Take a writing Sabbath and
recharge your batteries.
Try to write six days a week, even if its only one para-
graph. The daily momentum is extremely important.
I realize some people have schedules that preclude
this. (See “Become a snatcher of time, and maybe you’ll
hit 700 books, too.” on page 200.)
But if you can write each day, do it, and meet a quota.
Minimum 350 words a day. A baboon can do 350 words
a day. Don’t be shown up by a baboon.
Don’t worry about making the words perfect. Just
get them down. You can revise them later.
Then take a break, one day a week. I take one whole
day off, and don’t write a word. It recharges my batteries,
freshens me up for the next day. I fi nd I’m more creative
and more energetic.
Taking a day off actually makes me more productive,
not less. Amazing, but it works.
He will win who knows when to fi ght and when
not to fi ght.
—Sun Tzu
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