

1-gram model 280

5x2 cross-validation 219


URL 276



versus classification error 59

accuracy 222

action-value function

about 712

greedy policy, computing from 720

action-value function estimation

with Monte Carlo (MC) 719

activation functions

logistic function 492, 493

Rectified linear unit (ReLU) 497, 498

reference link 499

selecting, for multilayer neural networks 491

softmax function 494

activation functions, selecting via tf.keras.activations

reference link 516


computing, in RNN 603, 604, 605


applying, scikit-learn used 269, 270, 271

AdaBoost recognition

about 264


about 56

implementing, in Python 42, 43, 44, 45

Adaline implementation

converting, into algorithm for logistic regression 70, 71, 73

adaptive boosting

weak learner, leveraging via 264, 265

Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost)

about 264

ADAptive LInear NEuron (Adaline)

about 38, 39, 345, 412

Adaline, implementing in Python 42, 43, 44, 45

cost functions, minimizing with gradient descent 39, 40, 41

gradient descent, improving through feature scaling 46, 47, 48

large-scale machine learning 48, 49, 50, 52, 53

stochastic gradient descent 48, 49, 50, 52, 53

advanced RNN models 613


about 6, 703

agent-environment interface

about 703, 704

agglomerative clustering

applying, via scikit-learn 401

agglomerative hierarchical clustering 390

AI winters

about 411


debugging, with learning curves 209

debugging, with validation curves 209

selecting, with nested cross-validation 218, 219, 220


reference link 2


about 15

Anaconda installer

download link 15

Anaconda quick start guide

reference link 15

artificial neural networks

complex functions, modeling 410, 411

artificial intelligence (AI) 411

about 1

artificial neural network

training 441

artificial neurons

about 20, 21

defining 21, 22

perceptron learning rule 23, 24, 25, 26

attention mechanism 643


about 649, 650, 651

based on size of latent space 651

connection, with dimensionality reduction 650

automatic differentiation

about 446, 513

reference link 446

average linkage 391

average-pooling 559



intuition, developing 445, 446

reference link 446

used, for training neural network 447, 448, 449, 450


about 104, 256

applying, to classify examples in Wine dataset 258, 261, 263, 264

model ensembles 258

overview 257, 258

bag-of-words model 278

Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) 30

batch gradient descent 41, 48

batch() method 468

batch normalization (BN)

about 677, 678, 679, 680

reference link 424

Bellman equation

about 705

for dynamic programming 714

bias 79

bias problems

diagnosing, with learning curves 209, 210, 211, 212, 214

bias unit 21

bias-variance tradeoff 79

bidirectional RNN 624

Bidirectional wrapper

reference link 624

bigger data

working with 292, 293, 294, 295

binary cross-entropy 568

binomial coefficient 238


about 104, 264

working 265, 266, 267, 268, 269

border point 402

backpropogation through time (BPTT)

used, for training RNNs 606

Breast Cancer Wisconsin dataset

loading 199, 201

reference link 199


candidate value 612

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 314

categorical cross-entropy 568

categorical data

encoding, with pandas 120

handling 119

CelebA dataset

loading 580, 581

cell state 611

centroid 377

character-level language modeling, TensorFlow

about 629

character-level RNN model, building 636, 637

dataset, preprocessing 630, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636

text passages, generating 638, 639, 640, 641, 642


about 3

class labels, predicting 4

classification algorithm

selecting 55

classification error

about 95

versus accuracy 59

classification model

precision, optimizing 222, 223, 224

recall, optimizing 222, 223, 224

classification task 3


combining, via majority vote 239

class imbalance

dealing with 230, 232, 234

class labels

encoding 121, 122

class membership probabilities

from decision trees 247

class probabilities

estimating, in multiclass classification 494

modeling, via logistic regression 62

cluster inertia 379


about 7, 376

subgroups, finding with 7


about 7

grouping, in bottom-up fashion 391, 392

organizing, as hierarchical tree 390

CNN gender classifier

training 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 593

CNN layers

configuring, in Keras 573, 574


estimating, of regression model via scikit-learn 350, 351

coefficient of determination 358

collinearity 173

color channels

working with 561, 563, 565

comma-separated values (CSV) file 114

complete linkage

about 391

complex functions

modeling, with artificial neural networks 410, 411

multilayer neural network architecture 414, 415, 416, 417

single-layer neural network recap 412, 413, 414

computational performance

improving, with function decorators 506, 507, 508

computation graphs 502, 503

conditional probabilities 64

confusion matrix

about 220, 221, 222

continuing task

versus episodic task 709


in neural network 451

convergence of learning 38, 39

convolutional neural networks (CNNs)

