Working with Strings & Standard Functions 243
Character arrays can be initialized as follows.
a) char name [6] = { 'S ' / 'A '
'N ' , ' J
' A '
' Y'};
b) char name[7]= { 'S ', 'A
'N ',' J
'A ',' Y'};
Incase (a ) the output will not be ' SAN JAY' but it contains some garbage value. Arguments in this
example are initialized with [ 6 ] , which is exactly equal to a number of characters inside the braces.
The NULL character must be included and hence, the argument must be [ 7 ] instead of [ 6 ] as given
in statement (b).
8.1 Write a program to display the output when the account of N U LL character is not
# include <stdio.h># include <con±o»h>
void main()
char namel[ 6] {' S ' ,'A ' ,'N','J ' ,'X','Y >)t
clrscr ();
printf ("N a m e l = %s",namel);
Explanation The output of the above program would be SANJAY followed by some garbage value.
To get the correct result the argument must be [ 7 ] instead of [ 6 ] . The output can be seen as given
below after changing the argument [ 7 ] in place of [ 6 ].
The Output will be SANJAY
The argument value must be equal to number of characters + NULL character. In case the NULL
character is not taken in account (statem ent (a ) ) the string followed by the first string
(statement ( b ) ) will be displayed. The output can be observed by executing the following
8.2 Write a program to display successive string in case first string is not terminated with
NULL character.
# inc lude < std io.h >
# in clu de <conio.h>
vo id m ain()
char namel[6]={'S ', 'A ', 'N ', ' J ', 'A ', ' Y'};
char name2 [7] = { 'S ',' A ', 'N ',' J ', 'A ',' Y' };
printf ("N a m el = % s",nam el);
printf ("nNam e2 = %s",name2);
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