
Book Description

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Updated version of the bestselling 3ds Max book on the market

3ds Max 2012 Bible is one of the most popular 3ds Max how-tos on the market. If you're a beginner just itching to create something right away, the Quick Start project in Part 1 is for you. If you're an experienced user checking out 3ds Max 2012's latest and greatest features, you'll love the fact that the 3ds Max 2012 Bible continues to be the most comprehensive reference on this highly complex application.Find out what's new, what's tried and true, and how creative you can get using the tips, tricks, and techniques in this must-have guide. Don't miss the 16-page color insert with examples from cutting-edge 3D artists, as well as the DVD packed with all kinds of extras.

  • Loaded with expert advice, timesaving tips, and more than 150 step-by-step tutorials

  • Highlights the work of some of today's most cutting-edge 3D artists in a 16-page color insert

  • Includes a companion DVD with all examples from the book, including unique models and texture that you can customize

  • DVD also features 500 pages of extra content from previous editions of the 3ds Max Bible, including a set of Quick Start tutorials

If you want to gain 3ds Max 2012 skills, whether you're just beginning or not, this is the book you need to succeed.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Dedication
  5. About the Author
  6. Credits
  7. Contents at a Glance
  8. Contents
  9. Preface
    1. Who Is Max?
    2. About This Book
  10. Acknowledgments
  11. Part I: Getting Started with 3ds Max
    1. QUICK START: Laying Siege to the Castle Wall
      1. Breaking the Walls—Planning the Production
      2. Setting Up the Scene
      3. Adding Materials and Lights
      4. Creating a Dynamic Animation with MassFX
      5. Summary
    2. CHAPTER 1: Exploring the Max Interface
      1. Learning the Interface Elements
      2. Using the Menus
      3. Using the Toolbars
      4. Using the Viewports
      5. Using the Command Panel
      6. Using the Lower Interface Bar Controls
      7. Interacting with the Interface
      8. Getting Help
      9. Summary
    3. CHAPTER 2: Controlling and Configuring the Viewports
      1. Understanding 3D Space
      2. Using the Navigation Gizmos
      3. Controlling Viewports with a Scroll Wheel Mouse
      4. Using the Viewport Navigation Controls
      5. Changing the Viewport Display
      6. Configuring the Viewports
      7. Working with Viewport Backgrounds
      8. Summary
    4. CHAPTER 3: Working with Files, Importing, and Exporting
      1. Working with Max Scene Files
      2. Setting File Preferences
      3. Configuring Paths
      4. Importing and Exporting
      5. Using the File Utilities
      6. Accessing File Information
      7. Summary
    5. CHAPTER 4: Changing Interface Units and Setting Preferences
      1. Selecting System Units
      2. Setting Preferences
      3. Summary
  12. Part II: Working with Objects
    1. CHAPTER 5: Creating and Editing Primitive Objects
      1. Creating Primitive Objects
      2. Exploring the Primitive Object Types
      3. Using Architecture Primitives
      4. Summary
    2. CHAPTER 6: Selecting Objects and Setting Object Properties
      1. Selecting Objects
      2. Setting Object Properties
      3. Hiding and Freezing Objects
      4. Using Layers
      5. Using the Scene Explorer
      6. Summary
    3. CHAPTER 7: Transforming Objects, Pivoting, Aligning, and Snapping
      1. Translating, Rotating, and Scaling Objects
      2. Working with the Transformation Tools
      3. Using Pivot Points
      4. Using the Align Commands
      5. Using Grids
      6. Using Snap Options
      7. Summary
    4. CHAPTER 8: Cloning Objects and Creating Object Arrays
      1. Cloning Objects
      2. Understanding Cloning Options
      3. Mirroring Objects
      4. Cloning over Time
      5. Spacing Cloned Objects
      6. Using the Clone and Align Tool
      7. Creating Arrays of Objects
      8. Summary
    5. CHAPTER 9: Grouping, Linking, and Parenting Objects
      1. Working with Groups
