Imagine a line of your energy starting from being completely burnt out to completely in flow. Along the way you pass (a) overworked, (b) just about coping, (c) doing ok, (d) performing well and (e) firing on all cylinders to (f) in flow – flow being the state where you are highly productive and creative, handling everything there is to do yet still having time to create a future.

We’ve all been there before, perhaps haphazardly. Getting to flow will not be a straight line. You’ll find the goal posts move. You will have more responsibilities and more demands made on you, leading you back down to overwhelm. This may mean more responsibility at work or in your personal life (for example, starting a family or gaining a new addition to your family). Your life will expand. The demands will increase, so you’ll need to have the energy to be able to meet them. In fact your whole life has been and will continue to be about managing your energy.


This text will guide you on a journey to a new life as all of the concepts will effect a permanent change once you master them. Once you learn to manage your energy it is a life-long skill; you know when you are managing effectively and when you are not.

Once you learn how your body deals with stress you then have access to a world without stress and stress-related illness such as migraines, eye aches and muscle tensions. This is a world without the common mental and emotional issues we face, such as insomnia, chronic worry, anxiety and fear. This text will show you how to make a permanent shift.

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