class diagrams.

One advantage of modeling tools is that they enable you to design the architecture of the application. Part of that design process is defining common terms around the problem domain, and then ensuring that everyone on the team understands those concepts. Using the use case, activity, and sequence diagrams, you can model your application, while ensuring that everyone on the team understands exactly what is being built.

This chapter is divided into five main sections:

  • Use case diagrams
  • Activity diagrams
  • Sequence diagrams
  • Component diagrams
  • Class diagrams

Each section begins with a walk-through of how to build a diagram, as well as a diagram explanation. After that, the discussion looks at all the objects available when building a particular diagram.

Use Case Diagrams

A use case diagram provides a graphical overview of the functionality of a system. It shows who is using the system and what they can do with it.

A use case diagram does not show details of use cases themselves; instead it provides a summary view of use cases, actors, and systems. Details (such as the order in which steps must be performed to accomplish the use case) can be described in other diagrams and documents, and then linked to the related use case. Use cases (and, by extension, use case diagrams) deal only with the functional requirements of a system. The architecture and any internal details are described elsewhere, using other diagrams described in this chapter, as well as Chapters 16 and 17.

Creating a Use Case Diagram

The following steps walk you through the process of creating a use case diagram. You are going to create a use case diagram of a customer interacting with an online bookstore system. The customer should be able to view the books offered and order a book. The bookstore should be able to update the list of available books, as well as deliver ordered books to the customer.

  1. Open Visual Studio Ultimate 2013, and create a new modeling project by selecting File ⇒ New ⇒ Project to open the New Project window. Select the Modeling Projects template, give the project a name and location, and click OK. A new modeling project opens in Solution Explorer.
  2. Right-click the project in Solution Explorer and select Add ⇒ New Item from the context menu.
  3. Select the UML Use Case Diagram template and name it OrderBook.usecasediagram. Click the Add button to create this diagram. A blank use case diagram named OrderBook.usecasediagram is created in the modeling project and opened as a tab in Visual Studio.
  4. From the toolbox on the left side of Visual Studio, drag a subsystem boundary onto the use case diagram.
  5. In the Properties window, change the Name property for the subsystem to be OnlineBookstore. This subsystem can be used to represent either an entire system or its major components. Any use cases that the subsystem supports are drawn inside the subsystem.
  6. Add the actors to the use case diagram. The actors represent classes of users, organizations, and external systems that interact with the system being built. By default, the Actor object is represented as a person icon. A different image can be used by modifying the Image Path property of the object.

    Drop two Actor objects onto the use case diagram, one on either side of the OnlineBookstore subsystem.

  7. In the Properties window, name the left actor Customer and the right actor Bookstore. The use case diagram should appear similar to Figure 15.1.
  8. When the actors are in place, drop the appropriate use cases onto the diagram. The use cases represent the activities that actors can perform, and appear as oval-shaped objects on the diagram.

    Drop two use cases inside the Online Bookstore subsystem, and rename them Provide Book List and Order Book. Add one use case outside and below the subsystem and name it Deliver Book. The Provide Book List and Order Book use cases are part of the OnlineBookstore application, so they are drawn inside the subsystem. The Deliver Book use case is outside the scope of the application, so it is drawn external to the subsystem.

  9. Finally, to finish this simple use case, use the Association object to show how each actor is related to each use case. An association indicates that an actor can take part in a particular use case. For example, the Customer actor can view a list of books at the online bookstore.

    Double-click the Association object in the toolbox to select it. Click and hold the Customer actor and drag a line to the Provide Book List use case. An association is created between the actor and the use case. Do the same to the Order Book and Deliver Book use cases. Create associations the same way between the Bookstore actor and the Provide Book List and Deliver Book use cases.

    When finished, the use case diagram should appear similar to Figure 15.2.


