Chapter 23. Web Development

When Sir Tim Berners-Lee (knighted in 2004!) invented the World Wide Web in 1989, it really wasn’t a big deal. As the primary designer of HTTP and HTML, he certainly was no slouch. But most of the technologies that went into structuring and transporting web pages had been around for years, even decades. SGML (the basis of HTML) and hyper-linking systems had been around since the 1960s, and Internet-based transmission of data between clients and servers was already common among university campuses and some businesses. Still, here we are in the 21st century, and the World Wide Web is the focus of so much computer technology that it makes my head spin. Thank you, Mr. B-L.

Microsoft promotes .NET as the system for developing web pages and related software. And it really is a great system. As we get into the code, you’ll find that about 90% of what you do to write web applications in Visual Studio is identical to what you do when writing desktop applications. It’s easy to do, and kind of fun, so you’ll probably want to write some programs using it. And that’s what we’ll do in this chapter. But first, let’s briefly review what happens in the world of client-server World Wide Web communication.

How the Internet Works

Before .NET, developing applications for “the Web” was cumbersome and boring. And with good reason: the World Wide Web was not designed as a programming or logic-processing platform. It was originally all about sending specially formatted text files from one computer to another. No programming languages to learn, no custom logic; just plain text, and maybe a binary graphics image or two.

Early web browsers were really just glorified file-copy programs. When you started up the Mosaic browser (pretty much all there was back then) and requested a web page from another computer, here is what would happen:

  1. The web browser determined the IP address of the remote system.

  2. The web browser contacted the remote system via TCP/IP port number 80.

  3. The remote system accepted the connection.

  4. The web browser said, “Hey, I’m looking for a file named index.html. Could you send it to me?”

  5. The remote system said, “I have it,” and immediately sent it.

  6. The remote system closed the connection.

Much of this process is hidden from view, but you can actually see it happen. If you’re interested, open the Windows command prompt and type the following command:

telnet 80

This runs the Telnet program, a terminal emulation program that lets you connect to remote systems through a text interface. (Telnet is installed on Windows XP by default, but it is optional in Windows Vista. You can add it to Vista through the Control Panel’s Programs and Features applet.) Telnet usually connects to TCP/IP port 23, but you can specify any port you want, as we did here with the default WWW port of 80.

Your screen may go blank, or it may just sit there, looking dead. If you’re lucky, you’ll see a “connected” message, but perhaps not. And that’s OK. Your system is connected to Google’s web server. Type the following command:

GET / HTTP/1.0

Don’t miss the spaces surrounding the first slash. Follow this command with two light taps on the Enter key. This command asks the remote system to send the default web page at the top of that server’s web hierarchy. And because you asked, it will.

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Cache-Control: private
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Set-Cookie: PREF=ID=1c1dd342e463f3f1:TM=1199325226
expires=Sat, 02-Jan-2010 01:53:46 GMT;
Server: gws
Date: Tue, 01 Jan 2008 01:30:00 GMT
Connection: Close

<html><head> of HTML web page content here...

Connection to host lost.

Of course, you do not normally see all this. The web browser carries on this dialog for you, and nicely formats the response as a web page. This is actually all there is to the World Wide Web. You have just experienced the major features involved: the transfer of basic data through a TCP/IP port. So, where does programming come in?

Programming the Internet

Static pages were good for a while, but then the Internet became humdrum. Finally someone had a bright idea: “We have a program running on our web server that is responding to clients, and feeding them requested pages. What if we could enhance that program so that, for certain pages, it would call a program or script that would generate the HTML content on the fly, and have that content returned to the client?” So, they changed the server process. Now, when the client asked for a web page ending with the extension .cgi, the web server process ran a separate script that generated the content. The system also provided a means for some client-supplied content to make its way to the script, making possible customization and personalization features.

From there it was a short step to a generic solution. On the Microsoft platform, Internet Information Server supported add-ins that could be called based on the file extension of the requested file. This led to Active Server Pages (ASP), a solution that allowed developers to embed server-side script (often using VBScript, a variation of Visual Basic) right in the HTML content, and have it adjust the content before it was sent to the client.

Someone else said, “If we can write scripts on the server side, couldn’t we also include a ‘client-side script’ right in the HTML content that a smart web browser could process?” Before long, client-side and server-side developers were battling it out in the streets, but the battle didn’t get very far because all the programmers were exhausted. The cause? Programming in script! Whether it’s embedding script in HTML (the client side) or generating HTML from script (the server side), script programming is cumbersome, slow, high in “bad” cholesterol, and almost impossible to debug interactively.

Some web script programmers hadn’t used a language compiler for years, and were on the verge of lapsing into fatal script-induced comas. You could compile some server-side logic into a DLL and use it to process web pages, but it was far from easy, and these DLLs were still often linked into the HTML content via short scripts.

Then came .NET and its support for compiled server-side application development. Script programmers breathed a collective sigh of relief from their hospital beds; they could now use the full power of Visual Studio and .NET languages to build HTML content. And this new system, ASP.NET, was designed so that you could craft entire web applications without even looking at a single HTML tag. The design goal: to make web development nearly identical to desktop application development. And Microsoft largely succeeded. It didn’t solve the client scripting problem (maybe soon!), but some of the new server-side features included in ASP.NET greatly reduced the need for custom client-side scripts.

The pages you build in ASP.NET are called Web Forms, and because they are so closely tied together, I sometimes use ASP.NET and Web Forms interchangeably. But they aren’t exactly the same thing: ASP.NET includes Web Forms.

