Appendix VI

Data and Computations to Determine Time Corresponding to Maximum Separation Efficiency (Figure 12.58), and to Determine Flotation Rate Constant (Figure 12.59)

1. Maximum separation efficiency (Figure 12.58)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Time (min) Mass % Assay (%) Units (Mass % X % PbS) Rec PbS (%) Cum R PbS (%) Units (Mass % X % G) Rec G (%) Cum R G (%) CR PbS- CR G (%)
Pb PbS G
0.5 3.29 72.9 84.18 15.82 276.95 37.25 37.25 52.05 0.56 0.56 36.69
1 2.12 66.9 77.25 22.75 163.77 22.03 59.28 48.23 0.52 1.08 58.20
1.5 1.88 51.7 59.7 40.3 112.24 15.10 74.38 75.76 0.82 1.90 72.48
2 1.44 37.5 43.3 56.7 62.35 8.39 82.77 81.65 0.88 2.78 79.98
4 4.28 19.2 22.17 77.83 94.89 12.76 95.53 333.11 3.60 6.38 89.15
6.5 3.53 2.41 2.78 97.22 9.81 1.32 96.85 343.19 3.71 10.09 86.76
10 4.82 0.82 0.95 99.05 4.58 0.62 97.47 477.42 5.16 15.25 82.22
14 3.87 0.82 0.95 99.05 3.68 0.49 97.96 383.32 4.14 19.39 78.57
20 4.33 0.49 0.57 99.43 2.47 0.33 98.29 430.53 4.65 24.04 74.26
Tails 70.44 0.16 0.18 99.82 12.68 1.71 100.00 7031.32 75.96 100.00 0.00
Head 100.00 6.44 7.43 92.57 743.41 100.00  9257.00 100.00   



Column 4: conversion of Pb assay to PbS

Column 5: determination of gangue (G) assay, 100-column 3b

Column 6: intermediate step in calculation for recovery of PbS, column 2×column 4

Column 7: determination of increment PbS recovery, column 6/Σ column 6 (“head”)

Column 8: cumulative recovery of PbS (or Pb)

Column 9: intermediate step in calculation for recovery of G, column 2×column 5

Column 10: determination of increment G recovery, column 6/Σ column 9 (“head”)

Column 11: cumulative recovery of G

Column 12: determination of separation efficiency, column 8 – column 11

Maximum separation efficiency is determined from:

a. plot of Column 12 (CR PbS−CR G) versus time; and

b. from plot of increment Pb grade (assay, %Pb, column 3) versus time, both given in Figure 12.58

2. Determination of flotation rate constant: disappearance plot (Figure 12.59)

1 2 3
Time (min) Cum R PbS (%) 1−Cum R/100
0.5 37.25 0.6275
1 59.28 0.4072
1.5 74.38 0.2562
2 82.77 0.1723
4 95.53 0.0447
6.5 96.85 0.0315
10 97.47 0.0253
14 97.96 0.0204
20 98.29 0.0171


Column 2: same as column 8 above

Column 3: calculation of mass remaining, converted to fraction

From the plot of column 3 (1−Cum R/100) versus time (the “disappearance plot,” Figure 12.59), the first 2 min give good approximation to simple first order, with k=0.88 min−1.

In principle the same computations could be applied to gangue. In that case you will find an R is required to fit the data (i.e., Eq. (12.51)); and, of course, it assumes gangue recovery also follows first-order kinetics which is likely not the case, especially as entrainment tends to be an important factor in batch tests.

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