
Symbols and Numerics

2D drawing. See shapes; splines

2D maps

Bitmap, 469472

Checker, 472

Combustion, 472473

Coordinates rollout, 466468

Gradient, 473

Gradient Ramp, 473474

Noise rollout, 468

Output rollout, 468469

overview, 466

Swirl, 475

Tiles, 475476

Time rollout, 468

2D painting, 788

2D shapes. See shapes

2D splines. See splines

2.5D snap feature, 218

3D maps

Cellular, 476477

Dent, 477

Falloff, 477478

Marble, 478

Noise, 478479

overview, 476

Particle Age, 479

Particle MBlur, 479

Perlin Marble, 479

Smoke, 480

Speckle, 480

Splat, 480481

Stucco, 481

Waves, 481482

Wood, 482

3ds Max 2012. See also user interface (UI) exiting, 88

new features and improvements to, 12031205

3ds Max Help system. See help resources


active viewport, 45

ActiveShade window, previewing with, 625626

Adaptive Degradation system, 7273

Adaptive Halton SuperSampling method, 456

adaptive undersampling, 1093

Adaptive Uniform SuperSampling method, 456

Add Display Filter dialog box, 180181

Add External Event dialog box, 1192

Add Image Filter Event dialog box, 11871188

Add Image Input Event dialog box, 11841185

Add Image Output Event dialog box, 1192

Add Loop Event dialog box, 11921193

Add Scene Event dialog box, 11861187

Adobe After Effects, 11761177

Adobe Illustrator, 103105

Adobe Illustrator (AI) format, 308

Adobe Photoshop, 496497, 11741175

Adobe Premiere, 11751176

Adobe Premiere transition filter, Video Post, 11901191

Advanced Lighting Override material, 11031104

Advanced Lighting panel, Object Properties dialog box, 178, 10941095

Advanced Raytraced Shadows, 536

Advanced Search dialog box, 189190

AEC objects. See architecture primitives

Affect Region modifier, 286287

After Effects, 11761177

AI (Adobe Illustrator) format, 308

aiming cameras, 520521

Align button, main toolbar, 26

Align Selection dialog box, 211

Align to Camera button, main toolbar, 26

Align to View button, main toolbar, 26

Align to View dialog box, 213


cameras, 521523

grids, 214216

Normal vectors, 211212

overview, 210211

pivot points, 207

source objects to destination objects, 236

tutorial, 212213

using Quick Align tool, 211

vertices, 365, 400

to views, 213

Alpha compositor, 1191

altitude, Sunlight and Daylight systems, 553

Ambient Color material property, 491

Ambient color swatches, Material Editor, 430

ambient light, 534, 537

Ambient Occlusion lighting effect, 59

Angle primitive object, 312

Angle Snap Toggle button, main toolbar, 25


animating objects, 580586

background, loading, 7879

characters with CAT

animating rigs, 977983

character creation workflow, 967968

creating rigs, 968976

muscles, 985988

overview, 967

cloning objects during specific frame of, 231233

cloth dynamics, 10821086

complex controllers

overview, 866

parameter, 874880

Position track, 867873

Rotation and Scale track, 873874

transform, 866867


Attachment, 590591

Link, 596598

LookAt, 598599

Orientation, 599

overview, 589

Path, 594595

Position, 595596

Surface, 591593

using, 590

Walkthrough Assistant, 599600

controllers, 600608

Expression controller

animating materials with, 891

animating parameters with Float Expression controller, 890891

animating transforms with, 889890

entering in spinners, 883884

interface, 884889

overview, 889

ghosting feature, 578

hair dynamics, 10791082


Auto Key mode, 568569, 581582

copying parameter animation keys, 571

deleting all, 571

overview, 568

Set Key mode, 569

viewing and editing key values, 573574

layers, 847851

loading animation sequences, 852855

MassFX physics engine

capturing simulation motion as keys, 10751077

constraints, 10731075

dynamics, 10631064

establishing simulation properties, 10661067

object properties, setting, 10681072

overview, 10631065

process, 10651066

starting and stopping simulations, 1067

tutorial, 10671068, 10721073


Attribute Holder, 866

Flex, 860863

Linked XForm, 865

Melt, 863

Morpher, 857859

overview, 857

PatchDeform, 863864

PathDeform, 865

Point Cache, 855856

SplineIK Control, 866

SurfDeform, 863

Motion panel, Command Panel, 574577

overview, 565, 589, 847, 883, 1079

painting with animated objects, 424

parameters, 891899

particle systems

Blizzard, 1025

creating, 10101011

maps, 10281030

overview, 10091010

PArray, 10261028

Particle Flow, 10301038

PCloud, 1028

Snow, 10111013

Spray, 10111012

Super Spray, 10131025

preferences, 579580

previews, 586588

saving animation files, 851852

Space Warps

binding to objects, 1040

combining particle systems with, 10581060

creating, 10391040

Deflector, 10491050

Force, 10401048

Geometric/Deformable, 10501057

Modifier-Based, 10571058

overview, 1039

Time Controls, 565567

Track Bar, 571572

Track View

controllers, 603, 929930

filtering tracks, 927928

function curves, 917928, 930935

interface, 901910

keys, 910914

overview, 901

ProSound plug-in, 935937

time, 915916

track sets, creating, 928929

tutorial, 569571

Animation menu, 601602

Animation Modifiers menu, 283

Animation panel, Preference Settings dialog box, 579

Anisotropic shader, 451452

Anisotropy material property, 492

anti-aliasing, 456, 619620

Application Button

accessing files through, 8183

overview, 2021

Applied IK method, 955956

Arc shape primitive, 311, 313314

Architectural materials, 768

architecture primitives (AEC objects)

doors, 157

foliage, 156

overview, 155

railings, 157

stairs, 158159

walls, 157

windows, 158

archiving files, 86

Area filter, 619

Area Omni light, 538

Area Shadows, 536

Area Spotlight, 538

Array dialog box, 239


circular, 240241

linear, 238240

overview, 238

ring, 241243

artifacts, defined, 456

artificial light, 533534. See also lighting

aspect ratio, 615

assemblies, 248

Asset Browser utility, 105107

Assign Controller dialog box, 602603

Assign Material dialog box, 782783

Assign Vertex Color utility, 794

atmospheric effects

adding to scenes, 11111112

Exposure Controls, 11071109

Fire effect, 11121116

Fog effect, 11161120

overview, 1107, 1111

Attach Controls dialog box, 879880


overview, 246

polygon subobjects, 361363

splines, 325

subobjects, 397398

Attachment constraint, 590591


defined, 120

Photometric lights, 551

Standard lights, 546547

Audio controller, 868

Auto Backup feature, 85, 89, 9192

Auto Key mode, 568569, 581582

Auto Secondary Lens Effect, 11301131

AutoCAD, 155

AutoCAD Revit, 155

Autodesk Composite, 1178

Autodesk DWF Viewer, 101102

Autodesk Material Library, 771773

Autodesk ME Image Sequence (IMSQ) files, 583584 website, 37

AutoGrid feature, 215216

Automatic Exposure Control, 1108

Automatic Mapping rollout, 838

Automatic Welding feature, 326

AVI (Microsoft Video) files, 583

axis constraints, 201, 203204

Axonometric views, 44

azimuth, Sunlight and Daylight systems, 553


Backburner Manager General Properties dialog box, 11661167

Backburner Server General Properties dialog box, 1167

Backface Cull option, 120, 175


adding with Video Post interface, 11991200

color, 632

images, 632

updating, 120121

viewport, 7780

backing up, 85, 89, 9192

Baked Material rollout, 838

baked textures

Automatic Mapping rollout, 838

Baked Material rollout, 838

channels, 833835

general settings, 836

output settings, 837838

overview, 833, 835836

selecting objects to bake, 836837

tutorial, 839

balloon notifications, disabling, 39

Barycentric Morph controller, 878

Base Objects, 274

Batch Render tool, 1158

batch rendering

Batch Render tool, 1158

overview, 1157

scene states, managing, 11581159

stand-alone executable, creating, 1159

Bend modifier, 287288

Bevel Deformation, Loft object, 724725

Bevel modifier, 347349

Bevel Profile modifier, 348349


Poly objects, 376

subobjects, 404

Bézier controller, 604605

Bézier type vertices, 327328

Bind to Space Warp button, main toolbar, 1040, 24


objects in IK systems, 951

skin to skeletons, 9911002

vertices to segments, 332

bitmap gamma, 125

Bitmap map, 469472

bitmap proxies, 616617

Bitmap Select feature, 795

Bitmap/Photometric Path Editor dialog box, 494495

Blackman filter, 619

Blend filter, 619

Blend material, 502

Blinn shader, 448450

Blizzard particle system, 1010, 1025

BlobMesh objects

overview, 698, 709710

parameters, setting, 710

tutorial, 710711

Block controller, 878880

Block Parameters dialog box, 879

Blowup render type, 624

Blur render effect, 11331135

Body Cutter feature, Body object, 738740

Body objects

applying modifiers to, 738

Body Cutter feature, 738740

converting objects to, 736737

display and rendering properties, setting, 740

editing, 738

exporting, 740741

Join Bodies feature, 738740

overview, 261

using Boolean operations with, 738

Bomb Space Warp, 10551057

Bone Tools palette

adjusting fins, 948

coloring bones, 947948

making objects into bones, 948

mirroring bones, 947

overview, 946

refining bones, 947

reordering bones, 947


Bone Tools palette, 946948

bones systems, building, 942946

inverse kinematics

binding objects, 951

building and linking systems, 949950

forward kinematics versus, 949

joints, 950951

methods, 953956

overview, 949

precedence, 951

selecting terminators, 950

solvers, 956965

tutorial, 952953

naming, 974975

overview, 941

rigging workflow, creating, 942

Skin modifiers, 9911005

Boolean controller, 874

Boolean operations

Body objects, 698, 738

collapsing objects, 280281

splines, 337338, 346


connecting, 373375

filling selections, 373

Graphite Modeling tools, 402404

overview, 373

Bound Hose primitive object, 152

Box primitive object, 136, 140

Branches tool, Freeform tools, 412413


spline segments, 325

vertices, 367, 401402

Bridge dialog box, 373374

Bridge Edges dialog box, 371


borders, 404

edges, 403

Brightness and Contrast render effect, 1135

brightness of captured images, 498

Brush Preset Manager, 676

Brush Settings panel, 420

Brushed metal technique, Photoshop, 497

Bubble Motion rollout, Super Spray particle system, 1023

Bulge Angle Deformer, 1002

bump maps, 461, 774

Bump material property, 492

Burlap sack technique, Photoshop, 497

ByLayer option, Properties dialog box, 118

ByObject option, Properties dialog box, 118


Cache Tools menu, 283

CAD objects, importing, 735736

Caddy controls, 20, 35

Camera Correction modifier, 525

Camera Map modifier, 801

Camera Map Per Pixel map, 487

Camera Navigation control buttons, 519

Camera view

controlling, 56

creating, 516518


aiming, 520521

aligning, 521523

animating, 580581

controlling, 518520

creating, 516

overview, 515516

parameters, setting, 523531

views, creating, 516518

Cameras menu, 283

Canvas brushes, Viewport Canvas, 783785

Cap Holes modifier, 681

Capsule primitive, 148

Capsule primitive object, 136, 145, 147

capturing images

adjusting brightness, 498

avoiding specular highlights, 498

overview, 498

Car Paint material, 773

CAT. See Character Animation Toolkit

Catmull-Rom filter, 619

caustics, 11481151

Cavity map, 795796

Cellular map, 476477

C-Ext primitive object, 137, 145, 151152

ChamferBox primitive object, 136, 145, 147

ChamferCyl primitive object, 136, 145, 147148


splines, 331332

vertices, 368369, 402

Channel primitive object, 312


Map Channel Info dialog box, 834835

overview, 833834

Select by Channel modifier, 835

Character Animation Toolkit (CAT)

