Setting up QuickSite for the first time

QuickSite starts with the wireframe skin as a default and some example content. We can log in to the backend with the username of admin and the password of password. After we log in the first time, TYPO3 will ask us to change our password. Go ahead and change it to something more secure right now.

Assigning a site URL

Next, we need to edit the TypoScript constants for the main template to assign a Site URL:

  1. First, click on the Template module on the far left sidebar.
  2. Click on the root page for our page tree, which should be labeled The QuickSite by default.
  3. Next, choose Constant Editor from the drop-down at the top of the Template editing pane. TYPO3 installations and the TemplaVoila Framework in particular, use TypoScript constants for configuration options that the TypoScript template needs access to.
  4. Select SITE CONSTANTS from the Category drop down.
  5. Finally, fill in the fields labeled Site Name and Site URL with appropriate values like shown in the following screenshot and click on the save icon.
    Assigning a site URL

Selecting a skin

Now we can select a new skin. By default, QuickSite uses a plain white skin for wireframing, but we can change it to one of the other built-in options right now:

  1. Choose Info/Modify from the drop down at the top of the editing pane.
  2. Click on the link labeled Edit the whole template record.
  3. Now, we can go to the Skin Selector tab to choose a new skin for our template (shown in the following screenshot).
  4. The Busy Noggin White Wireframe skin is chosen by default, but we can select a new skin by clicking on the Select Skin button under any of the available skins.
    Selecting a skin

Viewing our QuickSite frontend

Finally, we can clear the TYPO3 cache to see our changes in the frontend. After setup is complete and the cache is cleared, our front page will look like this:

Viewing our QuickSite frontend
..................Content has been hidden....................

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