ASP.NET Features

ASP.NET includes many new advances in web development technology. Here are just a few of the more famous ones:

Compiled code

All of the code you write for ASP.NET applications is fully compiled into standard .NET DLL assemblies. When the client makes a request for a file with an .aspx extension, Internet Information Server locates this file (which contains HTML or combined HTML/ASP.NET content) and the associated compiled DLL, and uses them together to process the page content. You can precompile the DLL before deployment, or you can let ASP.NET compile it on the fly the first time the .aspx file gets called (although this incurs a bit of a performance hit).

.NET support

ASP.NET applications can access the full .NET Framework Class Libraries (FCLs), except those that specifically target desktop development. Any of the cool features and classes you have in desktop .NET applications are right there in web applications as well.


HTML tags, such as the <textarea> tag, are really just text strings within a larger HTML text file. Pre-.NET server-side scripting was an exercise in string concatenation, building up a larger file from smaller content strings. ASP.NET treats all web-page elements as true objects, complete with properties and events. And some of these objects implement complex client-side controls, backed up by hundreds of lines of client-side script that you get for free.

Deployment simplicity

Managing server-side scripts and custom DLLs before .NET was not very fun. Certain types of changes required a full shutdown of Internet Information Server, or at least of the portion that controlled the application being changed. ASP.NET lets you make changes on a production system without impacting active users. If you replace a compiled DLL, ASP.NET will start using it immediately, but will still keep the older version around until all existing clients have detached from it.

Browser independence

The web-page objects that you use in ASP.NET take responsibility for generating their own HTML and client-side script content. Many of them take the client’s browser type and version into account, enhancing or reducing features automatically when needed. As an ASP.NET developer, you don’t even have to know which browser is being used.


If you want to enhance a web-page element, you can derive from its class and add the new enhanced features, just as you do with any other .NET class.

Of course, there are more great features than the few I listed here. But you’re probably ready to see ASP.NET in action. Let’s get started.

Trying Out ASP.NET

Let’s build a very simple ASP.NET application, and examine it and its parts to discover what it’s all about.


If you are using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition, you will not be able to fully follow these instructions directly since that product does not include any ASP.NET or web development features. Instead, you need to download Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition from the Microsoft MSDN web site ( Its user interface, though streamlined, offers much of the same functionality as the full Visual Studio product. The tutorial included here was written using Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition.

Start Visual Studio and select the File → New Web Site menu command. The New Web Site form appears (see Figure 23-1). Unlike desktop applications, you must immediately tell Visual Studio where you are going to store the files. We’ll choose a location on the local filesystem, but this form also lets you work on a remote web site via FTP or HTTP. Choose the ASP.NET Web Site template, enter a directory path where you want to store the files, and click the OK button.

Creating a new ASP.NET application

Figure 23-1. Creating a new ASP.NET application

Figure 23-2 shows Visual Studio ready to start your new web application (the toolbars displayed are per my preferences).

A blank form is sometimes a good sign

Figure 23-2. A blank form is sometimes a good sign

The Solution Explorer panel already shows three files and a folder included in the project. If you browse to the project’s directory—the default location in Windows Vista is C:UsersusernameDocumentsVisual Studio 2008WebSitesWebSite1—you’ll see these same files. The web.config file is an XML file that contains application-specific settings; it’s related to the app.config file used in desktop applications. Default.aspx is the web page itself, which will contain a mixture of HTML and special ASP.NET tags and directives. The related Default.aspx.vb file contains the Visual Basic “code behind” source code that will eventually be compiled to a DLL.

Visual Studio also creates another folder at C:UsersusernameDocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsWebSite1. This folder contains the solution files normally created with any Visual Studio project. They’re put out of the way so that they don’t get included with the deployed web site.

The blank area you see in Visual Studio is a web page, just waiting for text and control content. If you want proof, click the Source section button in the bottom-left corner of the display, or use the View → Markup menu command. The window changes to HTML source code.

<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false"
CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="_Default" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
    <title>Untitled Page</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">


Well, most of it is HTML. There’s a line at the top that starts with <%@ that doesn’t look like real HTML—and it’s not. This is an ASP.NET page directive. It includes properties that help guide ASP.NET in the processing of the page. Borrowing a standard from its ASP predecessor, ASP.NET uses the <%...%> bracket pair to mark ASP.NET-specific commands and code. (You might also recognize these markers from Chapter 13, since they are used in XML Literals.)

That’s enough HTML. Who wanted to see it anyway? Click the Design section button, or use the View → Designer menu command to return to the blank page.

Let’s create an application that multiplies two user-supplied numbers together and displays the product. For such a simple feature, we could just write some JavaScript and include it as a client-side script, but we’re trying to avoid doing stuff like that. Type the following into the web page:

To multiply two values together, enter them in the
text fields, and click the Multiply button.

I made the word Multiply bold by using the Ctrl-B key sequence, just as I would do in a word processor. Press Enter once. By default, the web page lays out all elements like a word processing document, a method called flow layout mode. You can also use absolute positioning of individual elements to place them at a specific location on the page.

There’s another way to organize elements on the page: through an HTML table. Let’s add one now. Use the Table → Insert Table menu command. When the Insert Table dialog appears, specify a custom table that is three rows by two columns. Then click OK. The table should immediately appear in the body of the web page.

Type Operand 1: in the upper-left cell and type Operand 2: in the cell just below it. Your page should look like Figure 23-3.

Just getting started on this application

Figure 23-3. Just getting started on this application

It’s not much to look at, but it will get better. So far, we haven’t done much more than we could do in Notepad. But now we’re ready to add some controls. If you open the toolbox, you’ll see controls that look a lot like those found in a Windows Forms application (see Figure 23-4).