animating rigs, 977983

character creation workflow, 967968

creating rigs, 968976

muscles, 985988

overview, 967

Character Map application, 316317


aspects of, 989990


Bone Tools palette, 946948

inverse kinematics, 949965

overview, 941

rigging workflow, creating, 942

systems of, building, 942946

Character Animation Toolkit

animating rigs, 977983

character creation workflow, 967968

creating rigs, 968976

muscles, 985988

overview, 967


character animation techniques, 10051006

overview, 989

Skin modifiers, 9911005

Checker map, 472

child objects, 248249

.chr files, 86

Circle shape primitive, 311, 313

circular arrays, 240241

Circular Crank method, 198

Circular selection method, 166167

Circular Selection Region button, main toolbar, 25

Clean MultiMaterial utility, 439, 510

clipping planes, 6768, 524525

Clone and Align tool

aligning source objects to destination objects, 236

overview, 236

tutorial, 236238

Clone Options dialog box, 224

cloning objects

copies, 226

instances, 226227

mirroring objects, 229231

overview, 223

references, 226229

spacing cloned objects, 233235

during specific frame of animation, 231233

tutorial, 224225

using Clone and Align tool, 236238

using Clone command, Edit menu, 223224

using QClone button, Transform Toolbox, 226

using Shift-clone method, 224

Close Channel button, RAM Player interface window, 627

closed edges, defined, 370


containers, 644

groups, 246

splines, 340


animating, 10821086

creating, 755760

overview, 261, 755

Cloth menu, 283

Clouds technique, Photoshop, 496

Collapse utility, 280281


Modifier Stack, 279281

objects to Editable Poly objects, 353

polygon subobjects, 361

subobjects, 401


defining boundaries, 10701071

hair and fur, 1080

Super Spray particle system, 10201022


assigning to primitive objects, 132135

backgrounds, 632

bones, 947948

buttons, 3536

changing default scheme, 18

elevation, 707

node, 659

Photometric lights, 549551

selecting objects by, 166, 417

Standard lights, 546547

Color Balance render effect, 1135

color bleeding, 1092, 10931094

Color Clipboard utility, 134135

Color Correction map, 485486

Color Modifier maps

Color Correction, 485486

Output, 486

overview, 485

RGB Tint, 486

Vertex Color, 486487

Color RGB controller, 877

Color Selector dialog box, 133134

Combustion map, 472473

Command Panel

Create panel, 2829, 130131

Display panel, 2829, 179181

floating, 28

Hierarchy panel, 2829

Modify panel, 2829

Motion panel, 2829, 574577, 602603

overview, 1920, 2829

resizing, 3031

rollouts, 2930

Utilities panel, 2829

command-line rendering, 629

Compact Material Editor, 432

Compact Material Editor button, main toolbar, 26

Compare dialog box, 727

Compass helper, Sunlight system, 553

Compass object, 270271

Composite map, 482484

Composite material, 503

Composite tool, 1178


external compositing packages, 11741178

overview, 1173

render elements, 11791180

Video Post interface

backgrounds, 11991200

events, 11841193

Lens Effects filters, 11941199

overview, 1181

Queue pane, 1183

Range pane, 1183, 1193

ranges, 11931194

sequences, 11831184

status bar, 1183

toolbar, 11811182

Compositor maps

Composite map, 482484

Mask map, 484

Mix map, 484

overview, 482

RGB Multiply map, 485

compound materials

Blend, 502

Composite, 503

Double Sided, 504

Morpher, 506507

Multi/Sub-Object, 504506, 509510

overview, 501502

Shell, 507

Shellac, 507

Top/Bottom, 507508

compound objects, 260261

BlobMesh, 709711

Conform, 701703, 715717


comparing shapes, 726727

deforming, 721726

editing paths, 727

Get Path button, 718

Get Shape button, 718

modifying subobjects, 726

overview, 717

parameters, 718720

surface tools versus, 728729

tutorial, 720721, 727728

Mesher, 708709

Morph, 698700

overview, 697

ProBoolean, 729732

ProCutter, 732734

Scatter, 711715

ShapeMerge, 703706

Terrain, 706708

types of, 697698

concave meshes, 1071

concave objects, 10701071

Cone primitive object, 136, 143

Configure Columns dialog box, 190

Configure System Paths dialog box, 94

Configure User Paths dialog box, 9293, 654

Conform Move brush, PolyDraw panel, 409410

Conform objects

overview, 697, 701702

tutorial, 702703

vertex projection direction, setting, 702

Conform Relax brush, PolyDraw panel, 409

Conform Rotate brush, PolyDraw panel, 409

Conform Scale brush, PolyDraw panel, 409

Conform Space Warp, 10541055

Conform tool, Freeform tools, 408410

Connect objects, 698, 715717

Constrain to Spline option, Freeform tools, 414

constraints, animation

Attachment, 590591

Link, 596598

LookAt, 598599

Orientation, 599

overview, 589

Path, 594595

Position, 595596

Surface, 591593

using, 590

Walkthrough Assistant, 599600

container proxies, 645


closing, 644

container proxies, 645

creating, 641644

filling, 641644

global preferences, setting, 645646

overview, 641

reloading, 644

saving, 644

setting rules for, 644645

updating, 644

Containers panel, Preference Settings dialog box, 646

Contrast filter, Video Post, 1188

Controller pane, Track View, 909910

controllers, animation

assigning, 601604

defined, 574

note tracks, 929930

overview, 866, 929

parameter, 874880

Position track, 868873

Rotation and Scale track, 873874

simple, 604608

transform, 866867

types of, 600601

visibility tracks, 929

Conversion menu, 283


objects to Body objects, 736737

objects to bones, 948

objects to Editable Poly objects, 353

parametric objects to editable objects, 261262

triangles to quads, 398399

convex meshes, 1071

convex objects, 10701071

Cook Variable filter, 619

Cookie Cutter option, ShapeMerge object, 704


measuring distances, 270272

reference coordinate systems, 116117, 201202

UV, preserving, 393

Coordinates rollout, 466468, 476

copies, 226

coplanar vertices, 365


joints, 951

materials between nodes, 665666

modifiers, 276277, 665666

parameter animation keys, 571

polygon subobjects, 366

segments and connecting to original, 334336

selections, 415

spline subobjects and offsetting, 337

time, 915916

vertex handle positions, 332

Corner Bézier type vertices, 327328

Crease value

Graphite Modeling tools, 402

vertices, 370

Create Material Preview dialog box, 583

Create menu, 129

Create panel, Command Panel, 2829, 130131

Create Shape dialog box, 372

Create Texture dialog box, 783

Creation Method rollout

creating primitive objects, 135137

shape primitives, 311312

Crop render type, 624

cropping, 471

Cropping/Placement dialog box, 471

Cross Fade Transition compositor, 1191

cross sections, connecting with splines, 326328

crosshair cursor, 118

Crossing selection method, 117, 166

CrossSection modifier, 349

Cube object, 139, 145

Cubic filter, 619

cubic maps, 489

Cubic Morph controller, 877878

custom units, 114

Customize User Interface dialog box, 266, 354


Poly objects, 362363, 394

time, 915916

Cylinder primitives

Capsule, 148

ChamferCyl, 148

creating, 136

OilTank, 147148

overview, 142, 147

Spindle, 148

Cylinder shape, Photometric lights, 551


date, Sunlight and Daylight systems, 553

Daylight system

azimuth and altitude, 553

date and time, 553

location, 553554

mr Sun & Sky, 11451146

overview, 551552

tutorial, 554555

default lighting, 537

Default Scanline Renderer

anti-alias filters, 619620

Global SuperSampling, 620

Motion Blur, 620

overview, 618619

Define Stroke dialog box, 122

Deflector Space Warps

Deflector, 1050

overview, 1049

POmniFlect, 1050

SDeflector, 1050

SOmniFlect, 1050

UDeflector, 1050

UOmniFlect, 1050

Deformation dialog box, 722723


Loft objects, 722726

surfaces, 673679

Delete Mesh modifier, 682

Delete Spline modifier, 342


animation keys, 571, 912

nodes, 661662

primitive objects, 138

time, 915916

vertices, 333, 366367, 370, 401

Density map, 795

Dent map, 477

Depth of Field multi-pass effect, 526529

Depth of Field render effect, 11371138

Derived Object Line bar, 228

Design Web Format (DWF), 101102


objects, 246

polygon subobjects, 361363

segments, 335

vertex subobjects, 401

dialog boxes

drag-and-drop features, 36

overview, 20

Diffuse Color material property, 491

Diffuse color swatches, Material Editor, 430

Diffuse Level material property, 491

Diffuse Roughness material property, 491

direct lights, 538, 547

DirectX Manager rollout, 457

DirectX Shader material, 768769


balloon notifications, 39

modifiers, 277

viewports, 57

Disc shape, Photometric lights, 551

Disp Approx modifier, 512513

Displace modifier, 288290, 512514

Displace Space Warp, 1048

displacement maps, combining with bump maps, 774

Displacement material property, 492

Display Driver Selection dialog box, 123124

display drivers, 123124

Display Floater dialog box, 179180

Display floater, Schematic View window, 663665

Display panel, Command Panel, 2829, 179181

Display Performance panel, Viewport Configuration dialog box, 7274

Display toolbar, Track View, 907

distribution, Photometric light, 549

Distribution objects, 711, 713714

docking toolbars, 2223

Dodecahedron object, 139

Donut shape primitive, 312, 314

door AEC object, 157

Double Sided material, 504

downloading help files, 37

Drag Space Warp, 1044

Drag tool, Freeform tools, 408

drag-and-drop features

i-drop, 109

overview, 36

Draw On drop-down list, Freeform tools, 412

.drf extension (VIZ Render) files, 86

Dummy objects

linking to, 254

overview, 88, 269270

Dust map, 795

DWF (Design Web Format), 101102

DWF Publish Options dialog box, 101102

dynamic objects, MassFX, 10681069


ease curves, 922924

edged faces, 162


changing internal, 372

connecting, 370

create shapes from, 372

defined, 370

Graphite Modeling tools, 402404

inserting vertices, 370

overview, 370

rotating, 372373

splitting vertices, 370

edit geometry modifiers

Cap Holes, 681

Delete Mesh, 682

Extrude, 682

Face Extrude, 682684

overview, 681

ProOptimizer, 685687

Quadify Mesh, 687688

Smooth, 688

Symmetry, 688690

Tessellate, 691

Vertex Weld, 691

Edit menu

Clone command, 223224

Fetch command, 138

Hold command, 138

selecting objects

by color, 166

by layer, 165

by name, 165

overview, 164165

by region, 166167

Edit Mesh modifier, 680

Edit Named Selection Sets button, main toolbar, 25

Edit Named Selections dialog box, 171

Edit Normals modifier, 691692

Edit OBJ-Export Presets dialog box, 99

Edit Poly modifier, 353, 680681

Edit Spline modifier, 321, 341342

Edit UVWs dialog box

accessing, 802

clusters, 809815

mapping multiple objects, 819

navigating main view, 807808

overview, 803805

Quick Transform buttons, 808809

rendering UV templates, 818819

selecting subobjects within, 805807

Spline mapping, 821823

stitching, 810812

tutorial, 819821

unfolding loop strips, 823824

Unwrap Options dialog box, accessing, 815

welding, 810812

editable objects

converting parametric objects to, 261262

parametric objects versus, 259261

Editable Poly objects. See also Poly objects creating, 353

