236 Programming and Data Structures
7.9 THE sscanf () AND sp rin tf () FUNCTIONS
a) sscanf () The sscanf () function allows to read characters from a character array and writes them
to another array.
This function is similar to scan f () but instead from standard input it reads data from an array.
7.40 Write a program to read string from a character array.
# include <stdio.h>
# include <canio.h>
void main ()
char i n [10] ,out[10];
clrsc r () ;
sscanf (in,% s"j>ut);
printf ("% sn ",out);
Q V m i L
Explanation In the above program two character arrays in [10] and out [10] are declared. Thegets
() function reads the string through the terminal and it is stored in the array in [ ]. Till this time the
o u t[ ] array is empty. The sscanf () function reads characters from array in [ ] and assignes it to
array out [ ]. Thus, both the arrays contain the same string. At the end the p r i n t f () function
displays the contents of array out [ ] .
7.41 Write a program to read integers in character array, convert and assign them to integer
variable using sscanf () function.
# include <stdio.h>
# include <conio.h>
void main ()
int *x;
char in [10] ;
c lrsc r ();
printf (" n Enter Integers: " ) ;
sscanf ( in, "% d",x);
printf (" n Value of int x : % d "*x );
Enter Integers: 123
Value of int x : 123
Explanation In the above program integer is read and stored in the character array in [ ] . The
variable 'x' is declared as an integer pointer. The ssc an f () function assigns base address of array
in [ ] to pointer ' x '. The content of pointer 1 x ' is displayed using pointer notation (*).
Arrays 237
b ) sp r in t f () The s p r in t f () function is similar to th e p rin tf () function except a small difference
between them. T h ep rin tf () function sends the output to the screen where as the s p r i n t f () function
writes the values of any data type to an array of characters. The following program is illustrated
pertaining to sp rin t f ().
7.42 Writes a program to explain the use of sprintfO.
# include <stdio.h>
# include <conio.h>
void m&inO
int a*10;
char c - 'C ';
float p*3.14;
char spf [20];
clrscr ();
sprintf(spf,"%d %c % .2f',aj:,p);
printf ("n%s",sp f);
10 C 3.14
Explanation In the above program sprint f () stores the values of variables in the character array
spf [ ]. While sprin t f () function executes the contained variables won't be displayed on the
screen. The contents of an array spf is displayed using p rin tf () function.
7.43 Write a program to complete the string by filling the spaces with appropriate characters.
# include <stdio.h>
# include <conio.h>
void main ()
char name [] *"Mas er ng A SI C*;
int x=0;
clrscr ();
printf ("M astering A N S I Cnn ");
while (name[x]!=0)
if(nam e[x]~32)
getche ();
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