386 Programming and Data Structures
Explanation In the above program structure stud is declared with it's members char name
[1 2], in t ro lln o and char grade [2 ]. The array st [3] of structure stud is declared. The
f i r s t while loop and scanf () statements within the loop are used for repetitive data reading.
The second w hile loop and p rin tf () statements within it displays the contents of an array.
We know that pointer is a variable that holds the address of another data variable. The variable may
be of any data type i.e. int, flo a t or double. In the same way we can also define pointer to structure.
Here, starting address of the member variables can be accessed. Thus, such pointers are called structure
Exam ple
struct book
{ char name[25 ];
char author[2 5 ];
in t pages;
struct book *p tr;
In the above example *ptr is pointer to structure book. The syntax for using pointer with member
is as given below.
1) ptr->name 2) ptr->author 3) p tr- >pages.
By executing these three statements starting address of each member can be estimated.
The below given programs illustrate the use of pointer to structure.
12.9 Write a program to declare pointer to structure and display the contents of the structure.
# include <stdio.h >
# include <conio.h>
void main()
struct book
{ char name[2 5];
char autho r[2 5 ];
in t pages;
} ;
stru ct book b l-{"JA V A COMPLETE REFERENCE", "P .NAUGHTON", 886};
struct book *p tr;
clrscr ();
printf ("n %s by %s of %dpages",bl.name,bl.author,bl.pages);
printf (" n %s by %s o f% d pages", ptr->name,ptr->author,ptr->pages);
Structure and Union 387
Explanation In the above program the function p rin t f () statement prints structure elements by
calling them as usual. In the second p rin t f () statement to print the structure elements using pointer
an arrow operator (- and > togetner) is used instead of dot ( . ) operator. The reason is that the p tr is
not a structure variable but poin ter to a structure.
12.10 Write a program to declare pointer as members of structure and display the contents
of the structure.
# in clu d e < std io .h >
# in clu d e <con io.h>
v o id mainO
s tru c t boy
char *name;
in t *age;
flo a t *height;
static struct boy *sp;
char nm[1 0 ]="Mahesh";
in t ag=20;
f lo a t ht=5.40;
sp- >name=mn;
sp->h eigh t=& ht;
c l r s c r ( ) ;
p rin tf ("n Name = % s”,sp->nam e);
p rin tf (" n Age = % d *sp->age);
p rin tf C'n H eight = % f,*sp->height);
I ' ' '
Name = Mahesh
Age = 20
Height = 5.400000
388 Programming and Data Structures
Explanation In the above program stru c tu re boy is declared. The members of s tru ctu re
boy are pointers. The pointer *sp is pointer to stru c tu re boy. Another three ordinary variables
char nm [10] ="Mahesh", in t ag=20 and f lo a t h t=5 .40 are declared and initialized. The
addresses of these ordinary variables are assigned to structure variables using arrow operator. Using
p r in t f () statement the contents of structure variables are displayed.
12.11 Write a program to declare pointer as members of structure and display the contents
of the structure without using -> (arrow) operator.
# include < std io .h >
# in clu de <con io.h>
# in clu d e < s trin g .h >
v o id main()
s tru c t boy
char *name;
in t *age;
flo a t * h e ig h t;
} ;
s tru c t boy b;
char nm[1 0 ]="Somesh";
in t ag=20;
f lo a t h t=5 .40;
s t r c p y (b . name, nm);
b . age=&ag;
b.h e igh t= & h t;
c l r s c r ( ) ;
printf (" n Name = %s",b.name);
printf (" n Age = %d",*b.age);
printf (" n Height = %g",*b,height);
Q u m r r ;
Name = Somesh
Age = 20
Height = 5.4
Explanation This program is same as the previous one. Here no pointer is declared in structure.
Hence, using dot operator we can display the contents of the structure.
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