Some of the Web Forms toolbox

Figure 23-4. Some of the Web Forms toolbox

The controls are grouped by functionality:


You will generally use the controls in this section to build the user interface of your web page. Many of these controls represent standard windows controls, with direct parallels in the Windows Forms world. For instance, the ListBox entry implements a standard Windows ListBox control within the web page. To you, the programmer, these controls look like standard .NET control classes, with properties, methods, and events. To the end-user, they look like standard web-page controls, delivered using ordinary HTML. Some of these controls are composite controls, which are single controls built from multiple HTML controls working together, possibly with client-side scripting doing some of the work.


The data controls handle bound database interactions. As you may remember from previous chapters, I am not a big fan of bound controls in standard applications. But when you are communicating static data through a web page, they actually turn out to be a great timesaver. Some of these controls perform the data binding, while others perform the actual data presentation.


Users are a lot of fun, especially when they enter wacky data into your quality software. Verifying the data they enter is hard enough in desktop applications, but it’s even more cumbersome when the client system talks to the application host only a few dozen seconds per hour. The validation controls remove some of the burden. They test for the most common types of data entry mistakes, and notify the user of problems, all without extra code on your part. When you do need to perform some custom validation logic, the CustomValidator control lets you add this logic as an event handler or client-side script.


This group includes a few controls designed to help the user move from page to page or section to section within your web site.


These controls encapsulate login and password management features so that the user can create a new user account, provide an authenticated password, or perform other security-related actions.


WebParts are control containers that the user rearranges using drag-and-drop within the web page. This reorganization of the display allows the user to personalize the display to fulfill the selfish wants that cloud his mind. You can record the state of the WebParts for redisplay the next time the user returns to the site or page.

AJAX Extensions

The handful of controls in this section helps to support ASP.NET’s Ajax functionality. Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a set of web-based technologies that can help make web pages more responsive, especially through partial-page updates. Ajax is beyond the scope of this book.


Here you’ll find the ReportViewer control, the web version of the report technology we discussed in Chapter 21. It displays reports using the same RDLC files you built for your desktop application.


These are the standard HTML controls, such as <textarea>, that web page developers have been using for years. Visual Studio does provide some IntelliSense and property validation for you, but using these controls is identical to typing the matching HTML tag directly into the page markup.

Let’s add a few controls from the Standard section of the toolbox to the web page. In the bottom-left cell of the table we added earlier, add a Button control, give it the name ActMultiple, and set its Text property to Multiply.

Add two TextBox controls to the top two cells in the righthand table column. Name one of them FirstOperand and name the other one SecondOperand.

Add a Label control to the bottom-right corner cell of the table. Name it Product, and set its Text property to 0 (that is, zero).

Did you notice how setting each property for these controls was no different from what you did in the main Library application? Simple! By now, your web page should look like the one in Figure 23-5.

The completed user interface

Figure 23-5. The completed user interface

Return briefly to the HTML markup for this page by clicking on the Source section button at the bottom of the page. If you’re familiar with HTML, you’ll notice the <table> tag for the table we added. But you’ll also find something unfamiliar within the first table row.

<table class="style1">
      Operand 1:
      <asp:TextBox ID="FirstOperand"

It’s that <asp:TextBox> tag. It looks something like other HTML tags, but there are no HTML tags that start with “asp.” This is a special ASP.NET tag that represents a Web Forms control class. These controls, and the runat="server" attributes strewn throughout the markup, are what make ASP.NET pages what they are. As ASP.NET processes the .aspx page, it strips out these custom control tags and calls on the related controls to generate their own browser-neutral HTML.

The user interface is done; let’s add the logic. We want the program to multiply the two operands together when we click on the Multiply button. Return to the web page design and double-click on the Multiply button. It jumps to the code template for a button’s Click event, just as you expected it to do.

Partial Class _Default
   Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

   Protected Sub ActMultiple_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _
         ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ActMultiple.Click

    End Sub
End Class

The design goal of ASP.NET was to have code that was as close to desktop application code as possible, and this is it. Add the following logic to the event handler:

' ----- Multiply the two numbers.
Product.Text = Val(FirstOperand.Text) * _
If (Val(Product.Text) < 0) Then
    Product.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Red
    Product.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Black
End If

As you were typing, did you notice all of the IntelliSense responding to your every keystroke? I couldn’t tell that this was a web-based application, and that’s great.

Press the F5 key to start the application. You’ll be prompted to turn on debugging, which you want to do. This will modify the application’s web.config file to support debugging. Later, you’ll want to disable that feature so that your users won’t be able to debug the application. If you open the web.config file, you’ll see this line:

<compilation debug="true" strict="false" explicit="true"/>

Just change the debug attribute to false to turn off debugging.

ASP.NET is a server application; it requires a living, breathing web server before pages can be processed. You may or may not have Internet Information Server installed on your system, but that’s OK. Visual Studio 2008 includes its own “ASP.NET Development Server” that exists just so that you can test your ASP.NET applications. Figure 23-6 shows it popping up in the system tray.

Your built-in web server endeavors to give good service

Figure 23-6. Your built-in web server endeavors to give good service

Figure 23-7 shows the application running in my default web browser, Internet Explorer. (Dear web browser companies, for information on product placement in this page, contact me directly.)

Wow, a whole web application in fewer than 10 lines of code

Figure 23-7. Wow, a whole web application in fewer than 10 lines of code

If you don’t like how the table spreads way across the page, you can adjust it using the CSS Properties panel. Back in Visual Studio, select the View → CSS Properties menu command. The panel opens, and adjusts itself depending on which page element you currently have selected. To eliminate the table’s love affair with the right border, select the table itself, scroll down to the Position/Width property, and remove the “100%” value from that property entry.