      2. Understanding Parent, Child, and Root Relationships
      3. Building Links between Objects
      4. Displaying Links and Hierarchies
      5. Working with Linked Objects
      6. Summary
  13. Part III: Modeling Basics
    1. CHAPTER 10: Accessing Subobjects and Using Modeling Helpers
      1. Exploring the Model Types
      2. Understanding Normals
      3. Working with Subobjects
      4. Using Modeling Helpers
      5. Summary
    2. CHAPTER 11: Introducing Modifiers and Using the Modifier Stack
      1. Exploring the Modifier Stack
      2. Exploring Modifier Types
      3. Summary
    3. CHAPTER 12: Drawing and Editing 2D Splines and Shapes
      1. Drawing in 2D
      2. Editing Splines
      3. Using Spline Modifiers
      4. Summary
    4. CHAPTER 13: Modeling with Polygons
      1. Understanding Poly Objects
      2. Creating Editable Poly Objects
      3. Editing Poly Objects
      4. Summary
    5. CHAPTER 14: Using the Graphite Modeling Tools and Painting with Objects
      1. Working with the Graphite Modeling Tools
      2. Using the Freeform Tools
      3. Using the Selection Tools
      4. Using the Object Paint Tools
      5. Summary
  14. Part IV: Materials, Cameras, and Lighting Basics
    1. CHAPTER 15: Using the Slate Material Editor
      1. Understanding Material Properties
      2. Working with the Slate Material Editor
      3. Using the Material/Map Browser
      4. Using the Material Explorer
      5. Summary
    2. CHAPTER 16: Creating and Applying Standard Materials
      1. Using the Standard Material
      2. Using Shading Types
      3. Accessing Other Parameters
      4. Summary
    3. CHAPTER 17: Adding Material Details with Maps
      1. Understanding Maps
      2. Working with Maps
      3. Understanding Map Types
      4. Using the Maps Rollout
      5. Using the Map Path Utility
      6. Using Map Instances
      7. Creating Textures with External Tools
      8. Summary
    4. CHAPTER 18: Creating Compound Materials and Using Material Modifiers
      1. Using Compound Materials
      2. Applying Multiple Materials
      3. Material Modifiers
      4. Summary
    5. CHAPTER 19: Configuring and Aiming Cameras
      1. Learning to Work with Cameras
      2. Setting Camera Parameters
      3. Summary
    6. CHAPTER 20: Using Lights and Basic Lighting Techniques
      1. Understanding the Basics of Lighting
      2. Getting to Know the Light Types
      3. Creating and Positioning Light Objects
      4. Viewing a Scene from a Light
      5. Altering Light Parameters
      6. Using the Sunlight and Daylight Systems
      7. Using Volume Lights
      8. Summary
  15. Part V: Animation and Rendering Basics
    1. CHAPTER 21: Understanding Animation and Keyframes
      1. Using the Time Controls
      2. Working with Keys
      3. Using the Track Bar
      4. Viewing and Editing Key Values
      5. Using the Motion Panel
      6. Using Ghosting
      7. Animation Preferences
      8. Animating Objects
      9. Working with Previews
      10. Summary
    2. CHAPTER 22: Animating with Constraints and Simple Controllers
      1. Restricting Movement with Constraints
      2. Understanding Controller Types
      3. Assigning Controllers
      4. Examining Some Simple Controllers
      5. Summary
    3. CHAPTER 23: Rendering a Scene and Enabling Quicksilver
      1. Render Parameters
      2. Rendering Preferences
      3. Using the Rendered Frame Window
      4. Using the RAM Player
      5. Using Command-Line Rendering
      6. Creating Panoramic Images
      7. Getting Printer Help
      8. Creating an Environment
      9. Summary
    4. CHAPTER 24: Rendering Non-Photorealistic Effects
      1. Viewing Stylized Scenes
      2. Rendering Stylized Scenes
      3. Summary
  16. Part VI: Advanced Modeling
    1. CHAPTER 25: Building Complex Scenes with Containers, XRefs, and the Schematic View
      1. Working with Containers
      2. Referencing External Objects
      3. Using the Schematic View Window
      4. Working with Hierarchies
      5. Setting Schematic View Preferences
      6. Using List Views
      7. Summary
    2. CHAPTER 26: Deforming Surfaces and Using the Mesh Modifiers
