
About the Authors

About the Technical Reviewer




Chapter 1: How It All Began

Animators, coders, designers, oh my

What is this thing called Flash?

How did we get here?

Creating Flash: SmartSketch

The world today—addicted to change

Rich Internet Applications

The stateless Internet

Three-tiered application model

Natural evolution of thin clients

The rise of ActionScript

Flash Platform, open source, and Web 2.0

The Flash Platform

Web 2.0 means what you want it to

The open source Flash explosion


Chapter 2: The New Interface of Flash CS4

Welcome Screen

The Flash CS4 interface is nearly identical between operating systems

Working with panels and windows

Understanding panels (color-coded panel parts—three shades of gray)

Panel tab

Panel header

Panel group header

Docking, grouping, stacking, and floating

The Property inspector—one panel to rule them all

Changing numeric property values (new behavior!)

The document window

Understanding the document window

Controlling the document window

Stage view options

Tools for using the interface

Hand tool

Zoom tool (Z is for bones, silly rabbit!)

Rulers, guides, and snapping

Property inspector options of the document window

Changing the document frame rate

Changing the stage size

Changing the default document settings

The Timeline panel

Understanding the Timeline panel

Controlling layers

The timeline

Adding frames/keyframes to the timeline

Persistence and tinting frames

The timeline flows like water

Adding and inserting frames and keyframes to layers

Adding and inserting frames and keyframes to all layers

Inserting frames willy nilly

Copying/pasting frames

Controlling the timeline

The Tools panel

Customizing the interface

Working with workspaces

Customizing the interface with workspaces

Switching between workspaces

Managing workspaces

Modifying existing workspaces

Customizing the Tools panel

Customizing keyboard shortcuts


Chapter 3: Drawing with Flash's Vector Tools

Understanding graphic types

Bitmap graphics

Vector graphics

Working with vector graphics

Drawing modes: Merge Drawing vs. Object Drawing

Merge Drawing

Object Drawing

Creating and manipulating lines

The Line tool

Selecting and manipulating lines

The Pencil tool

Drawing shapes

Anatomy of a shape

Drawing squares and rectangles

Drawing ovals, donuts, and pie shapes

Drawing polygons and stars

The primitive tools

Selecting and manipulating shapes

Strokes and fills

Stroke properties

Color properties and fills

The Color panel

The Swatches panel

The Paint Bucket tool

The Ink Bottle tool

The Gradient Transform tool

The Kuler panel

Advanced drawing

The anatomy of a path

The Pen tool

Manipulating paths


Chapter 4: External Assets and Symbol Management

Using bitmaps in your Flash projects

Importing external bitmaps into Flash

Importing to the stage or library

Importing an image sequence

Opening an external library

Importing your first bitmap into Flash

Setting bitmap properties in the Library panel

Breaking apart bitmaps

Using the Trace Bitmap feature

Swapping bitmap images

Using and organizing symbols

Types of symbols

Creating and managing symbols

Creating symbol instances

Creating button symbols

Editing symbols

Preparing to add states to the button

Swapping symbols

Breaking apart symbol instances

Duplicating symbols

The Library panel

Getting familiar with the Library panel

Examining library items

Organizing with folders

Sorting and searching

Finding unused library items

Updating imported library items


Chapter 5: Working with Blends, Filters, and 3D Transformations


Applying a blend mode

Working with filters

Applying filters

Creating a skewed drop shadow

Introducing 3D transformations

Vanishing point

Rotating a multiple-object selection in 3D space

Rotating objects in 3D space

Rotating a single object in 3D space

3D space movement

Moving a single object in 3D space

Moving multiple objects in 3D space

Transform panel rotation

Perspective angle



Chapter 6: Basic Animation in Flash

Animating to convey information

Animation for impact and emotion

The disciplines of animation

Understanding animation in Flash

Motion tweening vs. frame-by-frame animation

The shape tween

Introducing the new motion tween

Classic tween

Creating a motion tween—a step-by-step primer

Modifying a motion tween

Moving a motion path

Changing the curve of a motion path

To rotate, scale, or skew the motion path

Understanding easing

Changing the easing of your tween

Changing the duration of your motion tween

Roving keyframes vs. nonroving keyframes

Modifying your symbol

Changing the position of your symbol

Changing the rotation of your symbol

Color animation

Filter animation

Introducing the Motion Editor

Understanding the Motion Editor

The Motion Editor interface

The property layers

The Eases section

Making custom eases in the Motion Editor

The graph

Adding a color effect

Adding filters to your tween

Something to keep in mind

Reusing animation

Duplicating a tween from the timeline quickly

Saving animation as ActionScript

Saving animation as XML

Using motion presets

Applying motion presets

Saving your animation as a custom preset

Managing motion presets

Converting motion presets to frame-by-frame animations

Exporting and importing motion presets


Chapter 7: Playing with Dolls: Introducing Flash IK

What is kinematics?

