Numbers and Symbols

3D Center Point property, in Transform panel,

3D rotation control, relocating center point of,

3D Rotation tool,

manipulating objects with,

rotating movie clip instances with,

3D space

moving a movie clip in,2nd

moving a single object in,2nd

moving multiple objects in,

rotating a multiple-object selection in,2nd

rotating a single object in,2nd

rotating objects in,

3D transformations

introduction to,

vanishing point property,2nd

3D Translation tool

moving a single object in 3D space with,2nd

moving movie clip instances with,2nd

moving multiple objects in 3D space with,

moving object on z-axis with,

& (ampersand), using in XML,

= (assignment operator),


*/ (asterisk slash) combination, closing comments with in Flash,

[] (bracket (array)) notation,2nd

--> character sequence, for standard XML style comments,

<!-- character sequence, for standard XML style comments,

-- (decrement) operator,

/ (division) operator,

. (dot) operator,

.. (double dot) notation,

// (double slash), generating comments in Flash with,

> (greater than) operator,

using in elements,

>= (greater than or equal to) operator,

++ (increment operator),

|---- indent string,

< (less than) operator,

using in elements,

<= (less than or equal to) operator,

&& (logical AND) operator,, 2nd

!= (logical NOT) operator, using,

|| (logical OR) operator,, 2nd

% (modulo) operator,

* (multiplicative) operator,

! (NOT) operator,

() (parentheses), use of in programming,2nd

; (semicolons)

used in Flash programming,

using in XML,

/* (slash asterisk) combination, opening comments with in Flash,

/ (slash) notation, using in ActionScript,


abdomen area, setting up,2nd


adding components to application in,2nd

changing properties with,2nd

creating sound objects in,2nd

deciding which version to target,2nd

E4X and,2nd

filtering and deconstructing strings in,2nd

incrementing with frame loops,2nd

loading an XML file with,2nd

making library audio assets available to,

manipulating text with,2nd

saving animation as,

skinning components in,2nd

the rise of,2nd

translating properties from stage to,

working with strings in,2nd

XMLList and XML classes,2nd

ActionScript 3.0

as object-oriented language,

case-sensitivity of,

creating your first application in,2nd

data types in,

Flash designer's intro to,2nd

following the evolution of,2nd

web site address for learning,

ActionScript cue points,


ActionScript editor, web site address for,

ActionScript programming, basic elements of,2nd

ActionScript Virtual Machine (AVM2), revamped in latest ActionScript version,

Actions panel

keywords in,

looking closely at,2nd

moving into,2nd

Pin Script feature in,2nd

Script Assist button in,2nd

sections in,2nd


Actions toolbox, in Actions panel,, 2nd

Add Anchor Point tool, manipulating paths with,

addASCuePoint method,

addChildAt() method, adding child at whatever depth with, 

addChild method, adding children with,

addChild() method, placing required field on stage with, 

addChild(shape 1) statement, adding new shape to stage with,

addEventListener() method, using,

Add Folder button, in Timeline panel,

addGerms() function,2nd


addition operator (+),

additive operators, table of,

Add Layer button, in Timeline panel,

Add Motion Guide button, in Timeline panel,

Adobe Bridge CS4,

Adobe Extension Manager, installing and removing MXP files with,2nd

Adobe Flash Exchange web site, for third-party components,

Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR). See AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime)

