Plan your actions when
attending a writers’ conference,
then work your plan.
A good writers’ conference provides you opportunity for
face time with fellow writers, sometimes readers, and in-
dustry professionals. This is not time to be squandered,
especially since you’re shelling out a lot of money to at-
tend. Hearken to the following:
1. Plan ahead. Know who is going to be there. Make
a prioritized list of who you’d like to meet and
which speakers you’d like to hear.
2. Make appointments if you can. Sometimes you
can sign up for these in advance. If you’re polite
and professional, you may be able to set them
up at the conference. Do not expect to get every
appointment you want. You can follow up with
a polite e-mail afterward saying you’re sorry you
couldn’t get together, mention the conference,
and include a short pitch.
3. Always remember the two cardinal rules for the
writers’ conference attendee: Don’t be dull and
don’t be desperate.
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4. Talk to other attendees. Don’t only focus on the
celebrities or the industry people.
5. Don’t come off as “me, me, me” all the time. Lis-
ten to other people. Ask them what they’re writing.
Let the conversation fl ow naturally after that.
6. Keep your tech at bay. Don’t spend most of your
time getting e-mail, texting, tweeting. Be with
actual people in the actual moment.
7. Dont invite people into your social network-
ing world right off the bat. Get to know them
rst. Remember, true networking is based on
what you bring of value to the other person. See
“Network according to the law of reciprocity,” on
page 197.
8. Jot notes on the back of business cards as soon
as you can. Remember the key information
you’ve gleaned from the contact. Mention it the
rst time you contact him.
9. Be a matchmaker. If you meet someone who
might be interested in someone else you’ve met
at the conference, get them together. Your esti-
mated value to both of them will increase.
10. Treat everyone with respect, including the serv-
ers. Your vibe radiates outward.
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