Middleware and XML Application Servers

Another approach to accessing existing data in XML is through a gateway server or middleware layer. The concept of Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) is not new. Client/server applications were depending on messaging layers long before the first Web-based applications appeared. In this case, a middleware layer or server acts as a bridge between the older, relational model and the new XML model.

One simple way to implement an XML gateway is to configure a normal Web server to retrieve relational data and return it in a predefined XML document format. Figure 9.3 shows how a dedicated application server can be used to hide XML data conversions from client applications.

Figure 9.3. Adding an XML gateway server.

Using an intermediate server to perform conversions now simplifies the transition to fully XML-aware databases later. If the capabilities of the back-end database change, only the gateway application itself needs to be modified. Abstracting the XML-to-DB linkage isolates client applications from changes in database technology.

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