Adobe Media Encoder

a crash course in using,2nd

introduction to the interface,2nd

queue buttons on interface,

Queue window of,

Adobe UI components,

advanced mode

cue points,2nd

encoding features,2nd

encoding options,2nd

Advanced settings dialog, in AIR - Application & Installer Settings dialog,

Advanced settings section, Publish Settings window,2nd

AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime),


file system API,2nd

menu API,2nd

network detection API,2nd


Windowing API,2nd

AIR - Application & Installer Settings dialog,

Advanced settings dialog in,

creating applications with custom chrome,

settings in,

AIR applications

adding functionality to,2nd

building with Flash CS4,2nd

building your first with Flash CS4,2nd

checking server and service availability,2nd

completed code for,


creating a three-state icon,

creating with custom chrome,


enabling dragging in,

signing with digital certificate,

AIR marketplace, web site address,

AIR package, creating,2nd

AIR SDK, web site address,


All Scripts layer, in timeline,

ampersand (&), using in XML,

anatomy, help from da Vinci for simple,2nd

animating, to convey information,


basic in Flash,2nd

common types of,

disciplines of,

for impact and emotion,


saving as ActionScript,

saving as XML,

animation and images, synchronizing to playback using events,2nd

anti-alias for animation, option when creating and rendering text,

anti-alias for readability, option when creating and rendering text,

application menu


in menu API,, 2nd

applications, creating using document class,2nd

applicationStorageDirectory, for storing your application, 

Apress, web site address,


adding bones to,2nd


getting started with,2nd

armature, defined,

armature animation, adding poses in,2nd

arms, adding to characters,

array list, building of,

.as filename extension,

Assets folder, in FLVPlayback skin source file,

assignment operator (=),


attribute identifier operator (@),

attribute() method,2nd


accessing directly by name,

in XML,2nd

attributes() method,2nd


adding to a button in the timeline,2nd

applying effects to,

applying to a keyframe,

changing compression type of,

event handling when music stops,2nd

in Flash authoring environment,2nd

loading at runtime,2nd

manipulating at runtime,2nd

replacing with files for mobile devices,

selecting synchronization type for,2nd

thinking about,


using library audio assets at runtime,2nd

volume preset options for,

working with in Flash,2nd

audio tab, in Export Settings window,2nd



vs. runtime IK animation,2nd


Balkan, Aral, et al.,

Behavior field, options in Property inspector,

binds, applying to shapes,2nd

Bind tool


applying binds to shapes with,2nd

applying multiple control points to bones with,2nd


using IK with shapes and,2nd

bit depth, setting with PNG publishing options,

bitmap graphics,

bitmap images, swapping,2nd

Bitmap Properties Compression drop-down, types of bitmap compression in,2nd


breaking apart,2nd

converting to vector-based graphics,2nd

editing images externally,

importing external into Flash,2nd

importing your first into Flash,

using in Flash projects,2nd

bitmap text (no anti-alias), option when creating and rendering text,


encoding for video,

settings for video,2nd

Black and White button,

blend modes


elements of,

provided by Flash,

blends, working with,2nd


adding to arm,2nd

applying constraints to,

applying parameters to,2nd

applying to vector shape,

constraining movement of,

controlling motion of specific,2nd

determining type of used in armature,

fixing runtime animation errors,2nd

in IK bone,

line with colors,

setting type to Authortime or Runtime,



working with vector shapes and,2nd

Bone tool, primary components of,

bracket (array) notation,2nd


Break Apart animation

applying tweens to layers in,

imploding letters,2nd

breakpoints, setting and removing when debugging,

broadcasters. See event dispatchers (broadcasters)

