
This exercise will help you look at your life and bring structure to certain areas:

  1. Think of an area of your life that is important to you where you are dealing with a problem. This could be work, health, relationships, or finances.
  2. What works about this current area?
  3. What elements of your current structure make this area work? (Consider how your time is structured, how your environment is structured, what your commitments are, and the people in your life.)
  4. What doesn’t work in this area?
  5. What elements of your current structure do not work (timetable, environment, people and commitments)?
  6. How could you optimise your current structure to improve this area?
  7. What other elements of structure could you include – time (daily, weekly, monthly), environment, commitment, other people (join a team, have a buddy to call you to account for your participation, etc.).
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