about 546

constructing, in Keras 574, 576, 577, 578

fundamentals 547

gender classification, from face images 579

implementing 561

implementing, with TensorFlow Keras API 573

convolution output

size, determining of 554

correlation matrix

using 342, 343, 344, 345

cost functions

minimizing, gradient descent 39, 40, 41

cross-correlation 552

cross entropy 689

curse of dimensionality 144, 151, 619

about 111

custom Estimator

creating, from existing Keras model 542, 544

custom Keras layers

writing 527, 528, 529, 531

CycleGAN 698


data augmentation 581

data frame

Housing dataset, loading 337, 338


characteristics, visualizing 339, 341, 342

creating, from files 470, 471, 472, 473

fetching, from tensorflow_datasets library 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479

partitioning, into separate training 125, 126, 128

partitioning, into test sets 125, 126, 128

data storage

SQLite database, setting up for 307, 308, 309

data type

manipulating, of tensors 460, 461

DB browser, for SQLite app

URL 309

decision regions 60

decision tree

about 93, 94

building 99, 100, 101, 102, 104

decision tree regression 369, 370

decision trees 128, 368

decoder network 650


versus transposed convolution 676

deep artificial neural network 415

deep convolutional GAN (DCGAN) 675

deep convolutional neural network, with TensorFlow

data, loading 572

data, preprocessing 573

implementing 571

multilayer CNN architecture 571, 572

deep learning 416

deep neural network (DNN) 410

deep Q-learning 738

deep Q-learning algorithm

implementing 741, 742, 744, 745, 746

deep Q-network (DQN) 738


about 390

attaching, to heat map 398, 399, 401

density-based clustering 377

density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN)

regions of high density, locating 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 408

dimensionality reduction

about 140

for data compression 8

discount factor 710

discrete convolution

performing, in 2D 555, 556, 557

discrete convolutions

in one dimension 550, 551, 552

performing 549

discriminability 173


about 654

implementing 680, 681, 683, 684, 685

discriminator network

implementing 660, 663, 664

dissimilarity measures

between distributions 686, 687, 688, 689, 690

distance matrix

hierarchical clustering, performing on 392, 397, 398

divisive hierarchical clustering 390

document classification

logistic regression model, training for 289, 290, 292


processing, into tokens 286, 287

DQN model

training 739


neural network, regularizing with 565, 566, 567, 568

dynamic programming (DP)

