Preparing for a teleconference
Running a successful and productive
teleconference depends largely on the
time you spend planning and preparing for
it. If possible, find out as much as you can
about the facility you have chosen before
the day of the teleconference. If you’re in
charge, it is up to you to make sure that
the setting has everything you need. Try
to meet with the support technician, if
there is one, and learn what your physical
responsibilities will involve.
Recent improvements in technology have made video conferencing an
essential tool for many businesses. Whether you are using a dedicated
teleconferencing system or a computer package such as Skype, it is vital
to plan carefully to avoid technical hitches and make the experience
rewarding and successful for those involved.
Running a teleconference
Plan your
Identify the purpose of the
teleconference: explain to
people what they will be
doing and why.
Visit the facility in advance
and try to identify any
aspects of the location
or equipment that affect
how you need to plan
the teleconference.
Plan the agenda; don’t
just try to “wing it” as
you go along. Place easily
accomplished items first
on the list.
Identify a chairperson
who will be responsible
for starting, stopping, and
running the teleconference.
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Schedule the teleconference
for a time and date that
suits everyone.
Share important resources
in advance; send through any
materials that are important
for everyone to see.
Distribute the agenda so
other people know what will
be discussed and will have
time to gather necessary
Confirm the teleconference
with all participants and
send a reminder just before
it is due to take place.
Asking people to give their names,
titles, and locations
Keeping to the agenda and staying
on time
Taking control and providing people
with opportunities to speak
Making notes of what is being said
and by whom
Introducing some of the
participants, but ignoring others
Introducing new items not agreed
to in advance
Allowing people to talk with one
another in side conversations
Failing to capture whats been
said and agreed to
Do’s Don’ts
Success depends on the time you spend planning and
preparing for the teleconference: try to find out as
much as you can about the facility you have chosen
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Ensure the ofce from
which you are calling is neat
and that there’s nothing
distracting in the background.
Try moving your computer’s
video camera closer to you
so that your head and upper
shoulders occupy the whole
screenany smaller and it
becomes difficult to see and
read your facial expressions.
Appearing well
On the day, dress conservatively: avoid
busy patterns, thin stripes, and small
prints that draw attention. Act always as
if people are watching you, and refrain
from quirky mannerisms—these may go
unnoticed in a meeting but are magnified
in a teleconference. Sit up straight, pay
attention, and project a professional
image. Make sure you know where the
camera lens is before you start the call
—it is not always above the screen. Make
sure to look directly at the camera lens
when you are speaking. You’ll enhance
your credibility dramatically if you focus
squarely on the camera; others will think
you’re speaking directly to them.
Succeeding with Skype
Larger companies often have dedicated
video-conferencing systems housed in
rooms that are optimized for the purpose
—and a technician to maintain the facility.
However, if you work for a smaller
firm or from home, you will probably
use a computer-based conferencing
system such as Skype and so must take
responsibility for all aspects of a call.
The more you use Skype, the easier and
more natural it becomes, but be aware of
a few simple tips that’ll make your calls
more professional and productive.
Add another light behind you to
illuminate the room and provide
a sense of place.
Pay particular attention to
the lighting in the room,
making make sure that your
face is well lit; try placing a
large sheet of white paper
at on the desk in front of
you to reduce any harsh
shadows on your face.
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Switch off any potential
distractions, such as the
telephone, and set your
Skype status to “Do not
disturb” so that you won’t
get interrupted by other
incoming calls.
Take some time to get
to know the program’s
controls, so that you can
for examplemute the
microphone if necessary.
Look into the camera, not at
your picture on the screen.
Check what the other person
can see before you call.
Use the fastest internet
connection you have available.
Close other programs on
your computerespecially
if they make a noise (email
clients, for example).
Sounding good
Once you’re in the room, avoid idle talk
or unguarded comments—assume that
someone may be watching and listening.
Speak a bit more slowly than usual, to
ensure that everyone understands you,
and use gestures and facial expressions
to emphasize your words. Don’t read
a speech or a prepared statement, but
keep summarizing key issues as you
move along. Refer to the agenda and
remind people of elapsed time as you
move from point to point.
At the end of the teleconference,
summarize the issues discussed and
agreed to. After the event, prepare
and distribute minutes within a few days.
Succeeding with Skype
Larger companies often have dedicated
video-conferencing systems housed in
rooms that are optimized for the purpose
—and a technician to maintain the facility.
However, if you work for a smaller
firm or from home, you will probably
use a computer-based conferencing
system such as Skype and so must take
responsibility for all aspects of a call.
The more you use Skype, the easier and
more natural it becomes, but be aware of
a few simple tips that’ll make your calls
more professional and productive.
Use gestures and expressions
to emphasize your words
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