Figure 15.1


Figure 15.2

Although Figure 15.2 is a very simple use case diagram, it is still very informative. You can also have more complex use case diagrams, with multiple subsystems, actors, and use cases. A best practice is to start off describing the system with a few major use case diagrams. Each of those diagrams should define a major goal of the system. After those goals have been defined, use some of the other objects from the use case diagram toolbox to define the system in more detail.

Let's break the Order Book use case down in more detail. Figure 15.3 shows a use case diagram that does this by using the Include relationship.


Figure 15.3

The Include relationship shows that a use case uses all the behavior of the included use case. To differentiate it from a regular association, the Include relationship is represented as a dotted line with an arrow on the end (per the UML 2.1.2 specification, available at The arrow should always point to the more detailed use case. The Include relationship is also labeled with the keyword include. Each of the included use cases is a step that the actor may have to take in order to complete the main use case. In this example, in order for the customer to order a book at the online bookstore, the customer must choose a book and then pay for the book.

A use case diagram does not specify in what order the particular use cases should happen, or when a particular use case is necessary. To make that information clear, attach an Artifact object to the general use case by dropping an Artifact object onto the use case diagram and then dragging a Dependency relationship between the Artifact element and the general use case. An Artifact element enables you to attach a separate document to the use case (for example, a text file that describes the steps to take) or reference another diagram.

Use Case Diagram Toolbox

Figure 15.4 shows the different elements and associations available for use case diagrams.


Figure 15.4

Table 15.1 describes the different elements and associations.

Table 15.1 Use Case Diagram Toolbox Objects

Name Description
Pointer Turns the mouse back into a regular mouse pointer.
Actor Adds a user or external system that interacts with a system.
Use Case Adds a specification of actions that are performed in pursuit of a specific goal.
Comment Adds a comment for more details.
Subsystem Adds a system component. Places the use cases inside the subsystems that support it.
Artifact Adds a reference to a diagram or document.
Association Links an actor with a use case.
Dependency Specifies that the definition of one element depends on the definition of another.
Include Specifies that one use case invokes another use case.
Extend Specifies that one use case extends the definition of another in specific conditions.
Generalization Specifies that one element is a specialized version of another, inheriting its features and constraints.
Comment Link Connects a comment to a diagram element.

Activity Diagrams

An activity diagram is used to show a business or software process as a workflow through a series of actions. These actions could be performed by any number of objects, including people, software, or computers. Activity diagrams can be used to model the logic captured in a particular use case or to model detailed business logic. One easy way to think of activity diagrams is to think of them as a flowchart.

An activity diagram always has a starting node, a series of activities, and a final node that indicates the end of the activity.

Creating an Activity Diagram

The following steps outline the process of creating an activity diagram that shows the sequence of activities for ordering a book from the online bookstore. A customer first chooses a book to order. After a book is chosen, the customer makes a decision whether to order more books or confirm the order. After the customer is finished selecting books, the customer confirms the book order and then pays for the order.

  1. Using the same modeling project created earlier in the “Creating a Use Case Diagram” section, right-click the project in Solution Explorer and select Add ⇒ New Item from the context menu.
  2. Select the UML Activity Diagram template and name it OrderBook.activitydiagram. Click the Add button to create this diagram. A blank activity diagram named OrderBook.activitydiagram is created in the modeling project and opened in a tab in Visual Studio.
  3. From the toolbox, drag an Initial Node element onto the left of the diagram. This indicates the starting point for this activity. Every activity diagram requires this element.
  4. Drag three Action elements onto the diagram to the right of the Initial Node element. Using the properties of the elements, name these items Choose A Book, Confirm Order, and Pay For Book. The action element represents a step in the activity that either the user or system performs.
  5. From the toolbox, drag a Merge Node above the Choose A Book action. This node is used to merge multiple branches, usually split by a decision node (described shortly). A Merge Node requires two or more inputs and has a single output.
  6. Drag and drop a Decision Node between the Choose A Book and Confirm Order actions. This node is used to create branching flows in the activity. For this activity diagram, after a book is chosen, the customer has a choice of confirming the order or selecting more books. A Decision Node has a single input and two or more outputs.
  7. Drag an Activity Final Node to the right of the Pay For Book action. This indicates the end of the activity.