about 705, 715

used, for predicting value function 716

with Bellman equation 714


eager execution 502


in NumPy 155

elastic Net 359

elbow method

about 377

used, for finding optimal number of clusters 384, 385

element-wise product 611

element-wise summation 611

embedding 619

EM distance

about 689

using 690, 691

encoder network 650


reference link 423

ensemble classifier

evaluating 250, 251, 252, 253, 255

tuning 250, 251, 252, 253, 255

ensemble methods 235


building, with stacking 256

working with 235, 236, 237, 238, 239

entropy 95


about 703

episode 709

episodic task

about 709

versus continuing task 709

epochs 25

error (ERR) 222

estimated value function

used, for improving policy 717

estimators 118


about 531

using, for MNIST hand-written digit classification 540, 541

exhaustive search algorithms 140

expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm 299

experience replay 698

explanatory variable 335

exploitation 704

exploration 704

Exploratory data analysis (EDA) 339


F1 score 220

false negative (FN) 221

false positive (FP) 221

false positive rate (FPR) 223

feature columns

working with 531, 532, 534, 535

feature extraction 140, 150

feature hierarchy 548

feature importance

assessing, with random forests 146, 147, 148

feature maps 548

feature normalization

about 80


about 9

feature scaling 380

about 128, 129, 130, 131

feature selection algorithms

sequential 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145

feature selection methods

reference link 145

feature vectors

words, transforming into 279

feedforward 419

filter 550

Fisher LDA 167

fitted scikit-learn estimators

serializing 302, 303, 304, 305, 307


about 309

URL 309, 317

web application, developing 309

Flask web application

about 310, 311

directory structure, setting up 313

form validation 312

macro, implementing with Jinja 2 templating engine 314

rendering 312

result page, creating 316, 317

style, adding via CSS 314, 315

forget gate 612

forward propagation

about 418

used, for activating neural network 418

fractionally strided convolution 676

fully connected layers 548

functional API

used, for making model building flexible 524, 525

function decorators

used, for improving computational performance 506, 507, 508

fuzzifier 383

fuzziness coefficient 383

fuzzy clustering 382

fuzzy C-means (FCM) algorithm 382

fuzzy k-means 382


GAN models

loss functions, for generator and discriminator networks 655, 656, 657

training 667, 668, 671, 673, 675

training, on Google Colab 657, 658, 660

gates 611

Gaussian kernel 90

gender classification from face images, with CNN

about 579

CelebA dataset, loading 580, 581

CNN gender classifier, training 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 593

generalized policy iteration (GPI) 718

generative adversarial networks (GANs)

about 649

applications 698

implementing 657

samples, generating 653, 654

training dataset, defining 665, 666

generative models

about 653

data, synthesizing 652, 653


about 653

implementing 680, 681, 683, 684, 685

generator network

implementing 660, 661, 663, 664

Gini impurity 95

global interpreter lock (GIL) 455

Google Colab

GAN models, training on 657, 658, 660

gradient boosting 273

gradient computations

resources, keeping for 514, 515

gradient descent (GD)

about 40, 58, 345

improving, through feature scaling 46, 47, 48

regression, saving for regression parameters with 345, 346, 347, 348, 349

gradient descent learning algorithm

for logistic regression 74

gradient descent optimization 128

gradient penalty (GP) 691, 692


computing, with respect to non-trainable tensors 514

gradients of loss, with respect to trainable variables

computing 512, 513


creating, in TensorFlow v1.x 503

migrating, to TensorFlow v2 504

graph-based clustering 408

graphics processing units (GPUs) 453


URL 101

greedy algorithms 140

greedy policy

computing, from action-value function 720

grid search

about 216

hyperparameters, tuning via 216, 218

machine learning models, fine-tuning via 216

grid world environment

implementing, in OpenAI Gym 727, 728, 732, 733

grid world problem

solving, with Q-learning 734

Gym environments

working with 724, 725


handwritten digits

classifying 420

hard clustering

versus soft clustering 382, 383, 384

heat map

dendrograms, attaching to 398, 399, 401


versus output-recurrence 606, 607, 609

hidden structures

discovering, with unsupervised learning 7

hierarchical-based clustering 377

hierarchical clustering

about 390

performing, on distance matrix 392, 395, 397, 398

hierarchical tree

clusters, organizing as 390

high value 713

high variance 131

holdout cross-validation

about 203

holdout method

about 204, 205

Housing dataset

exploring 337

features 337

loading, into data frame 337, 338

nonlinear relationships, modeling in 365, 367, 368

reference link 337, 339

HTML basics

reference link 311

HTML parser module

reference link 285

human visual cortex 547

hyperbolic tangent

about 495

output spectrum, broadening 495, 496, 497


about 44, 204

tuning, via grid search 216, 218


IID (independent and identically distributed) 739

image file

reading 562

image transformation 583, 585

IMDb movie review data

preparing, for text processing 275, 276

impurity measure 95

independent and identically distributed (IID) 597

information gain (IG)