subobject modes, 354355

Editable Splines, 321. See also splines editors, 20

Effect Balance settings, Squeeze modifier, 298

Ellipse shape primitive, 312, 313

ellipsis (...) next to commands, 20

e-mail notifications at completion of rendering, 617618, 1165

emitter icons, 10091010

Enable Animation Layers dialog box, 849

envelopes, 991, 993996, 1018

Environment and Effects dialog box, 631, 11111112, 1116, 1120

environment maps, 462

environment modelers, 88

Essential Skills Movies, 3940

Euler Filter utility, 914

Euler XYZ Rotation controller, 873874

events, Particle Flow system, 1034

events, Video Post

external, 1192

image filter, 11871190

image input, 11851186

image layer, 11901191

image output, 11921193

loop, 1192

overview, 11841185

scene, 11861187

Exaggerate tool, Freeform tools, 414

Exclude/Include dialog box, 545546

Execute Video Post dialog box, 1184

exiting 3ds Max, 88

Expert Mode, 56

exploding splines, 340


Body objects, 740741


to DWF format, 101102

to JSR-184 (M3G) format, 100101

to Maya, 9697

to MotionBuilder, 96

to Mudbox, 96

overview, 94

to Softimage, 96

supported formats, 9596

using OBJ format, 9799

utilities for, 102103

Exposure Controls

Automatic, 1108

Linea, 1108

Logarithmic, 11081109

overview, 11071108

Photographic, 1109

Pseudo Color, 11081109

Expression controller

animating materials with, 891

animating parameters with Float Expression controller, 890891

animating transforms with, 889890

entering in spinners, 883884

interface, 884889

overview, 889

Expression Debug window, 886887

Extend tool, Freeform tools, 410411

Extended Parameters rollout, 454456

Extended Primitives

C-Ext, 151152

ChamferBox, 147

Cylinder, 147148

Gengon, 148

Hedra, 145147

Hose, 152153

L-Ext, 151

overview, 145

Prism, 150

RingWave, 148150

Torus Knot, 150151

external compositing packages

After Effects, 11761177

Composite, 1178

overview, 1174

Photoshop, 11741175

Premiere, 11751176

external events, Video Post, 1192

external references. See XRefs

Extrude modifier, 682

Extrude Polygons Along Spline settings dialog box, 378


Poly objects, 377379

splines, 345

subobjects along splines, 405

vertex subobjects, 401

vertices, 368


Face Extrude modifier, 682684

Fade filter, Video Post, 1188

Faded color technique, Photoshop, 496

Falloff cone, 549

Falloff map, 477478

FBX Export dialog box, 9697

FBX format, 9697

F-Curve Editor, 1204. See also Track View

feedback, 3ds Max, 41

Fence selection method, 166167

Fence Selection Region button, main toolbar, 25

fetching scenes, 279

FFD (Box) modifier, 304305

FFD (Box) Space Warp, 1052

FFD (Cyl) modifier, 304305

FFD (Cyl) Space Warp, 1052

FFD (Free Form Deformation) modifier, 303305

FFD (Free Form Deformers) menu, 283

FFD modifiers. See Free Form Deformer (FFD) modifiers

Field of View (FOV)

cameras, 516, 519, 523524

lower interface bar control, 5253

viewports, 6869

File Link Manager utility, 109

File Load: Units Mismatch dialog box, 115

File menu, 20

File Output render effect, 11351136

File Properties dialog box, 110111


accessing, 8183

archiving, 86

creating, 84

exiting, 88

exporting, 94103

file information, accessing, 109112

file utilities, 105109

importing, 9499, 103105

merging objects in, 8788

opening, 8687

overview, 81

paths, configuring, 9294

preferences, setting, 8892, 119

Project Folder, setting, 87

replacing objects in, 8788

saving, 8485

Files panel, Preference Settings dialog box, 85, 8892, 95, 119

Fillet/Chamfer modifier, 342

filleting splines, 331


containers, 641644

selections, 373

Film Grain render effect, 1136

Filter Color material property, 492

Filter color swatches, Material Editor, 430

Filter Combinations dialog box, 163


objects, 162163, 188

tracks, 927928

Filters dialog box, 927928


files with Max File Finder utility, 107108

objects with Scene Explorer dialog box, 188189

fins, bone, 948

Fire effect, 11121116

Fit Deformation, Loft object, 725726

Fix Ambient utility, 439

Flag Properties dialog box, 474

Flat Mirror map, 485, 487488

Flatten brush, Freeform tools, 414

Flatten Mapping dialog box, 812

Flex modifier

forces and deflectors, 862

overview, 860, 1006

painting weights, 861862

soft bodies, creating, 861

springs, creating, 862863

strength, 861

subobjects, 860861


Poly objects, 377

subobjects, 405

Float controllers, 601

Float Expression controller, 890891


Color Clipboard utility, 135

Command Panel, 28

Ribbon panels, 28

toolbars, 20, 2223

flyouts, 23, 118

focal length, camera, 516

Fog background technique, Photoshop, 496

Fog effect

overview, 11161117

Volume Fog effect, 11171119

Volume Light effect, 1120

foliage AEC object, 156

fonts, Text primitive, 315

Force Space Warps

Displace, 1048

Drag, 1044

Gravity, 1046

Motor, 10401041

overview, 1040

Path Follow, 1046

PBomb, 10441045

Push, 10411042

Vortex, 1043

Wind, 10461047

forward kinematics, 249, 949

FOV. See Field of View

Free camera object, 516

Free Direct light, 538

Free Form Deformation (FFD) modifier, 303305

Free Form Deformer (FFD) modifiers

FFD (Box) modifier, 304305

FFD (Cyl) modifier, 304305

FFD (Free Form Deformation) modifier, 303305

Free Form Deformers (FFD) menu, 283

Free Hose primitive object, 152

Free Spotlight, 538

Freeform tools

overview, 407408

Paint Deform, 413414

PolyDraw, 408413

freezing objects

overview, 178179

tutorial, 181182

using Display Floater dialog box, 179

using Display panel, 179181

Frosted glass technique, Photoshop, 497

function curves

creating, 904

drawing, 919920

ease curves, 922924

hiding, 904

inserting keys, 917

moving keys, 917

multiplier curves, 922927

out-of-range curves, 922924

overview, 916

reducing keys, 920

tangents, 921922

tutorial, 917918, 930935

Function List dialog box, 886887

fur. See hair and fur



bitmap, 125

overview, 124

propagating settings, 125

screen, 125

Gamma and LUT panel, Preference Settings dialog box, 124

Garment Maker modifier, 755757

General panel, Preference Settings dialog box, 116118, 282

General viewport label, 57, 63

Generate Topology option, Graphite Modeling tools, 388389

generic units, 114

Gengon primitive object, 137, 145, 148

Geographic Location dialog box, 553554

Geometric/Deformable Space Warps

Bomb, 10551057

Conform, 10541055

FFD (Box), 1052

FFD (Cyl), 1052

overview, 10501051

Ripple, 10521054

Wave, 10521054

Geometry rollout

Attach button, 325

Attach Mult. button, 325

Break button, 325

Create Line button, 324325

Cross Section button, 326327

End Point Auto-Welding section, 326

Insert button, 326

overview, 324

GeoSphere primitive object, 136, 143144

Get Path button, Loft object, 718

Get Shape button, Loft object, 718

ghosting feature, 121, 578

Gimbal Coordinate System, 201

gizmo subobjects, 281282

Gizmos panel, Preference Settings dialog box, 197198

global lighting, 534, 632633

Global SuperSampling, 620

Glossiness material property, 492

Glow Lens Effect, 11241128

grabbing viewport images, 69

Gradient map, 473

Gradient Ramp map, 473474

Graph Editors menu options, Schematic View window, 655

Graphite Modeling tools

edges and borders, 402404

geometry, 392400

Modify Selection panel, 391392

overview, 385387, 1204

polygon and element subobjects, 404406

Polygon Modeling panel, 387391

surface properties, 406407

vertices, 401402

Graphite Modeling Tools button, main toolbar, 26

Gravity Space Warp, 1046

Grid Coordinate System, 202

Grid Nudge Distance, 121


activating, 214215

aligning vertices to, 365

AutoGrid feature, 215216

creating, 214215

Home Grid, 214

overview, 214

grouping objects

assemblies, 248

attaching objects, 246, 362

closing groups, 246

creating groups, 245246

detaching objects, 246

opening groups, 246

overview, 245

tutorial, 247

ungrouping objects, 246


hair and fur

animating, 10791082

growing, 744745

overview, 261, 743744

properties, setting, 745747

rendering, 754

spline fringe, 748

styling, 749753

Hair and Fur menu, 283

Hammersley SuperSampling method, 457

HD (History Dependent) IK solver, 960962

Hedra primitive object, 136, 138139, 145147, 154155

Helix primitive object, 312

Helix shape primitive, 317

Help menu, 37, 4142

Help panel, Preference Settings dialog box, 37

help resources

Essential Skills Movies, 3940

Help menu, 4142

InfoCenter toolbar, 3739

online reference guides, 4041

overview, 37

printing, 630631

hemispheres, 140141

HI IK solver. See History Independent (HI) IK solver


function curves, 904

main toolbar, 22

menu bar, 21

nodes, 661662

objects, 178182

polygon subobjects, 366

Ribbon sections, 27

vertices, 332333

ViewCube, 46


defined, 249

displaying, 252253

selecting, 253254

Hierarchy panel, Command Panel, 2829

Highlight curve, Metal shader, 452

highlights, 541542

Hinge Polygons From Edge dialog box, 377

hinging subobjects, 377, 405

History Dependent (HD) IK solver, 960962

History Independent (HI) IK solver

defining swivel angles, 958959

displaying controls, 959

overview, 956957

tutorial, 959960

holding scenes, 279

Home Grid, 214

Home view, 46

Hose primitive object, 137, 145, 152153

hot material, 436437

Hotspot cone, 549

HSDS modifier, 694695


Icon/Image Size option, 81

Icosahedron object, 139

i-drop feature, 109

IFL (Image File List) files, 583586

IFL Manager Utility, 584

IK. See inverse kinematics

IK controller, 880

IK Limb solver, 963964

Image Alpha filter, Video Post, 1188

Image File List (IFL) files, 583586

image filter events, Video Post

Contrast filter, 1188

Fade filter, 1188

Image Alpha filter, 1188

Negative filter, 1188

overview, 11871188

Pseudo Alpha filter, 1188

Simple Wipe filter, 11881189

Starfield filter, 11891190

image formats, 469470

image input event, Video Post, 11851186

Image Input Options dialog box, 1186

image layer events, Video Post

Adobe Premiere transition filter, 11901191

overview, 1190

Simple Wipe compositor, 1191

Image Motion Blur, 177178, 620, 1136

image output event, Video Post, 11921193

Import dialog box, 94


CAD objects, 735736


from Maya, 9697

overview, 94

preferences, setting, 95

supported formats, 9495

using OBJ format, 9799

vector drawings from Illustrator, 103105

IMSQ (Autodesk ME Image Sequence) files, 583584

Index of Refraction, 431, 455

indirect illumination

advanced, 11531154

overview, 11511152

proxies, 1155

rendering control, 1153

InfoCenter Settings dialog box, 39

InfoCenter toolbar, 21, 3739

Ink ‘n’ Paint material

controls, 766767

overview, 765766

tutorial, 767


animation keys, 917

time, 916

vertices, 326, 370, 402403


polygon subobjects, 376

subobjects, 404

Instance Duplicate Maps dialog box, 495


hair and fur, 752753

map, 495

modifier, 277

overview, 226227


Photometric lights, 551

Standard lights, 546547

Interactive IK method

overview, 954

preferences, setting, 954955

tutorial, 955

Interpolation rollout, 310311

inverse kinematics (IK)