Inverse kinematics

An arm or a leg: Experimenting with IK

Getting started with the arm

The anatomy of a bone

Adding bones to the arm

Controlling the motion of specific bones

Applying constraints to specific bones

Constraining bone movement

Creating motion with an IK system

Comparing IK to motion tweening

Animating the arm

Author-time versus runtime IK animation

Using IK with complex anatomies

Simple anatomy: A little help from Leonardo

Applying IK to a human character

Setting up the core

Adding the arms

Adding the legs

Cleaning up your character

Animating the character

Using IK with shapes and the Bind tool

Working with bones and vector shapes

Selecting shapes for IK

Applying bones to a vector shape

Using the Bind tool

Accessing the Bind tool

Applying binds to shapes



Chapter 8: The Programming Primer: A Flash Designer's Intro to ActionScript 3.0

Dreaming in metaphors

Following the evolution of ActionScript 3.0

Crafting your first ActionScript application

The trace statement: Leaving breadcrumbs

Moving into the Actions panel: Your new home

Looking closely at the Actions panel

Actions panel toolbar

Pinning scripts so you don't lose them

Script Assist—taking it easy

Basic elements of ActionScript programming


Case sensitivity

Dot syntax

Expressions and literals





Data types


Postfix operators

Multiplicative and additive operators

Relational operators

Equality operators

Logical operators

Conditional statements

if . . . else statement

else . . . if clause

Logical operators && and ||






Defining your own functions

Returning values from functions

Variable scope

Global variables

Local variables

Shadowing global variables

Having a little class or a big one

Building your first application

The document class

Packages and import statements

Class definition

Constructor functions

Wrapping it up


Chapter 9: The Building Blocks of Interactivity

Properties: I unpacked my adjectives

Translating properties from stage to ActionScript

Changing properties with ActionScript

Incrementing ActionScript with frame loops

Methods: Just do it!

Events: Are we there yet?

EventDispatcher class and the Flash event model

The Flash event model

Event listeners and handlers

Event objects

Mouse events

Event targeting

Event propagation

Event phases

Welcomed side effects of event propagation

Assigning events to parent objects

Frame and timer events

Frame events

Timer events

Accepting keyboard input

Removing events and listeners


Chapter 10: Learning the Display Model and Bringing It All Together

Working with display objects

Traversing the display list

Examining display object containers

Adding children

Inserting display objects at different depths

Removing children

Swapping depths


Setting up the game

Assigning the document class

Defining the Germophobe class

Class and property attributes

Setting up the germs

Defining the class

Linking to a graphic symbol

Initializing the game

A cleaner point of entry

Randomly adding germs to the stage

Picking the germ's face

Making the germ scurry

Creating random motion with the scurry event

Checking for walls

Killing germs

Setting up the kill

Things are killed, and then they die

Allowing germs to reproduce

Adding by intervals

The addGerms function

Keeping score

Ending the game by infestation

Checking for infestation

Removing leftover germs

The final score


Chapter 11: Managing External Assets and Communication

Working with external data

URLRequest—go get it pup!

Using the URLLoader

Loading a simple data file

Waiting for the data to arrive

Sending data to external places

GET and POST methods

Name-Value pairs


There and back again: A variable's tale

Checking for program errors

Loading external display objects

Communicating: SWF to SWF

LocalConnection class

Send method

Connect method


Setting up the sender

Setting up the receiver

Storing data to a local machine

Taking a closer look at local shared objects

Examining the .SOL file

Creating a simple shared object


Chapter 12: XML: The Best Way In and Out of Flash

What is XML?

