2 Programming and Data Structures
Global Data
1 Statement
2 Statement
3 Statement = = 1
goto 50
50 Statement
51 Statement
52 Statement
goto 1
99 Statement
100 Statement
Fig. 1.1 Program in monolithic programming
Procedural Programming
a) In the procedural programming languages such as FORTRAN and COBOL, programs are
divided into a number of segments called sub-programs. Thus, it focuses on functions
apart from data. Fig. 1.2 describes a program of procedural type. It shows different sub
programs accessing the same global data. Here also, the programmer can observe lack of
b) The control of program is transferred using unsafe goto statement.
c) Data is global and all the sub-programs share the same data.
d) These languages are used for developing medium-sized applications.
Fig. 1.2 Program in procedural programming
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