buffering, video,

bufferingStateEntered event, FLVPlayback component,

Button and TextInput component, adding on a new layer,

button audio application, creating,


adding audio to in timeline,2nd

changing state of,2nd

button symbols,

adding states to,2nd



call stack, understanding,2nd

camel casing, used in Flash,

Casario, Marco,

CBR (constant bitrate encoding),

CDATA comments,2nd

Center Frame, in Timeline panel,

certificate authority (CA), signing application with,

ch10_01.fla file,

ch12_01.fla file,

character embedding function, using,2nd

characters, animating,2nd

character sequences, for standard XML style comments (--> and <!--),

charAt method,

child joint, in IK bone,

child objects

adding to the stage,2nd

changing position of,

children() method, using,

Chosen Security certificate authority,

circle, selecting stroke of,

class and property attributes,2nd

class definition

for Germaphobe class,

for HelloWorld.fla file,

main components required for,

modifying attributes for,

classes, constructing,2nd

classic tween,

class members, modifying attributes of,

clearFields() method,

clearing textual data from text fields with,

clearInfo method, creating handler for,

clear() method, removing or deleting information with,

clicked() function,

CLICK event, simple button armed with,

client-server, adoption of,

Close and Minimize buttons, adding to AIR applications,2nd

closed path,

code, navigating while debugging,

code execution, resuming normal when debugging,


color animation, steps for animating changes in color,

color effect, adding in Motion Editor,

color filters, adjusting over time,

Color palette, opening,

Color panel, using,2nd

color properties and fills,2nd

colors, options for setting,

Colors dialog, opening,

ComboBox component

changing rollover color for,2nd

populating with values,2nd

setting the prompt of,

ComboBox parameter, configuring an instance of,2nd

commenting, XML,2nd


in programming,2nd

standard XML style,

commercial sites, XML used for,

common file paths

in file system API,

methods to point to associated directories,

communication, SWF to SWF,2nd, 3rd

communications and external assets, managing,2nd

Compiler Errors panel

columns in,


Complete event, FLVPlayback component,

complex data types, in ActionScript,

Component inspector. See also FLVPlayback Component inspector

changing prompt in,

for ComboBox component,

for Label component,



adding to application,2nd

changing style of all in application,

changing style of all of one type in application,

changing style of instance of in application,

configuring in ActionScript,2nd

configuring in Flash,2nd




skinning in ActionScript,2nd

skinning in Flash,2nd

steps for making style changes to,2nd

style definitions for,2nd




used in Flash CS4,2nd

User Interface group of,, 2nd3rd


Video group,2nd

Components panel, opening,

concatenation,, 2nd3rd

conditional statements,2nd

connect method, for SWF to SWF communication,2nd

const keyword, properties and variables defined using,

constructor function, for Germaphobe class,

constructor functions, for HelloWorld.fla file,

contact form

adding dynamic text fields to,2nd

embedding characters in,2nd

filtering text elements,

formatting paragraphs,2nd

options when creating and rendering text,2nd

positioning text fields,2nd

putting finishing touches on front end of,2nd

render modes and text field modifiers,2nd

standard modifiers,2nd

starting simple,2nd

using Property inspector Options section,


cont parameter, of listchildren() function,

Convert Anchor Point tool, manipulating paths with,

core, setting up,2nd

count and prevCount properties,

cropping bounds, resizing,

cropping proportions drop-down,

cropping video,2nd

Ctrl-Enter/Option-Enter, testing your movie with,

cuePoint event, FLVPlayback component,


handling and reading parameters,2nd

synchronizing video, text, and media using,

cue points

adding in advanced mode,

adding parameters to,, 2nd

adding to video,

advanced mode,2nd

applying at runtime,

categories of,

creating ActionScript,2nd


reading parameters,2nd

removing parameters and,



Current Frame, in Timeline panel,

custom anti-alias, option when creating and rendering text,

Custom Chrome (opaque),

Custom Chrome (transparent),

custom eases, making in Motion Editor,

custom play controls

assigning to FLVPlayback component,


custom presets, managing in simple mode,



sending to external places,2nd

storing to a local machine,2nd

waiting for it to arrive,2nd

database or data layer,

dataProvider parameter, setting values for,

data types, in computer programming,2nd

date object, using,

da Vinci, Leonardo, using his Vitruvian Man as model,2nd


in Flash,2nd

navigating code while debugging,

using the debugger,2nd

deconstruction, of strings,

decrement (--) operator,

defaultTextFormat property, using,

Delete Anchor Point tool, manipulating paths with,

deleteInfo function, creating,

Delete Layer/Folder button, in Timeline panel,

device fonts, option when creating and rendering text,

Device sound text input field, using,

die() function, handling removal of killed germs with,

Dimension options, JPEG publishing options,

display list

adding children to,2nd

removing children from,


display list containers,

display object containers, examining,

display objects. See movie clips

in Flash,