Next, you must add the connectors to show the flow of activity through this activity diagram. Double-click the Connector element to select it. On the activity diagram, drag a line between the Initial Node element and the Merge Node. Continue connecting the other elements on the diagram as follows:

  1. Connect the Merge Node to the Choose A Book action.
  2. Connect the Choose A Book action with the Decision Node.
  3. Connect the Decision Node with the Confirm Order action.
  4. Connect the Decision Node with the Merge Node.
  5. Connect the Confirm Order action with the Pay For Book action.
  6. Connect the Pay For Book action with the Activity Final Node.
  7. Modify the Guard property of the Connector elements on the Decision Node, leaving the Decision Node to specify the reasons for the different pathways. On the Connector to the Confirm Order action, add the guard Finished Ordering. On the Connector to the Merge Node, add the guard Wants To Order Multiple Books.

When it's finished, the diagram should appear similar to Figure 15.5.


Figure 15.5

Concurrent Flow in an Activity Diagram

Activity diagrams can also be used to describe a sequence of actions that execute at the same time. This sequence of actions is known as a concurrent flow. Figure 15.6 shows an example of a concurrent flow activity diagram related to ordering a book online.


Figure 15.6

At the start of this activity diagram, an order is created. After an order is created, two different branch processes are started. The black bar that the Create Book Order action leads into is called a Fork Node, and is used to divide a single flow into concurrent flows. In this case, one flow leads to the Ship Book action. The other leads to the Send Book Invoice element.

The Send Book Invoice element is not a regular action element. It is a Send Signal Action element. This indicates an action that sends a message to another activity for something to happen. The Receive Book Payment is an Accept Event Action element. It is an action that waits for a message before the flow can continue. In the case of Figure 15.6, a book invoice will be sent, potentially to a payment system. The flow in the activity diagram waits until a response is received back, indicating that the book has been paid for. Both the Ship Book and the Receive Book Payment actions are then merged back into a single process using a Join Node. The activity ends with the closing of the order.

Activity Diagram Toolbox

Figure 15.7 shows the different elements and associations available for activity diagrams.


Figure 15.7

Table 15.2 describes the different elements and associations.

Table 15.2 Activity Diagram Toolbox Objects

Name Description
Pointer Turns the mouse back into a regular mouse pointer.
Initial Node Adds the start of the activity.
Activity Final Node Adds an end to the activity.
Action Adds a single step that occurs in the activity.
Object Node Adds a node that can transmit, buffer, filter, and transform objects.
Comment Adds a comment for more details.
Decision Node Divides a single incoming flow into a choice between alternate outgoing flows.
Merge Node Combines incoming alternate flows into a single outgoing flow.
Fork Node Divides a single incoming flow into concurrent outgoing flows.
Join Node Combines incoming concurrent flows into a single outgoing flow.
Send Signal Action Adds an action that sends a signal to another system or activity.
Accept Event Action Adds an action that waits for a signal or event.
Call Behavior Action An action that is defined in more detail on another activity diagram.
Call Operation Action An action that calls an operation on an instance of a class.
Input Pin Represents data that an action requires. It allows data to flow into an action.
Output Pin Represents data that an action produces. It allows data to flow out of an action.
Activity Parameter Node Creates a parameter that conveys data into or out of the activity.
Connector Adds a connection or flow between elements on the diagram.

Adding an Activity Diagram to a Use Case Diagram

Earlier in this chapter when creating use case diagrams, you saw an Artifact element attached to a use case (see Figure 15.3). One available option with Artifact elements is the capability to associate them with an activity diagram (and, as an extension, any physical document).

To do this, drag an Artifact element onto the OrderBook.usecasediagram you created earlier in this chapter. In the properties window for the Artifact element, select the Hyperlink property, and click the ellipse button. This will open the Link to URL or File dialog box, allowing you to select a diagram, document, or other file to associate with the Artifact element on the use case diagram.

