Page numbers in italic refer to illustrations

ABA form

communication, 106110, 114

typographic grids, 80

Accented characters, 35, 64

Acropolis (Athens, Greece), 3

Adobe, 25, 60, 129, 130

Akkurat, 191

Alcalá, Antonio, 30

Aldine Press, 7

Alphabets. See also Letter

Bayer's universal, 19

defined, 3132

legibility, 5051, 5051

optical relationships, 36

Phoenician, 3

Angle, typefaces, 46, 46

Anthony, Carol, 115

Antialiasing, legibility, 134, 135, 135, 140, 145

Apeloig, Philippe, 27

Apex, 33, 36

Apollinaire, Guillaume, 156, 157

Arch of Constantine (Rome), 4

Arm, 33

Armstrong, Frank, 87, 91, 94, 97

Arp, Hans, 86, 87

Art deco, 20

Art nouveau style, 17

Ascenders, 33, 34, 35, 41, 50, 51, 5355

Avant Garde, 45, 45

Demi, 184


legibility, 5558, 5657

on-screen, 135, 145

Baldwin, Polly, 82

Ballmer, Walter, 89, 117

Ball State University, 200

Barnbrook, Jonathan, 25

Barnes, Jeff, 95

Baseline, 32, 32, 60, 142

Baseline grid, 64, 74, 74, 79

Baskerville, 38, 45, 45, 50, 54, 294301

Italic, 46, 46

Baskerville, John, 11, 36, 36, 294, 291

Bass, Saul, 21, 157

Bauhaus, 66

Bayer, Herbert, 19, 58

Bayot, Alan, 212, 225

Beard line, 32, 32

Beckwith, Christian, 77

Behrens, Peter, 18

Bell, Nick, 118

Belser, Burkey, 118

Bembo, Pietro, 7

Benton, Morris F., 46, 268

Benedit, Juan, 82

Berger & Föhr, 131

Bermejo, Joanne, 214

Bernhardi, Ernest, 234, 236, 238, 239, 234240

Bernstein, Jennifer, 204

Besley, Robert, 14

Bierma, Wigger, 77

Bil'ak, Peter, 226

Bill, Max, 20, 66

Binder, Maurice, 157, 158

Bitskaya, Anna, 163

Bitstream, 24

Blackburn, Bruce, 23

“Block style,” 18

Bodoni, 26, 34, 38, 50, 139

Bauer Bodoni, 304311

Italic, 46, 46

ITC, 26

Bodoni, Giambattista, 11, 12, 241, 304

Bonnell, Bill, 24

Book design, case study, 179182

Boom, Irma, 27

Bowl, 33

Boyle, Robert, 86

Bradley, Will, 17

Brainstorming, 224

Brancusi, Constantin, 19

Brandt, Erik, 104, 210, 220

Brodovitch, Alexey, 20

Brody, Neville, 26

Brueggenjohann, Jean, 96

Brush writing, 3, 32, 32

Buenos Aires Underground (Subte) 186189

Bukhshaisha, Fatima, 214

Burdick, Bruce, 78

Burdick, Susan, 78

Bzdok, Shane, 142

Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The, 157

Capitalis monumentalis, 4

Capitalis rustica, 3

Capitals, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 37

legibility, 52, 53, 141

Capline, 32, 35, 36

Carlu, Jean, 20

Caroline minuscules, 5, 7, 256

Carrà, Carlo, 156, 156

Carson, David, 25

Carter, Matthew, 26, 30, 129, 129, 135, 135

Carter, Rob, 61, 73, 120, 198, 216, 217, 223

Cartesian coordinate system, 74

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 145

Carusi, Jamie, 165

Case studies

book design, 179182

environmental design, 186189

film titles, 183185

information design, 190193

poster design, 172175

typographic program, 194196

Unigrid System, 176178

web site design, 148154

Caslon, 11, 17

Caslon, William, 10

Caslon, William IV, 12, 39

Caxton, William, 7

Chai, Yoon-Young, 222

Chang, Amos, 96

“Chap book” style, 17

Character width, legibility, 55

Chase, 122

Chaucer type, 16

Cheltenham, 46, 46, 314

Chimero, Frank, 142

Chisel, 32, 32

Chiu, Chiu-Ping, 218

Chromolithography, 15

Chukwu, Chinedue, 225

Chwast, Seymour, 22, 23

Cincinnati, University of, 201, 219

Citizen Kane, 157

Clarendon, 14, 314

Clear, 30

Colines, Simon de, 9, 256

Colley, David, 84, 84, 93, 110, 116, 117

Collins, Gail, 86

Collins, Tim, 131

Color, legibility, 5658


legibility, 54, 55, 58

typographic grid, 71, 72, 7478

typographic syntax, 92, 93, 9495

Column interval, grids, 75, 76

Communication. See also Typographic syntax

ABA form, 106110, 114

typographic message, 111120

visual hierarchy, 85, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 114, 131, 133, 137, 138, 139141, 143, 146, 147, 162, 219