More About Events

So far, our application looks just like a desktop application; the form displayed our initial drag-and-drop and property settings, and it responded to a button click by returning to the processing computer for the logic. But let’s be honest. There’s no way that a web application can ever be truly as responsive to events as a desktop application. What happens when the Internet connection goes down or it is just plain slow? How do you handle things such as TextChanged events in text fields? You can’t have the web page go back to the web server every time the user presses a key.

The ASP.NET TextBox control has a TextChanged event, but it does not trigger for each keystroke. In fact, it doesn’t trigger at all (by default) until something (such as a button click) causes the page to go back to the server. And there are a lot of other control events that work like this. They are all saved up until the user does something to bring the whole page back to the web server for processing. At that time, these delayed events finally fire, and processing continues as normal.

So, there are really two types of events: regular and premium. I mean postback and non-postback. Postback events are those that cause the web page to immediately return to the server for processing. Non-postback events delay their event handlers until something else causes a return to the server. Most events are one or the other, but some can be changed. The CheckBox control has a CheckedChanged event that fires in a non-postback way when the user alters the state of the checkbox. However, if you set the control’s AutoPostBack property to True, the page will immediately return to the server anytime the user clicks the checkbox.

Besides control events, the entire page has a few events. The most significant is the Page_Load event. This is analogous to Windows Forms’ Form_Load event; it’s a great place to configure initial control properties, fill in drop-down lists, and so on. I’m going to add the following code to my page’s Load event:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _
      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
   ' ----- Initialize the data.
   Product.Text = "No Data"
End Sub

Now the Product label will display “No Data” the first time the page appears. The thing about the Load event handler is that it runs every single time the web page is displayed. Since this test application keeps using the same page over and over again for its results, the Load event handler will run afresh each time. For this test program, it’s not really a big deal; the code in the ActMultiply_Click event handler overrides its initial “No Data” value. But in other applications, you might not want to keep reinitializing the data. Fortunately, the Load event will let you know whether this is the first time through via a page-level member called IsPostBack.

' ----- Initialize the data, but only the first time.
If (Me.IsPostBack = False) Then Product.Text = "No Data"

State and View State

Wait a minute. If I am reloading the page from scratch every time with the need to initialize values in the Page_Load event handler, how is it that the two text boxes kept the user-entered values when the page reloaded? We didn’t add any code to save and restore those values during initialization.

Here’s the story. Although the Page_Load event does give you the opportunity to initialize the page every time the page loads, for most fields the page will remember what was in each field. Remember, ASP.NET is designed so that you think it is running just like a Windows Forms application. You would never be happy if the fields on your desktop form kept clearing out every time the user clicked a button. You wouldn’t be happy if they cleared out in a Web Forms application either.

Because web pages are disconnected from the web server most of the time, each web page needs some way to retain the state—the current property and data settings—of each control between page loads. The Web Forms system does this through a feature called View State. Here’s how it works: each ASP.NET web page includes a hidden static field that contains a serialized version of all important state information for the controls. When the user makes changes to each control and triggers some event that returns the page to the web server, it returns with both the embedded View State (built up from the previous construction of the page) and all the current settings for every control. Using this combined information, ASP.NET is able to reconstruct the true client-visible state of every control, and communicate that correctly to you in your server-side event handler code.

When you run an ASP.NET application, use the View → Source menu command in Internet Explorer or your favorite browser of the month, and you’ll see something like the following:

<input type="hidden" name="_  _VIEWSTATE" id="_  _VIEWSTATE"
kQF02YA==" />

That’s the View State. Don’t ask me how it works; I won’t tell you (since I don’t know). But it’s not important to know how it works. It’s only important that ASP.NET knows how it works so that it can keep your application working like the Windows Forms system it truly isn’t.

As you add controls to your page, the View State will increase in size. Since all of the web page’s content must be transported repeatedly over the Internet, a larger View State results in longer transmission times. It is possible to turn off View State for specific controls using their EnableViewState property. If you don’t need a control’s value retained from page use to page use, it’s a good idea to turn it off.

Data Validation

Because this sample code uses the Visual Basic Val function to preprocess the user-supplied data, it almost always works without error. Any data considered invalid is simply converted to zero. Another option would be to chastise the user for invalid entry before processing occurs, to validate the supplied values. The five validators in the Validation section of the Web Forms toolbox help you do just that:

  • The RequiredFieldValidator confirms that the user supplied any value at all in a control.

  • The RangeValidator complains if a control’s value does not fall between two values.

  • The RegularExpressionValidator lets you compare a control’s value against a regular expression pattern. For instance, you could compare the user’s entry of a serial number to a pattern to ensure that it included two letters followed by five digits.

  • The CompareValidator involves two controls, comparing the value between them. The control also doubles as a data type validator, confirming that a single field contains the proper type of data, such as a date value or an integer.

  • The CustomValidator lets you perform any type of validation you want through code you supply.

All of these controls perform server-side validation, and they optionally do their data check using client-side scripts (the default). Having the client-side check reduces the need to go back to the web server just to ensure that a required field has data. Having the server-side check ensures that the data is valid even if the client has disabled scripting support.

The validators display their own error messages, so you place them on the page where you want the error message to appear. You can also have multiple validators display their collective issues in a single location by using a ValidationSummary control.

Let’s add some validation to the two input fields in the multiplication sample. We want to ensure that the data is supplied, and that both values are valid integers. To do this, we must add both a RequiredFieldValidator and a CompareValidator for each field. Right-click in the bottom-right cell of the table, just after the Product label, and choose Insert → Column to the Right from the shortcut menu that pops up. In the new upper-right cell, add a RequiredFieldValidator control. Set the following properties:

  • Set ControlToValidate to FirstOperand.