Sequence Diagrams

A sequence diagram is used to show the sequence of interactions among classes, components, subsystems, or actors. A sequence diagram is read from top to bottom, indicating the flow of time through the system. From left to right, the diagram itself shows the flow of control from one element to the next.

Creating a Sequence Diagram

The following steps walk you through creating a sequence diagram that shows the sequence of flow for ordering a book from the online bookstore. A customer first has the desire to purchase a book. At that point, the customer adds a book to a shopping cart. The order system checks the availability of the book and performs some internal processing. The availability of the book is returned to the ordering system. The payment system is represented by a separate sequence diagram, so a reference placeholder is inserted into this diagram. Finally, a message is sent to an unknown (or unspecified) system at the end of the process.

  1. Using the same modeling project you have been using throughout this chapter, right-click the project in Solution Explorer, and, from the context menu, select Add ⇒ New Item.
  2. Select the UML Sequence Diagram template and name it OrderBookSequenceDiagram.sequencediagram. Click the Add button to create this diagram. A blank sequence diagram named OrderBookSequenceDiagram.sequencediagram is created in the modeling project and opened in a tab in Visual Studio.
  3. From the toolbox, drag a Lifeline element onto the left of the diagram. This vertical line element represents participants in the described interaction. Time progresses down the lifeline, from top to bottom.
  4. Using the Properties window, change the Type property to be Customer and set the Actor property equal to True. Notice the Customer lifeline has a symbol representing a person above it. This symbol is called an actor and indicates that this lifeline represents a participant external to the system being developed.
  5. Drag two more Lifeline elements onto the diagram and set the Type properties to Order and Book System, respectively.

    The gray vertical shaded rectangles on each lifeline are called execution occurrences. These represent a period when the participant is executing an operation. Execution usually begins when the participant receives a message. From within an execution block, other messages can be sent to other participants, or even back to the execution block itself.

    This sequence diagram is started with a message from an unknown source. This is represented with an asynchronous message.

  6. Select the Asynchronous element in the toolbox, select a blank space to the left of the Customer lifeline, and draw a line to the Customer lifeline. This creates the starting point into the sequence diagram, indicated by a black dot. This initial message is known as a found message. Change the Name property to Want A Book.
  7. A create message must be sent to create a participant. If a participant receives a create message, it should be the first message he receives. Click the Create element in the toolbox. On the Customer lifeline, click the gray execution box area and drag a line to the Order lifeline. A dotted line is created between the two lifelines, and a gray execution box appears on the Order lifeline.

    To start the ordering process, the customer must add an item that she wants to buy. This is represented using an Asynchronous message call. An Asynchronous element represents an interaction where the sender can continue immediately without waiting for the receiver.

  8. In the toolbox, select the Asynchronous element. Click the Customer lifeline and drag a line to the Order lifeline. A solid line is created between the Customer and Order lifelines. Change the name of the element to Add A Book.
  9. After a book is added, the book availability must be determined. This is done using a Synchronous message call. A Synchronous element represents an interaction where the sender waits for the receiver to return a response.

    In the toolbox, select the Synchronous element. Click on the execution block on the Order lifeline and drag a line to the Book System lifeline. A solid arrow is created between the Order and Book lifelines. In addition, a dotted arrow is created from the Book System lifeline to the Order lifeline. This indicates control is to be returned to the sender—in this case, the Order lifeline.

  10. Change the name of the element to Check Book Availability.
  11. A participant can also send a message to itself—for example, if it were triggering internal methods for doing work. These messages are called self messages.

    Select the Asynchronous element from the toolbox. On the Book System lifeline, click the Check Book Availability execution block. Drag a line farther down in the same block and release. This creates a solid arrow from the Check Book Availability execution block back onto the same execution block.