Concurrent grids, 76, 76, 83

Condensed style, 34, 47

Conradi, Jan, 200

Constantine (emperor of Rome), 4

Constructivism, 19, 66, 112

Contrast, legibility, 56

Cook and Shanosky, 23

Cottrell, Thomas, 11

Counter, 33, 42, 57, 89

Counterpoint relationships, 103

Cox, Steve, 202

Coyle, Ian, 142

Cranbrook Academy of Art, 208

Crossbar, 33, 60,

Cuneiform, 2, 66

Dadaism, 18, 66, 112

Daigle, Keith, 26

Dancer analogy, legibility, 51

Danne and Blackburn, 105

D'Astolfo, Frank, 203

Davidson, Nicholas, 152, 152

Day, Ben, 94, 107

Dean, Paul, 199

De Bruce, Kerry 219

De Bry, Johann Theodor, 9

Deck, Barry, 25

de Jesus, Sergio, 89, 98

de Kooning, Willem, 21

Deman, Edmond, 17

Denison, Trina, 200

Descenders, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 51, 5355

Design education, 197220

De Stijl, 18, 66, 70, 112, 112, 113, 118

Detrie, Thomas, 229, 229, 230, 231, 231

Dewey, Susan, 202

Didot, François Ambroise, 11, 304

Digital typography, 2426, 255

development of, 128129

legibility, 60

Digraphs, 35

Dingbats, 35

Diseño Shakespear, 186189

Display phototypesetting, 125

Divendal, Leo, 73

Doan, Jeremy, 207

Doczi, Gyorgy, 105

Dorfsman, Lou, 116

Drew, Ned, 212, 224, 241, 241248

Dronenburg, Linda, 115

Duchynski, Todd, 209

Duggins, Laurie, 211

Dürer, Albrecht, 8

Dutch Old Style type, 10

Dyer, Michael, 30

Eames, Charles, 215

Eames, Ray, 215

Ear, 33

Easter, Joe, 199

Education, 197220

Egypt (ancient), 2

Egyptian (slab-serif) typeface, 12, 14, 39, 255, 314323

Elaboration, typefaces, 46, 46

Electronic page design, development of, 24

Em, 4344

Emperor, 24, 136, 136

En, 4344

Engraving, 15

Environmental design, case study, 186189

Evans, Linda, 198

Evans, Walker, 20

Exocet Heavy (Emigre), 25

Expanded style, 34, 34

Experimental Jetset, 28, 30, 144


motion, 169

typographic message, 61, 118, 119, 120

Eye, 33

Eye: The International Review of Graphic Design, 118

Facebook Analog Research Lab, 30

Farrell, Stephen, 179, 180, 179182

Fat Face type, 1214

Fella, Ed, 29

Fetish No. 338, 25

Fibonacci sequence, 68, 249

Figgins, Vincent, 12, 13, 39

Figurative typography, 22

Fillet, 33

Film titles, 21, 24, 167

case study, 183185

Fine, Oronce, 256

Fishman, Janice, 26

Flow line, grids, 74, 74

Fontographer software, 24

Fonts, 3537

character types, 35, 35

defined, 35

multiple master, 129, 129

on-screen, 134136, 135, 136

optical relationships, 36, 36

unity within, 36, 37

web design, 145

Form/counterform relationship,

legibility, 51

Fournier le Jeune, Pierre Simon, 11, 42

Fractions, 35

Fraktur, 72

Frank, Otto, 73

Franklin, Benjamin, 11

Frutiger, 188

Frutiger, Adrian, 47, 88, 274, 316

Fuller, R. Buckminster, 23

Function, expression and, typographic message, 118120

Funk, Donna, 115

Furniture, 122, 122

Futura, 20, 139, 140, 266, 286291

Italic, 46, 46

Light, 115

Futurism, 18, 66, 112, 156