inserting at different depths,2nd

loading external,2nd

tools for adjusting,

working with,2nd

dither, changing for GIF,

division (/) operator,

docking, panels or panel groups,

dock menu, in menu API,

document class

creating application using,2nd

for HelloWorld.fla file,

document frame rate, changing,

document settings, changing default,

document window,


Property inspector options of,2nd

selectors in,

stage view options,

tools for using the interface,


DOCX format, used in Word 2007,

donuts, ovals, and pie shapes, drawing,

dot notation, using in ActionScript,2nd

dot (.) operator,

double dot (..) notation,

dragging, enabling in AIR applications,

drawing, advanced,2nd

drawing modes


in Flash CS4,2nd

drop shadow, creating skewed,

duration, changing a motion tween's,2nd


creating application state in,

creating sound objects in,2nd

dynamic text,

dynamic text fields, adding to contact form,2nd


E4X (ECMAScript for XML), and ActionScript,2nd


changing a tween's,2nd

making available to motion edit,


value range of,

ECMA-262 standard,

Ecma International,

ECMAScript, 187. See E4X (ECMAScript for XML)

editing, symbols,


adding with Envelope Editor,

applying to audio,

Elapsed Time, in Timeline panel,



opening and closing tags in,2nd

rules for working with,

else...if clause,

embedded cue points,

empty elements, using in XML,


multiple files,2nd

options in advanced mode,2nd

video with presets,2nd


creating motion for germ using,

listening for in ActionScript,

entities and escapes,2nd

Envelope Editor

changing the view with,

custom effects with,

fine-tuning audio with,2nd

equality operators,2nd

Error #1088,

errorFormat TextFormat object, creating,

errors, checking for in programs,2nd

event audio,

vs. streaming audio,

event dispatchers (broadcasters),

EventDispatcher class, and the Flash event model,2nd

event handler, for assigning a value to xml object,

event handlers, and listeners,2nd

event listeners,

adding to window,

and handlers,2nd

available in class,

available in class,

available in class,

useCapture parameter for,

event objects, information storage in,

event phases,

event propagation,2nd


assigning to parent objects,2nd

as special kind of method,2nd

key video,2nd

synchronizing video, text, and media using,2nd

events and listeners, removing,2nd

event targeting,2nd


FLA as a movie or image sequence,2nd


Export Movie dialog, for exporting as a movie or image sequence,2nd

Export Settings window

advanced settings in,

audio tab,2nd

Filters tab in,

Format tab in,

main sections of,

taking a close look at,2nd

video tab and bitrate settings in,2nd

Export Windows AVI dialog box, for exporting as a movie or image sequence,2nd

expressions, in programs,

expressions and literals, using in programming,

extends keyword, using,

Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP). See XMP info inspector; XMP metadata

external assets

and communications, managing,2nd

and symbol management,2nd

external data, working with,2nd

external display objects, loading,2nd

external library, opening comments with in Flash,


F4V format, in Format tab,


family.xml file,

displaying XML data stored in,

fat client,

file formats, exporting,2nd

file names, autoincrementing,

file paths, common in file system API,


encoding multiple,2nd

writing and reading,2nd

FileStream object, creating new,

file system API

FileStream class for reading and writing files,

reading and writing files to,2nd

fill, in Flash,

fill color picker, depiction of,

Fill Lock modifier, location of on Tools panel,

fills and color properties,2nd

fills and strokes,2nd

selecting both,

filter animation,2nd


node values,

using predicate operator,

filter options, setting with PNG publishing options,


adding to your tweens,2nd


applying basic filter effect,

applying to text, button, and movie clip objects,

creating a filter settings library,

enabling or disabling,


working with,2nd

Filters section, adding filters to tweens in,2nd

Filters tab, in Export Settings window,

FLA, exporting as a movie or image sequence,2nd

FLA-based components,

Flash. See Macromedia Flash

adding components to application in,


configuring components in,2nd

debugging in,2nd

generating comments in,

generating multiline comments in,

how it all began,

importing external bitmaps into,2nd

importing your first bitmap into,

Jonathan Gay and the origins of,2nd

skinning components in,2nd

understanding animation in,2nd

using Trace Bitmap feature in,2nd

what it is,2nd

working with audio in,2nd

working with video in,2nd

XML as best way in and out of,2nd

Flash alignment setting, changing in HTML publishing options,

Flash authoring environment, understanding audio in,2nd

Flash core class libraries, based on computer platform,

Flash CS4

animating to convey information,

basic animation in,2nd

building AIR applications with,2nd

creating a motion tween in,2nd

customizing the interface,2nd

drawing with vector tools in,2nd


Motion Editor new to,2nd

new interface of,2nd

new motion tween in,2nd

web site address for learning,

Welcome Screen,2nd

who it is for,

working with panels and windows,2nd

Flash documentation, web site address,

Flash event model

EventDispatcher class and,2nd

main components of, class, event listeners available in, class, event listeners available in, class, event listeners available in,

