Preparing to lead
Giving yourself a head start
It pays to prepare for your leadership
role even before your first day on the
job. Do some basic groundwork and
research: ask your employer where you
fit into their organizational plans; ask
when you will be expected to produce
objectives for your team; and when and
how your performance—and that of your
team—will be assessed. If possible, ask
to meet the outgoing leader and discuss
the demands of the role and the team
dynamics. Research your team: request
performance figures and personnel files;
ask the outgoing leader and your peers
what information will be of most use.
Managing data
Throughout the first few weeks in your
new role, you will be deluged with
information. Unfortunately, you won’t
necessarily know which of this data is of
strategic importance, and which is just
minor detail. Head off early errors by
being systematic; file the information
and make a list of everything you have
received. Review this list weekly and try
to place the relative significance of each
piece of information in a broader context.
When you become a leader, you need to quickly understand what is
expected from you and from your team. Your employer will provide
you with guidance, but don’t assume that you’ll get the complete
picture. A lot of the groundwork is going to be up to you.
Ask your employer
where you fit into their
organizational plans
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Managing people
You’ll also be introduced to many new
people throughout the organization. Always
carry a notebook and pencil with you; after
each meeting, make a note of the name,
position, and distinguishing features of the
person you have met, along with anything
memorable they said to you. When
you meet them next, you’ll remember
who they are and how they fit into the
organization. What’s more, you’ll be able
to pick up your conversation with them.
increase in
performance may
result from best
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1 Have you had or requested an induction briefing? ........................
2 Have you identified areas in your new role where you
need training? ...................................................................................
3 Have you studied the companys organization charts? ..................
4 If you have been promoted, have you told your existing
contacts in the organization of your new role? ...............................
5 Do you know which meetings you are expected to attend? ............
Exchanging information
of businesses in a
global survey consider
leadership to be the
no.1 talent issue
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Being realistic
Your arrival as a team’s new leader will
raise expectations of change for the
better. However, you may discover that
some expectations are less than realistic.
For example, your team’s previous leader
may have provided detailed guidance
on how work should be carried out; if
your leadership style is more about
empowering your team to make their
own decisions, they may initially feel
poorly supported and even resentful
of the added responsibility. Early in your
tenure, ask others what assumptions
they have about you and your role.
Outline what success looks like to you.
Does their view match yours?
What expectations do they have of how
long things will take?
Have they been made any unrealistic
promises about what you will deliver?
You can then begin to address any
discrepancies between their expectations
and your reality.
Are you ready
for anything?
What are the aims of your
organization or team?
Who are your key stakeholders?
Are there potential problems?
What are the processes, culture,
and structure of the organization?
How are internal systems audited?
Are your findings complete
and accurate?
Ask crucial questions
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