
Chris Kaplan is a multimedia consultant for Mosaic Learning, located in Greenbelt, Maryland. An award-winning multimedia developer, Chris has been working in Flash for over 10 years on teams contributing to interactive experiences for the U.S. Mint, UNICEF, Ameriquest, the Bill of Rights Institute, and many others. As an audio engineer and composer, he has worked on productions for National Geographic, TLC, America's Most Wanted, and in 2005, with Two Animators! LLP (www.twoanimators.com), he was a finalist for Best Cartoon at the Flash Forward Film Festival for his work on The Poochinos—Dog Mafia. Chris has been streaming live video over the Internet for over 10 years as a webcast engineer for events with Vice President Al Gore, Cisco Systems, the Peace Corps, Buzz Aldrin, and the Office of Head Start. Chris brings considerable experience in combining live webcasting, video production, and postproduction disciplines with creating multimedia experiences. He currently lives with his wife, Lindsey, and two daughters in Maryland.


Paul Milbourne is an Adobe Certified Expert and Instructor for Flash. He has been a Flash platform consultant in the Washington-Baltimore metropolitan area for the better part of a decade. His journey has allowed him to work with such clients as the Washington Redskins, Baltimore Ravens, Democratic National Committee, and many others. For the most part, Paul has made a handsome career cleaning up after other developers. This experience has exposed him to most aspects of Flash development through a multitude of industries.

His true passion is the advancement of the Flash community in that area. Paul is the principal and founding member of the Baltimore-Washington Adobe Flash User Group, which now boasts more than 300 members. His vision is to unite that community in a collaborative effort, both informationally and vocationally.

Paul currently studies computer science and art at the University of Maryland. And, though he was a professional chef in a former life, he is not responsible for any of the food references in this book!


Michael Oliver is chief technology officer of Corent Technology. He has 38+ years of experience in the industry with Sun Microsystems, Sperry Corp, SAIC, OpenText, and several Internet startups in roles from salesperson to CTO and almost everything in between. He is an Apache Software Foundation committer and a published author, and has been active in promoting standards such as WfMC, IETF, and others.

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