      1. The Basics of Deformation Painting
      2. Using the Deformation Brushes
      3. Setting Painter Options
      4. Primitive Maintenance Modifiers
      5. Edit Geometry Modifiers
      6. Miscellaneous Modifiers
      7. Subdivision Surface Modifiers
      8. Summary
    3. CHAPTER 27: Working with Compound Objects
      1. Understanding Compound Object Types
      2. Morphing Objects
      3. Creating Conform Objects
      4. Creating a ShapeMerge Object
      5. Creating a Terrain Object
      6. Using the Mesher Object
      7. Working with BlobMesh Objects
      8. Creating a Scatter Object
      9. Creating Connect Objects
      10. Creating a Loft Object
      11. Working with ProBoolean and ProCutter Objects
      12. Summary
    4. CHAPTER 28: Working with Solids and Body Objects
      1. Importing CAD Objects
      2. Converting Max Objects to Body Objects
      3. Working with Body Objects
      4. Exporting Body Objects
      5. Summary
    5. CHAPTER 29: Adding and Styling Hair and Fur, and Using Cloth
      1. Understanding Hair
      2. Working with Hair
      3. Styling Hair
      4. Rendering Hair
      5. Understanding Cloth
      6. Creating Cloth
      7. Summary
  17. Part VII: Advanced Materials
    1. CHAPTER 30: Using Specialized Material Types
      1. Using the Matte/Shadow Material
      2. Using the Ink 'n' Paint Material
      3. Using Architectural Materials
      4. Using the DirectX and MetaSL Shader Material
      5. Using mental ray Materials and Shaders
      6. Summary
    2. CHAPTER 31: Working with Procedural Substance Textures
      1. Selecting and Applying Substance Textures
      2. Summary
    3. CHAPTER 32: Painting in the Viewport Canvas and Rendering Surface Maps
      1. Using the Viewport Canvas
      2. Using Vertex Colors
      3. Rendering Surface Maps
      4. Summary
    4. CHAPTER 33: Unwrapping UVs and Mapping Textures
      1. Mapping Modifiers
      2. Using the Unwrap UVW Modifier
      3. Using the Edit UVWs Interface
      4. Using Peel and Pelt Mapping
      5. Summary
    5. CHAPTER 34: Creating Baked Textures and Normal Maps
      1. Using Channels
      2. Rendering to a Texture
      3. Creating Normal Maps
      4. Summary
  18. Part VIII: Advanced Animation Techniques
    1. CHAPTER 35: Using Animation Layers, Modifiers, and Complex Controllers
      1. Using the Animation Layers Toolbar
      2. Working with Animation Layers
      3. Saving Animation Files
      4. Loading Animation Sequences
      5. Baking Animation Keys with the Point Cache Modifier
      6. Using the Animation Modifiers
      7. Examining Complex Controllers
      8. Summary
    2. CHAPTER 36: Animating with the Expression Controller and Wiring Parameters
      1. Working with Expressions in Spinners
      2. Understanding the Expression Controller Interface
      3. Using Expression Controllers
      4. Wiring Parameters
      5. Collecting Parameters
      6. Adding Custom Parameters
      7. Summary
    3. CHAPTER 37: Working with the F-Curve Editor in the Track View
      1. Learning the Track View Interface
      2. Working with Keys
      3. Editing Time
      4. Editing Curves
      5. Filtering Tracks and Creating Track Sets
      6. Working with Controllers
      7. Using the ProSound Plug-in
      8. Summary
  19. Part IX: Working with Characters
    1. CHAPTER 38: Understanding Rigging, Kinematics, and Working with Bones
      1. Creating a Rigging Workflow
      2. Building a Bones System
      3. Using the Bone Tools
      4. Forward Kinematics versus Inverse Kinematics
      5. Creating an Inverse Kinematics System
      6. Using the Various Inverse Kinematics Methods
      7. Summary
    2. CHAPTER 39: Animating Characters with CAT
      1. Character Creation Workflow
      2. Creating a CAT Rig
      3. Animating a CAT Rig
      4. Working with Muscles
      5. Summary
    3. CHAPTER 40: Skinning Characters
      1. Understanding Your Character
      2. Animated Skin Modifiers
      3. Using Character Animation Techniques
      4. Summary
  20. Part X: Dynamic Animation
    1. CHAPTER 41: Creating Particles and Particle Flow
      1. Understanding the Various Particle Systems