about 94, 369

maximizing 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99

initial cluster centroids

placing, k-means++ used 381, 382

inliers 352

input gate 612

input padding

size of output feature maps, controlling 552, 553

input pipelines

building, used 464

installation and setup process, TensorFlow

reference link 459

instance-based learning

about 108

intelligent machines

building, to transform data into knowledge 1, 2

interactive problems

solving, with reinforcement learning 6

Internet Movie Database (IMDb) 275

Iris dataset

about 56

multilayer perceptron, building for flower classification 486, 487, 488, 489

reference link 32



URL 314

Jinja2 templating engine

used, for implementing macro 314


NumPy arrays, serializing 304

reference link 304

joint dataset

tensors, combining into 466, 467

Jupyter Notebook

about 658

Jupyter Notebook GUI

reference link 658



about 480

CNN, constructing in 574, 576, 577, 578

CNN layers, configuring in 573, 574

Keras API

implementations, simplifying of common architectures 515, 516, 517, 518

Keras layers

reference link 487

Keras model

custom Estimator, creating from 542, 544

kernel functions

about 90

using 178

kernel matrix

deriving 181

kernel methods

for linearly inseparable data 87, 88, 89

kernel principal component analysis implementation, Python

about 183, 185

concentric circles, separating 188, 190

half-moon shapes, separating 185, 186, 187, 188

kernel principal component analysis (KPCA)

about 150

data points, projecting 191, 192, 193, 194

implementing, in Python 183, 185

in scikit-learn 195

kernel functions 178, 180, 181, 182, 183

kernel trick 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183

used, for nonlinear mappings 177, 178


about 550

hyperbolic tangent (sigmoid) kernel 182

polynomial kernel 182

radial basis function (RBF) or Gaussian kernel 182

kernel SVM

used, for solving nonlinear problems 87

kernel trick

about 89

used, for finding separating hyperplanes in high-dimensional space 90, 91, 92, 93

using 178, 179

k-fold cross-validation

about 203

used, for assessing model performance 203

K-fold cross-validation

about 205, 206, 207, 208, 209

KL divergence 688


objects, grouping by similarity 376

k-means++ 381

used, for placing initial cluster centroids 381, 382

k-means clustering

with scikit-learn 377, 378, 379, 381

k-nearest neighbors (KNN) 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 129


L1 regularization

about 132

sparse solutions with 135, 136, 137, 138

L2 regularization

about 80, 132

geometric interpretation 132, 133, 134

Lancaster stemmer 287

language modeling

about 629

large-scale machine learning 48, 49, 50, 52, 53

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)

about 296

text documents, decomposing 297

with scikit-learn 297, 299, 300, 301

layer parameters, initializing via tf.keras.initializers

reference link 516

lazy learner

about 107

leaky ReLU activation function 662

learning by interaction concept 701

learning curves

algorithms, debugging with 209

bias problems, diagnosing with 209, 210, 211, 212, 214

variance problems, diagnosing with 209, 210, 211, 212, 214

learning rate 24, 413

least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) 359

leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) 207

lemmas 288

lemmatization 288

limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) algorithm

URL 77

Linear Algebra Package (LAPACK) 30

Linear Algebra Review and Reference

reference link 22

linear discriminant analysis (LDA)