  • Set Display to Dynamic. This lets the size of the validator shrink to nothing when there is no error to display.

  • Set ErrorMessage to Missing.

Just to the right of that validator, in the same table cell, add a CompareValidator, and set these properties:

  • Set ControlToValidate to FirstOperand.

  • Set Display to Dynamic.

  • Set ErrorMessage to Must be an integer.

  • Set Operator to DataTypeCheck.

  • Set Type to Integer.

Add a similar pair of validators to the second table row, using SecondOperand for the ControlToValidate. Your web page should look like Figure 23-8.

Bulking up on the validation support

Figure 23-8. Bulking up on the validation support

Run the program and just try to enter faulty data in the input cells. The page will complain immediately when you click the Multiply button.

That’s all the multiplying we’ll do for now. I’ve saved a copy of the project for you in the WebSite1 subdirectory in the main directory where you installed this book’s sample code.

Database Integration

Connecting ASP.NET pages to a database, especially if you use some of the wizard-style features of Visual Studio, is extremely easy. That’s because many of the controls included with ASP.NET are specifically designed to display and interact with data from tabular data sources. We’ll try out a quick wizard example here, and do a lot more database integration in this chapter’s "Project" section.

In Chapter 20, the first of the five built-in reports we created for the Library system displayed a list of all checked-out items. We designed an RDLC report for it, and since ASP.NET includes an RDLC Report Viewer control, we could reuse that for a web-based report. But instead we’ll display the report using one of the Web Forms controls, GridView. Here’s the query that retrieves the checked-out items:

SELECT PA.LastName + ', ' + PA.FirstName AS PatronName,
   PA.Barcode AS PatronBarcode,
   PC.DueDate, IC.CopyNumber, IC.Barcode AS ItemBarcode,
   NI.Title, CMT.FullName AS MediaName
   INNER JOIN PatronCopy AS PC ON PA.ID = PC.Patron
   INNER JOIN ItemCopy AS IC ON PC.ItemCopy = IC.ID
   INNER JOIN CodeMediaType AS CMT ON NI.MediaType = CMT.ID
WHERE PC.Returned = 0
   AND PC.Missing = 0
   AND IC.Missing = 0
ORDER BY NI.Title, IC.CopyNumber, PA.LastName, PA.FirstName

That should look familiar. Create a new ASP.NET web site through Visual Studio. Type the following line at the top of the content page:

ACME Library Checked Out Items

Feel free to embellish it to make it look nicer. I added <h1> tags around it in the markup to make it stand out. Below that title line, add a new GridView control to the page. I found it in the Data section of my Visual Studio Toolbox. The control’s smart tag opens and shows a panel of GridView Tasks, as shown in Figure 23-9.

A short list of tasks for the GridView control

Figure 23-9. A short list of tasks for the GridView control

If you want to click on the Auto Format task and change the look of the grid, you can, but the important task for now is Choose Data Source. Select <Add New Source> from the list. Our old friend the Data Source Configuration Wizard appears again, although with some changes specific to ASP.NET. Select Database for the data source type and click the OK button. When prompted for the connection, you should already have a Library database connection in the list. Select it (or create a new connection) and click Next.

You’ll be asked to save the connection string in the application configuration file. If you do, it will add an entry to the <connectionStrings> section of the web.config file created for the ASP.NET application. If you like to play power games with your system administrator, leave the field unchecked. But if you want an easy way to modify the connection information later, you had better leave the field as it is, giving the entry a reasonable name. Then click Next.

The wizard prompts you for table and field details. Select “Specify a custom SQL statement or stored procedure,” click Next, and type in the checked-out-item query shown a few paragraphs back. Click Next again. The wizard gives you one last chance to test the query before you click the Finish button.

Now here’s the simple part. Visual Studio connects to the database, reads the schema, and creates columns in the grid perfectly designed for the query. Your application is complete. Press F5 to run it.

We’re going to stop there for now and pick this up in the "Project" section.

Windows Communication Foundation

Have you ever wanted to extract one piece of data from a web site for use in your Visual Basic application? No? Well let me tell you: it’s called “screen scraping,” and it’s a pain in the neck. Most web sites with valuable content are designed by selfish people, programmers who think only about their own company’s needs and nothing about other developers who need to pilfer essential data from—I mean, who need to add value to their own applications by enhancing it with content from a trusted third party.

Screen scraping is generally a bad thing. Not only is the HTML content ludicrously difficult to parse, but you never know when the web site owner is going to up and change the content without the courtesy of contacting you first. Fortunately, Windows Communication Foundation provides a solution to this problem. This core Microsoft technology, formerly code-named Indigo, exists to transport meaningful data between applications and systems, local or remote.

Windows Communication Foundation, usually abbreviated as WCF, joins several previously distinct technologies into a unified whole: message queues (such as MSMQ), web services (see the upcoming note), distributed transactions (such as MSDTC), and .NET Remoting. Since each of these technologies involved moving information from one application to another, it was a no-brainer for Microsoft to spend more money than you’ll ever see on a merged service.

If a site has content or processes that need to be used by external applications, it can include a “service” on the site that makes screen scraping unnecessary. WCF implements the intersystem-based equivalent of function calls, complete with parameters and return values, all of which can be accessed remotely. They are based on published standards such as Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) that use plain text and XML to simulate the function call between two systems.


Before Visual Studio 2008, .NET developers used a system called XML Web Services that provided functionality similar to the services portion of WCF. If you want to use XML Web Services, it is still available in Visual Studio 2008. However, Microsoft is recommending that new software use WCF instead of XML Web Services.