      2. Creating a Particle System
      3. Using the Spray and Snow Particle Systems
      4. Using the Super Spray Particle System
      5. Using the Blizzard Particle System
      6. Using the PArray Particle System
      7. Using the PCloud Particle System
      8. Using Particle System Maps
      9. Controlling Particles with Particle Flow
      10. Summary
    2. CHAPTER 42: Using Space Warps
      1. Creating and Binding Space Warps
      2. Understanding Space Warp Types
      3. Combining Particle Systems with Space Warps
      4. Summary
    3. CHAPTER 43: Simulating Physics-Based Motion with MassFX
      1. Understanding Dynamics
      2. Using MassFX
      3. Setting Object Properties
      4. Using Constraints
      5. Capturing the Simulation Motion as Keys
      6. Summary
    4. CHAPTER 44: Animating Hair and Cloth
      1. Using Hair Dynamics
      2. Simulating Cloth Dynamics
      3. Summary
  21. Part XI: Advanced Lighting and Rendering
    1. CHAPTER 45: Working with Advanced Lighting, Light Tracing, and Radiosity
      1. Selecting Advanced Lighting
      2. Using Local Advanced Lighting Settings
      3. Tutorial: Excluding Objects from Light Tracing
      4. Understanding Radiosity
      5. Using Local and Global Advanced Lighting Settings
      6. Working with Advanced Lighting Materials
      7. Using Lighting Analysis
      8. Summary
    2. CHAPTER 46: Using Atmospheric and Render Effects
      1. Using Exposure Controls
      2. Creating Atmospheric Effects
      3. Using the Fire Effect
      4. Using the Fog Effect
      5. Adding Render Effects
      6. Creating Lens Effects
      7. Using Other Render Effects
      8. Summary
    3. CHAPTER 47: Rendering with mental ray and iray
      1. Enabling mental ray and iray
      2. Working with iray
      3. Tutorial: Starting iray
      4. Accessing mental ray Preferences
      5. Using mental ray Lights and Shadows
      6. Understanding Caustics and Photons
      7. Controlling Indirect Illumination
      8. Summary
    4. CHAPTER 48: Batch and Network Rendering
      1. Batch Rendering Scenes
      2. Understanding Network Rendering
      3. Setting Up a Network Rendering System
      4. Starting the Network Rendering System
      5. Configuring the Network Manager and Servers
      6. Logging Errors
      7. Using the Monitor
      8. Summary
    5. CHAPTER 49: Compositing with Render Elements and the Video Post Interface
      1. Using External Compositing Packages
      2. Using Render Elements
      3. Completing Post-Production with the Video Post Interface
      4. Working with Sequences
      5. Adding and Editing Events
      6. Working with Ranges
      7. Working with Lens Effects Filters
      8. Summary
  22. APPENDIX A: What's New with 3ds Max 2012
    1. Major Improvements
    2. Minor Improvements
  23. APPENDIX B: What's on the CD-ROM
    1. System Requirements
    2. Using the CD with Windows
    3. What's on the CD
    4. Troubleshooting
    5. Customer Care
  24. Index: Symbols and Numerics
  25. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. End-User License Agreement
  26. BONUS CHAPTER 1: Installing and Configuring 3ds Max 2012
    1. Choosing an Operating System
    2. Hardware Requirements
    3. Installing 3ds Max 2012
    4. Registering and Activating the Software
    5. Setting the Display Driver
    6. Updating Max
    7. Moving Max to Another Computer
  27. BONUS CHAPTER 2: 3ds Max 2012 Keyboard Shortcuts
    1. Using Keyboard Shortcuts
    2. Using the Keyboard Shortcut Map
    3. Main Interface Shortcuts
    4. Dialog Box Shortcuts
    5. Character Studio Shortcuts
    6. Miscellaneous Shortcuts
  28. BONUS CHAPTER 3: Using Asset Tracking
    1. Setting Up Asset Tracking
    2. Summary
  29. BONUS CHAPTER 4: Modeling with Patches
    1. Introducing Patch Grids
    2. Editing Patches
    3. Using Modifiers on Patch Objects
    4. Summary
  30. BONUS CHAPTER 5: Working with NURBS
    1. Lofting a NURBS Surface
    2. Tutorial: Creating a U Loft NURBS Spoon
    3. Creating a UV Loft Surface
    4. Lathing a NURBS Surface
    5. Tutorial: Lathing a NURBS CV Curve to Create a Vase