about 150

feature space examples, projecting 175

scatter matrices, computing 169, 170, 171

selecting, for new feature subspace 172, 173, 174

supervised data compression, performing via 167

versus PCA 167, 168, 187

via scikit-learn 176, 177

working 168

linear least squares 345

linearly inseparable data

kernel methods 87, 88, 89

linearly separable classes 22

linear regression 5, 334

LinearRegression class, implementing in MLxtend

reference link 351

linear regression models

building 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485

performance, evaluating 356, 357, 358, 359

turning, into curve 361

linkage matrix 393

local receptive field 548

local storage disk

dataset, creating from files 470, 471, 472, 473

logistic cost function

about 68, 70

computing 441, 443, 444, 445

logistic function 492, 493

logistic regression

about 63

Adaline implementation, converting into algorithm for 70, 71, 72

class probabilities, modeling via 62

for multiple classes 64

resource 81

versus SVMs 86

logistic regression model

about 66

training, for document classification 289, 290, 292

training, with scikit-learn 75, 76, 77, 78

logistic sigmoid function

about 65

logit function 64

log-likelihood function

about 68

long-range interactions

learning challenges 610

long short-term memory cells 611, 612

loss functions

for classification 568, 569, 570

for discriminator networks 655, 656, 657

for generator networks 655, 656, 657

loss functions, via tf.keras.losses

reference link 517

low-level features 548


machine learning

about 1, 9

Python, using for 14

terminology 11

types 2

with pre-made Estimators 536, 537, 538, 539, 540

machine learning models

fine-tuning, via grid search 216

machine learning systems

building 11

models, evaluating 14

predictive model, selecting 13

predictive model, training 13

preprocessing 12, 13

unseen data instances, predicting 14


implementing, Jinja2 templating engine used 314

majority vote

classifiers, combining via 239

majority voting principle

about 236

using, to make predictions 246, 247, 250

manifold learning

about 196

reference link 196

margin 83

Markov decision processes (MDPs)

about 705

mathematical formulation 706, 707, 708

Markov process

visualizing 708

mathematical operations

applying, to tensors 461, 462, 463


reference link 27

matrix multiplication 44

maximum margin 82, 83, 84

maximum margin classification

with support vector machines 82

max-pooling 559

MC control

used, for finding optimal policy 720

McCulloch-Pitts (MCP) 20

McCulloch-Pitts neuron model 411

mean imputation 116

mean-pooling 559

mean squared error (MSE) 358, 482

median absolute deviation (MAD)

about 354

medoid 377

memory cell 611


scoring, for multiclass classification 229


about 309

minibatch gradient descent 49

mini-batch learning 49

min-max scaling 129

mirrored projections 159

missing data

dealing with 113

missing values

features, eliminating 115, 116

identifying, in tabular data 114, 115

imputing 116, 117

training examples, eliminating 115, 116

Mixed National Institute of Standards and Technology (MNIST) 421

MLxtend library

URL 339

MNIST dataset

obtaining 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 427, 428

preparing 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 427, 428

reference link 421

MNIST hand-written digit classification

Estimators, using for 540, 541

MNIST, loading with scikit-learn

reference link 428

mode collapse 696, 697

model-based reinforcement learning 707

model ensembles

with bagging 258

model-free reinforcement learning 707

model performance

assessing, with k-fold cross-validation 203


features, selecting 131

implementing, based on Model class 526

model selection 204

model training

via .compile() method 485, 486

via .fit() method 485, 486

Monte Carlo (MC)

action-value function estimation 719

reinforcement learning 718

state-value function estimation 719

movie classifier

updating 329, 332

movie classifier application

uploading 328

movieclassifier code files

obtaining 320

movie dataset

preprocessing, into convenient format 276, 278

movie review classifier

embedding, into web application 296

movie review classifier, turning into web application

about 318, 319

directory tree 319, 320

files 319, 320

folders 319, 320

main application, implementing as 320, 321, 323

result page template, creating 324, 325, 326

review form, setting up 323, 324

movie review dataset

download link 276

obtaining 276

multiclass classification

about 4

class probabilities, estimating in 494

multi-head attention (MHA) 646

multilayer CNN architecture 571, 572

multilayer neural network architecture 414, 415, 416, 417

multilayer neural networks

activation functions, selecting for 491

multilayer perceptron (MLP)

about 415

building, to classify flower 486, 487, 488, 489

implementing 428, 435, 437, 439, 440, 441

multinomial logistic regression 64

multiple decision trees

combining, via random forests 104, 105, 106, 107

multiple linear regression

about 336, 337


via n_jobs parameter 290

MurmurHash3 function

reference link 294


naïve Bayes classifier 292

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 421

natural language processing (NLP) 275

Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)