A lot of technologies are involved in making WCF possible, but you don’t really need to know them. Instead, you will implement one or more Visual Basic methods based on an interface you define. This interface, marked up with WCF-specific attributes, establishes the “service contract” that makes the functional communication between two systems possible.

WCF services appear as .svc files on your web site. In Visual Studio, you can either create a new web site and select WCF Service as the project type, or add a WCF Service item to an existing web site project. When you do, Visual Studio adds the necessary files to your project. The first is the actual .svc file. It’s a smart interface conduit between the web site and the actual web service code. Here’s what I found in my Service.svc file:

<%@ ServiceHost Language="VB" Debug="true" Service="Service"
CodeBehind="˜/App_Code/Service.vb" %>

This directive refers the caller to the Service class in the associated Service.vb source code file. That file is much more interesting. Here’s a portion of that file:

Public Class Service
   Implements IService

   Public Function GetData(ByVal value As Integer) _
         As String Implements IService.GetData
      Return String.Format("You entered: {0}", value)
   End Function
End Class

This looks like sample code to me, and you’ll replace it when you write your own service. The Service class in the code implements the members of the IService interface, found in the related IService.vb file.

<ServiceContract(  )> _
Public Interface IService
   <OperationContract(  )> _
   Function GetData(ByVal value As Integer) As String
End Interface

As shown, this interface also contains a meaningless sample member, GetData, which must be replaced. It’s marked up with the WCF-focused attribute <OperationContract> which, along with the interface’s <ServiceContract> attribute, declare, “There be WCF Services here.” Remember that an attribute adds metadata to an assembly so that the compiler or some other program will do something special with the marked items. In this case, the <OperationContract> attribute tells WCF to treat the GetData method (when implemented) as a service member. WCF responds by connecting up all of the plumbing code that makes the service possible.

I’m going to replace the GetData function with another one that at least pretends to do some real work. First, I’ll change the IService interface so that it defines the contract.

<ServiceContract(  )> _
Public Interface IService
   <OperationContract(  )> _
   Function NumberToText(ByVal sourceNumber _
      As Integer) As String
End Interface

Then, in the Service class, I’ll implement the interface and its NumberToText member.

Public Class Service
   Implements IService

   Public Function NumberToText(ByVal sourceNumber As Integer) _
         As String Implements IService.NumberToText
      Select Case sourceNumber
         Case 0 : Return "Zero"
         Case 1 : Return "One"
         Case 2 : Return "Two"
         Case 3 : Return "Three"
         Case 4 : Return "Four"
         Case 5 : Return "Five"
         Case 6 : Return "Six"
         Case 7 : Return "Seven"
         Case 8 : Return "Eight"
         Case 9 : Return "Nine"
         Case Else : Return "Out of range"
      End Select
   End Function
End Class

If you run this application in Visual Studio, your web browser opens with the (partial) page shown in Figure 23-10.

A WCF service running in your web browser

Figure 23-10. A WCF service running in your web browser

WCF services are methods, and a web browser isn’t a typical medium for running subroutines and functions, so the page in Figure 23-10 appears instead. Its informational content shows you how you can test or use the service, either through a utility designed for that purpose, or through Visual Basic or C# code.

Since I have this service running on my system using my test ASP.NET web server, I’ll write a desktop application to call the NumberToText method. Start a separate instance of Visual Studio and create a new Windows Forms project. Select the Project → Add Service Reference menu command. The Add Service Reference form appears; it’s a tool you use to locate local and remote WCF services.

You can specifically request the service if you know its address. To determine this, double-click on the ASP.NET Development Web Server icon in the system tray. The Root URL field will provide the base of the address. On my system at this particular moment, it says "http://localhost:49210/WebSite2,” although by default it will change port numbers if I restart the service. Add to this the name of the .svc file for your service.


Enter this address in the Add Service Reference form’s Address field, and click Go. If successful, the form locates the service and displays its contracts in the Services field. Figure 23-11 shows the located NumberToText operator. You can provide named access to the service in your code by changing the Namespace field. Then click the OK button.

A recognized web service

Figure 23-11. A recognized web service

To test out the service, I added a TextBox control and a Button control to Form1, and added the following code (I used the default service namespace of ServiceReference1):

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
   MsgBox((New ServiceReference1.ServiceClient). _
End Sub

Running the program, typing in a number from 0 to 9, and then clicking the button correctly calls the web service and returns the English version of the number. And it would have worked just as well if the NumberToText service were running on a web server at one of the research facilities at the South Pole.


I really used to hate writing ASP applications. It was a pain to embed VBScript within HTML content. Although ASP.NET still supports a variation of this method, it’s much better to use the code behind features of Web Forms. This makes web development only slightly more difficult than desktop application development. Windows Communication Foundation also makes interactions between web server-housed code and desktop code as easy as developing a class with methods.

When Microsoft first came out with the .NET Framework, its marketing department really went full strength on the web development aspects of Visual Studio. I was dubious. And although I am still mainly a desktop application developer, I no longer lose up to a week of sleep when I contemplate the building of Internet applications.


For this chapter’s project, I built a simple multipage web site that (1) lets the user look up items in the Library database; and (2) duplicates the Library Statistics report created in Chapter 21, but without the RDLC component. I went ahead and included the completed project in your installed source code directory, in the LibraryWebSite subdirectory. You can open it by locating its directory with the File → Open Web Site menu command in Visual Studio.

As shown in Figure 23-12, the project includes 11 files and two subdirectories.

The Library web site project files

Figure 23-12. The Library web site project files

Here’s a quick rundown of each file and subdirectory:


The directory for all project code that is not code behind for an actual ASP.NET web page. All of your general modules and classes for a project appear here.