    6. Creating a 1-Rail and 2-Rail Sweep Surface
    7. Tutorial: Creating a Flower Stem
    8. Sculpting a Rectangular NURBS Surface
    9. Using NURBS Modifiers
    10. Summary
  31. BONUS CHAPTER 6: Using the Compact Material Editor
    1. Working with the Compact Material Editor
    2. Summary
  32. BONUS CHAPTER 7: Creating and Animating Bipeds
    1. Character Creation Workflow
    2. Creating a Biped
    3. Animating a Biped
    4. Summary
  33. BONUS CHAPTER 8: Creating Character Crowds
    1. Creating Crowds
    2. Summary
  34. BONUS CHAPTER 9: Simulating Physics-Based Motion with reactor
    1. Understanding Dynamics
    2. Using reactor
    3. Using reactor Collections
    4. Creating reactor Objects
    5. Calculating and Previewing a Simulation
    6. Constraining Objects
    7. reactor Troubleshooting
    8. Summary
  35. BONUS CHAPTER 10: Using the Motion Mixer
    1. Using the Motion Mixer
    2. Working with Bipeds
    3. Summary
  36. BONUS CHAPTER 11: Quick Start— 3ds Max 4 Bible: Animating a Fighter Jet Fly-By
    1. The Speed of Jets
    2. Tutorial: Importing the Jet Model
    3. Tutorial: Applying Materials to the Jet Model
    4. Tutorial: Positioning the Background Environment
    5. Tutorial: Adding a Windmill Model
    6. Tutorial: Working with Cameras and Lights
    7. Animating the Jet
    8. Tutorial: Adding a Smoke Trail
    9. Rendering the Final Animation
    10. Summary
  37. BONUS CHAPTER 12: Quick Start— 3ds Max 4 Bible: Animating a Spaceship Re-Entry
    1. The Fascination with Space
    2. Tutorial: Adding a Moon Prop
    3. Tutorial: Adding a Camera and Positioning Objects
    4. Animating the Spaceship
    5. Rendering the Final Animation
    6. Summary
  38. BONUS CHAPTER 13: Quick Start— 3ds Max 6 Bible: Animating a Monster Truck at the Beach
    1. Relaxing at the Beach
    2. Dressing the Scene
    3. Animating Motion
    4. Rendering the Final Animation
    5. Summary
  39. BONUS CHAPTER 14: Quick Start— 3ds Max 7 Bible: Creating and Animating a Three-Fingered Gaaboot
    1. Visiting an Alien World—Planning the Production
    2. Modeling the Main Character
    3. Creating the Landscape
    4. Adding Materials to Objects in the Scene
    5. Animating a Character
    6. Rendering the Final Animation
    7. Summary
  40. BONUS CHAPTER 15: Quick Start— 3ds Max 8 Bible: Creating a Furry Creature
    1. Visiting the Forest—Planning the Production
    2. Modeling the Character
    3. Summary
  41. BONUS CHAPTER 16: Quick Start— 3ds Max 9 Bible: Animating a Dancing Cartoon Moose
    1. 3D Cartoons—Planning the Production
    2. Modeling the Character
    3. Summary
  42. BONUS CHAPTER 17: Quick Start— 3ds Max 10 Bible: Creating and Flying Through a Greek Temple
    1. Greek Temples—Planning the Production
    2. Modeling the Greek Temple
    3. Summary
  43. BONUS CHAPTER 18: Quick Start— 3ds Max 2009 Bible: Firing a Cannonball
    1. Hills and Cannonballs—Planning the Production
    2. Modeling the Cannon
    3. Summary
  44. BONUS CHAPTER 19: Quick Start— 3ds Max 2010 Bible: Landing a Space Vehicle
    1. Spaceships and Ports—Planning the Production
    2. Setting Up the Scene
    3. Adding Materials and Lights
    4. Animating the Spaceship
    5. Summary
  45. BONUS CHAPTER 20: Quick Start— 3ds Max 2011 Bible: Animating a Walking Dinosaur
    1. Walking Dinosaur—Planning the Production
    2. Setting Up the Scene
    3. Adding Materials and Lights
    4. Animating the Dinosaur
    5. Summary
  46. BONUS CHAPTER 21: Automating with MAXScript
    1. What Is MAXScript?
    2. MAXScript Tools
    3. Setting MAXScript Preferences
    4. Types of Scripts
    5. Writing Your Own MAXScripts
    6. Learning the Visual MAXScript Editor Interface
    7. Laying Out a Rollout
    8. Summary
  47. BONUS CHAPTER 22: Customizing the Max Interface
    1. Using the Customize User Interface Window
    2. Customizing the Ribbon
    3. Customizing Modify and Utility Panel Buttons
    4. Working with Custom Interfaces
    5. Summary
  48. BONUS CHAPTER 23: Expanding Max with Third-Party Plug-Ins
    1. Using Turbo Squid Tentacles
    2. Working with Plug-Ins
    3. Locating Plug-Ins
    4. Summary