
OVER THE LAST 15 YEARS, Microsoft's software development tooling has matured to address not only the needs of the lone programmer, but the needs of an entire software development team. This includes business analysts, project managers, architects, testers, programmers, managers, stakeholders, and even operations personnel who deploy and maintain applications. This book was written to help teams understand and adopt these tools with the end goal of making them more cohesive and productive, and ultimately to produce higher-quality software on time and on budget.

Whether you already own Visual Studio 2013, or are considering purchasing it, this book will help you evaluate and adopt the right tools for your project. This book considers all of the roles that make up a modern software development project. The tools and technologies that are relevant to each role are examined in detail, including walk-throughs, which will help you learn and apply each tool within your team.

Who This Book Is For

This book primarily targets teams of professionals in the field of commercial or enterprise software development — in other words, intermediate to advanced users. You are likely to find this book useful if you are any of the following:

  • A developer, tester, or architect who wants to learn how the Visual Studio 2013 family of products can help you perform your job
  • A project manager who must manage a software development project

This book is not designed for the absolute beginner. The focus is on practical application of the tools, code samples, and hands-on scenarios. The book's organization makes it easy to use as a step-by-step guide and as a reference for modeling, designing, testing, and coordinating enterprise solutions at every level.

Visual Studio 2013 is designed for software teams of all sizes. So, whether you have a team of 5 or 2,000 members, this book includes useful information for you related to Visual Studio 2013 and application lifecycle management. Unlike most Wrox books, this book targets all roles in the software development organization — architects, developers, testers, project leads, and management — not just developers.

What This Book Covers

This book includes a complete overview of the application lifecycle management capabilities of Visual Studio 2013. The book is divided into six main parts, based around the different aspects of application lifecycle management:

  • Part I: Team Foundation Server
  • Part II: Building the Right Software
  • Part III: Project Management
  • Part IV: Architecture
  • Part V: Software Development
  • Part VI: Testing

Part I: Team Foundation Server

Because Team Foundation Server is at the heart of Microsoft's application lifecycle management solution, this book starts with an examination of its capabilities. It discusses the architecture of Team Foundation Server 2013, and then delves into the version control system and some best practices surrounding branching and merging using Team Foundation Server. There is an in-depth look at the automated build process — Team Foundation Build — followed by a detailed look at how release management works in Team Foundation Server. Finally, you are presented with some examples of common customizations you can make to Team Foundation Server.

Part II: Building the Right Software

Microsoft's application lifecycle management offerings in Visual Studio 2013 have expanded to recognize the role that stakeholders play in the software development process. Stakeholders could be future end users of an application, the decision makers who are authorizing payment for an application, lawyers who need to approve applications for regulatory requirements, or any number of people external to the development team who have a vested interest in the outcome of a particular development project. In this section of the book, you find out about new tools available to engage with stakeholders early and often throughout the development process. These tools can lead to higher-quality software that is more likely to meet expectations and deliver continuous value while minimizing the amount of rework required.

Part III: Project Management

This section of the book deals with the project and process management functionality of Visual Studio 2013 and Team Foundation Server 2013. This section examines the process templates that ship with the product, and it covers the web-based agile planning and tracking capabilities. Part III also discusses the reports that ship with Team Foundation Server. Whether you are practicing a lightweight development methodology such as Scrum, or a more formal, rigorous development process, you will discover that Team Foundation Server will provide you with the tooling you need to manage your projects.

Part IV: Architecture

This section of the book examines the tools available in Visual Studio 2013 for defining and analyzing application architecture. After a brief introduction to architecture concepts, the discussion dives into all the new UML tools available, including use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, and component diagrams. You then learn about the Architecture Explorer and how you can use it to understand the architecture of your application. Finally, this section wraps up with a discussion of layer diagrams.

Part V: Software Development

This section of the book covers topics of most interest to a software developer using Visual Studio 2013. The topics selected for this section of the book pertain most to building either complex applications or working with teams. For example, the section explains how unit testing, static code analysis, profiling, code coverage, and code clone analysis features are ways to improve your application's overall quality and maintainability. Part V also discusses the built-in code review capability and how you can use it to collaborate with other developers. You find out how the ability to suspend and resume work in progress makes it easier to deal with interruptions. Finally, this section provides in-depth coverage of debugging applications with IntelliTrace, including a new way of using IntelliTrace for debugging applications in a production environment.

Part VI: Testing

Visual Studio 2013 has numerous tools available for testers to use. The examination starts with a look at the manual testing functionality available in Microsoft Test Manager, as well as the ability to automate user interface tests with coded user interface tests. Web performance testing and load testing enable you to create tests that can help you ensure that users of your website will experience the best possible performance, even under heavy load. You'll learn about the new cloud-based load testing features. The section concludes with a look at the improved lab management capabilities of Visual Studio 2013, which enable you to make use of physical or virtual environments that you can use to automate build-deploy-test workflows.

Team Foundation Server Administrators

If you are the person on your team who is responsible for administering your Team Foundation Server deployment, you should consider purchasing this book as well as its sister book — Professional Team Foundation Server 2013 by Steven St. Jean, Damian Brady, Ed Blankenship, Martin Woodward, and Grant Holliday (Wrox, 2014. ISBN 978-1-118-83634-7) — which dives deeper into setup, configuration, and administration of Team Foundation Server 2013. You find out more about the possible deployment topologies you can choose from, how to make changes to process templates, advanced security settings, considerations for disaster recovery and geographically distributed teams, and much more.


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