  12. There is a complete payment system sequence that is not represented on this particular sequence diagram, but instead is shown on a separate diagram. To represent the contents of that separate diagram, use the Interaction Use element.

    Click the Interaction Use element in the toolbox. Drag a box across all three lifelines, as all three are included in this reference. Change the name of the element to Payment System.

  13. You can represent a message to an unknown or unspecified participant. This is known as a lost message.

    Select the Asynchronous element from the toolbox. At the bottom of the Book System lifeline, drag a line from the lifeline to a blank area on the diagram. An arrow is created from the lifeline to a created black dot, indicating this message goes to an unknown participant.

    When finished, the diagram should appear similar to Figure 15.8.


Figure 15.8

Sequence Diagram Toolbox

Figure 15.9 shows a screenshot of the different elements available for sequence diagrams.


Figure 15.9

Table 15.3 describes the different elements and associations.

Table 15.3 Sequence Diagram Toolbox Objects

Name Description
Pointer Turns the mouse back into a regular mouse pointer.
Lifeline Adds a participant (such as a class or object) to an interaction sequence.
Synchronous Adds a message that calls an operation and expects a response.
Asynchronous Adds a message that calls an operation but does not expect a response.
Create Adds a message that calls an operation that creates an instance of the target.
Comment Adds a comment for more details.
Comment Link Connects a comment to a diagram element.
Interaction Use Adds an interaction use to create a reusable sequence or to reference another sequence.

Component Diagrams

A sequence diagram enables you to model and visualize the messages of a system. With the component diagram, you can visualize the components of the system that implement the system functionality, as well as other puzzle pieces of the system (such as web services, user interfaces, COM components, and so on). A component diagram depicts the relationships between various components of your application or system.

A component diagram shows the parts of a design for a software system. These components could be executables, DLLs, or even entire systems. At this level, you aren't necessarily trying to decide exactly how things are being built. Rather, you are just trying to break down the architecture into something more manageable and understandable. You can use a component diagram to visualize the high-level structure of the system and the service behavior that the components both provide and consume.

Think of a component as a modular unit that is replaceable. You don't know how the internals of the component work. Instead, you know what interfaces a component provides or consumes. Components on a component diagram have interfaces, either required interfaces or provided interfaces. An interface can be anything, from a website to a web service. A required interface indicates functionality that a component expects to consume. A provided interface indicates functionality that a component provides for other components to consume. Each required interface on a component diagram should be linked to a provided interface.

Creating component diagrams has a couple of nice benefits. It can help the development team understand an existing design and see potential ways to improve it. More importantly, thinking of the system as a collection of components with well-defined interfaces improves the separation between components, which can make the design easier to change as the requirements change.

Creating a Component Diagram

Use the following steps to create a component diagram that represents the different components of the online bookstore system. The different components include a web browser, the bookstore's website (both the web application and the back-end database), the bookstore's payment system, and a way to process credit cards.

  1. Using the same modeling project as used in previous sections, right-click the project in Solution Explorer and select Add ⇒ New Item from the context menu.
  2. Select the UML Component Diagram template and name it BookComponents.componentdiagram. Click the Add button to create this diagram. A blank component diagram named BookComponents.componentdiagram is created in the modeling project and opened in a tab in Visual Studio.
  3. There are two options for adding components to the diagram:
    • Using the toolbox, click the Component element, then click a blank area of the diagram. An empty Component element appears on the diagram. This is useful for creating new components.
    • You can also add existing components from other diagrams in the same modeling project to the diagram. Either open the existing diagram or open the UML Model Explorer window (by selecting View ⇒ Other Windows ⇒ UML Model Explorer). Right-click the component to add to the component diagram and then select Copy. Right-click a blank area of the component diagram and select Paste Reference to create a copy of the component on the new diagram.
  4. From the Toolbox window, click the Component element and click a blank area on the diagram to create a new Component element. Select the component and change its name to Web Browser. Using this same method, add the following components to the component diagram:
    • Book Web Application
    • Book Web App Database
    • External Credit Card Processor Gateway
    • Book Payment System
    • Book Payment System Database

    After you've added these components, the component diagram should resemble Figure 15.10.