Garamond, 9, 76, 34, 35, 50, 140, 256

Adobe, 26, 35, 35, 258263

Garamond, Claude, 8, 253

Gehry, Frank, 26

Geissbuhler, Steff, 116, 117

Genoud, Alexandre, 174

Geometric, typefaces, 39, 46, 266, 286

Gerstner, Karl, 22, 96, 228

Gill Sans, 139

shadowed, 46, 46

Glaser, Milton, 22, 23

Gleason, Victor, 176, 178

Godard, Jean-Luc, 159

Godlewski, Josef, 207

Golden section, 68, 69, 71, 95, 147, 249

Golden type, 16

Goldsmith, Holly, 26

Gomringer, Eugen, 112

Goodhue, Bertram, 46

Gorman, Pat, 24

Gothic lettering, 5, 6

Gothic Textura Quadrata, 5

Gottlieb, Jason M., 163

Goudy, Frederick, 17, 52

Grandjean, Philippe, 10

Graphic Thought Facility, 82

Graves, Michael, 24

Gray, Jon, 30

Greece (ancient), 3, 32

Greenberg, Richard, 24, 183, 183185, 185

Grid ratios, 68

Grids. See Typographic grids

Griffo, Francesco, 7, 8, 38

Groenendijk, Henk, 216, 217

Grootens, Joost, 28, 190, 190193

Grotesque, typefaces, 39, 266, 268273

Guimard, Hector, 17

Gutenberg, Johann, 1, 6, 42, 66, 122

Hairline, 33

Hall, Erin, 217

Hammett, Levi, 213, 214

Hand composition, 122

Hausmann, Raoul, 18

Hawn, C.J., 216

He, Jianping, 27

Heartfield, John, 18

Helvetica, 46, 139, 148, 176, 177, 266

film, 28

Hieroglyphic writing, 2, 66

Higgins, Ben, 138

Higgins, Douglas, 219

Hill, Leland, 214

Hinting, 128, 134, 135, 135

Hitchcock, Alfred, 160

Hoefler, Jonathan, 25

Hoffmann, Josef, 17

Hofmann, Armin, 172

Holing, Allison, 215

Holt, John, 11

Holton, Gerald, 22

Holtzman, Kara, 200

Howard, Joshua, 167

Humanist, typefaces, 39, 266, 280

Huszar, Vilmos, 18

Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), 138, 144, 145, 147

Ichiyama, Dennis Y., 199

Ilić, Mirko, 29, 120

Ilog, Roland, 225

Imsand, Jean-Pascal, 173, 174

Indentation, legibility, 64, 58

Industrial Revolution, 1, 12, 121, 241, 314

Inferior figures, 35

Information design, case study, 190193

Insel Verlag, 72

Insular majuscules, 4

Interaction matrix structures, 224, 224

Interletter spacing, 43, 44, 44, 88, 126, 127

legibility, 53, 58, 62

on-screen, 141, 141, 145

Interline spacing, 43, 75, 91, 91, 94, 127, 294

legibility, 54, 55, 55, 58, 62

on-screen, 142, 145

Ireland, 5, 11

Italic type, 8, 38, 40, 45, 46

legibility, 55

Jacobs, Kyra, 215

Janiszewski, Jerzy, 114

Jenson, Nicholas, 7

Jolley, Bill, 202

Jones, Keith, 80

Jones, Paris, 203

Justified typography, 90, 126

legibility, 58

on-screen, 142

Kam, Chul, 215

Kandinsky, Wassily, 18

Kang, Gina, 141

Kellum, Ron, 25

Kelmscott Press, 16, 17

Kern, Kayla, 220

Kerning, 44, 53, 62, 91, 126, 127, 129

Kerver, Jacques, 9

Kessels, Sander, 226

Kimball, Ingalls, 46

King, Duane, 142

Kirwin, Colene, 198

Kisman, Max, 27, 217, 226

Klimas, Matt, 224

Klinkon, Heinz, 205

Knobler, Nathan, 98

Knudsen, Penny, 198

Koenig, Friedrich, 12

Kohli, Andreas, 148

Kootstra, Assi, 226

Kuleshov, Lev, 160, 160

Kunz, Willi, 24, 87

Kwon, Jung, 216