about 303

URL 287

nested cross-validation

algorithm, selecting with 218, 219, 220

neural network

activating, via forward propagation 418, 420

convergence in 451, 452

implementing 452

regularizing, with dropout 565, 566, 567, 568

training, via backpropagation 447, 448, 449, 450

n-grams models 280

NLTK book

reference link 287

NN model

building, in TensorFlow 479

no free lunch theorem 55

noise point 402

nominal features

about 119

one-hot encoding, performing 122, 123, 124

nonlinearly separable case

dealing with 84, 85

nonlinear mappings

kernel principal component analysis, using 177, 178

nonlinear problems

solving, kernel SVM used 87

nonlinear relationships

modeling, in Housing dataset 365, 367, 368

non-overlapping pooling

versus overlapping pooling 560

nonparametric models

versus parametric models 108

normal equation

about 351

reference link 351

normalization 129


Eigendecomposition 155

reference link 26, 427

NumPy array indexing 29

NumPy arrays

serializing, with joblib 304

NumPy's savez function

reference link 427


objective function 39

object-oriented perceptron API

using 26, 28, 29


grouping, by similarity 376

odds 64

off-policy TD control (Q-learning) 723

offsets 336

one-hot encoding

about 123

performing, on nominal features 122, 123, 124

one-vs.-all (OvA) 30, 229

one-vs.-rest (OvR) 58, 136

online learning 49

on-policy TD control (SARSA) 722

OpenAI Gym

about 724

grid world environment, implementing 727, 728, 732, 733

grid world example 726

URL 724

operations and functions, TensorFlow

reference link 464

opinion mining 275

optimal policy

about 712

finding, with MC control 720

optimizers, via tf.keras.optimizers

reference link 517

ordinal features

about 119

mapping 120, 121

ordinary least squares linear regression model

implementing 345

ordinary least squares (OLS) 345

out-of-core learning 292

output gate 612


versus hidden-recurrence 606, 607, 609

output spectrum

broadening, with hyperbolic tangent 495, 496, 497


about 60, 131

addressing, with validation curves 214, 215

tackling, via regularization 78, 79, 80, 81

overlapping pooling

versus non-overlapping pooling 560



for data science 16

for machine learning 16

for scientific computing 16

padding 550


categorical data, encoding with 120

reference link 26

parameter-sharing 564

parametric models

versus nonparametric models 108

Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient (Pearson's r) 342


reference link 25

settings 62

training 56, 57, 58, 59, 61

perceptron convergence

reference link 38

perceptron hyperparameters 44

perceptron learning algorithm

implementing, in Python 26

object-oriented perceptron API, using 26, 29

perceptron model, training on Iris dataset 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38

perceptron learning rule 23, 24, 25, 26

perceptron model

training, on Iris dataset 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38

perceptron rule 56

performance challenges 455, 456

performance evaluation metrics

about 220

performance metrics, via tf.keras.metrics

reference link 517

pickle module

about 303

reference link 303

security risk 305


reference link 15


transformers, combining with estimators 201, 202, 203

workflows, streamlining with 198

plurality voting 236, 239


about 711

improving, with estimated value function 717

policy evaluation 716

policy iteration 717

polynomial regression 361

polynomial terms

adding, with scikit-learn 362, 364


advantages 559

pooling layers 549

pooling size 559

Porter stemmer algorithm 287

precision (PRE)

about 223

optimizing, of classification model 222, 223, 224

precision-recall curves

about 225

reference link 225

predicted class label 24


making, majority voting principle used 246, 247, 250

principal component analysis (PCA) 201

about 150, 151, 152

explained variance 156

extracting 153, 154, 155

feature transformation 157, 159, 160

in scikit-learn 160, 162, 163, 165, 167

total variance 156

unsupervised dimensionality reduction, performing via 150, 151

versus LDA 187

versus linear discriminant analysis 167, 168

prototype-based clustering 377

public server

web application, deploying to 327


about 14

kernel principal component analysis, implementing 183

perceptron learning algorithm, implementing 26

URL 14

using, for machine learning 14

Python 3

URL 15


URL 327

PythonAnywhere account

creating 327

Python Progress Indicator (PyPrind)

reference link 277



grid world problem, solving 734

Q-learning algorithm

implementing 734, 735, 737, 738

quality of clustering

quantifying, via silhouette plots 386, 388, 390

quality of synthesized images

improving, convolutional and Wasserstein GAN used 675


radial basis function (RBF) 90, 182

random forest

used, for assessing feature importance 146, 147, 148

random forest regression

about 371, 373, 374

random forests

about 128

multiple decision trees, combining via 104, 105, 106, 107

used, for dealing with nonlinear relationships 368

RandomizedSearchCV class, usage

reference link 218

RANdom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC)

about 352

used, for fitting robust regression model 352, 354, 356

raw term frequencies 280


implementing 182, 183

recall (REC)