binding objects, 951

building and linking systems, 949950

forward kinematics versus, 249, 949

joints, 950951

methods, 953956

overview, 949

precedence, 951

selecting terminators, 950


assigning, 943

History Dependent, 960962

History Independent, 956960

IK Limb, 963964

Spline, 964965

tutorial, 952953

Inverse Kinematics panel, Preference Settings dialog box, 954955

invisible edges, 370


enabling, 11391140

overview, 11391142, 1205

starting, 11421143

isolating current selection, 172

Isometric views, 44


Join Bodies feature, Body object, 738740

Joint Angle Deformer, 1002


copying, 951

defining constraints, 950951

mirroring, 951

pasting, 951

JSR-184 (M3G) format, 100101

JSR-184 Export dialog box, 100


kerning value, text, 316

Key Controls toolbar, Track View, 904

Key Entry toolbar, Track View, 906

Key pane, Track View, 909910

Key Tangents, 573574, 905906

Keyboard Entry rollout

creating primitive objects, 137

shape primitives, 311312

Keyboard Shortcut Override Toggle button, main toolbar, 25

keyboard shortcuts, 2022, 41

keyframe animation. See animation

keys, animation

adding, 912

Auto Key mode, 568569, 581582

copying parameter animation keys, 571

deleting, 571, 912

displaying keyable icons, 914

editing, 913

Euler Filter utility, 914

inserting, 917

lower interface bar controls, 33, 35

moving, 904, 912, 917

overview, 568, 910911

Randomize Keys utility, 913914

reducing, 920

Region tool, 912913

scaling, 912

selecting, 911

Set Key mode, 569

sliding, 912

soft selection, 911912

viewing and editing key values, 573574

kinematic objects, MassFX, 10681069

kinematics. See inverse kinematics


Lasso selection method, 166167

Lasso Selection Region button, main toolbar, 25

lathing splines, 347

Lattice modifier, 290

layer list, 185186

Layer Manager dialog box, 182185

Layer Properties dialog box, 185, 850


animation, 977980

dividing scenes into, 186

layer list, 185186

Layer Manager dialog box, 182185

motion, creating walk cycles with, 977, 980984

overview, 182

paint, 786788

preferences, setting, 118

selecting objects by, 165

Layers toolbar, 183

Layout panel, Viewport Configuration dialog box, 6970

leading value, text, 316

left-handed users, rearranging user interface for, 3132

Legacy R4 method, 198

Lens Effects filters, Video Post

flares, 11951196

focus, 1196

glow, 11961197

highlights, 11981199

overview, 11941195

Lens Effects render effects

Auto Secondary, 11301131

global parameters, 11221124

Glow, 11241128

Manual Secondary, 1132

overview, 11211122

Ray, 1129

Ring, 1129

Star, 11291130

Streak, 1130

tutorial, 11321133

lens settings, camera, 523524

Leopard skin technique, Photoshop, 497

Level of Detail (LOD) utility, 271272

L-Ext primitive object, 136, 145, 151

libraries, materials, 441442

Light Lister dialog box, 540541

Light Navigation control buttons, 543

light tracing

adaptive undersampling, 1093

color bleeding, 10921094

excluding objects from, 10951096

overview, 10901092

quality versus speed, 1093



global settings, 11021103

light tracing, 10901096

local settings, 10941095, 11021103

materials, 11031104

overview, 10891090

animating, 582

basics of, 533536

creating, 539

global, 632633

highlights, 541542

iray, 11391143

lighting analysis, 11041106

listing lights, 540541

mental ray

caustics, 11481151

enabling, 11391140

enabling shadow maps, 1145

indirect illumination, 11511155

overview, 1139, 11441145

photons, 11481151

preferences, accessing, 11431144

Sky Portal, 11461148

Sun & Sky, 11451146

overview, 533, 1089

parameters, altering, 545551

properties, setting, 178

radiosity, 10961102

Sunlight and Daylight systems, 551555

transforming lights, 539

tutorial, 544

types of, 537539


configuring in, 5962

displaying in, 5859

viewing in, 540

viewing scene from lights, 542544

Volume Lights, 555561

Lighting Data Export Utility, 103

Lightscape material, 1104

Limit controller, 874875

Line primitive object, 311

Line shape, Photometric lights, 551

Line shape primitive, 312313

linear arrays, 238240

Linear controller, 605

Linear Exposure Control, 1108

Linear Roll method, 198

Link constraint, 596598

Link Inheritance utility, 253

linking objects

displaying links, 251252

hierarchies, 252254

IK systems, 949950

linking to dummies, 254

locking inheriting transformations, 253

overview, 249250

Substance maps, 777778

tutorial, 250251, 254255

unlinking objects, 250

using Link Inheritance utility, 253

List controller, 875

List Views menu, Schematic View window, 671672

Load XML Animation File dialog box, 852853

Load/Save Presets rollout, Super Spray particle system, 1025

Local Coordinate System, 201


inheriting transformations, 253

selection sets, 170171

transformation axes, 204205

LOD (Level of Detail) utility, 271272

Loft objects

comparing shapes, 726727


Bevel Deformation, 724725

Deformation window interface, 722724

Fit Deformation, 725726

overview, 721

Scale Deformation, 724

Teeter Deformation, 724

Twist Deformation, 724

editing paths, 727

Get Path button, 718

Get Shape button, 718

modifying subobjects, 726

overview, 698, 717

parameters, 718720

surface tools versus, 728729

tutorial, 720721, 727728

log files, maintaining, 92

Logarithmic Exposure Control, 11081109

LookAt constraint, 598599

Look-up Table (LUT) files, 124125

loop events, Video Post, 1192

loop strips, unfolding, 823824

lower interface bar, 1920, 3233

luminaire objects, 248

Luminosity color swatches, Material Editor, 430

LUT (Look-up Table) files, 124125


M3G (JSR-184) format, 100101

main toolbar

buttons, 2426

hiding/showing, 22

object selection buttons, 163164

overview, 1819, 2426

transformation buttons, 195

Make Preview dialog box, 586587

Manage Layers button, main toolbar, 26

Manage Scene States dialog box, 11581159

manipulator helpers, 893

Manual Secondary Lens Effect, 1132

Map Animation dialog box, 854

Map Channel Info dialog box, 834835

Map Path utility, 494495

Map Scaler modifier, 801

mapping modifiers

Camera Map, 801

Map Scaler, 801

overview, 797798

Projection, 840

Unwrap UVW, 801803, 815818

UVW Map, 798800

UVW Mapping Add, 800

UVW Mapping Clear, 800

UVW XForm, 801

mapping textures

Edit UVWs dialog box

accessing, 802

arranging and grouping clusters, 814815

mapping multiple objects, 819

navigating main view, 807808

overview, 803805

Quick Transform buttons, 808809

rendering UV templates, 818819

selecting subobjects within, 805807

separating into clusters using flattening methods, 812814

Spline mapping, 821823

stitching and welding, 810812

straightening and relaxing UV clusters, 809810

tutorial, 819821

unfolding loop strips, 823824

Unwrap Options dialog box, accessing, 815

mapping modifiers, 797803, 815818

overview, 797

Peel mapping, 824827

Pelt mapping, 824831


connecting to materials, 463465

defined, 457

global viewport rendering setting, enabling, 462

map instances, 495

Map Path utility, 494495

Maps rollout, 490494

materials versus, 431

normal, 840842

overview, 461

particle system, 10281030

Real-World, 462

shadow, 1145

textures, creating, 496499

types of

2D maps, 466476

3D maps, 476482

Camera Map Per Pixel map, 487

Color Modifier maps, 485487

Compositor maps, 482485

Flat Mirror map, 487488

Normal Bump map, 488

overview, 461462, 465

Raytrace map, 489

Reflect/Refract map, 489

Thin Wall Refraction map, 489490

Maps rollout

aging objects, 493494

overview, 457, 490492

Marble map, 478

Mask map, 484

MassFX physics engine

capturing simulation motion as keys, 10751077

constraints, 10731075

dynamics, 10631064

establishing simulation properties, 10661067

object properties, setting, 10681072

overview, 10631065, 1205

process, 10651066

starting and stopping simulations, 1067

tutorial, 10671068, 10721073

MassFX Tools dialog box, 1066, 1069, 1072

Master Block Parameters dialog box, 878879

Master Point controller, 880

Match Camera to View command, 522

material effect IDs, 509

Material Explorer, 443445

material IDs, 336, 508509

Material modifier, 511

material modifiers

Disp Approx, 512513

Displace, 512514

Material, 511

MaterialByElement, 511512

overview, 510

Material Node View panel, Slate Material Editor loading, 434

navigating, 434436

Material XML Exporter Utility, 103

MaterialByElement modifier, 511512

Material/Map Browser, 440442


animating, 582583, 891

applying multiple, 508510

baked textures

Baked Material rollout, 838

channels, 833835

general settings, 836

output settings, 837838

overview, 833, 835836

selecting objects to bake, 836837

tutorial, 839


Blend, 502

Composite, 503

Double Sided, 504

Morpher, 506507

Multi/Sub-Object, 504506

overview, 501502

Shell, 507

Shellac, 507

Top/Bottom, 507508

hot, 436437

lighting, 11031104

mapping textures

Edit UVWs dialog box, 802824

mapping modifiers, 797803, 815818

overview, 797

Peel mapping, 826827

Pelt mapping, 824831

maps versus, 431

Material Explorer, 443445

Material/Map Browser, 440442

normal maps, 840842

overview, 447

painting, 781794

parameters, 454458

procedural Substance textures, 775780

properties of, 429431

rendering surface maps, 794796


Anisotropic, 451452

Blinn, 448450

Metal, 452453

Multi-Layer, 452

Oren-Nayar-Blinn, 452

overview, 447448

Phong, 451

Strauss, 453

Translucent, 453454

Slate Material Editor, 429, 432439


Architectural materials, 768

DirectX Shader material, 768769

Ink ‘n’ Paint material, 765767

Matte/Shadow material, 763765

mental ray materials and shaders, 770774

MetaSL Shader material, 768769

overview, 763

standard materials, using, 447

tutorial, 458459

viewing in viewports, 5758

XRef, 652653

Matte/Shadow material

overview, 763764

parameters, setting, 764

tutorial, 764765

Max 2.5 Star SuperSampling method, 457

Max File Finder utility, 107108

.max files, 81, 85, 87

MAXFinder dialog box, 107108

MAXScript Help system, 37

Maya, importing and exporting files, 9697

Measure Distance tool, 270

Measure utility, 271

mental ray

caustics, 11481151

enabling, 11391140

indirect illumination

advanced, 11531154

overview, 11511152

proxies, 1155

rendering control, 1153

materials and shaders

accessing, 771

Arch & Design materials, 771773

Autodesk Material Library, 771773

Car Paint material, 773

combining bump and displacement maps, 774

overview, 770

Subsurface Scattering materials, 774

overview, 1139, 11441145

