Table of Contents

Part I. Blogger for Everyone

1. Welcome to the Blogosphere

What Blogs Are—and How They Work

Understanding Blogs

Understanding Bloggers

Browsing the Blogosphere

Personal Blogs

Official Blogs

Group Blogs

Topic Blogs

Media Content Blogs

Device Blogs

Creating Your Own Blog with Google Blogger

2. Visiting Blogger Blogs

Searching for Blogs with Google Blog Search

How Google Blog Search Works

Using Google Blog Search

Evaluating Blog Search Results

Fine-Tuning Your Query with Search Operators

Using the Advanced Search Page

Subscribing to Blog Search Results

Reading—and Commenting On—Blog Posts

Reading a Blog

Viewing Older Posts

Commenting on Posts

Sharing a Blog Post

Subscribing to Your Favorite Blogs

Subscribing to a Basic Atom Feed

Subscribing to a FeedBurner Feed

Part II. Blogger for Bloggers

3. Creating Your First Blog

Signing Up for Blogger

Creating Your Blog

Viewing Your Blog

Using the Blogger Dashboard

4. Customizing the Look and Feel of Your Blog

Choosing a Different Template

Selecting a New Blogger Template

Finding Third-Party Templates

Personalizing Fonts and Colors

Personalizing the Posts Section

Adding a Custom Image Header

Advanced Customization: Editing Your Blogger Template with HTML and CSS

5. Adding Gadgets to Your Blog

Understanding Gadgets

Adding Gadgets to Your Sidebar

Adding Specific Gadgets

Adding News Feeds to Your Blog

Adding Lists to Your Blog

Adding a Search Box to Your Blog

Adding a Poll to Your Blog

Adding an Archive for Your Blog

Adding a Label List

Displaying Recent Comments

Adding Non-Blogger Gadgets via HTML

Rearranging Elements on the Page

6. Making Blog Posts

Posting to Your Blog

Posting from the Blogger Dashboard

Posting via Email

Adding Items to Your Posts

Adding Links to Your Posts

Adding Labels to Your Posts

Creating Jump Posts

Editing and Deleting Your Posts

Cross-Posting from Your Blog to Facebook and Twitter

7. Posting Photos, Videos, and Audio

Adding Pictures to Your Blog Posts

Adding Videos to Your Blog Posts

Adding Audio to Your Blog Posts

Embedding Audio Files for Playback in a Feed Reader

Embedding an Audio Player into Your Blog Post

8. Managing Comments (and Comment Spam)

Limiting Comments

Moderating Comments

Fighting Comment Spam with Word Verification

Blocking All Comments

Formatting Blog Comments

9. Creating a Blog Feed

Activating an Atom Feed

Activating Feeds for All Blog Comments

Creating an RSS Feed via FeedBurner

Adding a Feed Subscription to Your Sidebar

10. Using Your Own Domain

Why Should You Host Your Own Blog Site?

What’s In a Name?


Guilt by Association

Obtaining Your Own Domain

Switching to a Custom Domain

11. Blogging on the Go

Understanding Blogger’s Mobile Services

Posting from Your Mobile Phone

Using Blogger Mobile

Signing Up for Blogger Mobile

Managing Your Mobile Blog

Posting to Your Mobile Blog

Blogging from Your iPhone

12. Managing Blog Settings

Controlling Who Views Your Blog

Setting Up a Group Blog

Displaying Backlinks in Your Blog Posts

Changing Your Blog’s Settings

13. Viewing Blog Statistics

Using Third-Party Statistics Tools

Bravenet Hit Counter

eXTReMe Tracking


Pax Hit Counters



Using Google Analytics

Configuring Google Analytics for Your Blog

Tracking Your Blog’s Statistics

Understanding Dashboard Data

Viewing Other Reports

14. Making Money from Your Blog

How AdSense Works

It Starts with One Little (Key) Word...

Placing Ads in Context

Paying by the Click

Sharing Ad Revenues

Adding AdSense Ads to Your Blog

Adding AdSense Ads to Your Blog

Adding AdSense Ads to Your Site Feeds

Tracking AdSense Performance

Displaying Overview Information

Generating Quick Reports

15. Attracting Visitors to Your Blog

Configuring Your Blog to Be More Noticed

Get Listed in Blog Directories and Search Engines

Get Current Visitors to Read More

Practice Best Blogging Practices

Optimizing Your Blog for Search Engines and Directories

Optimizing Your Blog Template

Optimizing Blog Posts

Submitting Your Blog to the Major Search Engines

Submit to Other Blog Directories

Advertising Your Blog with Google AdWords

How AdWords Works

Budgeting for AdWords

16. Looking Ahead with Blogger in Draft

What Is Blogger in Draft?

Examining New Blogger in Draft Features

Blogger Pages



Reactions and Star Ratings

Template Designer

And More to Come...

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