  5. From the Toolbox window, click the Provided Interface element and then click the Book Web Application component. The provided interface symbol (or lollipop) attaches itself to the Book Web Application component with a default name of Interface1. This component is going to represent the website used for ordering books. Select the Provided Interface element, and, in the Properties window, rename it Book Web Site.
  6. Add another Provided Interface element to the Book Payment System component, and name it IBookPaymentService. This element exposes a web service for interacting with the payment system. Finally, add a Provided Interface element to the External Credit Card Processor Gateway component and name it ICreditCardProcessingGateway. This element exposes a web service for interacting with the external credit card processor.
  7. Add the required interfaces. A required interface represents behavior that a component consumes through an interface. As with adding components to the diagram, there are two options for adding interfaces (both required and provided interfaces) to the diagram. You can add a new interface from the Toolbox window, or, using the UML Model Explorer, you can drag an existing interface onto the diagram.
  8. You must show that the Web Browser component utilizes the book website interface exposed by the Book Web Application component.

    From the toolbox, click the Required Interface element and then click the Web Browser component on the diagram. Rename the interface to Book Web Site.

  9. Add a required interface to the Book Web Application by using the UML Model Explorer. If the UML Model Explorer window is not visible, open it by going to View ⇒ Other Windows ⇒ UML Model Explorer in Visual Studio.
  10. The UML Model Explorer shows all the elements that have been added to the central model. In the UML Model Explorer, click and drag the IBookPaymentService interface to the Book Web Application component. This creates another instance of the IBookPaymentService provided interface.
  11. You need this interface to be a required interface. To change the interface type, select the IBookPaymentService provided interface on the Book Web Application component. Click the smart tag that appears near the element and select Convert to Required Interface. The interface type changes from Provided to Required.
  12. Select the Required Interface element in the Toolbox window and click the Book Payment System component to create a required interface on that component. Rename the interface to be ICreditCardProcessingGateway. The component diagram should now resemble Figure 15.11.
  13. Next you need to show which provided interfaces satisfy which required interfaces by using the Dependency element. A Dependency element always connects a required interface (or hook) to a provided interface (or lollipop).

    In the Toolbox window, select the Dependency element. On the component diagram, select the Book Web Site required interface on the Web Browser component and then select the Book Web Site provided interface on the Book Web Application component. A dotted arrow is created from the required interface to the provided interface, indicating that the provided interface satisfies the required interface. On the component diagram, select the dependency dotted arrow that was just created. In the Properties window, change the name to be HTTP. This provides a visual indicator on the component diagram that this is an HTTP connection between the two components.

  14. In the Toolbox window, select the Dependency element again. On the component diagram, select the IBookPaymentService required interface on the Book Web Application component. Then select the IBookPaymentService provided interface on the Book Payment System component. Finally, select the Dependency element from the toolbox and connect the ICreditCardProcessingGateway required interface on the Book Payment System component to the ICreditCardProcessingGateway provided interface on the External Credit Card Processor Gateway.
  15. Create the dependency relationship between the Book Web Application and the Book Web App Database components by selecting the Dependency element from the Toolbox window, clicking the Book Web Application component, and then clicking the Book Web App Database component. A dotted arrow is drawn between the two, indicating the dependency of the web application on the database. Do the same thing between the Book Payment System component and the Book Payment System Database component. The component diagram is now complete, as shown in Figure 15.12.

Figure 15.10


Figure 15.11


Figure 15.12

Component Diagram Toolbox

Figure 15.13 shows the different elements and associations available for component diagrams.


Figure 15.13

Table 15.4 describes the different elements and associations.