photons, 11481151

preferences, accessing, 11431144

properties, setting, 178

shadow maps, enabling, 1145

Sky Portal, 11461148

Sun & Sky, 11451146

mental ray connection rollout, 458

mental ray panel, Object Properties dialog box, 178, 11501151

mental ray tab, Preference Settings dialog box, 11431144

menu bar

ellipsis (...) next to commands, 20, 22

grayed out commands, 2122

hiding and showing, 21

keyboard shortcuts, 2022

overview, 1819

submenus, 2022

underlined letters in commands, 21

menus, overview of, 2022

Merge dialog box, 8788

merging objects in files, 8788

Mesh Editing menu, 283

mesh modifiers

edit geometry

Cap Holes modifier, 681

Delete Mesh modifier, 682

Extrude modifier, 682

Face Extrude modifier, 682684

overview, 681

ProOptimizer modifier, 685687

Quadify Mesh modifier, 687688

Smooth modifier, 688

Symmetry modifier, 688690

Tessellate modifier, 691

Vertex Weld modifier, 691

Edit Normals, 691692

Normal, 693

primitive maintenance, 680681

STL Check, 693

subdivision surface, 693695

Mesher objects, 698, 708709

meshes. See also Poly objects cleaning up imported, 262264

locating problems with xView analysis tool, 62

overview, 260

subdividing for radiosity, 10971100

MeshSmooth modifier, 693

Metaball objects, 1018

Metal shader, 452453

Metalness material property, 492

MetaSL Shader material, 768769

Metric units system, 113114

Microsoft Video (AVI) files, 583

MIDI Time Slider Control Setup dialog box, 580

Mirror command, Tools menu, 229230

Mirror modifier, 290

mirroring objects

bones, 947

elements, 405406

joints, 951

overview, 229

splines, 338339

tutorial, 230231

using Mirror command, Tools menu, 229230

weights, 1000

Missing External Files dialog box, 86

Mitchell-Netravali filter, 619

Mix map, 484

modeless dialog boxes, 36


Body objects, 736741

cloth, 755760

compound objects

BlobMesh, 709711

Conform, 701703

Connect, 715717

Loft, 717729

Mesher, 708709

Morph, 698700

overview, 697

ProBoolean, 729732

ProCutter, 732734

Scatter, 711715

ShapeMerge, 703706

Terrain, 706708

types of, 697698

containers, 641646

deforming surfaces, 673679

external references, 646654

Freeform tools, 407414

Graphite Modeling tools, 385407

hair and fur

growing, 744745

overview, 743744

properties, setting, 745747

rendering, 754

spline fringe, 748

styling, 749753

mesh modifiers

edit geometry, 681691

Edit Normals, 691692

Normal, 693

primitive maintenance, 680681

STL Check, 693

subdivision surface, 693695

model types, 259262

modeling helpers, 269272


Free Form Deformer (FFD), 303305

Modifier Stack, 273282

Object-Space versus World-Space, 284

overview, 273

Parametric Deformer, 286303

Selection, 284286

normals, 262264

Object Paint tools, 418425

overview, 259, 385, 641

Poly objects

Editable, 353355

editing, 353382

overview, 351352

Schematic View window

Graph Editors menu options, 655

hierarchies, 663667

List Views menu, 671672

menus, 655656

navigating, 658659

nodes, 659663, 665666, 668669

overview, 654, 655

preferences, 667671

toolbar buttons, 656658

Selection tools, 415417


Arc, 313314

Circle, 313

Creation Method rollout, 311312

Donut, 314

Ellipse, 313

Helix, 317

Interpolation rollout, 310311

Keyboard Entry rollout, 311312

Line, 312313

NGon, 314

overview, 307309

Rectangle, 313

Rendering rollout, 310

Section, 317318, 320

Star, 314, 319

Text, 314317


editing, 321341

modifiers, 341344

moving to 3D, 344349

subobjects, 264269

modeling ribbon, 19

modifier gizmos, 281

Modifier Stack

applying modifiers, 274

Base Objects, 274

collapsing, 279281

copying modifiers, 276277

disabling modifiers, 277

fetching scenes, 279

gizmo subobjects, 281282

holding scenes, 279

instanced modifiers, 277

modifying subobjects, 282

Object-Space modifiers, 274

overview, 273

pasting modifiers, 276277

referenced modifiers, identifying, 277

removing modifiers, 277

reordering, 277279

topology dependency, 282

World-Space modifiers, 274

Modifier-Based Space Warps, 10571058


applying to Body objects, 738

Edit Poly, 353

Free Form Deformer (FFD), 303305

Garment Maker, 755757


Camera Map modifier, 801

Map Scaler modifier, 801

overview, 797798

Projection, 840

Unwrap UVW modifier, 801803, 815818

UVW Map modifier, 798800

UVW Mapping Add modifier, 800

UVW XForm modifier, 801


Disp Approx modifier, 512513

Displace modifier, 512514

Material modifier, 511

MaterialByElement modifier, 511512

overview, 510


edit geometry, 681691

Edit Normals modifier, 691692

Normal modifier, 693

primitive maintenance, 680681

STL Check modifier, 693

subdivision surface, 693695

Modifier Stack

applying modifiers, 274

Base Objects, 274

collapsing, 279281

copying modifiers, 276277

disabling modifiers, 277

fetching scenes, 279

gizmo subobjects, 281282

holding scenes, 279

instanced modifiers, 277

modifying subobjects, 282

Object-Space modifiers, 274

overview, 273

pasting modifiers, 276277

referenced modifiers, 277

removing modifiers, 277

reordering, 277279

topology dependency, 282

World-Space modifiers, 274

Object-Space versus World-Space, 284

overview, 273, 282283

Parametric Deformer, 286303


FFD Select, 1052

oveview, 284

Select by Channel, 835

Volume Select, 284286


Bevel modifier, 347349

Bevel Profile modifier, 348349

CrossSection modifier, 349

Delete Spline modifier, 342

Edit Spline modifier, 321, 341342

Fillet/Chamfer modifier, 342

Normalize Spline modifier, 342

overview, 341

Renderable Spline modifier, 342

Shape Check utility, 343344

Spline Select modifier, 342

Sweep modifier, 343

Trim/Extend modifier, 343

Subdivide, 10981099

XRef, 653

Modify panel, Command Panel, 2829

Modify Selection panel, Graphite Modeling tools, 391392

monitor resolution, 23

Monitor utility

jobs, 11691170

overview, 11681169

servers, 11701171

Morph Angle Deformer, 1002

Morph modifier, 699700, 1006

Morph objects

morph keys, creating, 699

Morph modifier versus, 699700

overview, 697699

Morpher material, 506507

Motion Blur

animation rendering, 620

enabling, 177178, 529531

render effect, 1136

Motion Capture controller, 868870

Motion Clip Slave controller, 868

Motion panel, Command Panel

assigning animation controllers in, 602603

Follow/Bank utility, 577

overview, 2829, 574

parameters, setting, 574575

trajectories, 575577

MotionBuilder, exporting files to, 96

Motor Space Warp, 10401041


middle button, 121123

scroll wheel, 5152

MOV (QuickTime) files, 583


animation keys, 904, 912, 917

keys, 904

objects, 194

vertices, 357358

Mudbox, exporting files to, 96

Multi-Layer shader, 452

multiplier curves, 922927

MultiRes modifier, 271

Multi/Sub-Object material, 504506


CAT, 986987

muscle strands, 985986

overview, 985

tutorial, 987988

.mxp extension, 87


Named Selection Sets drop-down list, main toolbar, 25


animation previews, 588

bones, 974975

objects, 662

primitive objects, 131132

National Television Standards Committee (NTSC), 566

natural light, 533534. See also lighting

Navigation toolbar, Track View, 904905

Nebula technique, Photoshop, 497

Negative filter, Video Post, 1188

nesting groups, 245

Netting technique, Photoshop, 497

Network Job Assignment dialog box, 11631165

network rendering

logging errors, 1168

manager settings, 11661167

Monitor utility, 11681171

overview, 11591160

servers settings, 1167

system, 11601165

New Scene dialog box, 84

NGon shape primitive, 311, 314

Nitrous viewports, 1204


colors, 659

connecting, 665

copying modifiers and materials between, 665666

deleting, 661662

hiding, 661662

limiting, 668669

rearranging, 660663

renaming objects, 662

selecting, 660

shrinking, 661662

Noise controller, 606, 1006

Noise map, 478479

Noise modifier, 291292

Noise rollout, 468

Noise tool, Freeform tools, 414

non-photorealistic effects

overview, 635

render style, 1204

rendering stylized scenes, 636637

viewing stylized scenes, 635636

Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS), 260

Non-Uniform Rational MeshSmooth (NURMS), 394396

non-uniform scaling, 194

Normal Align button, main toolbar, 26

Normal Align dialog box, 212

Normal Bump map, 488

normal maps

overview, 840

projection mapping options, 841

Projection modifier, 840

tutorial, 841842

Normal modifier, 693

Normal vectors

aligning, 211212

cleaning up imported meshes, 262264

overview, 262

selecting by, 416

viewing, 262

Normalize Spline modifier, 342

note tracks, 929930

Notifications dialog box, 1165

NTSC (National Television Standards Committee), 566

numbered versions of scene files, 85

Numerical Expression Evaluator dialog box, 883884

NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines), 260

NURBS Editing menu, 283

NURMS (Non-Uniform Rational MeshSmooth), 394396


OBJ format, importing and exporting files as, 9799

Object Color dialog box, 132133

Object Motion Blur, 177, 620

Object Motion Inheritance rollout, Super Spray particle system, 1023

Object Paint tools

overview, 418

Paint Fill mode, 423424

painting on objects, 422423

painting with animated objects, 424

painting with multiple objects, 421422

painting with objects, 419421

selecting objects to paint with, 418419

tutorial, 424425

Object Properties dialog box

Advanced Lighting panel, 178, 10941095

cloth, 757758, 10821083

General panel, 173178

mental ray panel, 178, 11501151

overview, 173

User-Defined panel, 178


aligning, 210216

animating, 580586

arrays of, 238243

Body, 736741

CAD, importing, 735736

child, 248249


copies, 226

instances, 226227

mirroring objects, 229231

overview, 223

references, 226229

spacing cloned objects, 233235

during specific frame of animation, 231233

tutorial, 224225

using Clone and Align tool, 236238

using Clone command, Edit menu, 223224

using QClone button, Transform Toolbox, 226

using Shift-clone method, 224


BlobMesh objects, 709711

Conform objects, 701703

Connect objects, 715717

Loft objects, 717729

Mesher objects, 708709

Morph objects, 698700

overview, 697

ProBoolean objects, 729732

ProCutter objects, 732734

Scatter objects, 711715

ShapeMerge objects, 703706

Terrain objects, 706708

types of, 697698

grouping, 245248

hiding and freezing, 178182

linking, 249255

overview, 161

parent, 248249

pivoting, 206210


architecture primitives, 155159

colors, assigning to, 132135

creating, 129131, 135139

deleting, 138

Extended Primitives, 145155

