
List of contributors


Introduction: The Emergence of Information Technology as a Strategic Issue

1  Developments in the Application of Information Technology in Business

Information technology in business: from data processing to strategic information systems

E. K. Somogyi and R. D. Galliers

(with a Postscript by R. D. Galliers and B. S. H. Baker)

Part One: Information Systems Strategy

2  The Evolving Information Systems Strategy

Information systems management and strategy formulation: applying and extending the ‘stages of growth’ concept
R. D. Galliers and A. R. Sutherland

3  Information Strategy

Assessment of information strategies in insurance companies

M. T. Smits, K. G. van der Poel and P. M. A. Ribbers

4  The Information Technology and Management Infrastructure Strategy

Globalization and information management strategies

J. Karimi and B. R. Konsynski

5  Change Management Strategy

Change agentry – the next information systems frontier

M. L. Markus and R. I. Benjamin

Part Two: Information Systems Planning

6  Information Systems Plans in Context: A Global Perspective

Understanding the global information technology environment: representative world issues

P. C. Palvia and S. C. Palvia

7  Approaches to Information Systems Planning

Experiences in strategic information systems planning

M. J. Earl

8  The Information Systems Planning Process

Meeting the challenges of information systems planning

A. L. Lederer and V. Sethi

9  Evaluating the Outcomes of Information Systems Plans

Managing information technology evaluation – techniques and processes

L. P. Willcocks

Part Three: The Information Systems Strategy–Business Strategy Relationship

10 Measuring the Information Systems–Business Strategy Relationship

Factors that influence the social dimension of alignment between business and information technology objectives

B. H. Reich and I. Benbasat

11 Information Systems–Business Strategy Alignment

The dynamics of alignment: insights from a punctuated equilibrium model

R. Sabherwal, R. Hirschheim and T. Goles

12 Strategies in Response to the Potential of Electronic Commerce

Market process reengineering through electronic market systems: opportunities and challenges

H. G. Lee and T. H. Clark

13 The Strategic Potential of the Internet

Strategy and the Internet

M. E. Porter

14 Evaluating the Impact of IT on the Organization

The propagation of technology management taxonomies for evaluating investments in information systems

Z. Irani and P. E. D. Love

Part Four: Information Systems Strategy and the Organizational Environment

15 The Information Technology–Organizational Design Relationship

Information technology and new organizational forms

R. Lambert and J. Peppard

16 Information Technology and Organizational Decision Making

The effects of advanced information technologies on organizational design, intelligence and decision making

G. P. Huber

17 The Information Technology–Organizational Culture Relationship

Understanding information culture: integrating knowledge management systems into organizations

D. E. Leidner

18 Information Systems and Organizational Learning

The social epistemology of organizational knowledge systems

B. T. Pentland

19 Information Technology and Customer Service

Redesigning the customer support process for the electronic economy: insights from storage dimensions

O. A. El Sawy and G. Bowles

20 Information Technology and Organizational Performance

Beyond the IT productivity paradox

L. P. Willcocks and S. Lester

Author index

Subject index

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