A code module with six methods that I stole almost verbatim from the main Library Project’s General.vb file. I made just a few changes, mostly to deal with not having the LibraryDB global variable sitting around with its connection information.


When we started the checked-out-item report earlier in this chapter, we bound a GridView control to a database query. The GridView control, like most of the Web Forms controls, can also bind to any class that supports the IList interface, including the generic collection classes. The classes in this file will be used for instances within a generic collection in two of the web pages.


This directory normally contains data needed by the application. It was created automatically by Visual Studio. I don’t use it in this project.

Default.aspx and Default.aspx.vb

This is the entry point of the Library web site. The client browser requests the Default.aspx web page to start the library experience. The page includes a link to the statistics report, plus fields that let you look up library items by title or author.

SearchResults.aspx and SearchResults.aspx.vb

Searches performed from the Default.aspx page end up here, with queries processed in code and then bound to a grid.

SearchDetail.aspx and SearchDetail.aspx.vb

Each search result includes a link to this page. It provides additional detail for an item, in the same format used in the main Library project’s ItemLookup.vb file.

Statistics.aspx and Statistics.aspx.vb

This page displays the Library Statistics report as a bound web page.


Every ASP.NET project includes a web.config file used to specify project-specific settings in the development and production environments.

Configuring the Database

The web.config file contains a place for database connection strings. I’ve added an entry within it for the Library database.

  <add name="LibraryConnection" connectionString=
  Initial Catalog=Library;Integrated Security=True" />

Modify the “MYSERVERSQLEXPRESS” portion to the name of your SQL Server database instance, and modify the other parts of the connection string as needed. All four of the web pages use the Library database, and they all access the connection string from this entry, via the ConfigurationManager object:

Public LibraryDB As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection

...and later...

LibraryDB = New SqlClient.SqlConnection( _
   ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings( _
LibraryDB.Open(  )

...and later still...

LibraryDB.Close(  )

The Default Page

The Default.aspx page is the starting point for the Library web application, and appears in Figure 23-13.

The Library web site’s default page

Figure 23-13. The Library web site’s default page

Its code is not much to talk about. It simply fills in the Media Type drop-down list with the available types from the database.

sqlText = "SELECT ID, FullName FROM CodeMediaType " & _
   "ORDER BY FullName"
dbInfo = CreateReader(sqlText, LibraryDB)
Do While dbInfo.Read
   SearchMediaType.Items.Add(New WebControls.ListItem( _
      CStr(dbInfo!FullName), CStr(dbInfo!ID)))
dbInfo.Close(  )

The page itself is a little more interesting. When we built the sample ASP.NET web application earlier, each click on the Multiply button sent the page back to itself. It was a one-page application. Most web applications would be useless with only a single page, so button clicks and links need to jump elsewhere in the project. The report link at the bottom of this page is a standard hyperlink to Statistics.aspx, another page within the application. In the search portion of the page, the Search button (ActSearch) also jumps to another project page, SearchResults.aspx. It does this through its PostBackUrl property, which is set to ˜/SearchResults.aspx. The new page will have indirect access to all of the field selections on this starting page.

Search Results

The SearchResults.aspx page displays any matching results from the Default.aspx item search section. As shown in Figure 23-14, it includes a GridView control for the listing of results, plus a Label control that shows a count of the matches.

The Library web site’s search results page

Figure 23-14. The Library web site’s search results page

Unlike the GridView populated earlier, this one does not connect directly to a database query. Instead, I hand-build instances of the BoundSchemaSearchResults class (from BoundSchemas.vb), collect them into a generic List, and bind them to the fields in the GridView. Actually, binding in this way is a snap. Each column I configured in the GridView control looks for a property in the incoming records that matches a specific field name. These columns are defined through the Column Editor (see Figure 23-15), accessed via the control’s Columns property.

Editing columns in a GridView control

Figure 23-15. Editing columns in a GridView control

Figure 23-15 shows the properties for the first bound data column, “Item Name.” It’s bound to a field in the data named ItemData via the DataField property. The next two columns are configured similarly but use the incoming data fields AuthorName and MediaType. The fourth column provides a hyperlink to the SearchDetail.aspx for each matching record. To build this column, I added it as a HyperLinkField column instead of a BoundField column. I set its Text property to Detail, which will appear on every record. Clicking on the link will pass the ID of the matching item (I set the DataNavigateUrlFields to ID) to the target page via a query string. The DataNavigateUrlFormatString property contains a string that will be sent to the String.Format method, along with the fields listed in DataNavigateUrlFields. Here is the format string:


The {0} part gets replaced with the value of each record’s ID field.

This page’s Load event handler is triggered by a call from the Search button on the Default.aspx page. When a Web Forms page calls itself, it can directly examine the values in its controls. But the controls on the Default.aspx page don’t exist here in the SearchResults.aspx page. Fortunately, the previous page’s controls are sent as data to the new page. You can access them through the PreviousPage object. The following code extracts the values from each of the search fields:

' ----- Get the title search text.
sourceTextBox = CType(PreviousPage.FindControl( _
   "SearchTitle"), TextBox)
If (sourceTextBox IsNot Nothing) Then _
   useTitle = Trim(sourceTextBox.Text)

' ----- Get the last name search text.
sourceTextBox = CType(PreviousPage.FindControl( _
   "SearchLastName"), TextBox)
If (sourceTextBox IsNot Nothing) Then _
   useLastName = Trim(sourceTextBox.Text)

' ----- Get the first name search text.
sourceTextBox = CType(PreviousPage.FindControl( _
   "SearchFirstName"), TextBox)
If (sourceTextBox IsNot Nothing) Then _
   useFirstName = Trim(sourceTextBox.Text)

' ----- Get the media type value.
sourceMediaType = CType(PreviousPage.FindControl( _
   "SearchMediaType"), DropDownList)
If (sourceMediaType IsNot Nothing) Then _
   useMediaType = sourceMediaType.SelectedValue

Amazingly, the previous page didn’t just send its fields as string values. Instead, they retained their existence as true objects. Using the CType function to convert them to TextBox and DropDownList controls was enough to access their control properties.