naming/renaming, 131132

overview, 129

parameters, 137, 154

shape primitives, 308320, 333334

Standard Primitives, 140144

undoing mistakes, 138

properties, setting, 173178

root, 248249

Scene Explorer dialog box, 187190


with Edit menu, 164167

filters for, 162163

isolating current selection, 172

locking selection sets, 170171

with main toolbar buttons, 163164

multiple, 167168

named selection sets, 171172

in other interfaces, 173

overview, 161162

Paint Selection Region tool, 168169

tutorial, 169170


overview, 193

rotating objects, 194

scaling objects, 194195

translating (moving) objects, 194

tutorial, 205206

using main toolbar buttons, 195

using Status Bar Type-In fields, 200

using Transform Gizmos, 195198

using Transform Managers, 200205

using Transform Toolbox, 198199

using Transform Type-In dialog box, 199200

XRef, 650652

Object-Space modifiers

overview, 274

World-Space modifiers versus, 284

Obsolete File message, 87, 91

Octagon object, 139, 145


Poly objects, 376

spline subobjects, 337

subobjects, 404

OilTank primitive object, 136, 145, 147148

Omni light, 538

online reference guides, 4041

On/Off controller, 875876


of materials, 65, 430431, 492

of objects, setting, 175176

of ViewCube, 47

Open Curve Editor button, main toolbar, 26

open edges, 370

Open Schematic View button, main toolbar, 26


files, 8687

groups, 246

Optimize tool, Freeform tools, 410

optimizing lights, 548549

Oren-Nayar-Blinn shader, 452

Orientation constraint, 599

Orientation material property, 492

Orthographic views, 44, 45

out-of-range curves, 922924

Output map, 486

Output rollout, 468469

overlays, specifying XRef scenes as, 648


Pack dialog box, 814815

Paint Deform tools

Constrain to Spline option, 414

Exaggerate, 414

Flatten brush, 414

Noise, 414

overview, 413

Pinch/Spread, 414

Push/Pull, 414

Relax/Soften, 414

Revert, 414

Shift, 413414

Shift Rotate, 413414

Shift Scale, 413414

Smudge, 414

Paint Selection Region button, main toolbar, 25

Paint Selection Region tool, 167169

Painter Options dialog box, 678679


deformations, 413414, 673679

with light, 1100

Object Paint tools, 419424

Vertex Paint modifier, 791794

Viewport Canvas, 781790

weights, 861862, 998


camera, 519

with lower interface bar control, 5253

with middle mouse button, 121

with mouse scroll wheel, 51

with SteeringWheel gizmo, 48, 5051

in Track View, 904

Panorama Exporter Utility, 103, 629

panoramic images, creating, 629630

Parameter Collector dialog box, 895896

parameter controllers

Barycentric Morph, 878

Block, 878880

Boolean, 874

Color RGB, 877

Cubic Morph, 877878

IK, 880

Limit, 874875

List, 875

Master Point, 880

On/Off, 875876

overview, 874

Waveform, 876877

Parameter Editor dialog box, 897898

Parameter Wiring dialog box, 891893

Parametric Deformer modifiers

Affect Region, 286287

Bend, 287288

Displace, 288290

Lattice, 290

Mirror, 290

Noise, 291292

overview, 286

Preserve, 292

Push, 292

Relax, 292293

Ripple, 293

Shell, 293294

Skew, 295296

Slice, 295

Spherify, 297

Squeeze, 298

Stretch, 296

Substitute, 300

Taper, 299300

Twist, 298299

Wave, 301303

XForm, 300301

Parametric Deformers menu, 283

parametric objects, editable objects versus, 259261

Parent Coordinate System, 201

parent objects, 248249

PArray particle system

overview, 1010, 1026

splitting objects into fragments, 1027

tutorial, 10271028

Particle Age map, 479, 1029

Particle Flow system

actions, 1032, 1036

chasing target objects, 10341036

helpers, 1034

overview, 1010, 1030

Particle View window, 10311032

Standard Flow, 1032

tutorial, 10321033, 10361038

wiring events, 1034

Particle Generation rollout, Super Spray particle system, 10141015

Particle MBlur map, 479, 1029

Particle Spawn rollout, Super Spray particle system, 10231025

particle systems

Blizzard, 1025

combining with Space Warps, 10581060

creating, 10101011

maps, 10281030

overview, 261, 10091010

PArray, 10261028

Particle Flow, 10301038

PCloud, 1028

Snow, 10111013

Spray, 10111012

Super Spray, 10131025

Particle Type rollout, Super Spray particle system

Instanced Geometry option, 1020

MetaParticles option, 10181019

overview, 1016

tutorial, 10161019

Particle View window, 10311032

Paste dialog box, 603


joints, 951

modifiers, 276277

polygon subobjects, 366

selections, 415

time, 915916

vertex handle positions, 332

patches, 260

Patch/Spline Editing menu, 283

Path constraint, 594595

Path Follow Space Warp, 1046


editing, 727

overview, 92

system, 94

user, 9294

walking along, 982

XRef, 654

PBomb Space Warp, 10441045

PCloud particle system, 1010, 1028

Peel mapping, 824827

Pelt mapping, 824831

Percent Snap button, main toolbar, 25

Perlin Marble map, 479

persistent dialog boxes, 36


camera, 516, 519

selecting by, 416

Perspective views, 44

Phong shader, 451

Photographic Exposure Control, 1109

Photometric lights

mr Sky Portal, 11461148

overview, 539

parameters, altering, 549551

photons, 11481151

Photoshop, 496497, 11741175

Physique modifier, 291

Pick Coordinate System, 202

Pinch/Spread tool, Freeform tools, 414

pivot distance, selecting by, 416417

pivot points

adjusting, 209210

aligning, 207

defined, 250

overview, 206

positioning, 207

Reset XForm utility, 209

transform adjustments, 208209

transform centers, 202

Working Pivots, 208

pixels, defined, 456

Place Highlight button, main toolbar, 26

placing, defined, 471

Planar hair technique, Photoshop, 496

Plane primitive object, 136, 144

Planet islands technique, Photoshop, 497

Plasma cloud technique, Photoshop, 497

Plate Match/MAX R2 filter, 619

Platonic solids, 138139

plug-ins, setting preferences, 117

Point objects, 269270

Point shape, Photometric lights, 551

Point3 controllers, 601

Point-of-View viewport label, 57, 63

Poly objects

creating, 353355


borders, 373375

edges, 370373

geometry, 358366

overview, 353354

subobjects, 375383

vertices, 366370

overview, 260, 351352

PolyDraw tools

Branches, 412413

Conform, 408410

Drag, 408

Draw On drop-down list, 412

Extend, 410411

Optimize, 410

overview, 408

Shapes tool, 412

Solve Surface button, 412

Splines, 412

Step Build, 410411

Strips, 412413

Surface, 412413

Topology, 412413

Polygon Modeling panel, Graphite Modeling tools

Generate Topology option, 388389

overview, 387388

Symmetry tools, 390391

Polygon Properties rollout, 379381

POmniFlect Space Warp, 1050

Position constraint, 595596

Position track controllers

Audio, 868

Motion Capture, 868870

Motion Clip Slave, 868

overview, 600, 867

Quaternion, 870872

Reaction, 872873

Position XYZ controller, 608


pivot points, 207

XRef scenes, 648

Position/Rotation/Scale Transform controller, 866

post-production, 1181. See also Video Post interface

post-render scripts, 618

Preference Settings dialog box

Animation panel, 579

Containers panel, 646

Files panel, 85, 8892, 95, 119

Gamma and LUT panel, 124

General panel, 116118, 282

Gizmos panel, 197198

Help panel, 37

Inverse Kinematics panel, 954955

mental ray tab, 11431144

overview, 115

Radiosity panel, 11021103

Rendering panel, 622623

Viewports panel, 119124

Premiere, 11751176

pre-render scripts, 618

Preserve modifier, 292


ActiveShade window, 625626

automatically playing, 118

creating, 586587

overview, 586

renaming, 588

viewing, 588

primitive maintenance modifiers

Edit Mesh, 680

Edit Poly, 680681

overview, 680

primitive objects

architecture primitives, 155159

colors, assigning to, 132135


Platonic solids, 138139

using Create menu, 129

using Create panel, 130131

using Creation Method rollout, 135137

using Keyboard Entry rollout, 137

deleting, 138

naming/renaming, 131132

overview, 129, 260

parameters, 137, 154

shape primitives

Arc, 313314

Circle, 313

Creation Method rollout, 311312

Donut, 314

Ellipse, 313

Helix, 317

Interpolation rollout, 310311

Keyboard Entry rollout, 311312

Line, 312313

NGon, 314

overview, 308309

Rectangle, 313

Rendering rollout, 310

Section, 317318, 320

Star, 314, 319, 333334

Text, 314317

types of

Extended Primitives, 145155

Standard Primitives, 140144

undoing mistakes, 138

Print Size Wizard, 630

printing, 630631

Prism primitive object, 137, 145, 150

ProBoolean objects, 698, 729732

procedural Substance textures

applying, 775776

linking Substance maps, 777778

loading, 776777

overview, 775

randomizing, 778779

selecting, 775776

tutorial, 779780

ProCutter objects, 698, 732734

Progressive Display feature, 73

Project Folder, setting, 87

projection maps, 462

Projection Options dialog box, 841

Prompt Line, lower interface bar, 33

ProOptimizer modifier, 685687

ProSound plug-in, 935937

Protractor object, 270


bitmap, 616617

container, 645

indirect illumination, 1155

mental ray, 1155

Scatter object, 714

XRef, 653

Pseudo Alpha compositor, 1191

Pseudo Alpha filter, Video Post, 1188

Pseudo Color Exposure Control, 11081109

Pumice stone technique, Photoshop, 497

Push modifier, 291292, 297

Push Space Warp, 10411042

pushpin icon, 82

Push/Pull tool, Freeform tools, 414

Pyramid primitive object, 136, 144


QClone (Quick Clone) button, Transform Toolbox, 226

Quadify Mesh modifier, 687688

quadmenus, 20, 3435, 324

Quadratic filter, 619

Quaternion (TCB) controller, 870872

Queue pane, Video Post interface, 1183

Quick Access toolbar, 21, 24, 8183

Quick Align button, main toolbar, 26

Quick Align tool, 211

Quick Clone (QClone) button, Transform Toolbox, 226

Quick Render (ActiveShade) button, main toolbar, 26

Quick Render (Production) button, main toolbar, 26

Quick Transform buttons, Edit UVWs dialog box, 808809

Quicksilver Hardware Renderer, 621622, 636

QuickTime (MOV) files, 583



overview, 10961097

painting with light, 1100

rendering parameters and statistics, 11001101

Subdivide modifier, 10981099

subdividing meshes for, 10971100

tutorial, 11011102

Radiosity menu, 283

Radiosity panel, Preference Settings dialog box, 11021103

railing AEC object, 157

RAM Player, 626628

Randomize Keys utility, 913914

Range pane, Video Post interface, 1183, 1193

ranges, Video Post, 11931194

Ray Lens Effect, 1129

Raytrace map, 489

Reaction controller, 872873

Reaction Manager dialog box, 872873

Real-World maps, 462


nodes, 660663

user interface for left-handed users, 3132

recently opened files, 82, 91

Rectangle shape, Photometric lights, 551

Rectangle shape primitive, 311, 313

