Leading through vision
Setting out the vision
Leaders focus on vision and overall aims
and then help their team members as
they try to interpret how to achieve the
agreed objectives in a way consistent
with the organization’s values.
Business vision is a word picture of
your future as a team or organization.
It describes what things will look like
when we get to where we want to be.
Your leadership role may be to create
the vision and strategic objectives at the
top of your organization, or it may be to
develop your team plan in alignment with
a bigger corporate strategy.
Developing the vision
Involve your team in developing the
vision right from the start. Begin
by writing it down. As you move
forward, you will need to restate and
re-create the vision by communicating
with your team through open question
and answer sessions, one-on-one
reviews, and team meetings. Soon
each person will learn how to make
a meaningful individual contribution
toward team goals.
People are motivated by a clear
understanding of what they need to
do to fulfill the vision, by when, how
well, and why. These are key signposts
on the journey to their professional
development and to the achievement
of the team’s vision. Your job is to help
everyone in your team plan the route,
and to review their progress.
As a business leader, you will be expected to set out the values of an
organization and provide its stakeholders with an emotionally appealing
and achievable vision of the future. Clear, thoughtful communication at
every level is needed in order to develop this vision and translate it into
medium-term strategies and day-to-day action.
Why” needs to be explained
in two ways: “Because of A…”
(referring to a past/present
reason) and “In order to do
B…” (explaining possible
future consequences).
Think laterally about the way
you reward members of your
team. Financial rewards often
have less motivational value
than your recognition and
thanks. If you are respected by
your team, your greatest gift is
your time. Make time to give
full attention to each person in
your team at regular intervals.
Never promise too much and
underdeliver future benefits to
your team members.
In focus
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Working with
Your key role as leader
is to inspire emotional
attachment to an
attractive vision and to
make success visible.
People will then
believe in cause
and effect—that
individual work
counts and doing
their best really
does lead to a
better life for
all concerned.
Give everyone a role to
play in implementing the
team vision and ask them to
report back to you on what
has gone exceptionally well
and what not so well.
Ask individuals to present
highlights to the rest of the team
so that everyone can learn about
doing things in new ways. When
you review these practical steps
with the team, keep linking them
back to the overall vision.
Remember to say “thank you” individually
and in front of the team to help them keep
their momentum and motivation.
Celebrate team successes to keep the team moving
forward together. Recognize even small steps in the
right direction.
Explore with individual team members their unique mix
of values, life experiences, knowledge, and skills plus
potential abilities. Understand what specifically motivates
each person to engage with their work and willingly
release the extra they have to give.
Each person will
learn how to make
a contribution
toward team goals
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