I’m still somewhat gobsmacked by the popularity of this book, and it’s a much more pleasant feeling than I expected being smacked in the gob would ever turn out to be. I’ve enjoyed receiving the kind words and emails from readers all over the world. Especially from those readers of the Russian and Chinese language editions!

I want to thank my editors Jenny and Emi, without whom this book wouldn’t be possible, which goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway. Once again I want to extend special thanks to my wife, Jacquie, who has spent hours and hours immersed in both Torque 3D’s C++ engine source code and TorqueScript double-checking things. Being edited by my life partner continues to be an educational experience.

Also, once again, my thanks go to those guys in the greasepit at GarageGames, and the greater GarageGames community. Special thanks go to Jeff Tunnell, Davey Jackson, and Ben Garney.

I want to thank the faculty at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, my new digs, for their thoughtfulness and support. Special thanks go to Dr. Bill Kapralos, Dr. Andrew Hogue, Dr. Jay Tashiro, and Dr. Pamela Ritchie for their guidance and advice at UOIT.

Last but certainly not least, I want to acknowledge these great people who work for us at TubettiWorld Games Inc.:

Lino ‘nomad’ Di Julio, Brit ‘daestwen’ Newstead, Thomas ‘notorious-nerd’ Howes, Saad ‘samaursa’ Khattak, David ‘diomedes’ Kirk, Neil ‘zane’ Koo, Ryan ‘wryyyy’ Wang, Derek ‘assains’ Mitchell, Glenn ‘netrix’ Anderson, Dan ‘bucky’ Buckstein, and Farinaz ‘naz’ Haddadi.

Future big names in computer games. You just watch and see!


Ken ‘CERDIP’ Finney

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