Chapter 10

The Four Beliefs of Successful Random Connectors

Although successful random connecting takes practice and skill, it requires something even more essential: a positive, can-do attitude. After all, here you are presenting yourself to the world at large, engaging complete strangers in meaningful conversation, asking them to trust you enough to sometimes share personal information, and essentially breaking through the walls most people put around them in public places. So nothing is more important than your state of mind and belief system about the world around you and your place in it. Our beliefs drive our behavior; when you truly believe something is possible—and that you can make it happen—you are far more likely to prove yourself right. As such, the following four beliefs are all you need to have the confidence for turning random encounters into potentially life-changing relationships.

You may already accept some of these tenets to one degree or another, whereas some others may take a small leap of faith. But when you believe them in your bones, and live them fully, you will find opportunities opening up to you in ways you never knew were possible.

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