
Using the JSP code shown in today's lesson, provide the register applicant functionality for the Web interface to the agency case study.

You will need to perform the following steps. Build and deploy your application as you complete each step.

Add a createApplicant.jsp page with the alias /applicant/createApplicant to support the create applicant functionality on the agency.jsp page. Model your solution on the createCustomer.jsp page already provided.

Using advertise.jsp as a guide, develop a Web page called register.jsp to handle client registration. The links to invoke this page from the agency.jsp portal page have already been provided.

Add the ability to update the applicant details and code an updateApplicant.jsp page that is accessed from a form on the register.jsp page and has the alias /applicant/updateApplicant.

Add functionality to the register.jsp page to delete an applicant and write the deleteApplicant.jsp page (alias /applicant/deleteApplicant).

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