Table 15.4 Component Diagram Toolbox Objects

Name Description
Pointer Turns the mouse back into a regular mouse pointer.
Component Adds a component that defines a reusable unit of system functionality.
Dependency Defines how an element depends on another element. Begins the relationship from the dependent element.
Delegation Designates behavior between a port on an outer component and an interface on an inner component.
Provided Interface Adds an interface that a component provides to other components.
Required Interface Adds an interface that a component requires from other components.
Comment Adds a comment for more details.
Generalization Defines how a component derives from another component. Begins the relationship from the derived component.
Connector Creates a default relationship between shapes based on the types of shapes being connected.
Part Assembly Specifies a connection between parts in a component. Connects a required interface on one part to a provided interface on another part.

Class Diagrams

Class diagrams depict the classes within an application or system and the relationship that exists between them. Different symbols represent the varying relationships that may exist (such as inheritance or association). This information is described independent of any reference to a particular implementation of the class. The purpose of the class diagram is to focus on the logical aspects of the classes instead of how they are implemented.

In a class diagram, a type is a class, interface, or enumeration. Class and interface objects can have attributes defined. An attribute is a value that can be attached to an instance of a class or an interface. Classes and interfaces can also have operations defined. An operation is a method or function that can be performed by an instance of a class or interface.

On a class diagram, you can draw associations between any pairs of types. An association indicates that the system being developed stores links between the instances of the associated types. An association is a diagrammatic method of showing an attribute or pair of attributes. For example, if you have a class BookStore that has an attribute of type Book, you can state that definition by drawing an association between Bookstore and Book.

Using the UML Model Explorer, you can locate interfaces you have defined on the component diagram and drag those directly onto the class diagram to create them.

Creating a Class Diagram

Use the following steps to create a class diagram that shows the relationship between a Store class, a BookStore class, and a Books class. A bookstore is a more specific version of a store, and a bookstore contains multiple books.

  1. Using the same modeling project from before, right-click the project in Solution Explorer, and, from the context menu, select Add ⇒ New Item.
  2. Select the UML Class Diagram template and name it BooksClassDiagram.classdiagram. Click the Add button to create this diagram. A blank UML class diagram named BooksClassDiagram is created in the modeling project and opened in a Visual Studio Tab.
  3. In the Toolbox tab, click the Class element and then click a blank space on the UML class diagram. This creates a class object on the diagram. In the properties for the class, change the name to be Store. This is going to be a generic store class that the bookstore object inherits from. Set the Is Abstract property of the Store class to True, to indicate it is an abstract class.
  4. The Store class has a couple of generic attributes that apply to all stores, such as location and store hours.

    Right-click the Store class and select Add ⇒ Attribute to create a new attribute. Name the attribute Location. Select the Location attribute, and, in the Properties window, set the Type property to be String. Add a second attribute named StoreHours and set its type to be String as well.

  5. Create the bookstore class. The bookstore class inherits from the Store class created earlier, as it is a specialized type of store.

    Using the Toolbox window, add another Class object to the diagram, under the Store object, and name it BookStore. Select the Inheritance element in the Toolbox window. Click the BookStore class and then click the Store class. A solid arrow appears that points from the BookStore class to the Store class, indicating that the BookStore inherits from the Store.

    The inherited operations and attributes are not typically shown on specialized types, which is why the Store class attributes are not displayed on the BookStore class. However, you can use the smart tag on the inheritance arrow to add inherited operations to the specialized class. Simply click the smart tag and select Override Operations. Then select which operations to show on the specialized class.

  6. Now create a class for the books. Add another class object to the class diagram, below the BookStore class, and rename it Book. Add two attributes to the Book class: Price of type Integer and NumberOfPages of type Integer. Select the Association element from the Toolbox window, click the BookStore class, and then click on the Book class. An Association element is used to represent any kind of linkage between two elements, regardless of how the linkage is actually implemented in the code itself.
  7. A BookStore can have multiple books in it, so you must modify the Multiplicity property for the Book class.

