Printing: Courier, Kendallville, Indiana

Typography: 8.5/11 Melior Medium with 7/10 Melior Italic captions, 7/10 Univers 75 figure numbers, and 9/11 Univers 75 headings

Cover and book design: 6th edition, Sandra Maxa and Mark Sanders

The authors wish to thank the following people for their contributions to the sixth edition of this book: At John Wiley & Sons, Executive Editor Margaret Cummins, Assistant Editor Lauren Poplawski, and Senior Production Editor David Sassian guided this book through the editorial and production phases. Rob Carter, Sandra Wheeler, and Libby Phillips Meggs were sage guides, providing invaluable insight and advice. Jeff Bellantoni and Jennifer Bernstein generously shared information and lent critical eyes to Chapter 9. Jo-Elle Burgard and Sharon Forrence provided research and design assistance. At Maryland Institute College of Art, Brockett Horne, Ellen Lupton, Jennifer Cole Phillips, and Zvezdana Stojmirovic offered support and encouragement. The authors extend special thanks to the many contributors of this book for sharing their significant typographic work.

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