The fi ction writer must
rely on self-motivation.
The story is told of Sun Tzu being challenged by a king to
train 180 women, including his two favorite concubines,
into an orderly company. Sun Tzu accepted, and put the
two concubines in command of the troops.
But when Sun Tzu started giving orders, the com-
pany of women started giggling. Sun Tzu tried again.
Same result.
This failure to obey, Sun Tzu claimed, was the fault
of the commanders. So he ordered the two concubines
That seemed to get everyone’s attention. There was
no more laughter.
Now thats motivation.
All writers need it, but I wouldn’t go so far as Sun
Tzu on this one. Sure, negative motivation, like a mort-
gage payment, can be good for producing words.
But I prefer the more positive kind.
In my of ce, I have pictures of three writers I admire.
The rst picture is of Stephen King, in his home of-
ce, feet up on the desk, looking over a manuscript. Hes
dressed casually. His dog is under his legs, looking at the
camera. This is my idea of good working conditions.
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Then theres a picture of John D. MacDonald, tap-
ping away at his typewriter, pipe in mouth. He was pro-
lifi c (his biography is aptly titled Red Hot Typewriter) and
a great storyteller and stylist.
The photo reminds me to keep producing words.
Finally, I have a picture of Evan Hunter/Ed McBain,
from the back of one of his novels, arms folded, staring
out as if in challenge. He was even more prolifi c than
MacDonald, writing both literary and genre novels.
If Im not working hard enough, he reminds me to
get going again.
Create your own stock of visual motivators. Put them
where you write. Look at them when you don’t feel like
writing, but know you must.
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