    Select the Association linking the BookStore and Book classes. In the Properties window, click the arrow next to the Second Role property to expand it. Change the Multiplicity value to be *, indicating the BookStore can contain multiple books.

  8. Add an operation for ordering books to the BookStore class. Right-click the class and select Add ⇒ Operation. Name the operation OrderBook.
  9. You must set the parameters and the return type for this operation by selecting the OrderBook operation and going to the Properties window. In the Properties window, set the Return Type to be Boolean. Click the ellipsis in the Parameters field to open the Operation Parameter Collection Editor window.

    In the Parameter Collection Editor window, click the Add button to create a new parameter. Set the name of the parameter to be Item, and the type to be Book. Click the Add button again to create a second parameter named Quantity with a type of Integer. Click the OK button to close the Operation Parameter Collection Editor window.

Figure 15.14 shows the final result of the class diagram.


Figure 15.14

Class Diagram Toolbox

Figure 15.15 shows the different elements and associations available for class diagrams.


Figure 15.15

Table 15.5 describes the different elements and associations.

Table 15.5 Class Diagram Toolbox Objects

Name Description
Pointer Turns the mouse back into a regular mouse pointer.
Class Adds a type that defines a class.
Interface Adds an interface to specify the attributes and operations that classes require to realize this interface.
Enumeration Adds a type that defines a list of specific values.
Package Adds a package to organize types according to their namespaces.
Comment Adds a comment for more details.
Association Defines how an element interacts with another element. Begins the relationship from the referencing type.
Aggregation Specifies that the source type refers to parts of the target type. The parts can be shared with another owner.
Composition Specifies that the source type has parts of the target type. The parts cannot be shared with another owner.
Dependency Defines how a type depends on another type. Begins the relationship from the dependent type.
Inheritance Defines how a type inherits or realizes the members of another type.
Package Import Defines how a package imports types defined in another package. Begins the relationship from the package that uses another package.
Connector This connection tool creates a default relationship between shapes, based on the types of shapes being connected.

Generating Code from a UML Class Diagram

Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 allows you to generate code from a UML class diagram. Using the class diagram as a base, you can generate skeleton code from the class diagram elements. You can also create UML class diagrams from your code base.

To generate code from a class diagram, right-click the class diagram and select Generate Code from the context menu. By default, executing this command generates a C# type for each type on the UML class diagram. The following are the default results for generating code:

  • A C# type is produced for each type on the UML model. Each type is placed in a separate code file.
  • A C# property is generated for each attribute of a UML class.
  • A C# method is generated for each operation of a UML class.
  • A C# field is generated for each navigable association in which the class participates.
  • If the UML type is contained in a package, the generated C# type is placed inside a namespace, and the file is generated in a folder with the same name as the namespace.

However, you can customize this behavior—including the language generated as well as the different outputs—by modifying the text templates that are used for generating the code.

Figure 15.16 shows the BookStore.cs C# class that was generated by running the Generate Code command against the BooksClassDiagram.classdiagram class diagram created earlier in this Section. A new class named BookStore that inherits from the Store class was created. Also, a stub method for the operation OrderBook was created.


Figure 15.16


This chapter examined the capabilities of use case, activity, sequence, component, and class diagrams. You looked at how to create a use case diagram, and learned about its different components. Next, you learned about activity diagrams, where, in addition to examining an example of how to build a diagram, you also learned how to link an activity diagram back to a use case diagram. You then examined sequence diagrams, their components, and how to create them.

You learned the purpose behind component diagrams, how to create them, and the different elements available to component diagrams. Finally, you learned about class diagrams and how they are used. You learned about the different elements that are available for class diagrams and concluded the chapter with a look at how to generate code from a class diagram.

Chapter 16 discusses how you can use the Architecture Explorer to drill down into the existing project, which helps you to understand the different aspects of the project. The information in the Architecture Explorer can then be turned into a graphical view by creating a dependency graph. Finally, you will learn about code maps, a new feature in Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 to help you better understand your code base.

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