Flash file

creating new,2nd

display list hierarchy of sample,

Flash IK (inverse kinematics),

adding arms to character,

adding legs to character,

animating the character,2nd

applying to a human character,2nd

cleaning up your character,

establishing the parent or core,

experimenting with an arm or a leg,2nd

getting started with the arm,2nd


selecting shapes for,

tools used to create,

using with complex anatomies,2nd

using with shapes and the Bind tool,2nd

vs. motion tweening,2nd

Flash IK Bone tool. See Bone tool package, understanding,

Flash MX 2004, release of,

Flash output settings window, main sections of,

Flash platform, open source and Web 2.0,2nd

Flash Player,

deciding which version to target,

Flash projects

publishing, exporting, and debugging,2nd

using bitmaps in,2nd

Flash publishing options, setting,

flush() method, of shared object,

FLV custom UI components,2nd

FLV format, in Format tab,

FLVPlaybackCaptioning component

adding to an FLVPlayback component,2nd

Timed Text XML Schema for,2nd


web site for learning about,

FLVPlayback component

adding captions to,2nd

adding FLVPlaybackCaptioning component to,2nd

assigning custom play controls to,

benefit of customizing,

bufferingStateEntered event,

Complete event,

cuePoint event,

Layout event,

metadataReceived event,

modifying buttons,

parameters of,

playheadUpdate event,

Ready event,

stateChange event,


FLVPlayback Component inspector,2nd

FLVPlayback component skin, customizing,2nd

FLVPlayback skin source file, library of,

focus_in function,

focus_out function,

folders, organizing Library panel with,

font symbols,

for loop,2nd

looping through children with,


creating in Flash,2nd

making it do something,2nd

Format tab, in Export Settings window,

Formats tab, Publish Settings window,

formatting, paragraphs,2nd

frame and timer events,2nd

frame-by-frame animation vs. motion tweening,2nd

frame events,2nd

frame loops, incrementing ActionScript with,2nd

Frame Rate, in Timeline panel,

frames, selecting in Actions and Red Box layers simultaneously,

frames and keyframes

adding to layers,2nd

adding to timeline,

copying and pasting,

inserting willy-nilly,2nd

persistence and tinting,

Frame View Options, in Timeline panel,

FTP, setting up destination for,


defining your own,

returning values from,2nd

FutureSplash Animator, release of,

FutureWave Software, start of by Gay and Jackson,


gaming software, by Jonathan Gay,

Gap Size modifier, for Paint Bucket tool,

Gaussian Blur,

Gay, Jonathan

gaming software written by,

origins of Flash and,2nd

work on Superpaint 2 by,

Germ, linking to a graphic symbol,2nd

Germaphobe application,2nd

a cleaner point of entry,2nd

assigning the document class,

checking for infestation,

checking the walls,2nd

ending game by infestation,2nd

initializing the game,2nd

removing leftover germs,

setting up the game,

setting up the germs,

Germaphobe class

adding scorekeeping scheme to,2nd


Germ class

creating scurry method of,


steps for creating,2nd

Germ library symbol, linking class file to,

Germ movie clip, timeline of,


adding by intervals,2nd

adding randomly to the stage,2nd

allowing to reproduce,2nd

are killed and then they die,


making them scurry,2nd

picking the face for,2nd

randomly adding to the stage,2nd

setting up the kill,2nd

GET and POST methods,2nd

getChildAt method,

getLocal method,

GET method,

GIF publishing options

changing dither,

changing palette type and color settings,

changing playback behavior,

changing transparency,

Options settings choices,


setting image dimension,

Global functions, in Actions toolbox,

global variables, shadowing,

GO Corporation, PenPoint operating system,

gotoAndStop() method, using,

gradient bar, adding another color to,

Gradient Transform tool, using,

graph, in Motion Editor,2nd

graphic symbol, linking Germ to,2nd

graphic symbols,

graphic types

bitmap graphics,


vector graphics,

greater than (>) operator,

using in elements,

greater than or equal to (>=) operator,

grid, in Timeline panel,

grouping, panels,

guide layers,

guides, creating, moving, and editing,


Hand tool,

activating temporarily,

Hardware Acceleration menu, options in Publish Settings window,

Head, Torso, and Hip layers, setting up,2nd

Hello World, example of FLVPlayback component,

Hello World application, creating in ActionScript 3.0,2nd

HelloWorld.fla file


document class,

packages and import statements,2nd

Hinting property,

hot text, defined,

HTML alignment setting, changing in HTML publishing options,

HTML publishing options

changing Flash alignment setting,

changing HTML alignment setting,

changing Playback options,2nd

changing rendering quality,

changing scale behavior,

changing Window mode,

choosing a template,2nd


setting dimensions,

human characters, applying IK to,2nd


id3 event, handling when music stops,2nd

if...else statement,

if statement, creating,

IK animation, author-time vs. runtime,2nd

IK armature, applied to da Vinci's Vitruvian Man,

IK bones. See bones

IK system, creating motion with,2nd

image compression, adjusting with JPEG publishing options,

image dimension, setting for GIF,

images, exporting,

images and animation, synchronizing to playback using events,2nd

Images and Sounds area, in Publish Settings window,

image sequence, importing,

import* statement, importing events package with,


an image sequence,

to stage or library,

your first bitmap into Flash,

importing and exporting

motion presets,2nd

publish profiles,

in and out points, setting for video,2nd

increment (++) operator,

indexes, for display objects,

infoLoader, URLLoader object,

Info section, of Sound panel,


init() function

adding code to launch at application start,

setting up,

init(); statement, calling init() function in constructor with,

Ink Bottle tool, using,

Ink mode, for Pencil tool,

input text,

install badges, created by Adobe,

IntelliDraw, Jonathan Gay work on,

interactivity, building blocks of,2nd

interface, customizing Flash CS4's,2nd

Internet, stateless,2nd

inverse kinematic. See Flash IK (inverse kinematics)