Landor Associates, 26

Lanston, Tolbert, 16, 124

Lantz, Rebecca, 105

Laser systems, digital typesetting, 129

Lausen, Marcia, 215

Leading. See Interline spacing

Le Bailly, Jacques, 226

Le Corbusier, 21

Leg, 33

Legibility, 4964, 141144

capital and lowercase letters, 53, 141

character width, 55, 142

color, 5657

digital typography, 60

importance of, 49

interletter and interword spacing, 5355, 141

italics, 55

justified and unjustified, 58, 142

letter, 5052

paragraphs and indentation, 58

type size, line length, and interline spacing, 54, 55, 142, 143

typographic details, 6264

weight, 55, 142

words, 52

Lehrer, Warren, 24, 91, 219

Leister, Bryan, 105

Letter. See also Alphabets

legibility, 5052

typographic syntax, 86, 87

Letterforms, 3234

evolution of, 32

parts of, 32, 33

proportions of, 34

Letterspacing. See Interletter spacing

Level Design Group, 159, 165

Levie, Victor, 73

Lévy, Jean-Benoît, 28, 119, 172, 174, 172175, 227

Li, Ivy, 90, 102, 103

Li, Xiaozhou, 166, 204

Li, Zhang, 199

Licko, Zuzana, 24, 26, 136

Liemburg, Harmen, 29, 226

Ligatures, 35

Line, typographic syntax, 90, 91

Line length, legibility, 54, 55

Lining figures, 35

Link, 33

Linotype, 15, 53, 124, 296

development of, 122, 123, 123

Lissitzky, El, 19, 113

Lithography, 11, 125

Lois, George, 22

Loop, 33

Lowercase, 32, 33, 35, 37, 37

legibility, 51, 52, 53, 141

Lubalin, Herb, 22, 23, 116

Lubbers, Marc, 226

Ludd, 241246, 241248

Ludlow machine,

development of, 124, 124

Luhring, Brandon, 200

Lumière brothers, 17

MacKay-Lyons, Brian, 28

Mader, Ted, 25

Maiorana, Monique, 209

Majoor, Martin, 226

Malevich, Kasimir, 18

Malinoski, John, 93, 194, 194196, 195

Manutius, Aldus, 7, 38


typographic grid, 66, 71, 72, 73, 74, 143

typographic syntax, 9095, 9095

Marinetti, Filippo, 18, 112, 112, 156

Maryland Institute College of Art, 207

Mathematical signs, 35

Matisse, Henri, 21

Maxa, Sandra, 120, 160, 218

McCormick, Brent, 222

McCoy, Katherine, 208

McKee, Stuart, 78

McLaughlin, Dennis, 176, 178

McLawhorn, Craig, 209

McManus, Brenda, 211

Meanline, 32, 33

Mechanical router, 13

Medi, Angad, 169

Meggs, Philip, 48

Méliès, Georges, 156, 156

Mercadante, Michael, 82

Mergenthaler, Ottmar, 15, 123

Meta (FontShop), 25, 139, 140, 266, 280285

Metal typographic measurement, 42, 43

Metaphorical thinking, 226

Metropolitan World Atlas, 28, 190193

Mevis & Van Deursen, 28, 83

Michelson, Malka E., 209

Middendorp, Rutger, 226

Miller, J. Abbott, 119

Milo, Christopher, 73

Mind mapping, 224, 224

Minneapolis College of Art and Design, 210, 220

Modern Style type, 10, 11, 38, 139, 255, 304313

Mondrian, Piet, 19, 70

Monetary symbols, 35

Monk, Matt, 209

Monotype, 122, 296

development of, 124, 124

Morgan, Bruce, 214

Morphology, 228, 228

Morris, William, 16

Motion pictures, 17

Movable type, 1, 2, 5, 6, 66, 122

Mrs Eaves Roman, 26

Mueller, Brian, 220