I use the user-supplied values to build a SQL statement and query the database for results. If there are any, the resultant data is massaged into a list of objects.

Dim oneEntry As BoundSchemaSearchResults
Dim reportData As Collections.Generic.List( _
   Of BoundSchemaSearchResults)

Do While dbInfo.Read
   ' ----- Add it to the report data.
   oneEntry = New BoundSchemaSearchResults
   oneEntry.ID = CInt(dbInfo!ID)
   oneEntry.ItemName = CStr(dbInfo!Title)
   If (IsDBNull(dbInfo!LastName) = True) Then _
      useLastName = "" Else _
      useLastName = CStr(dbInfo!LastName)
   If (IsDBNull(dbInfo!FirstName) = True) Then _
      useFirstName = "" Else _
      useFirstName = CStr(dbInfo!FirstName)
   If (useFirstName <> "") Then
      If (useLastName <> "") Then useLastName &= ", "
      useLastName &= useFirstName
   End If
   oneEntry.AuthorName = useLastName
   oneEntry.MediaType = CStr(dbInfo!MediaName)


The results are bound to the grid, and a count is displayed to the user.

ResultsGrid.DataSource = reportData
ResultsGrid.DataBind(  )
MatchCount.Text = reportData.Count & " matching items."

You must call the GridView control’s DataBind method or you won’t see any results.

Search Detail

When the user clicks on one of the Detail links in the search results, it sends the ID of the selected NamedItem record to the SearchDetail.aspx page as a query string. The page itself, which I won’t show here, includes many Label controls that attempt to mimic the output on the detail panel of the ItemLookup.vb form in the main Library application. I even use almost the same Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) instructions in this page that I use in the application.

When the page’s Load event handler fires, it first examines the query string to extract the supplied NamedItem ID. A missing ID results in a return to the main search form.

itemID = Val(Page.Request.QueryString("ID"))
If (itemID <= 0) Then
End If

Most of the formatting code for this page comes from the ItemLookup.vb file in the main application. It queries the database for details of the specified NamedItem record, and updates each label using these values. The only thing that is interesting—besides the fact that this seems all too easy for web-page development—is the creation of the table of item copies near the bottom of the page. In the ItemLookup.vb version of the code, I hand-crafted an HTML <table> set and filled in its columns with the status of each available copy of the named library item. I thought it was a shame to ignore all of that great code, so I just copied it nearly unchanged into the code for SearchDetail.aspx.vb. So far, I haven’t had to do anything with HTML itself, except when I wanted to add <h1> tags around the page titles. But since I had written the HTML-generating code, and since ASP.NET applications target HTML, I thought I could use it.

And I can. One of the Web Forms controls is Literal, a control that exists only so that you can set its Text property to properly formatted HTML content. After building up the table structure in a StringBuilder object named copyTable, I assign that HTML content to the Literal control.

' ----- Add the table to the output.
PutTableHere.Text = copyTable.ToString(  )

Statistics Report

The Statistics.aspx page displays the same summary information included in one of the reports from Chapter 21. In the original statistics report, I displayed record counts from six different tables, and presented them as a list in an RDLC report format. In this web page, I do those same six queries, build a generic list of the results, and bind that list to—surprise—a GridView control, which is quickly becoming our favorite. Here’s the code for the page in its entirety:

Imports System.Data

Partial Class Statistics
   Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

   Public LibraryDB As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection

   Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _
         ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
      ' ----- Prepare the data for the report.
      Dim sqlText As String
      Dim reportData As Collections.Generic.List( _
         Of BoundSchemaStatistics)
      Dim oneEntry As BoundSchemaStatistics
      Dim resultValue As Integer
      Dim counter As Integer
      Dim tableSets(  ) As String = {"Author", "Publisher", _
         "Subject", "NamedItem", "ItemCopy", "Patron"}
      Dim tableTitles(  ) As String = {"Authors", "Publishers", _
         "Subject Headings", "Items", "Item Copies", "Patrons"}

      ' ----- Connect to the database.
      LibraryDB = New SqlClient.SqlConnection( _
         ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings( _
      LibraryDB.Open(  )
      ' ----- Build the report data. It's all counts from
      '       different tables.
      reportData = New Collections.Generic.List( _
         Of BoundSchemaStatistics)
      For counter = 0 To UBound(tableSets)
         ' ----- Process one table.
         sqlText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " & _
         resultValue = CInt(ExecuteSQLReturn(sqlText, _

         ' ----- Add it to the report data.
         oneEntry = New BoundSchemaStatistics
         oneEntry.EntryName = tableTitles(counter)
         oneEntry.EntryValue = CStr(resultValue)
      Next counter

      ' ----- Finished with the connection.
      LibraryDB.Close(  )

      StatisticsGrid.DataSource = reportData
      StatisticsGrid.DataBind(  )
   End Sub
End Class

I included only a minimum set of features in this web site, and don’t start cracking jokes about my web page design skills. If I were planning to deploy this web site, I would certainly enable some links on the SearchDetail.aspx page so that the user could click to search for other items by the same author, publisher, series, and so on. I would also add patron-specific features that would let users check their current checked-out items and any fines due. Another great feature to add would be online help content that told the patron or administrator how to use the system. And that just happens to be the topic for the next chapter. Lucky you.

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