is keyword,

i variable, declaring in for loop,


Jackson, Charlie,

joint location parameter, applying to IK bones,

joint rotation parameter, applying to IK bones,

joint x translation parameter, applying to IK bones,

joint y translation parameter, applying to IK bones,

JPEG publishing options, setting, file,2nd


kerning, in Flash,

keyboard event, accepting keyboard input with,2nd

KeyboardEvent class,


keyboard shortcuts, customizing,2nd

Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box,

keyCode value, assigned to keyCode property of event object,


applying audio to,

representation of on timeline,

roving vs. nonroving,

keyword, in ActionScript,


Kuler panel, using,


Label component, Component inspector for,

Lasso tool,

using for selection,

Layer Properties dialog box,


adding and inserting frames and keyframes to all,

adding frames and keyframes to,2nd

controlling in Timeline panel,

understanding in Timeline panel,

layer strip, in Timeline panel,

Layout event, FLVPlayback component,

legs, adding to character,

less than (<) operator,

using in elements,

less than or equal to (<=) operator,

letters, imploding in Break Apart animation,2nd

letter spacing, in Flash,

library audio assets

making available to ActionScript,

using at runtime,2nd

library items


finding unused,2nd

sorting and searching,

updating imported,

Library panel,2nd

examining items in,

getting familiar with,2nd

importing graphics into,

organizing with folders,

setting bitmap properties in,2nd

lightweight window, Windowing API,2nd

lines, selecting and manipulating,2nd

line segments. See vector graphics

Line tool, creating and manipulating lines with,2nd

listChildren() function,

parameters accepted by,

listeners and events, removing,2nd

literals, in programs,

LocalConnection class

connect method,2nd

send method,

SWF to SWF communication,2nd

Local playback setting, in Publish Settings window,

local shared objects, a closer look at,2nd

local variables, using to shadow global variables,

Lock layer, in Timeline panel,

logical AND (&&) operator,

logical operators,2nd

logical OR (||) operator,

logic layer, middleware or,


Lossless (PNG/GIF) bitmap compression,


Mac OS X system skins, web site address,

Macromedia, FutureWave acquired by,

Macromedia Flash, birth of,

MAC source FLA files for skins, web site address for,

magic wand icon, for Script Assist feature,

main timeline, in display list,

Math.ceil() method,

Media Encoder. See Adobe Media Encoder

media player, creating simple,

menu API,2nd

application menu in,2nd

dock menu in,

handling menu events in,

system tray menu in,

window menu in,

menu-driven video playback application, creating,2nd

Merge Drawing

in Flash CS4,2nd

vs. Object Drawing,2nd

Merge Drawing mode, creating and manipulating lines in,2nd

metadataReceived event, FLVPlayback component,


middleware or logic layer,

Min and Max values, constraining movement of bones with,2nd

Minimize and Close buttons, adding to AIR applications,

miter, defined,

modifier keys, Shift and Alt keys as,


modulo (%) operator,

Moore's Law,


creating with an IK system,2nd

duplicating in CS4,2nd

Motion Editor

adding a color effect to tween by way of,

adding color effect to,

adding filters to tweens in,2nd

Eases section,2nd


headers along top of,


making eases in,

new in Flash CS4,2nd

property layers,

something to keep in mind,


motion path

changing curve of,


options for modifying,

scaling, skewing, or rotating,2nd

motion presets


converting to frame-by-frame animations,

importing and exporting,2nd


saving animation as custom,

saving from the timeline,


motion tween

changing duration of,2nd

changing properties of,


introduction to new,2nd


options for changing properties of,

motion tweening

IK vs.,2nd

vs. frame-by-frame animation,2nd

MouseEvent.CLICK event,

mouse events, most common,

mover function, calling,

movie clip, applying a blend mode to,2nd

MovieClip class, importing,

movie clips. See display objects

warning about changing if set to export,

movie clip symbols,

MovieClip symbols, in _SquareButton folder in library,

multiplicative (*) operator,

MXP files, installing and removing,2nd

mySavedAddress variable,



name-value pairs,

NativeWindow.activate() method,

NativeWindow class, creating windows with,

NativeWindow.close() method,

NativeWindowInitOptions class, options declared in,

NativeWindow.maximize() method,

NativeWindow.minimize() method,

NativeWindow.orderInBackOf(NativeWindow) method,

NativeWindow.orderInFrontOf(NativeWindow) method,

NativeWindow.orderToBack() method,

NativeWindow.orderToFront() method,

network detection API,2nd

SocketMonitor in,

URLMonitor in,

New Document dialog window, selecting ActionScript File from,

new keyword, instantiating new variable with,

news feeds, XML used for,

Nielsen's Law,

No Color button,

node values, filtering,

nonroving keyframes vs. roving keyframes,

normal window, Windowing API,

NOT operator (!),

numChildren property,

numeric controls, for cropping video,

numeric property values, changing,


Object Drawing

in Flash CS4,2nd

vs. Merge Drawing,2nd

Object Drawing button, location on Tools panel,

[object MainTimeline],

object-oriented programming (OOP),


rotating in 3D space,

rotating multiple selection of in 3D space,

rotating single in 3D space,2nd

