
The software industry is still a young industry in which software quality means for many people “pain,” “cost,” “constraint,” “nice to have,” “one-shot effort,” or “external reviews.” Fortunately, with the Agile movement, the industry has started to realize during the last decade that software quality also means “fun,” “built-in,” “rewarding,” and “higher productivity.” Ann Campbell and Patroklos Papapetrou belong to the latter group, and they strongly believe that software quality should be a daily concern shared by all stakeholders in the industry for long-term success.

Software quality is divided into external and internal quality. External quality looks at how well the software fulfills its functional requirements: in other words, whether you’re building the right software. Internal quality looks at how well the software is designed/implemented to constantly welcome new changes: in other words, whether you’re building the software right. Industry statistics show that on average, 80% of the cost of software is spent on maintenance; there is considerable variability depending on internal quality. This makes internal quality a key component for the future cost of software.

This is the reason why managing code quality of applications has become a major concern for any company that builds or is involved in building software. Traditional approaches to managing code quality propose to test code from time to time, mainly at the end of a development phase. In the best case, this approach leads to delays and re-work; in the worse case, it leads to the shipment of poor-quality, expensive-to-maintain software. There is therefore an urgent need for a new approach: one that clearly gives ownership of code quality back to the development team; one that emphasizes quality throughout the development phase and has a shorter feedback loop to ensure rapid resolution of quality problems; in short, a model that builds in quality from the start, rather than considering it after the fact.

This is the mission we have set ourselves at SonarSource: to provide tooling for support of this new approach called Continuous Inspection. This is what we believe we have achieved with SonarQube, the open source platform to continuously manage technical debt. SonarQube has a large ecosystem, is widely adopted, and has a very large community. Ann and Patroklos are part of this community and among the most active members, contributing not only by their feedback but also by expanding the ecosystem. When they approached me with the idea of writing a book, I was thrilled, because this is clearly something that is missing in the SonarQube ecosystem. Having Ann and Patroklos writing it also meant it would have some great insight from the community and, more important, that it would contain the end-user perspective on the solution.

This book will be your companion in your journey with SonarQube. It will take you from why you should use SonarQube to installation, configuration, administration, and utilization of services, up to extending the platform. You can use it either by reading through from A to Z or as a support reference for information about a specific topic.

But that isn’t all! Ann and Patroklos also discuss the process surrounding the tool, challenge existing and missing functionality, and provide numerous tips for using SonarQube, all based on their own experience. Whatever your level of familiarity with the product, you’ll learn from this book. This is what, in my opinion, makes this book a unique source of information for a successful implementation.





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