Müller-Brockmann, Josef, 21, 78, 78

Multiple master typeface, 25, 60, 129, 129

Museum of Design Zurich, 148

Museum of Modern Art, 169, 170

Music structure analogy, 106109

Musselwhite, Phillip, 178

Myriad, 25

Nemeth, Titus, 213

Neo-grotesque, typefaces, 39, 266, 274279

New York Times, 29, 210

Niépce, Joseph, 13

Niessen, Richard, 226

North Carolina State University, 199, 209

Notre Dame Cathedral (Paris), 5

Ohashi, Ryoji, 208

Old Style figures, 35

Old Style type, 8, 10, 34, 38, 139, 255, 256265

Olinsky, Frank, 24

Olsen, Cheri, 203

Olsen, Kelly, 203

Ornamented type, 11, 14, 119

Ouchi, Akira, 201

Outline type, 13, 14, 46, 60, 134, 135, 175

Ozubko, Christopher, 202

Pannartz, Arnold, 7

Pantheon (Rome), 4

Paper, invention of, 3

Papermaking machine, 11

Papyrus, 2

Paragraph breaks, columns, 64, 95

Paragraphs, legibility, 54, 58, 142, 142, 143

Parchment, 3

Parkinson, Jim, 26

Parthenon (Athens, Greece), 3

Pearson, Christian, 212

Perspective type, 13

Peters, Laura, 143

Petersen, Erica, 161

Pfleegor, Lark, 97, 102, 103

Philadelphia University, 209

Phoenician alphabet, 3

Photographic printing plate, 13

Phototypesetting, development of, 125127, 125127

Pica, typographic measurement, 42, 42

“ping pong” (poem), 112, 112


fonts, 136

legibility, 134, 134, 135, 138, 138, 139, 141, 142

Pobojewski, John, 116, 119

Point, typographic measurement, 42, 42, 43, 43

Poster design, case study, 172175

Posture, typefaces, 40, 40

Pratt Institute, 204, 211, 218

Printing press, steam-powered, 12

Process books, 222, 223, 223


grids 6771, 6872, 78

letterforms, 34, 34, 41

type family, 45, 45, 47

Prygrocki, Greg, 199

Psalterium, 12th century, 68

Punctuation, 35, 63, 90, 91

visual, 104, 104, 105

Purdue University, 199

Pyramids at Giza, 2

Q Collective, 88, 117

Quads, 43, 44, 44

Quoins, 122, 122

Ragged, 58, 62, 90, 142. See also Unjustified

Rakeng, Magnus, 118

Rand, Paul, 20, 69, 69, 87, 103, 105

Ratdolt, Erhard, 7

Reed pen, 32, 32

Remington, R. Roger, 205, 214

Renaissance, 711, 34, 66, 256

Renner, Paul, 20, 286

Responsive grid system, 132, 146, 147

Rhode Island School of Design, 198

Rietveld, Gerrit, 19, 118, 118

Riley, Rachele, 206

Rising, Anna, 206

Roach, Erin, 209

Robels, Elisa, 203

Robert, Nicolas-Louis, 11

Rochester Institute of Technology, 205, 214

Rococo Style, 10

Rodchenko, Alexander, 19

Rodecker, Bud, 30

Rodgers, John, 89

Rogers, Bruce, 17

Romain du Roi type, 10

Roman type, 7, 9, 34, 34, 38, 256

Rome (ancient), 3, 4, 32

Ruder, Emil, 27, 150

Rumble, Richard, 117

Rutgers University, 203, 212, 224

RyderTypes, 24

Saarinen, Eero, 22

Safri, Khadija, 214

Sara deBondt Studio, 30

Sagmeister, Stefan, 26

St. James, Katherine, 214

Salas, Jessica, 225

Salchow, Gordon, 201

Sandberg, Willem, 21

Sanders, Mark, 83, 117, 130, 207, 218

Sans Serif type, 12, 18, 34, 39, 40, 140, 255, 266293