Onion Skin, in Timeline panel,

Open External Library option, in Flash,

open source, Flash explosion,2nd


operator overloading,


in Flash,2nd

postfix operators,

Orientation button, in Property inspector,

Others tab, in Adobe Media Encoder,

Outline layer, in Timeline panel,

output file, choosing name and location for,

Output panel, trace statement output to,

Output window, using,

Oval Primitive tool,

Oval tool, drawing ovals, donuts, and pie shapes with,

Overflow drop-down, options in,


package component, for Germaphobe class,

packages and import statements, for HelloWorld.fla file,2nd

Paint Bucket tool

black triangle on icon,


palette type and color settings, changing for GIF,

panel group header,

panel header,

Panel Options button, options in,


grouping, docking, stacking, and floating,2nd

stacking horizontally,


panels and windows, working with in Flash CS4,2nd

panel tab,

paragraphs, formatting,2nd


adding to cue points,

for Filters tab,

Parameters tab, of Component inspector,2nd

parentheses [()], use of in programming,2nd

parent joint, in IK bone,

parent objects, assigning events to,2nd

passes, for video,2nd


anatomy of,

creating complex,2nd


points in,

Pencil tool, drawing with,

PenPoint operating system, GO Corporation's,

Pen tool, creating complex paths with,2nd

persistence, and tinting frames,

personal computers, evolution of,2nd

perspective angle, viewing or setting,

perspective angle property, of FLA file controls,

Photo (JPEG) bitmap compression,

pie shapes, ovals, and donuts, drawing,

Pin Script feature, in Actions panel,2nd

Pin Script tabs

in Actions panel,


playback behavior, setting for GIF,

PlayButton, states of,

play controls

assigning custom to FLVPlayback component,

creating custom,2nd

understanding components of,2nd

playhead, in Timeline panel,

playheadUpdate event, FLVPlayback component,


creating with XML,

loading into media player application,2nd

playlist.xml, creating,2nd

PNG publishing options, setting,2nd

polygons, drawing,

polygons and stars, drawing,

PolyStar tool

drawing stars with,2nd

for drawing polygons,

PolyStar Tool Settings dialog,

pose, adding intermittent to arm,2nd

postfix operators, increment and decrement,

POST method,

power core,

presentation layer,2nd



encoding your first video with,2nd

management buttons for,

managing custom in simple mode,

Presets menu, in the queue,

primitive data types

in ActionScript,

table of in ActionScript,

primitive objects,

primitive tools,2nd

program errors, checking for,2nd

programming, dreaming in metaphors,2nd

prompt, changing,


changing with ActionScript,2nd

formatable associated with text fields,

functioning like adjectives,2nd

TextFormat class,

translating from stage to ActionScript,

Property inspector,2nd

applying blend modes with,2nd

applying parameters to IK bones in,2nd

defining document class in,

enabling or disabling all object filters in,

enabling or disabling filters in,

moving object on z-axis with,

naming symbol instances using,2nd

options of document window,2nd

revisiting for creating contact form,2nd

setting perspective angle property in,

text field modifiers offered in Character portion of,

using Options section in for contact form,

viewing or setting vanishing point in,

working with filters in,2nd

property values, changing numeric,

publish formats, selecting,

publishing options, setting in Flash,

publish profiles




importing and exporting,


Publish Settings window

Advanced settings section,2nd

Formats tab,

functions of,

Images and Sounds area in,

Local playback setting in,

Script time limit option in,

SWF Settings area,

Trace and debug options,



Queue window, of Adobe Media Encoder,

QuickTime Export Settings dialog, for controlling disk process of exporting,


random() method,

Ready event, FLVPlayback component,

Rectangle Primitive tool,

Rectangle tool, drawing squares and rectangles with,


recursive execution,

relational operators, table of standard,

removeChildAt() method, removing children at certain levels with,

removeChild() method, removing children with,

removeEventListener() method,

render HTML modifier, in Property inspector,

Required Field, setting textual property to,

Rich Internet Applications (RIAs),2nd

root node,

rotate and skew cursors,

Rotation button, in Property inspector,

roving keyframes vs. nonroving keyframes,

ruler or timeline header, in Timeline panel,

rulers, guides, and snapping options,2nd

runtime, defined,

runtime errors, when debugging in Flash,

runtime IK animation vs. author-time,2nd


saveAndStart function

saving last entered address to a text file with,


Save Preset As dialog box,

scale behavior, changing in HTML publishing options,

scale cursor,

scaleMode parameter, understanding and setting,

scaleMode property. See scaleMode parameter

scope. See variable scope

scope errors, hunting,


adding to Germaphobe class,2nd

the final score,2nd

Script Assist, using,

Script Assist button

in Actions panel,, 2nd3rd

Script Navigator, in Actions panel,

script pane, in Actions panel,

Script time limit option, in Publish Settings window,

scurry event, creating random motion with,2nd

selectable modifier, in Property inspector,

Selection tool

moving a motion path with,


Select Skin dialog,

self-signed certificates


security risks of,

semicolons (;)