Rectangular selection method, 166167

Rectangular Selection Region button, main toolbar, 25


accessing commands for, 82

methods for, 138

reducing animation keys, 920

Reference Coordinate System drop-down list, main toolbar, 25

reference coordinate systems

overview, 201202

preferences, setting, 116117

reference images, loading, 7980

referenced modifiers, identifying, 277

references, 226229

refining bones, 947

Reflect color swatches, Material Editor, 430

Reflection Dimming, 431

reflection of materials, 431, 492

Reflect/Refract map, 489

refraction of materials, 431, 492

refreshing viewports, 57

Region render type, 624

Region tool, Curve Editor, 904, 912913

Region Zoom button, lower interface bar, 5253


defining, 7476

selecting objects by, 166167

Regions panel, Viewport Configuration dialog box, 7475

regular expressions, 189

Relax brush, 677

Relax modifier, 292293

Relax Tool dialog box, 810

relaxing UV clusters, 809810

Relax/Soften tool, Freeform tools, 414

reloading containers, 644


isolated and unused map vertices, 402

maps, 438

materials, 438

modifiers, 277

Rename Objects dialog box, 132

renaming. See naming

render effects

Blur, 11331135

Brightness and Contrast, 1135

Color Balance, 1135

Depth of Field, 11371138

File Output, 11351136

Film Grain, 1136

Lens Effects

Auto Secondary, 11301131

global parameters, 11221124

Glow, 11241128

Manual Secondary, 1132

overview, 11211122

Ray, 1129

Ring, 1129

Star, 11291130

Streak, 1130

tutorial, 11321133

Motion Blur, 1136

overview, 11201121

render elements, 1173, 11791180

Render Iterative button, main toolbar, 26

Render Setup button, main toolbar, 26

Render Setup dialog box, 11401141

Render to Texture dialog box, 835838

Render UVs dialog box, 818819

Renderable Spline modifier, 342

Rendered Frame Window

overview, 623624

previewing with ActiveShade window, 625626

Render Type options, 624625

Rendered Frame Window button, main toolbar, 26


batch, 11571159

command-line, 629

environments, creating, 631633

hair and fur, 754

levels of, 6465


logging errors, 1168

manager settings, 11661167

Monitor utility, 11681171

overview, 11591160

servers settings, 1167

system, 11601165

non-photorealistic effects, 635637

overview, 611

panoramic images, creating, 629630


assigning renderers, 618

common, 614617

Default Scanline Renderer, 618621

e-mail notifications, 617618

initiating render jobs, 612614

overview, 611612

pre-render and post-render scripts, 618

Quicksilver Hardware Renderer, 621622

preferences, 622623

printer help, 630631

RAM Player, 626628

Rendered Frame Window, 623626

setting controls, 176177

splines, making renderable, 321322

surface maps, 794796

UV templates, 818819

Rendering dialog box, 614

rendering farms, 1159

Rendering panel, Preference Settings dialog box, 622623

Rendering rollout, 310


bones, 947

Modifier Stack, 277279

numbering of vertices, 337

repeating commands, 358359, 393

replacing objects in files, 8788

Rescale World Units dialog box, 115

resizing. See scaling; sizing/resizing

Resource Collector utility, 108

reversing time, 916

Revert brush, 677

Revert tool, Freeform tools, 414

Review Strokes dialog box, 122123

RGB Multiply map, 485

RGB Tint map, 486

Ribbon, 2628

Ribbon panels

floating, 28

hiding/showing, 27

rigging. See bones

ring arrays, 241243

Ring Lens Effect, 1129

RingWave primitive object, 137, 145, 148150

Ripple modifier, 293

Ripple Space Warp, 10521054

Rock wall technique, Photoshop, 497


overview, 2930

preferences, setting, 117118

settings, 118

root objects, 248249

Rotate Mapping Coordinates dialog box, 468


borders, 403

edges, 372373, 403

with middle mouse button, 121

objects, 194

Poly objects, 377

viewports, 52, 5455

Rotation and Collision rollout, Super Spray particle system, 10201022

Rotation and Scale track controllers

Euler XYZ Rotation, 873874

overview, 601, 873

Smooth Rotation, 874


Safe Frames feature, 7072

Safe Frames panel, Viewport Configuration dialog box, 7072

Safe Regions, setting, 120

SAT Export dialog box, 740741

SAT Import dialog box, 736

Save File As dialog box, 8485

Save Scene State dialog box, 11581159

Save Texture Layers dialog box, 788

Save XML Animation File dialog box, 852


changes to viewports, 57

containers, 644

files, 8485

Scatter object presets, 714

Scale Deformation, Loft object, 724

Scale XYZ controller, 608


animation keys, 912

non-uniform, 194

overview, 194

squashing objects, 194195

time, 916

Scanline Renderer, 611

scanning images, 498499

Scatter objects

Distribution objects, 713714

overview, 697, 711712

presets, loading and saving, 714

proxies, 714

Source objects, 712713

transforms, setting, 714

tutorial, 714715

scene events, Video Post, 11861187

Scene Explorer dialog box

editing in, 189190

filtering objects, 188

finding objects, 188189

overview, 187188

selecting objects, 188

scene files (.max extension), 81, 85, 87

Scene Motion Blur, 178

Schematic View Preferences dialog box, 668670

Schematic View window

Graph Editors menu options, 655

hierarchies, 663667, 952

List Views menu, 671672

menus, 655656

navigating, 658659


colors, 659

connecting, 665

copying modifiers and materials between, 665666

deleting, 661662

hiding, 661662

limiting, 668669

rearranging, 660663

renaming objects, 662

selecting, 660

shrinking, 661662

overview, 9091, 173, 252, 654655, 952

preferences, 667671

toolbar buttons, 656658

Screen Coordinate System, 201

screen gamma, 125

Script controller, 866867

SDeflector Space Warp, 1050

seams, creating, 824831

search expressions, 39, 188189

Section shape primitive, 311, 317318, 320

segments, spline

adding to splines, 335

connecting copy to original, 334336

defined, 334

detaching, 335

overview, 334

Surface Properties rollout, 336

Select Bitmap Image File dialog box, 470

Select by Channel modifier, 835

Select From Scene dialog box, 252

Select Keys by Time utility, 915

Select Preset Categories dialog box, 613

Selected render type, 624


animation keys, 911

copying and pasting selections, 415

creating shapes from selections, 403

by criteria

by color, 417

by half, 416417

by material, 437

by normal, 416

by numeric, 417

by perspective, 416

by pivot distance, 416417

by random, 416417

by surface, 416

by symmetry, 417

by view, 417

filling selections, 404

hierarchies, 253254

materials, 436

nodes, 660

Non-Quads tool, 415


with Edit menu, 164167

filters for, 162163

isolating current selection, 172

with main toolbar buttons, 2425, 163164, 168, 195

multiple, 167168

in other interfaces, 173

overview, 161162

Paint Selection Region tool, 168169

to paint with, 418419

with Scene Explorer dialog box, 188

selection sets, 170172

tutorial, 169170

Open tool, 415

preferences, setting, 117


applying modifiers to subobject selections, 269

within Edit UVWs dialog box, 805807

Soft Selection rollout, 265268

spline, 322324

Substance textures, 775776

terminators, 950

time, 915

selection brackets, 161162

selection centers, 203

Selection Filter drop-down list, main toolbar, 24

Selection modifiers

FFD Select, 1052

overview, 284

Select by Channel, 835

Volume Select, 284286

Selection Modifiers menu, 283

selection sets

locking, 170171

named, 171172

Selection to Bitmap feature, 795

Self-Illumination color swatches, Material Editor, 430

separating vertices, 396

sequences, Video Post, 11831184

Set Key Filters dialog box, 569

Set Key mode, 569


Anisotropic, 451452

Blinn, 448450

defined, 447

Metal, 452453

Multi-Layer, 452

Oren-Nayar-Blinn, 452

overview, 447448, 770

Phong, 451

Strauss, 453

Translucent, 453454

Shading viewport label, 5758, 63

shadow maps, 536, 1145

shadows. See also lighting

configuring in viewports, 5962

displaying in viewports, 5859

overview, 536

parameters, altering, 547548

rendering options, 177

viewing in viewports, 540

Shape Check utility, 343344

ShapeMerge objects

Cookie Cutter option, 704

overview, 698, 703704

tutorial, 704706


overview, 260, 307308

Photometric lights, 551


Arc, 313314

Circle, 313

Creation Method rollout, 311312

Donut, 314

Ellipse, 313

Helix, 317

Interpolation rollout, 310311

Keyboard Entry rollout, 311312

Line, 312313

NGon, 314

overview, 308309, 311312

Rectangle, 313

Rendering rollout, 310

Section, 317318, 320

Star, 314, 319, 333334

Text, 314317

Shapes tool, Freeform tools, 412

Sharp Quadratic filter, 619

Shell material, 507

Shell modifier, 293295

Shellac material, 507

Shift Rotate tool, Freeform tools, 413414

Shift Scale tool, Freeform tools, 413414

Shift tool, Freeform tools, 413414

Shift-clone method, 224

shininess of materials, 431

Simple Additive Compositor, 1191

simple animation controllers

Bézier, 604605

Linear, 605

Noise, 606

overview, 604605

Position XYZ, 608

Scale XYZ, 608

Spring, 606608

Simple Wipe compositor, Video Post, 1191

Simple Wipe Control dialog box, 11881189

Simple Wipe filter, Video Post, 11881189

sizing/resizing. See also scaling

active viewports, 5556

Command Panel, 3031

nodes, 661662

Paint Selection Brush, 117

toolbar buttons and icons, 118

ViewCube, 47

viewports, 52, 5556

skeletons. See bones

Skew modifier, 295296

Skin modifiers

binding to skeletons

deformers, 10011002

display settings, 10001001

editing envelopes, 993995

mirror settings, 1000

overview, 991993

weights, 9951000

overview, 991

Skin Morph, 10041005

Skin Wrap, 10021003

skinning process, 991

Skin Morph modifier, 10041005

Skin Wrap modifiers, 10021003

skinning characters

aspects of character, 989990

character animation techniques, 10051006

overview, 989

Skin modifiers, 9911005

Skylight, 538

Slate Material Editor

changing material preview, 436437

controls, 432434

Material Explorer, 443445

Material Node View panel, 434436

material properties, 429431

Material/Map Browser, 440442

overview, 429, 432

preferences, setting, 437438

removing materials and maps, 438

selecting and applying materials, 436

selecting objects by material, 437

utilities, 438439

Slate Material Editor button, main toolbar, 26

Slate Material Editor Options dialog box, 437438

Slice modifier, 295

slicing Poly objects, 362363, 394

sliding animation keys, 912

Smoke map, 480

Smooth modifier, 688

Smooth Rotation controller, 874

smoothing polygon subobjects, 364

SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture Technical Engineers), 566