legibility, 52, 139

Scanning systems, digital typesetting, 129

Scher, Paula, 26

Schmid, Helmut, 28, 150, 150, 151

Schoenberg, Arnold, 106

Schrenk, Nick, 105

Schudel, Benjamin, 148

Scow, Tristan, 144

Senefelder, Aloys, 11

Serebin, Sam, 77

Serifs, 4, 11, 12, 26, 33, 3740

legibility, 52, 57, 138, 139, 139

Shaded type, 12

Shahn, Ben, 88

Sherraden, Jim, 27

Sholes, Christopher, 15

Shoulder, 33

Signs, typographic message, 111, 114, 115, 114117

Sirisukont, Napasawan, 204

Sketchbooks, 222, 223

Skolos and Wedell, 29

Slimbach, Robert, 25, 26, 258

Slugs, 123, 124, 127

Small caps, 35

Small, Tiffany, 164

Smolev, Beth April, 214

“Snap-on” serifs, 26

Sommese, Lanny, 29


hand composition, 122

interletter and interword, legibility, 5355

Spatial typographic measurement, 4344

Spiekermann, Erik, 25, 280

Spine, 33

Sponga, Rebecca, 115

Spur, 33

Starns, Doug and Mike, 29

Stay, Matthew, 222

Steadman, David W., 249, 250, 249254

Steam-powered printing press, 12

Steingruber, Johann David, 11

Stem, 33

Sterling, Jennifer, 27

Stewart, Anne, 94

Stolk, Swip, 226

Stone chisel, 32, 32

Stonehenge (England), 2

Stone, Sumner, 26

Storch, Otto, 22

Storyboards, 161, 161

Stress, 34, 41

Stroke, 33

legibility, 55

Stroke-to-height ratio, 34

Stroke weight, 34, 134, 139

Studio Dumbar, 30

Sung, Nakyoung, 219

SUNY Purchase, 219

Superior figures, 35

Suprematism, 18

Surrealism, 19

Sutnar, Ladislav, 21, 120

Sweynheym, Konrad, 7

Tail, 33

Tatami mat, 69, 69

Technology, 121132

desktop publishing, 130

digital typesetting, 128130

hand composition, 122

linotype, 123

Ludlow machine, 124

monotype, 124

phototypesetting, 125127

Teletypesetter, 123

Template Gothic (Emigre), 25

Terminal, 33

Text columns, 74

Thick/thin contrast, typefaces, 41

Thirst, 30, 116, 119

Thomas, Bert, 18

Thompson, Bradbury, 59

Thompson, Debra, 68

Thoreau, Henry David, 49

Thorne, Robert, 12

Time-based media

expression, 169, 170

legibility, 167, 168

movement, 165167

structures, 160

syntax, 161

Times Roman Bold, 37, 37

Timney, Todd, 226

Tomasula, Steve, 179

Tory, Geoffroy, 8

Transitional type, 10, 11, 38, 139, 255, 294303

Troy type, 16

Tschichold, Jan, 19, 66, 66, 90, 95, 266, 266

Tuscan style, 12

Twombley, Carol, 25

Type case, 35, 122124, 122


families of, 4547

historical classification of, 3839

legibility, 50

modern classification of, 4041

Typesetting systems, 44

Type size, legibility, 5455

Typewriter, 15

Typographic design. See also Case studies

case studies in, 148154, 171196

education in, 197220

Typographic design process, 221

composites, 249254

exploring typographic

permutations, 229233

exploring typographic

transformations, 234240

Ludd: a typographic expedition, 241248

traditional model, 222228

Typographic font. See Fonts

Typographic grids, 91110

background, 66

defined, 65

improvisational structures, 84

modular grids, 7883

