The biggest antidote to fear, anger and negative beliefs is recognising value; this includes your innate value, the value you bring and the value of others. By coming from value you bring a sense of appreciation and positive emotion which can override the negative emotions we can find ourselves in.

Valuing self

The most important thing that every human being needs to learn is to value themselves. You are the centre of your world. If you dropped dead, the world would cease to exist for you! Everyone that you are working for would no longer get the value that you are providing. You are necessary to fulfil your responsibilities. Yes, you are probably replaceable in your job but that doesn’t take away from your inherent value. Valuing yourself is the best way to safeguard yourself from stress and keep to set boundaries. It creates a strong foundational rock for your emotional security. When you value yourself, you tend to be less driven by fear and you can start to look at life more objectively and more powerfully. You are less likely to feel pressured into things that don’t work for you, for example working late.

Valuing others

It is equally important to value others, especially those closest to you such as your family, friends, co-workers, your organisation. Valuing others means you’ll treat them better and won’t become egotistical or self-obsessed. You’ll start to have more empathy for others and be less likely to get into arguments with others.

Valuing your contribution

Sometimes we forget what difference we are making in our jobs and to the people around us. By having a clear perspective on the value that you bring you can avoid the emotional turmoil that we put ourselves through when we forget who we are. In fact, coming from a value mindset will enable you to look more objectively at what you do. When you value yourself, others and your contribution, you will start to see that you add more value when you are refreshed, alert and firing on all cylinders. You will communicate and think from adding value and move from an hours-based view to an output view. Too many companies are still based on an hours-worked paradigm rather than a value paradigm. So, to summarise: value yourself, others, and your contribution and use.

Getting on with it

OK, now that I’ve spoken about what is possible and what might get in the way there’s no excuse for not taking it on. I recommend getting a buddy to work through the material with you.

Personally, I’ve experienced many unexpected results from learning how to manage my time and energy. From using the body sensitivity energy techniques I’ve managed to improve my eyesight: going from having a lot of eye strain and not being able to read without glasses for five minutes to being able to read for about four hours with reading glasses. I’m able to release tension in my neck and shoulders. Many people have used these techniques to get better sleep. One client who suffered from anxiety reported being able to temporarily relieve her heart palpitations by doing the energy exercises. I’m not going to promise that these kinds of results are achievable by everyone but if you keep practising who knows what the results could be.


There are a number of resources on my website which will enable you to more easily implement some of the techniques in this book. Go to my website for guided meditations for energising, sleep and de-stressing.

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