Hierarchies of Objects, a Polygon Example, Detailed Polygon Modeling 153
FIGURE 4.123 e aligned Moais.
FIGURE 4.124 e “magnet” icons.
154 3D Animation for the Raw Beginner Using Maya
FIGURE 4.125 Centering an object.
FIGURE 4.126 Creating a NURBS cylinder.
FIGURE 4.127 NURBS cylinder. FIGURE 4.128 Cylinder with a separated end.
Hierarchies of Objects, a Polygon Example, Detailed Polygon Modeling 155
FIGURE 4.129 Attribute editor of cylinder.
FIGURE 4.130 180 degrees of sweep.
156 3D Animation for the Raw Beginner Using Maya
FIGURE 4.131 Copy tool. FIGURE 4.132 Paste tool.
FIGURE 4.133 Scaled down inside.
Hierarchies of Objects, a Polygon Example, Detailed Polygon Modeling 157
FIGURE 4.134 Inside centered.
FIGURE 4.135 Inside sweep.
FIGURE 4.136 Placing and sizing the bottom.
FIGURE 4.137 e breadbox so far.
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