about 223

optimizing, of classification model 222, 223, 224

receiver operating characteristic (ROC)

plotting 225, 228

Rectified linear unit (ReLU) 497, 498

recurrent edge 601

recursive backward elimination 145

regex library 285

regions of high density

locating, via DBSCAN 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 408


about 3, 5

continuous outcomes, predicting 4, 5

regularized methods, using 359, 360, 361

saving, for regression parameters with gradient descent 345, 346, 347, 348, 349

regression analysis 4

about 334

regression line 336

regression model

coefficient, estimating via scikit-learn 350, 351

regression parameters

regression, saving with gradient descent 345, 346, 347, 348, 349

regular expressions

about 286

reference link 286


about 80

overfitting, tackling via 78, 79, 80, 81

regularized methods

using, for regression 359

reinforcement learning

about 2, 6, 701, 702

interactive problems, solving 6

theoretical foundations 705

with Monte Carlo (MC) 718

reinforcement learning algorithms

about 715

dynamic programming 715

relationships 342, 343, 344, 345

re module

reference link 286

repeat() method 469

replay memory 739, 740

Residual plots 357

residuals 336


keeping, for multiple gradient computations 514, 515

return function 709, 710, 711, 713

reward function 701, 713

reward signal

about 6, 703

Ridge Regression 359

RL algorithm

implementing 723

recurrent neural network (RNN)

activations, computing in 603, 604, 605

for modeling sequences 600

implementing, for sequence modeling 613

looping mechanism 600, 601, 602

training, BPTT used 606

type of output, determining from 601

robust regression model

fitting, with RANSAC 352, 354, 356


reference link 131

ROC area under the curve (ROC AUC) 225



generating, with GANs 653, 654

sampling 105

scatterplot matrix 339


agglomerative clustering, applying via 401

alternative implementations 86, 87

coefficient, estimating of regression model via 350

coefficient, estimating of regression model via 350, 351

for k-means clustering 377, 378, 379, 381

kernel principal component analysis 195

LDA 176, 177

logistic regression model, training 75, 76, 77, 78

principal component analysis (PCA) 160, 162, 163, 165, 167

reference link 62

used, for adding polynomial terms 362, 364

used, for applying AdaBoost 269, 270, 271

working with 56, 57, 58

scikit-learn estimator API

about 117, 118

self-attention mechanism

about 643, 644

parameterizing 645

sentiment analysis 275

sentiment of IMDb movie reviews prediction project

about 614

layers, embedding for sentence encoding 619, 620, 621

movie review data, preparing 614, 615, 616, 617, 618

RNN model, building 621, 623

RNN model, building for sentiment analysis task 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 629

sepal width 94

sequence modeling

categories 599

many-to-many 600

many-to-one 599

one-to-many 599

RNNs, implementing for 613

sequences 597

sequential backward selection (SBS) 140, 150

sequential data

about 597

modeling 597

representing 598

versus time-series data 597, 598


manipulating, of tensors 460, 461

shift 552

shuffle() method 468

sigmoid function

about 65

plotting 65, 67, 68

signal 550

silhouette analysis 386

silhouette coefficient 386

silhouette plots

about 377

quality of clustering, quantifying via 386, 388, 390


objects, grouping by 376

similarity function 90

simple linear regression

about 335, 336

simple majority vote classifier

implementing 240, 241, 244, 246

simulated experience 719

single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) 30

single-layer neural network recap 413, 414

single linkage

about 391

slack variables

used, for dealing with nonlinearly separable case 84, 85

Snowball stemmer 287

soft clustering

versus hard clustering 382, 383, 384

soft k-means 382

soft-margin classification 84

softmax function

class probabilities, estimating in multiclass classification 494

softmax regression 64

sparse-connectivity 564

sparse solutions

with L1 regularization 135, 136, 137, 138


reference link 486


URL 307


reference link 307

SQLite database

setting up, for data storage 307, 308, 309

squared error derivative 41

squared Euclidean distance 378


used, for building ensembles 256

standardization 46, 129

state transition probability 708

state-value function 712

state-value function estimation

with Monte Carlo (MC) 719


reference link 351

stemming algorithms 287

stochastic gradient descent (SGD) 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 293, 345, 414