used in Flash programming,

using in XML,

sendInfo() function,

send method, for SWF to SWF communication,

server, saving the last checked,2nd

server and service availability, checking for AIR applications,2nd

setComponentStyle(), using,

Set In Point button,

Set Out Point button,

setStyle() method, using,

setTextFormat method, using,

Settings Manager feature, web site address,


anatomy of,

drawing in Flash,2nd

selecting and manipulating,2nd

shape tween,

shared objects. See local shared objects

creating simple,2nd


Show Border feature, in Property inspector,

Show/Hide layer, in Timeline panel,

Silicon Beach Software, formed by Charlie Jackson,

simple mode

encoding features,2nd

managing custom presets in,

size property, returning size of file with,

skew and rotate cursors,

Skinner, Grant, SWFBridge by,


components in ActionScript,2nd

components in Flash,2nd

skin parameters, setting,2nd


creating custom,2nd


slash asterisk (/*) combination, opening comments with in Flash,

slash (/) notation, used in ActionScript,

SmartSketch, development of,

Smooth mode, for Pencil tool,

social networking

the future of,2nd

XML used for,

SocketMonitor, in network detection API,

.SOL file, examining,2nd

solid bones. See bones, solid

SoundChannel class, in package,

Sound class, in package,

sound files

making available for runtime sharing,

making available for use in ActionScript,

sound objects, creating and changing sounds at runtime,2nd

Sound panel

basic operation of,

Info section of,


Sound Properties dialog, export settings in,2nd

SoundTransform class, in package,

source parameter, setting,

Sprite class, importing,

sprite symbols,

SQLite, database engine,

square, selecting stroke of,

SquareBgDown symbol, in _SquareButton folder in library,

SquareBgNormal symbol, in _SquareButton folder in library,

SquareBgOver symbol, in _SquareButton folder in library,

squares and triangles, drawing,

stacking, panel groups to other panel groups,

stage size, changing,

star, drawing,

Star point size setting,

stars and polygons, drawing,

startDrag() method,

startMonitoring function,, 2nd

stateChange event, FLVPlayback component,

stateless Internet,2nd

static text,

stopDrag() method,

Straighten mode, for Pencil tool,

streaming audio vs. event audio,

string methods, list of more useful,


filtering and deconstructing,2nd

working with in ActionScript,2nd

strings and text, working with,

stroke, in Flash,

stroke color picker, depiction of,

Stroke properties, affect on appearance of star shape,2nd

strokes and fills,2nd

selecting both,

Structured Query Language (SQL), for web application databases,

style browser, code for,2nd

style definitions, for components,2nd

<styling> element, adding to a button in the timeline, 

submit function, creating,

Subscript/Superscript modifiers, in Property inspector, 

Subselection tool,

changing motion path curve with,

manipulating paths with,


substr and substring methods,

substring method, parameters accepted by,

substr method, parameters accepted by,

Superpaint 2, Jonathan Gay work on,

Swap Bitmap dialog, opening,

swapChildrenAt() method,

swapChildren() method,

Swap Colors button,

Swatches panel

adding colors to,2nd


SWC-based components,

SWFBridge, by Grant Skinner,

SWF Settings area, Publish Settings window,

SWF to SWF,2nd


setting up the receiver,2nd

setting up the sender,2nd

switch() statement,

filtering through keys with,


changing position of,

changing rotation of,2nd

modifying yours,2nd

symbol definition,

symbol management, external assets and,2nd


breaking apart instances of,

creating and managing,2nd

creating button,

creating instances of,2nd



methods for editing,

setting fields to define,2nd


types of,2nd

using and organizing,2nd

syntax, defined,

syntax errors

example of,

when debugging in Flash,

system, in inverse kinematics,

System Chrome option, lightweight window,

system tray menu, in menu API,


(tab) parameter, of listchildren() function,

Target drop-down menu, for AS files,

target property, of event object,


breaking apart and animating,2nd

creating with Text tool,2nd

manipulating with ActionScript,2nd

synchronizing to playback using events,2nd

text and strings, working with,2nd

TextArea component, in ch11_01_start.fla file,

text field modifiers, offered in Property inspector,

text fields. See dynamic text fields


assigning formats to,2nd

formatable properties associated with,

formatting and creating,2nd

ways to add,2nd

TextFormat class,2nd

properties for,

TextFormat object, setting property values of,

TextInput and Button component, adding on a new layer,

text node values, retrieving,2nd

Text tool, creating text with,2nd

Thawte certificate authority,

The Essential Guide to Flash CS4 AIR Development, by Marco Casario,

for details about APIs and how to use them,

The Essential Guide to Open Source Flash Development, by Aral Balkan, et al.,

thin clients,

evolution of,2nd

web pages as,

third-party components,2nd

Adobe Flash Exchange web site for,

third-party extensions, installing,

three-state icon, creating in AIR applications,

three-tiered application model,2nd

diagram of,

Timed Text XML Schema

for FLVPlaybackCaptioning component,2nd

getting into timed text part of,2nd

root node of,


adding frames/keyframes to,

behavior of,2nd


in Timeline panel,2nd

Timeline panel,2nd

folders as layers in,


timer and frame events,2nd

timer events,2nd

timing errors, tracking,2nd

Tools panel,


top-level function, trace statement as,

toUTCString method, of date object,

Trace and debug options, in Publish Settings window,

Trace Bitmap dialog, options in,

Trace Bitmap feature, using in Flash,2nd

trace statement,

adding to your ActionScript,

output of referencing,

primary function of,

printing multiple items to screen with,

tracing out the tab string in,

tracing, strategies for,

tracking, in Flash,

transformation, in Flash CS4,

Transform panel, using for rotation,

Transform tool

changing rotation of symbol with,2nd

scaling, skewing, or rotating motion guide with,2nd


translation, in Flash CS4,

transparency, setting for GIF,

triangles and squares, drawing,

try...catch statements, for handling errors,2nd

<tt> element, and child nodes for,

tween keyframes, representation of on timeline,


adding color effect to,

adding filters to,2nd

changing easing of,2nd

duplicating from timeline quickly,2nd

what they do,

Type drop-down, specifying stroke or fill type in,

typos, finding,


URLLoader class

loading a simple data file,2nd

loading URL requests with,


waiting for data to arrive,2nd

URLLoader object,

URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES property, using,


adding in Actions panel,

in network detection API,

starting on demand,

URLMonitor class, using,2nd

URLRequest class

calling an absolute URL from remote server,

calling a relative local URL,

getting information with,2nd

URLRequest object,

URL variables,

useCapture parameter, for event listener,

user interface

creating for playlist,2nd

wiring and making it play,2nd

User Interface group

components in,2nd

of components,

utility window, Windowing API,


Values dialog, launching,

vanishing point

moving back to center of stage,

properties, setting,2nd


creating using URLVariables class,

declaring in ActionScript,2nd

sending and returning for further use,2nd

variable scope,2nd

Variables panel, using during debugging,

var keyword, properties and variables defined using,

VBR (variable bitrate encoding),

vector-based graphics, converting bitmaps to,2nd

vector graphics, working with,

vector shapes

applying binds to,2nd

applying bones to,

selecting for IK,

working with bones and,2nd


basic setting in Export Setting window,

bitrate encoding,

bitrate settings,2nd



cropping options to impact final dimensions,

encoding using presets,2nd

menu-driven playback,2nd


setting in and out points,2nd

synchronizing to playback using events,2nd

working with in Flash,2nd

video components, in Video group,2nd

Video Import Wizard, opening and using,2nd

Video tab, areas of,

video tab and bitrate settings, in Export Settings window,2nd

view, changing with Envelope Editor,

volume presets, options for,


W3C Timed Text (TT) Authoring Format 1.0—Distribution Format Exchange Profile (DFXP), web site address,

walls, checking for,2nd

Web 2.0,2nd

WebKit Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) rendering engine,

web programming languages, XML used in,

web server,

web services, XML used for,2nd

web site address

ActionScript editor,

advanced video settings information,

AIR marketplace,


files for learning FLVPlaybackCaptioning,

Flash documentation,

FLVPlayback public properties list,,

information for adjusting movie clip color,

learning ActionScript and Flash,

Mac OS X system skins,

MAC source FLA files for skins,

Settings Manager feature,

video tutorial about 3D graphics,

W3C Timed Text (TT) Authoring Format 1.0—Distribution Format Exchange Profile (DFXP),

Windows XP skins,

Windows XP source FLA files for skins,

Welcome Screen

Flash CS4,2nd

turning off,

while loop,

Windowing API

normal window,

utility window,2nd

windowing API events,

windowing API methods,

window menu, in menu API,

Window mode, changing in HTML publishing options,

windows, creating with the NativeWindow class,

Windows XP skins, web site address for,

Windows XP source FLA files for skins, web site address for,

wire bones,


customizing the interface with,


working with in Flash CS4,

writing and reading files,2nd



as best way in and out of Flash,2nd


creating well-formed,2nd

efficiency of,2nd

elements in,2nd

examining basics of structure,2nd

graphical representation of defined structure,

learning to see,2nd

most common use of,

reserved characters,2nd

saving animation as,

what it is,2nd

XML attribute values, accessing,2nd

XML class

and XMLList classes,2nd

vs. XMLList class,

XML data


drilling down into the structure,


XMLDocument class, offered by ActionScript 3.0,

XML (Extensible Markup Language). See XML

XML file, loading with ActionScript,2nd

XMLList class, and XML class,2nd

XML tree,

filling out,

structure of,

XMP, web site address for information about,

XMP files,

XMP info inspector, launching,

XMP metadata,2nd

modifying in video or audio files,

Zoom tool,

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