574 Programming and Data Structures
r°num s[q];
fo r (p «q -l;p > «0 && r<n um s[p];p--)
nums [p+1]=nums[p];
nums [p + 1 ]«r ;
p r i n t f (" Element %d inserted in appropriate place
" # r) ;
while (p<xuim)
p rin tf("% d ", nums[p++]);
p rin tf;
p rin tf("S o rt e d elements are: " ) ;
fo r (p « 0; p < num; p++)
p rin tf("% d ", nums[p]) ;
Enter number of elements: 5
Enter 5 elements: 4 6 2 1 8
Element 6 inserted in appropriate place 4 6 2 1 8
Element 2 inserted in appropriate place 2 4 6 1 8
Element 1 inserted in appropriate place 1 2 4 6 8
Element 8 inserted in appropriate place 1 2 4 6 8
Sorted elements are: 1 2 4 6 8
Explanation In the above program, the nested w h ile loops are used. The variable q is initialized
with 1 and p with 0. The variable r inside the w h ile loop is used to take elements from the array
and the same element is compared with the remaining elements. The ' f o r ' loop inside the whi l e
loop executes if p>=zero and r (recently assigned value of array element) less than other elements,
the insertion carried out.
The selection sort is nearly same as exchange sort. Assume we have a list containing n elements. By
applying selection sort, the first element is compared with the remaining (n-1) elements. The smallest
element is placed at the first location. Again, the second element is compared with the remaining
(n-2) elements. If the item found is lesser than the compared elements in the remaining n-2 list
than the swap operation is done. In this type, the entire array is checked for the smallest element
and then swapped.
Figure 16.4 illustrates the process of sorting elements by selection sort. In each pass, one element
is sorted and kept at the left. Initially the elements are temporarily sorted and after next pass, they
are permanently sorted and kept at the left. Permanently sorted elements are covered with squares
and temporarily with encircles. Element inside the circle 'O' is chosen for comparing with the
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