stop-word removal 288

stop-words 288

stride 552


finding, with clustering 7

subsampling 559

sum of squared errors (SSE) 39, 133, 345, 379, 413

supervised learning

about 2, 334, 701

predictions, making about future 3

support vector machine (SVM)

about 210, 374

maximum margin classification 82

reference link 374

versus logistic regression 86

support vectors 82

Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE)

about 234

reference link 234


tabular data

missing values, identifying 114, 115

tanh 495

target values

determining, for computing loss 740, 741

TD prediction 721, 722

temporal difference (TD) learning

about 720, 721


about 456, 457, 458

installation, troubleshooting 459

installing 458, 459

key features 501

learning 458

NN model, building 479

RNNs, implementing for sequence modeling 613

tensors, creating 459, 460

training performance 455

used, for implementing deep convolutional neural network 571

TensorFlow Dataset

creating, from existing tensors 465, 466

TensorFlow Dataset API 465

tensorflow_datasets library

datasets, fetching from 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479

TensorFlow Keras API

about 480

used, for implementing CNN 573

TensorFlow library

reference link 452

TensorFlow style guide

reference link 479

TensorFlow v1

input data, loading into model 505

TensorFlow v1.x

graph, creating 503

TensorFlow v2

graph, migrating to 504

input data, loading into model 505

TensorFlow Variable objects

model parameters, storing 508, 509, 511

model parameters, updating 508, 509, 511


combining, into joint dataset 466, 467

concatenating 463, 464

creating 459, 460

data type, manipulating of 460, 461

mathematical operations, applying to 461, 462, 463

shape, manipulating of 460, 461

splitting 463, 464

stacking 463, 464

TensorFlow Dataset, creating from 465, 466

term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf)

word relevancy, accessing 281, 282, 284

test dataset

trained model, evaluating on 490

text classification

with recurrent neural networks 293

text data

cleaning 284, 285, 286

text documents

decomposing, with LDA 297

text processing

IMDb movie review data, preparing for 275, 276

used, for building input pipelines 464

tf.image module 471 module 471

tf.keras 480


reference link 516

time-series data

versus sequential data 597, 598


documents, processing into 286, 287

topic modeling

about 296

with Latent Dirichlet Allocation 296

trained model

evaluating, on test dataset 490

reloading 490

saving 490

transformer 117

Transformer architecture 643

Transformer block 646, 647

transposed convolution

about 676, 677

versus deconvolution 676

true class label 24

true negative (TN) 220

true positive rate (TPR) 223

true positive (TP) 220



about 78

addressing, with validation curves 214, 215

unigram model 280

unit step function 21

unsupervised classification

about 7

unsupervised dimensionality reduction

performing, via PCA 150, 151

unsupervised learning

about 2, 701

hidden structures, discovering with 7


validation curves

algorithms, debugging with 209

overfitting, addressing with 214, 215

underfitting, addressing with 214, 215

validation dataset 143

value function

about 655, 712, 713

predicting, with dynamic programming 716

value iteration 718

variable sequence lengths

dealing with 621

variance 79

variance explained ratios 156

variance problems

diagnosing, with learning curves 209, 210, 211, 212, 214

variance reduction 370

variational autoencoders (VAEs) 653

Vectorization 30


Ward's linkage 391

Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) 675

weak learners

leveraging, via adaptive boosting 264, 265

web application

deploying, to public server 327

developing, with Flask 309

movie review classifier, embedding into 296


about 691

implementing, to train DCGAN model 692, 693, 695, 696

Widrow-Hoff rule 38

wine cultivars

reference link 127

Wine dataset

about 125

obtaining 259

obtaining, reference link 153

reference link 126

Winograd's minimal filtering algorithm 559

within-node variance 370

word2vec model

about 295

reference link 296

word capitalization

dealing with 285

word relevancy

accessing, via term frequency-inverse document frequency 281, 282, 284


transforming, into feature vectors 279, 280

word stemming 287


streamlining, with pipelines 198


Xavier initialization 510

XOR classification problem

solving 518, 520, 523, 524


zero-padding 550

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