Chapter 8. SQL and Constraints

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.

Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Self Reliance” (1841)

I’ve touched on the topic of integrity constraints here and there in previous chapters, but it’s time to get more specific. Here’s a rough definition, repeated from Chapter 1: An integrity constraint (constraint for short) is basically just a boolean expression that must evaluate to TRUE. Constraints in general are so called because they constrain the values that can legally appear as values of some variable; but the ones we’re interested in here are the ones that apply to variables in the database (i.e., relvars) specifically.[112] Such constraints fall into two broad categories, type constraints and database constraints; in essence, a type constraint defines the values that constitute a given type, and a database constraint further constrains the values that can appear in a given database (where “further” means over and above the constraints imposed by the pertinent type constraints). As usual, in what follows I’ll discuss these ideas in both relational and SQL terms.

By the way, it’s worth noting that constraints in general can be regarded as a formal version of what some people call business rules. Now, this latter term doesn’t really have a precise definition (at least, not one that’s universally accepted); in general, however, a business rule is a declarative statement—emphasis on declarative—of some aspect of the enterprise the database is meant to serve, and statements that constrain the values of variables in the database certainly fit that loose definition. In fact, I’ll go further. In my opinion, constraints are really what database management is all about. The database is supposed to represent some aspect of the enterprise in question; that representation is supposed to be as faithful as possible, in order to guarantee that decisions made on the basis of what the database says are right ones; and constraints are the best mechanism we have for ensuring that the representation is indeed as faithful as possible. Constraints are crucial, and proper DBMS support for them is crucial as well.

A note on terminology: Let constraint C apply to relvar R (e.g., C might be the constraint that a certain subset of the heading of R constitutes a key for R and thus has the uniqueness property). Then we say relvar R is subject to constraint C; equivalently, we say constraint C holds in relvar R. Further, let r be a relation of the same type as R. If evaluating constraint C on relation r yields TRUE, we say r satisfies C; otherwise we say it violates C. Of course, if r violates C, it can’t be assigned to R; at all times, therefore, the current value of R satisfies all constraints to which R is subject, necessarily and by definition.

[112] As we saw in Chapter 5, constraints constrain updates and updates apply to variables, not values, so it makes sense to talk of a constraint “applying to” some variable.

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