Final words

This text has provided you with a lot of background information, explanations, tips and techniques. Like many people who read about personal development (myself included), you might think, ‘Oh, that’s nice; I’ll get a few tips and then move on.’

I intended the information in this text to be put to use to improve your quality of life. My mission is to help you have it all: a great career, success, great relationships, great friendships, health fitness and wealth; whatever you want in life.

By practising the techniques in this text you will improve your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing and have more time for the good things in life.

Personally, I’ve experienced many unexpected results from the practices here, and I’m nowhere near to being perfect. I’m not the most disciplined person in the world so if I can, anyone can.

So my advice is, keep practising. There is an ancient Chinese proverb: to know and not to do is not to know.

Good Luck!

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