Know the difference
between a hero and a fool.
In battle, the generals don’t want fools rushing in. A fool
is not only likely to get shot, he can also bring the enemy
storming down on his fellows.
A hero follows orders, but then performs “above and
beyond the call of duty.”
Yes, sometimes a fool can become a hero by accident.
But most of the time the fool just ends up dead.
Its always better to know the difference, and aspire
to the heroic.
If you want to be a writer, know this:
A hero knows it takes hard work and a long time to
get published; a fool thinks it should happen immedi-
ately, because he thinks hes a hero already.
A hero learns the craft; a fool doesn’t think theres
much to learn.
A hero keeps growing all his writing life; a fool thinks
he’s fully grown already.
A hero fi ghts to make his writing worthy, even when
no one’s noticing; a fool demands to be noticed all the
time, even if his writing stinks.
A hero is persistent and professional; a fool is insis-
tent and annoying.
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A hero gets knocked down and quietly regroups to
write again; a fool gets knocked down and whines about
it ever after.
A hero makes his luck; a fool cries about how un-
lucky he is.
A hero recognizes the worth in others; a fool can’t
believe others are worth more than he.
A hero keeps writing, no matter what, knowing effort
is its own reward; a fool eventually quits and complains
that the world is unfair.
Be a hero.
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