ActionScript 3.0 and E4X

Learning to see XML

Using proper structure and syntax


Rules for working with elements

Filling out the XML tree

Entities and escapes


Empty elements


Commenting XML

Standard XML-style comment

CDATA comments

Loading an XML file with ActionScript

URLRequest and URLLoader objects

Event handler

Reading the XML data

XML and XMLList classes

Accessing XML data

Accessing elements

Drilling down into the structure

Using the children() method

Retrieving text node values

Double dot notation

Accessing attribute values

Bracket (array) notation

Filtering node values



Chapter 13: Working with Text and Strings

Creating text with the Text tool

Revisiting the Property inspector

Starting a simple contact form

Positioning text fields

Render modes and text field modifiers

Embedding characters

Formatting paragraphs

Using the Options section of the Property inspector

Filtering text elements

Continuing the contact form

Breaking apart and animating text

Animating text fields

Applying tweens to layers

Imploding letters

Manipulating text with ActionScript

Plucking some strings


Filtering and deconstructing strings

Formatting and creating text fields

TextFormat class

Assigning formats to text fields

Adding dynamic text fields to the contact form


Chapter 14: Using Components

Understanding components

SWC-based components

FLA-based components

Tour de Components

User interface components

Video components

Third-party components

Adding components to your application

Adding components to your application in Flash

Adding components to your application using ActionScript

Controlling components

Configuring components in Flash

Using the Component inspector

Configuring components using ActionScript

Creating an application using the document class

Creating the form

Making the form do something—listening to components

Skinning components in Flash

Skinning components using ActionScript

Component style definitions



Chapter 15: Using the Adobe Media Encoder—A Crash Course

Introduction to the interface

Encoding your first video using presets

Choosing a preset

Choosing your output file name and location

Encoding multiple files

Taking a close look at the Export Settings window

Simple mode encoding features

Cropping your video

Setting in and out points

Managing custom presets

Advanced mode encoding features

Cue points

Advanced encoding options

Filters tab

Format tab

Video tab and bitrate settings

Audio tab

The Others tab

XMP metadata


Chapter 16: Working with Audio in Flash

Thinking about audio

Understanding audio in the Flash authoring environment

Using the Sound panel

Applying audio to a keyframe

Quickly applying effects

Selecting a synchronization type for your audio instance


Export settings in the Sound Properties dialog

Fine-tuning audio with the Envelope Editor

Trimming your audio

Custom effects

Changing the view

Adding audio to a button

Using library audio assets at runtime

First things first—let's create our application

Application states made simple

Buttons please—changing states

Making library audio assets available to ActionScript

Creating sound objects and changing sounds at runtime

Loading audio at runtime

Understanding the package

Creating a playlist with XML

Loading the playlist into the media player application

Creating the user interface

Wiring the UI and making it play

Manipulating audio at runtime

When the music stops—handling audio events


Chapter 17: Working with Video in Flash

Using the Video Import Wizard

Understanding the FLVPlayback component

Hello World

FLVPlayback Component inspector

Understanding and setting the scaleMode parameter

Setting the skin parameters

Setting the source parameter

Menu-driven video playback

Customizing the FLVPlayback component skin

Understanding the FLVPlayback component skin

Creating custom play controls

Understanding play control components

Assigning custom play controls to an FLVPlayback component

Synchronizing video, text, and other media using events

Beyond the Ready event—other key video events

Understanding cue points

Creating ActionScript cue points

Handling the CUE_POINT event and reading cue point parameters

Adding captions to the FLVPlayback component

Timed Text XML Schema for the FLVPlaybackCaptioning component

Understanding the FLVPlaybackCaptioning component



Chapter 18: Publishing, Exporting, and Debugging Your Flash Project

Understanding the Publish Settings window

Selecting publish formats

Setting Flash publishing options

Targeting player version and ActionScript version

Images and Sounds area

SWF Settings area

Advanced area

Setting HTML publishing options

Choosing a template

Setting dimensions

Changing Playback options

Changing quality

Changing window mode

Changing HTML alignment

Changing scale behavior

Changing Flash alignment

Setting GIF publishing options

Setting image dimensions

Changing playback behavior

Other options

Changing transparency

Changing dither

Changing palette type and other color settings

Setting PNG publishing options

Bit depth

Filter options

Setting JPEG publishing options



Managing publish profiles

Importing and exporting profiles

Creating publish profiles

Duplicating publish profiles

Deleting publish profiles

Exporting file formats

Exporting an image

Exporting your FLA as a movie or image sequence


Windows AVI

Debugging in Flash

Using the Compiler Errors panel

Using the Output window—strategies for tracing

Hunting scope errors

Finding typos

Tracking timing errors

Using the debugger

Setting and removing breakpoints

Understanding the call stack

Navigating code while debugging

Resuming normal code execution

Using the Variables panel


Chapter 19: Building AIR Applications with Flash CS4

Using AIR APIs

Windowing API

The normal window

The utility window

The lightweight window

Creating windows with the NativeWindow class

Windowing API methods

Windowing API events

Menu API

Window menu

Application menu

System tray menu

Dock menu

Handling menu events

Network Detection API



File System API

Common file paths

Reading and writing files

Building your first AIR application with Flash CS4

Creating your AIR application

The AIR – Application & Installer Settings dialog

The Advanced Settings dialog

Creating applications with custom chrome

Enabling dragging

Adding Close and Minimize buttons

Adding functionality

Creating a three-state icon

Checking server and service availability

Using the URLMonitor class

Saving the last server

Writing and reading files

Creating your AIR package

Deploying your AIR application



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