multicolumn grids, 7478

proportion, 68

single-column grids, 7173

square, 69, 70

structure and space, 67

web pages, 146, 147

Typographic measurement, 4244

metal, 42, 43

spatial, 43, 44

Typographic message, 111120

defined, 111

function and expression, 121124

multidimensional language, 112114

verbal/visual equations, 114117

Typographic processes and the computer, 227, 227

Typographic program, case study, 194196

Typographic space, 9699

Typographic syntax. See also Communication

column and margin, 9295

defined, 85, 86

grids, 91110, 146, 147

letter, 86, 87

line, 90, 91

typographic message, 111120

typographic space, 9699

visual hierarchy, 100105

word, 88, 89

Typographic technology. See Technology


anatomy of, 3148

evolution of, 130

on screen, 133154

time and motion, 155170

Typography, Interiority, & Other Serious Matters, 78

Ulsh, Susan, 208

Unigrid System, case study, 176178

U.S. National Park Service Unigrid System, case study, 176178

Unit system, 44

Univers, 34, 44, 44, 47, 47, 48, 54, 266, 274279

Universal alphabet, 19

University of Illinois at Chicago, 215

University of the Arts, 206

Unjustified typography, legibility of, 58. See also Ragged

Van Arnam, Cheryl, 90

Van de Velde, Henri, 17

Van Doesburg, Theo, 112, 113

Van Dyck, Christoffel, 10

Van Susteren, Arjen, 190

Van Wageningen, Mark, 226

Vatican Press, 9

Vendrolini, Philippe, 153

Venezky, Martin, 28, 30, 69, 69, 153, 153, 154

Verbal/visual equations,

typographic message, 114117

Victore, James, 25

Vignelli, Massimo, 176, 178, 187

Villar, Guilherme, 227, 227

Virgil, 294, 294

Virginia Commonwealth University,

Richmond, Virginia, 198, 201, 201, 216, 217

Doha, Qatar, 213, 214

Visual hierarchy, 100105, 162

Visual punctuation, 104, 104, 105

Visual notations, 224, 225

Vitiello, Stephen, 29

Vitruvius, 68

Vivarelli, Carlo, 21

Wagner, Otto, 112

Warde, Beatrice, 183

Washington, University of, at Seattle, 202

Web pages

case studies, 148154

legibility, 137, 141144

structures, 146, 147

technology, 145

typography, 134136, 138140

Wedell, Tom, 172

Wei, Hong, 162


legibility, 52, 55, 62, 64

typefaces, 33, 3436, 40, 45

Weingart, Wolfgang, 23, 27, 90, 99, 103, 229

Weller, Don, 117

Wells, Darius, 13

Werner, Franz, 173

Whitemyer, David, 82

White type, 13, 56

Whitney Museum of American Art, 30

Wieland, Jennifer Mugford, 98

Wiener, Lawrence, 28

Wiley, Kyle, 202

Williams, J. P., 198

Winston, Ginny, 217

Wolf, Henry, 22

Woodblock initial, 8, 256

Woodblock printing, 6

Woodcut, 9, 17, 256

Wood type, 13, 314

Wolfframm, Pirco, 92, 96

Woolman, Matt, 134


legibility, 52

typographic syntax, 88, 89

Word lists, 224

Wright, Frank Lloyd, 21

Writing, invention of, 1, 2

Xerox, 26

x-height, 32, 34, 35, 41, 47, 54, 55, 140

Yen, David, 170

Zahedi, Sara, 220

Zhang, Li, 199

Zwart, Piet, 19

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