3. Almost Everyone You Meet Can Enhance Your Life in Some Way

There is value to just about every relationship you create, even if it isn’t obvious at the beginning. This core assumption is what drives random networking success: the belief that everyone has, in some way or another, something to offer. The possibilities can go in many directions, and you won’t even know what they are until you initiate and become involved in these conversations.

The entire planet is one big people portal. It’s a pathway to revenue, career opportunities, information of all sorts, or at the very least, a social connection. The value of these random connections can come directly from the connections themselves, the people they know in their professional spheres of influence, or their relatives and/or friends.

If you are in the business of selling something, you can find potential clients through random encounters. If you are unemployed or dissatisfied in your job, the people you meet out and about can hire you or direct you to people or companies that can. If you have a successful career and want to stay current, you may discover something new that gives you a professional or competitive advantage. Or you might find a friend you keep for a lifetime.

Your ability to uncover opportunities by making new and chance connections depends on the way in which you think about the world around you. The world will manifest opportunities to you in direct proportion to how much opportunity you believe is there for the taking. So believe that a world of possibility awaits you every day—and it will.

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