Smudge tool, Freeform tools, 414

Snap Settings dialog box, 218220

Snap Toggle buttons, main toolbar, 25


creating 2D outline of objects, 217218

creating lattice, 220221

overview, 216217

snap options, 216221

snap points, setting, 218219

Snaps toolbar, 220

Snaps toolbar, 220

Snapshot command, Tools menu, 231232

Snapshot dialog box, 231232

Snow particle system, 10101013

Society of Motion Picture Technical Engineers (SMPTE), 566

soft bodies, creating, 861

Soft Selection, 265268, 911912

Soften filter, 620

Softimage, exporting files to, 96

Solve Surface button, Freeform tools, 412

SOmniFlect Space Warp, 1050

Source objects, 711713

Space Warps

binding to objects, 1040

combining particle systems with, 10581060

creating, 10391040

overview, 1039

types of

Deflector, 10491050

Force, 10401048

Geometric/Deformable, 10501057

Modifier-Based, 10571058

overview, 1040

spacebar, 171

spacing cloned objects

overview, 233

tutorial, 235

using Spacing tool, 233234

Spacing tool, 233234

Speckle map, 480

Specular color swatches, Material Editor, 430

specular highlights

avoiding in captured images, 498

of materials, 431

shaders and, 450452

Specular Level material property, 492

Sphere primitive object

creating, 130131, 135136

GeoSphere versus, 143144

overview, 140142

Sphere shape, Photometric lights, 551

Spherify modifier, 297

Spindle primitive object, 136, 145, 147148

Spinner Snap Toggle button, main toolbar, 25


entering Expression controllers in, 883884

overview, 36

preferences, setting, 117118

Splat map, 480481

Spline IK solver, 964965

Spline mapping, 821823

Spline Select modifier, 342



geometry, 324327

making renderable, 321322

overview, 321

segments, 334336

subobjects, 336341

vertices, 327334

modifiers, 321, 341344

moving to 3D

Bevel modifier, 347349

Bevel Profile modifier, 348349

Boolean operations, 346

CrossSection modifier, 349

extruding, 345

lathing, 347

overview, 344345

overview, 260

Splines tool, Freeform tools, 412


objects into fragments, 1027

vertices, 370, 403

Spotlight view, 56

spotlights, 534, 538, 547

Spray particle system, 10101012

Spring controller, 606608, 1006

springs, creating, 862863

squashing objects, 194195

Squeeze modifier, 298

Stains on fabric technique, Photoshop, 496

stair AEC object, 158159

Standard Flow, 1032

Standard lights

Area Omni, 538

Area Spotlight, 538

direct, 538

Omni, 538

Skylight, 538

spotlights, 538

standard materials. See materials

Standard Primitives

Box, 140

Cone, 143

Cylinder, 142

GeoSphere, 143144

overview, 140

Plane, 144

Pyramid, 144

Sphere, 140144

Teapot, 142143

Torus, 142

Tube, 144

Star Lens Effect, 11291130

Star shape primitive, 312, 314, 319, 333334

Starfield filter, Video Post, 11891190

Stars Control dialog box, 1189

static objects, MassFX, 10681069

statistics, viewing, 7677

Statistics panel, Viewport Configuration dialog box, 7677

status bar

overview, 33

transform fields, 200

Video Post interface, 1183

SteeringWheels, 4851

SteeringWheels panel, Viewport Configuration dialog box, 4950

Step Build tool, Freeform tools, 410411

Stitch Tool dialog box, 810811

stitching subobjects, 810812

STL Check modifier, 693

Stored Selection panel, Selections tab, 415

straightening UV clusters, 809810

Strauss shader, 453

Streak Lens Effect, 1130

Stretch modifier, 296

Strips tool, Freeform tools, 412413

Stroke Preferences dialog box, 122123

strokes, making with middle mouse button, 121123

Strokes Utility, 122

Stucco map, 481

stylized scenes

rendering, 636637

viewing, 635636

Subdivide modifier, 10981099

subdivision surface modifiers

HSDS, 694695

MeshSmooth, 693

overview, 693

TurboSmooth, 694

Subdivision Surface rollout, 381382

Subdivision Surfaces menu, 283

sub-materials, setting preferences, 117

submenus, 2021


applying modifiers to selections of, 269

gizmo, 281282

Graphite Modeling tools, 404406

modifying, 282

overview, 264265

polygon, 354357, 375382

Soft Selection rollout, 265268

spline, 322324, 336340

Substance textures

applying, 775776

linking Substance maps, 777778

loading, 776777

overview, 775, 1204

randomizing, 778779

selecting, 775776

tutorial, 779780

Substitute modifier, 300

SubSurface map, 795

Subsurface Scattering materials, 774

Summary Info dialog box, 109110

Sunlight system

azimuth and altitude, 553

Compass helper, 553

date and time, 553

location, 553554

overview, 551552

tutorial, 554555

Super Spray particle system

Basic Parameters rollout, 1014

Bubble Motion rollout, 1023

Load/Save Presets rollout, 1025

Object Motion Inheritance rollout, 1023

overview, 1010, 10131014

Particle Generation rollout, 10141015

Particle Spawn rollout, 10231025

Particle Type rollout, 10161020

Rotation and Collision rollout, 10201022

SuperSampling rollout, 456457

Surface constraint, 591593

surface maps, rendering, 794796

Surface menu, 283

surface properties

Graphite Modeling tools, 406407

polygon subobjects, 379380

splines, 336

Surface Properties rollout, 336

Surface relief texture technique, Photoshop, 496

Surface scratches technique, Photoshop, 496

Surface tool, Freeform tools, 412413


deforming, 673679

selecting by, 416

Sweep modifier, 343

Swirl map, 475

symmetry, selecting by, 417

Symmetry modifier, 688690

Symmetry tools, Graphite Modeling tools, 390391

system paths, 94

System Unit Scale dialog box, 114

system units. See units


Tangent Actions toolbar, Track View, 905906

tangents, 905906, 921922

Tape object, 270

Taper modifier, 299300

Target camera object, 516

Target Direct light, 538

Target Spotlight, 538

TCB (Quaternion) controller, 870872

Teapot primitive object, 136, 142143

Tee primitive object, 312

Teeter Deformation, Loft object, 724

temperature-based colors, 550

templates, UV, 818819

Terrain objects

coloring elevations, 707

overview, 698, 706707

tutorial, 707708

Tessellate modifier, 691

tessellation, 364365

Tetrahedron object, 138139

Text shape primitive, 311, 314317

texture maps

exporting to JSR-184 format, 100101

viewing, 5758

Texture Tool dialog box, 100101

Texture Wrap feature, 795



Baked Material rollout, 838

channels, 833835

general settings, 836

output settings, 837838

overview, 833, 835836

selecting objects to bake, 836837

tutorial, 839


by capturing digital images, 498

overview, 496

by scanning images, 498499

using Photoshop, 496497


Edit UVWs dialog box, 802824

mapping modifiers, 797803, 815818

overview, 797

Peel, 826827

Pelt, 824831

preferences, setting, 118119

reloading updated, 91

Thin Wall Refraction map, 489490

3D maps

Cellular, 476477

Dent, 477

Falloff, 477478

Marble, 478

Noise, 478479

overview, 476

Particle Age, 479

Particle MBlur, 479

Perlin Marble, 479

Smoke, 480

Speckle, 480

Splat, 480481

Stucco, 481

Waves, 481482

Wood, 482

3ds Max 2012. See also user interface exiting, 88

new features and improvements to, 12031205

3ds Max Help system. See help resources

three-point perspective, camera, 525

thumbnails, 90

ticks, defined, 566

Tile floor technique, Photoshop, 497

Tiles map, 475476

tiling maps, 467


copying, 915916

cutting, 915916

deleting, 915916

inserting, 916

overview, 915

pasting, 915916

reversing, 916

scaling, 916

selecting, 915

setting ranges, 916

Sunlight and Daylight systems, 553

Time Configuration dialog box, 567

Time Controls, animation

direction, 567

frame rate, 566567

lower interface bar, 3233, 35, 565

overview, 565566

speed, 567

Time Tags, 568

Time rollout, 468

Time toolbar, Track View, 906907

title bar, 1819, 21

toggle buttons, color of, 36


Animation Layers, 847849

docking, 2223

floating, 2223

flyouts, 23

InfoCenter, 3739

main, 2426

MassFX, 10641065

overview, 22

Quick Access, 24

Ribbon, 2628

Schematic View window, 656658

tooltips, 23

Track View, 903908

Video Post interface, 11811182

tooltips, 23, 118

Top/Bottom material, 507508

topology dependency, 282

Topology tool, Freeform tools, 412413

Torus Knot primitive object, 136, 145, 150151

Torus primitive object, 136, 142

Track Bar, lower interface bar, 33, 571572

Track Selection toolbar, Track View, 908

Track View

assigning animation controllers in, 603

controllers, 929930

filtering tracks, 927928

function curves

drawing, 919920

ease curves, 922924

inserting keys, 917

moving keys, 917

multiplier curves, 922927

out-of-range curves, 922924

overview, 916

reducing keys, 920

tangents, 921922

tutorial, 917918, 930935

interface, 901910

keys, 910914

overview, 252, 901

ProSound plug-in, 935937

time, 915916

track sets, creating, 928929

Track View Pick dialog box, 879, 885886


filtering, 927928

note, 929930

sets of, creating, 928929

visibility, 929

transform centers

overview, 202

pivot point, 202

rotating and scaling objects, 194

selection, 203

settings, 201

transform coordinate, 203

Transform controllers

overview, 600, 866

Position/Rotation/Scale Transform, 866

Script, 866867

XRef, 867

transform coordinate centers, 203

Transform Gizmos

Move, 196

overview, 195196

preferences, setting, 197198

Rotate, 196

Scale, 196197

Transform Managers

axis constraints, 203204

locking transformation axes, 204205

overview, 200201

reference coordinate systems, 201202

transform centers, 202203

Transform Toolbox, 198199

Transform Type-In dialog box, 199200

transforming objects

lights, 539

overview, 193

rotating objects, 194

scaling objects, 194195

translating (moving) objects, 194

tutorial, 205206

using main toolbar buttons, 195

using Status Bar Type-In fields, 200

using Transform Gizmos, 195198

using Transform Managers, 200205

using Transform Toolbox, 198199

using Transform Type-In dialog box, 199200

Translucent shader, 453454

transparency of materials, 65, 430431, 455

Trim/Extend modifier, 343

trimming splines, 339340

Tube primitive object, 136, 144

TurboSmooth modifier, 694

Turn to Mesh modifier, 262

Twist Deformation, Loft object, 724

Twist modifier, 298299

2D drawing. See shapes; splines

2D maps

Bitmap, 469472

Checker, 472

Combustion, 472473

Coordinates rollout, 466468

Gradient, 473

Gradient Ramp, 473474

Noise rollout, 468

Output rollout, 468469

overview, 466

Swirl, 475

Tiles, 475476

Time rollout, 468

2D painting, 788

2D shapes. See shapes

2D splines. See splines

2.5D snap feature, 218

two-point perspective, camera, 525


UCS (Universal Coordinate System), 200

UDeflector Space Warp, 1050

UI. See user interface (UI)

UNC (Universal Naming Convention), 8889


accessing commands for, 82

changes to viewports, 57

methods for, 17, 138

preferences, setting, 116117

primitive object mistakes, 138

unfolding loop strips, 823824

ungrouping objects, 246


changing, 5

custom, 114

generic, 114

mismatched, 115

overview, 113114

rescaling, 115

Units Setup dialog box, 114

Universal Coordinate System (UCS), 200

Universal Naming Convention (UNC), 8889

Unlink Selection button, main toolbar, 24

unlinking objects, 250

Unwrap Options dialog box, 815816

Unwrap UVW modifier

overview, 801

Quick Planar Map button, Edit UVs rollout, 803

saving and loading mapping coordinates, 803

selecting UVW subobjects, 801802

tutorial, 815818

tweaking vertices in viewport, 803

UOmniFlect Space Warp, 1050


backgrounds, 120121

containers, 644

XRef scenes, 648

Upnode object, 599

U.S. Standard units system, 113114

Use Pivot Point Center button, main toolbar, 25

Use Selection Center button, main toolbar, 25

Use Transform Coordinate Center button, main toolbar, 25

user interface (UI)

Command Panel, 2831

components of, 1820

help resources, 3741

interacting with, 3436

lower interface bar controls, 3233

menus, 2022

overview, 1718, 113

preferences, setting, 116125

rearranging for left-handed users, 3132

system units, 113115

toolbars, 2228

viewports, 28

user paths, 9294

User-Defined panel, Object Properties dialog box, 178

Utilities panel, Command Panel, 2829

UV Coordinates menu, 283

UV coordinates, preserving, 360, 393

UVW coordinate system, 466

UVW Editor interface, 1204

UVW Map modifier, 798800

UVW Mapping Add modifier, 800

UVW Remove utility, 438

UVW XForm modifier, 801


Vector Displacement maps, 512513

version control system, 85

Vertex Color map, 486487

vertex normals, setting preferences, 117118

Vertex Paint modifier

Assign Vertex Color utility, 794

assigning vertex colors, 791

overview, 791

painting vertices, 791793

tutorial, 793794

Vertex subobject mode, 354

Vertex Weld modifier, 691


display options, 175176

displaying as dots, 120

Graphite Modeling tools, 401402

polygon, 366370

selecting and deselecting, 322

spline, 327333

Video filter, 620

Video Post interface

backgrounds, 11991200


external, 1192

image filter, 11871190

image input, 11851186

image layer, 11901191

image output, 11921193

loop, 1192

overview, 11841185

scene, 11861187

Lens Effects filters, 11941199

overview, 1181

Queue pane, 1183

Range pane, 1183, 1193

ranges, 11931194

sequences, 11831184

status bar, 1183

toolbar, 11811182

View Coordinate System, 201

View File dialog box, 110112

View render type, 624


hiding/showing, 46

opacity/transparency, 47

overview, 4647

sizing/resizing, 47

using, 50

ViewCube panel, Viewport Configuration dialog box, 47


animation previews, 588

cloth tension, 10841085

file properties, 110

files quickly, 110112

key values, 573574

lights and shadows in viewports, 540

materials in viewports, 5758

normals, 262

object information, 173174

scene from lights, 542544

statistics, 7677

stylized scenes, 635636

texture maps, 5758

transparency, 65

Viewline, 598

Viewport Background dialog box

Animation Synchronization section, 78

Aspect Ratio section, 79

Background Source section, 7780

Lock Zoom/Pan option, 79

Viewport Canvas

Canvas brushes, 783785

overview, 781782

paint layers, 786788

paint options, 788789

painting in 2D, 788

painting with images, 785786

setting up objects for painting, 782783

tutorial, 790

Viewport Configuration dialog box

Display Performance panel, 7274

Layout panel, 6970

Regions panel, 7475

Safe Frames panel, 7072

Statistics panel, 7677

SteeringWheels panel, 4950

ViewCube panel, 47

Visual Style & Appearance panel, 5969

Viewport Navigation Controls

Camera view, 56

maximizing, 5556

overview, 33, 52

panning, 53

rotating, 5455

Spotlight view, 56

walking through, 5354

zooming, 53


Axonometric views, 44

backgrounds, 7780

changes to, undoing and saving, 57


display performance, setting, 7274

layout, altering, 6970

overview, 63

regions, defining, 7476

Safe Frames feature, 7072

statistics, viewing, 7677

visual style, setting, 6369

disabling, 57

displaying links in, 251252

lighting and shadows, 5862

materials, viewing in, 5758

mesh problems, locating with xView analysis tool, 62

navigating within

mouse scroll wheel, 5152

overview, 46

SteeringWheels, 4850

tutorial, 5051

ViewCube, 4647

Viewport Navigation Controls, 5256

Nitrous, 1204

overview, 19, 28, 4344

preferences, setting, 119124

refreshing, 57

types of, 45

viewing lights and shadows in, 540

Viewports panel, Preference Settings dialog box, 119124

views. See also Schematic View window; Track View; viewports

aligning objects to, 213

aligning vertices to, 365

Axonometric, 44

camera, creating, 516518

selecting by, 417

Views menu, changing viewport display with, 5762

visibility tracks, 929

Visual Style & Appearance panel, Viewport Configuration dialog box, 5969

VIZ Render files (.drf extension), 86

Volume Fog effect, 11171119

Volume Light effect, 1120

Volume Lights

overview, 555

parameters, 555557

projector maps, 559560

raytraced shadows, 559, 561

tutorial, 557559

Volume Select modifier, 284286

Vortex Space Warp, 1043

VPX files, 1183


walk cycles, creating with motion layers

controlling footsteps and limbs, 982

controlling secondary motions, 983

matching footsteps to ground, 983

overview, 977, 980981

parameters, setting, 981

tutorial, 983984

walking along paths, 982

walk throughs

with camera control, 519

with lower interface bar control, 5253

overview, 5354

with SteeringWheel gizmo, 48

with Walkthrough Assistant, 54, 599600

wall AEC object, 157

Wave modifier, 301303

Wave Space Warp, 10521054

Waveform controller, 876877

Waves map, 481482

Week Schedule dialog box, 11701171

Weight Table, 997998

Weight Tool, 996997

Weight value

Graphite Modeling tools, 402

vertices, 370


applying, 998999

mirroring, 1000

overview, 995996

painting, 861862, 998

Weight Table, 997998

Weight Tool, 996997

Welcome Screen (Welcome to 3ds Max dialog box), 3940, 83


end points, 326

subobjects, 810812

vertices, 329330, 368369, 402

Wide Flange primitive object, 312

wildcards, 188

Wind Space Warp, 10461047

window AEC object, 158

Window selection method, 117, 166

Window/Crossing Toggle button, main toolbar, 25

WIRE files, 1205

wired parameters

manipulator helpers, 893894

overview, 891

Parameter Wiring dialog box, 891893

Wood map, 482

Working Coordinate System, 202

World Coordinate System, 201

world object, defined, 249

World-Space modifiers (WSM), 274, 284

WRectangle primitive object, 312


XAF (XML Animation File) format, 852

XForm modifier, 284, 300301

XRef controllers, 653654, 867

XRef Objects dialog box, 651652

XRef Scenes dialog box, 647

XRefs (external references)

controllers, 653654

materials, 652653

modifiers, 653

objects, 650652

overview, 646

paths, 654

proxies, 653

scenes, 646650

xView analysis tool, 62

XYZ coordinate system, 466


.zip files, 86


with camera, 519

with lower interface bar controls, 5253

with middle mouse button, 121

with mouse scroll wheel, 51

with Schematic View navigation, 658

with SteeringWheel gizmo, 4851

in Track View, 904

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